Surge this!

You only have your entire parties political future invested in defeat

They have done eveything possible for the last four years to undermine the war

Just because Rush Slimeball and Michelle Malcontent tell you this doesn't mean it's true RSR!

You are quoting Limbaugh verbatim with this ridiculous crap!
If you want the Iraqis to stand on their own, why do you want to pull the US support out?

How long should we give them to "stand on their own?"

Shouldn't we have some deadline where we finally say "it's not going to happen?"

That's all Democrats are doing now. Bush told us his "surge" would make a difference. Commanders said we would know within six months whether it was going to work or not. What's the problem? If the surge works like Bush has assured us it will, then fall of 08 is plenty of time to expect us to pacify Iraq. If the surge fails then that deadline is also realistic. This argument that the enemy will just wait us out is garbage. We're supposed to have defeated the enemy way before that date.

They are making progress in doing just that[/QUOTE]

Well, not really.
the fact that sunnis don't get along with AQ is not news.... the fact that sunnis don't get along with shiites is not news either. How about that 60% decrease in AMerican casualties that you trumpeted? How is that going?
Just because Rush Slimeball and Michelle Malcontent tell you this doesn't mean it's true RSR!

You are quoting Limbaugh verbatim with this ridiculous crap!

No, what Dems say in public makes it true

White Flag Reid saying the war is lost is a good start
the fact that sunnis don't get along with AQ is not news.... the fact that sunnis don't get along with shiites is not news either. How about that 60% decrease in AMerican casualties that you trumpeted? How is that going?

Lame attempt at spin

Dems scream about the people of Iraq doing something - they take out a top terrorists and Dems dismiss it

Much like Dems ignoring Gen Patritius's briefing - they do not want to hear any good news or signs of progress
Lame attempt at spin

Dems scream about the people of Iraq doing something - they take out a top terrorists and Dems dismiss it

Much like Dems ignoring Gen Patritius's briefing - they do not want to hear any good news or signs of progress

I don't dismiss it.... if the leader of AQ in iraq is dead, that is great news. If elements of the Iraqi army got him that is great news. If sunni insurgents killed him, that is not so great news, is it?
I don't dismiss it.... if the leader of AQ in iraq is dead, that is great news. If elements of the Iraqi army got him that is great news. If sunni insurgents killed him, that is not so great news, is it?

any good news from Iraq or on the US economy depresses libs
Dems scream about the people of Iraq doing something - they take out a top terrorists and Dems dismiss it
Because it's really not going to make one bit of difference. It won't lessen the violence in Iraq one bit or even help to stabilize the situation.

Think I'm wrong? Just wait and see.

Much like Dems ignoring Gen Patritius's briefing - they do not want to hear any good news or signs of progress

It is important to remember that Patraeus is only there because the last General, George Casey, wasn't saying what Bush wanted to hear. Petraeus got the job because he's little more than a lackey for the Bush spin machine.

When Casey gave a bleak assessment of the situation in Iraq Bush not only ignored him he replaced him. It's no wonder that this new guy does such a good job of spinning the party line.

So much for "listening" to the commanders in the field huh?
Libs get pissed over any good news - look at your optimistic reaction over the good news from Iraq

I'll save your quote here RSR and in a couple weeks I'll post it back for you to look at and I'll ask you to explain why you thought this "good news" really meant anything and why it should have been celebrated.

Will you be ready?
I'll save your quote here RSR and in a couple weeks I'll post it back for you to look at and I'll ask you to explain why you thought this "good news" really meant anything and why it should have been celebrated.

Will you be ready?

I am not surprised by your response. Dems have placed their politcal future in the failure of the US in Iraq

Libs tried that with the US economy and they are losing that fight as well
I am not surprised by your response. Dems have placed their politcal future in the failure of the US in Iraq

Not true.

I read Rush's website every single day so I know where you get your talking points.

REAL Americans have a duty to think for themselves.

Have you ever tried that RSR?

Libs tried that with the US economy and they are losing that fight as well

At least they can still win elections though!:rofl:
Not true.

I read Rush's website every single day so I know where you get your talking points.

REAL Americans have a duty to think for themselves.

Have you ever tried that RSR?

At least they can still win elections though!:rofl:

Yea, libs won one election out of the last four

I noticed Republicans did not have a temper tantrum like libs did after the previous three elections

Nice link ditto-boy!

Did you even read it? Highlights from a CNN ticker. How creative.

If you had bothered to read your own link though you would have come across this interesting item.

SOME REPUBLICANS "BEGINNING TO MOVE AWAY FROM THE WHITE HOUSE": Distressed by the violence in Iraq and worried about tying their political fate to an unpopular president, some Republicans on Capitol Hill are beginning to move away from the White House to stake out a more critical position on the U.S. role in the war. These lawmakers are advocating proposals that would tie the U.S. commitment in the war to the Iraqi government's ability to demonstrate that it is working to quell the sectarian conflict. As Democrats start work on a new war spending bill to replace the one President Bush vetoed, at least three Republican senators who opposed the Democratic withdrawal plan said Wednesday that the new bill should include so-called benchmarks for the Iraqi government to meet. Los Angeles Times: Some Republicans split with Bush on the war

How long will it be before dedicated Bush apologists like yourself start calling Republican proposals like Benchmarks for the Iraqi government a "surrender" plan.
Nice link ditto-boy!

Did you even read it? Highlights from a CNN ticker. How creative.

If you had bothered to read your own link though you would have come across this interesting item.

SOME REPUBLICANS "BEGINNING TO MOVE AWAY FROM THE WHITE HOUSE": Distressed by the violence in Iraq and worried about tying their political fate to an unpopular president, some Republicans on Capitol Hill are beginning to move away from the White House to stake out a more critical position on the U.S. role in the war. These lawmakers are advocating proposals that would tie the U.S. commitment in the war to the Iraqi government's ability to demonstrate that it is working to quell the sectarian conflict. As Democrats start work on a new war spending bill to replace the one President Bush vetoed, at least three Republican senators who opposed the Democratic withdrawal plan said Wednesday that the new bill should include so-called benchmarks for the Iraqi government to meet. Los Angeles Times: Some Republicans split with Bush on the war

How long will it be before dedicated Bush apologists like yourself start calling Republican proposals like Benchmarks for the Iraqi government a "surrender" plan.

I read the link

If Republicans are losing - why are the Dems giving up?

The anti war kook left are going to shit pants when they see Pres Bush wins this one
I read the link

If Republicans are losing - why are the Dems giving up?

The anti war kook left are going to shit pants when they see Pres Bush wins this one

The weird thing about that is that when Bush "wins" our country looses.

So do our troops in harms way.
The weird thing about that is that when Bush "wins" our country looses.

So do our troops in harms way.

Our country loses if we do not live up to the promise that this time we would stay until the job had been completed. Until there was a stable and strong Iraq, as was promised right after Baghdad fell.

Leaving before that time will only ensure a future foray into that part of the world, with a better prepared enemy to fight.

Because of the trust issue, after we left them high and dry in our last foray into Iraq, Iraqis have a hard time believing that the US will stay. Because of this, and current reports of our loss of focus, most Iraqis have begun joining one of the local groups for protection, this solidifies them and pretty much guarantees a long embittered insecurity in that nation.

This belief that as soon as we leave brotherhood and love will prevail as they kill all those from outside the nation because they are really mad is a bit, oh shall we say "wishful" yeah that will be good, of wishful thinking.

It will make it even more difficult, if not impossible, for these people to ever trust the US again. We must stay true to our promise, or this will haunt us for more than a generation.
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