Surprise... California voter records show 144% over those legal to vote

Democrats are always saying "There's no such thing as voter fraud." Bullshit. Here's your 3 million+ popular vote margin Hillary won by...

Judicial Watch Warns California to Clean Voter Registration Lists or Face Federal Lawsuit - Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch announced it sent a notice-of-violation letter to the state of California and 11 of its counties threatening to sue in federal court if it does not clean its voter registration lists as mandated by the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA). Both the NVRA and the federal Help America Vote Act require states to take reasonable steps to maintain accurate voting rolls. The August 1 letter was sent on behalf of several Judicial Watch California supporters and the Election Integrity Project California, Inc.

In the letter, Judicial Watch noted that public records obtained on the Election Assistance Commission’s 2016 Election Administration Voting Survey and through verbal accounts from various county agencies show 11 California counties have more registered voters than voting-age citizens: Imperial (102%), Lassen (102%), Los Angeles (112%), Monterey (104%), San Diego (138%), San Francisco (114%), San Mateo (111%), Santa Cruz (109%), Solano (111%), Stanislaus (102%), and Yolo (110%).

In the letter, Judicial Watch noted that Los Angeles County officials “informed us that the total number of registered voters now stands at a number that is a whopping 144% of the total number of resident citizens of voting age.”

87 ballots delivered to one address all with different names but same address:

San Pedro resident receives nearly 90 ballots addressed to others

They claim this via a "survey" and "verbal accounts"? You do realize that wouldn't be admissible in a court of law, correct?
Red herring much? LOL!
I saw earlier 11 counties in Cali have more registered voters than legal age people to vote.

There is a problem
Got a link to that?

I'm sure Sassy IrishLass won't mind me answering for her -


Sent from my iPad using

Never ever answer for me, dumb fuck

11 California Counties Might Have More Registered Voters Than Eligible

You can't even answer for yourself, so don't worry your ugly little fat head about it.
JudicialWatch is a right wing organization founded by a right wing nut job.
Larry Klayman

In His Own Words
“This president is not a president of We the People; he’s a president of his people. … I do not advocate violent revolution; to the contrary … I call upon all of you to wage a second American nonviolent revolution, to use civil disobedience, and to demand that this president leave town, to put the Koran down, to get up off his knees, and to figuratively come out with his hands up.”
—Speech at an October 2013 rally on Capitol Hill during which Klayman called on the assembled crowd to “Occupy Washington”

“I am more than embarrassed and appalled as a Jew to see my own people at the forefront of a number of scandals now perpetrated by the Muslim-in-Chief, Barack Hussein Obama, and his leftist Jewish government comrades and partners in crime.”
—2013 column for WorldNetDaily entitled “Ethical Decline of Liberal Jewish Intelligentsia”

“This country belongs to us, not you. This land is our land! And, we will fight you will [sic] all legal means, including exercising our legitimate Second Amendment rights of self-defense, to end your tyranny and restore freedom to our shores!”
—2014 column for WorldNetDaily, “Mounting Government Tyranny Furthers Revolution,” in which Klayman encouraged armed militiamen to take on “government goons” and oppose “modern-day despotism”

“No other Muslim has done as much, particularly given his power as president of the United States, to further Allah’s goal of a Christian and Jew-free world.”
—2015 column for WorldNetDaily, “Muslim of the Year,” in which Klayman again claims President Obama is secretly a Muslim and not a natural born U.S. citizen

“[T]he Islamic religion and Muslim culture is [sic] simply not compatible with a nation founded on Judeo-Christian values and roots. To the extent they can be kept out of this country, this must be done. We are at war with Islam.”
—2016 column for WorldNetDaily, “America’s Sheriff Goes Before Supremes on Amnesty,” in which Klayman discusses legal proceedings he’s begun with Maricopa County, Ariz., Sheriff Joe Arpaio
I saw earlier 11 counties in Cali have more registered voters than legal age people to vote.

There is a problem
Got a link to that?

I'm sure Sassy IrishLass won't mind me answering for her -


Sent from my iPad using

Never ever answer for me, dumb fuck

11 California Counties Might Have More Registered Voters Than Eligible
Hey Carter, notice how the word "MIGHT" entered into the picture? ROTFLMAO.

She's pretty pathetic, isn't she?
Democrats are always saying "There's no such thing as voter fraud." Bullshit. Here's your 3 million+ popular vote margin Hillary won by...

Judicial Watch Warns California to Clean Voter Registration Lists or Face Federal Lawsuit - Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch announced it sent a notice-of-violation letter to the state of California and 11 of its counties threatening to sue in federal court if it does not clean its voter registration lists as mandated by the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA). Both the NVRA and the federal Help America Vote Act require states to take reasonable steps to maintain accurate voting rolls. The August 1 letter was sent on behalf of several Judicial Watch California supporters and the Election Integrity Project California, Inc.

In the letter, Judicial Watch noted that public records obtained on the Election Assistance Commission’s 2016 Election Administration Voting Survey and through verbal accounts from various county agencies show 11 California counties have more registered voters than voting-age citizens: Imperial (102%), Lassen (102%), Los Angeles (112%), Monterey (104%), San Diego (138%), San Francisco (114%), San Mateo (111%), Santa Cruz (109%), Solano (111%), Stanislaus (102%), and Yolo (110%).

In the letter, Judicial Watch noted that Los Angeles County officials “informed us that the total number of registered voters now stands at a number that is a whopping 144% of the total number of resident citizens of voting age.”

87 ballots delivered to one address all with different names but same address:

San Pedro resident receives nearly 90 ballots addressed to others

All that means is people have moved away, but they are still on the voter rolls. There is no evidence that any of these people voted in the election, so your 3 million + vote claim is still nothing more than a bullshit conspiracy.
And of course your proof is on the way, that proves that "all this means is people moved away"... lol...

Or some died. How else would they be on the voter rolls, tard?

I'll bet I'm probably still registered in South Carolina even though I moved away over four years ago. Hell, I may even still be registered in Boston even though I haven't lived there in ten years.

You are correct. Judicial watch took the number of active voters and combined them with inactive voters to get their total. It does show that some counties need to conduct a residency or alternate residency post card mailing. They can cancel people based on the returns or non response.

Not yet they can't. We have to wait for the Supreme Court decision on that one.

Yes they can. Read the NVRA.
All that means is people have moved away, but they are still on the voter rolls. There is no evidence that any of these people voted in the election, so your 3 million + vote claim is still nothing more than a bullshit conspiracy.
And of course your proof is on the way, that proves that "all this means is people moved away"... lol...

Or some died. How else would they be on the voter rolls, tard?

I'll bet I'm probably still registered in South Carolina even though I moved away over four years ago. Hell, I may even still be registered in Boston even though I haven't lived there in ten years.

You are correct. Judicial watch took the number of active voters and combined them with inactive voters to get their total. It does show that some counties need to conduct a residency or alternate residency post card mailing. They can cancel people based on the returns or non response.

Not yet they can't. We have to wait for the Supreme Court decision on that one.

Yes they can. Read the NVRA.

Neil Gorsuch's First Voting Rights Case
And of course your proof is on the way, that proves that "all this means is people moved away"... lol...

Or some died. How else would they be on the voter rolls, tard?

I'll bet I'm probably still registered in South Carolina even though I moved away over four years ago. Hell, I may even still be registered in Boston even though I haven't lived there in ten years.

You are correct. Judicial watch took the number of active voters and combined them with inactive voters to get their total. It does show that some counties need to conduct a residency or alternate residency post card mailing. They can cancel people based on the returns or non response.

Not yet they can't. We have to wait for the Supreme Court decision on that one.

Yes they can. Read the NVRA.

Neil Gorsuch's First Voting Rights Case

The plaintiffs will lose. It's allowed if you send the residency confirmation postcard. (Ohio did) Also, list maintenance functions of this type have not been suspended pending the case.
kullyfornia is FULL of corrupt radical lying leftist fascists. Why else do they want to hold on to as many illegal aliens as possible? Why do they issue DL's to illegal aliens, and register them to vote at the same time?

Well... we all know the answer to that, even the leftards, but they'll NEVER admit it.
Democrats are always saying "There's no such thing as voter fraud." Bullshit. Here's your 3 million+ popular vote margin Hillary won by...

Judicial Watch Warns California to Clean Voter Registration Lists or Face Federal Lawsuit - Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch announced it sent a notice-of-violation letter to the state of California and 11 of its counties threatening to sue in federal court if it does not clean its voter registration lists as mandated by the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA). Both the NVRA and the federal Help America Vote Act require states to take reasonable steps to maintain accurate voting rolls. The August 1 letter was sent on behalf of several Judicial Watch California supporters and the Election Integrity Project California, Inc.

In the letter, Judicial Watch noted that public records obtained on the Election Assistance Commission’s 2016 Election Administration Voting Survey and through verbal accounts from various county agencies show 11 California counties have more registered voters than voting-age citizens: Imperial (102%), Lassen (102%), Los Angeles (112%), Monterey (104%), San Diego (138%), San Francisco (114%), San Mateo (111%), Santa Cruz (109%), Solano (111%), Stanislaus (102%), and Yolo (110%).

In the letter, Judicial Watch noted that Los Angeles County officials “informed us that the total number of registered voters now stands at a number that is a whopping 144% of the total number of resident citizens of voting age.”

87 ballots delivered to one address all with different names but same address:

San Pedro resident receives nearly 90 ballots addressed to others

All that means is people have moved away, but they are still on the voter rolls. There is no evidence that any of these people voted in the election, so your 3 million + vote claim is still nothing more than a bullshit conspiracy.
And of course your proof is on the way, that proves that "all this means is people moved away"... lol...

Or some died. How else would they be on the voter rolls, tard?

I'll bet I'm probably still registered in South Carolina even though I moved away over four years ago. Hell, I may even still be registered in Boston even though I haven't lived there in ten years.
Tard huh? Didn't have to scratch the surface very deeply to reveal your lib streak did we? Indeed some may have moved. And of course some may have died as well...
However your rather dismissive claim requires substatiation.
Incorrect. The claim that 3 million illegals voted is required to be proven. You nor anyone else has shown the alleged 144% of registered voters are illegals much less voted.

Try again.
Democrats are always saying "There's no such thing as voter fraud." Bullshit. Here's your 3 million+ popular vote margin Hillary won by...

Judicial Watch Warns California to Clean Voter Registration Lists or Face Federal Lawsuit - Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch announced it sent a notice-of-violation letter to the state of California and 11 of its counties threatening to sue in federal court if it does not clean its voter registration lists as mandated by the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA). Both the NVRA and the federal Help America Vote Act require states to take reasonable steps to maintain accurate voting rolls. The August 1 letter was sent on behalf of several Judicial Watch California supporters and the Election Integrity Project California, Inc.

In the letter, Judicial Watch noted that public records obtained on the Election Assistance Commission’s 2016 Election Administration Voting Survey and through verbal accounts from various county agencies show 11 California counties have more registered voters than voting-age citizens: Imperial (102%), Lassen (102%), Los Angeles (112%), Monterey (104%), San Diego (138%), San Francisco (114%), San Mateo (111%), Santa Cruz (109%), Solano (111%), Stanislaus (102%), and Yolo (110%).

In the letter, Judicial Watch noted that Los Angeles County officials “informed us that the total number of registered voters now stands at a number that is a whopping 144% of the total number of resident citizens of voting age.”

87 ballots delivered to one address all with different names but same address:

San Pedro resident receives nearly 90 ballots addressed to others
Show us the overage of registered voters actually voted. Then show us they are illegals.

You have shown us nothing to support Trump's made up story. Trump is upset he lost the popular vote especially since he tweeted the electoral college is a disaster. You idiots are letting him make up a total lie for his ego.
I saw earlier 11 counties in Cali have more registered voters than legal age people to vote.

There is a problem
Got a link to that?

I'm sure Sassy IrishLass won't mind me answering for her -


Sent from my iPad using

Never ever answer for me, dumb fuck

11 California Counties Might Have More Registered Voters Than Eligible

You can't even answer for yourself, so don't worry your ugly little fat head about it. go dye your hair
On a personal note, after voting for many years in Kansas, I had to show a driver lic, so I asked the poll workers (nice white haired white lady's) if they knew of any fraud in Kansas, they said no, But they did hear of one man who had voted twice, once at his home in Kansas, & once at his winter home in Ar

So you got your info from some volunteer and you're going to take it as Gospel?
Thats like asking the guy who restocks the veggies at your local grocery store about crop yields in mehico.
Or some died. How else would they be on the voter rolls, tard?

I'll bet I'm probably still registered in South Carolina even though I moved away over four years ago. Hell, I may even still be registered in Boston even though I haven't lived there in ten years.

You are correct. Judicial watch took the number of active voters and combined them with inactive voters to get their total. It does show that some counties need to conduct a residency or alternate residency post card mailing. They can cancel people based on the returns or non response.

Not yet they can't. We have to wait for the Supreme Court decision on that one.

Yes they can. Read the NVRA.

Neil Gorsuch's First Voting Rights Case

The plaintiffs will lose. It's allowed if you send the residency confirmation postcard. (Ohio did) Also, list maintenance functions of this type have not been suspended pending the case.

Until somebody overrules the courts decision, anybody can take the issue up and have it stopped in their state, so it's not worth the time and money until the SC hears and decides on the case.

Don't get me wrong, I agree with you that this is what all states should do.
You are correct. Judicial watch took the number of active voters and combined them with inactive voters to get their total. It does show that some counties need to conduct a residency or alternate residency post card mailing. They can cancel people based on the returns or non response.

Not yet they can't. We have to wait for the Supreme Court decision on that one.

Yes they can. Read the NVRA.

Neil Gorsuch's First Voting Rights Case

The plaintiffs will lose. It's allowed if you send the residency confirmation postcard. (Ohio did) Also, list maintenance functions of this type have not been suspended pending the case.

Until somebody overrules the courts decision, anybody can take the issue up and have it stopped in their state, so it's not worth the time and money until the SC hears and decides on the case.

Don't get me wrong, I agree with you that this is what all states should do.

And yet Judicial Watch is suing CA just like they sued Ohio.

I'm planning an alternate residency confirmation mailing this winter. It's the only way to get most inactive voters off your rolls.

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