Surprise: Genius behind man-hating Gillette ad is a radical feminist

And the video made no such distinctions.

Also you are wrong no kid was beating up another they were playfighting which is not bullying.,

Didn't look like playfighting to me.. Looked like the big kid was pounding the smaller kid.

Good thing an adult stepped in and didn't say, Boys will be boys.

You on the other hand imply women are weak little spineless and helpless flowers who cannot protect themselves or provide for themselves.

I'm saying they shouldn't have to, because if the behavior is out there, we should all say "No" to it...

The question is, why do you feel threatened by someone saying these behaviors are wrong. (Psst. Psst. Misogyny!)
You are quite wrong there was no beating it was playfighting

They showed normal male behavior and called it toxic.
Libya's "civil war" was a pretext by Washington NeoCons to go in and murder Qadaffi (We came, we saw, he died, cackled Clinton to CBS news, incredibly.). It destabilized the whole region and was a real mistake just from a geopolitical perspective.
You dismiss her crime so easily and casually. It's quite nauseating.

I am always amused by this weird new obsession that the Right has with making Moamar Qadaffi (a guy who had been a pain in our asses since the 1970's) into a victim here.

The guy killed thousands of his own people and funded terrorists who killed Americans for decades.

The thing is, his own people were going to overthrow him and the Europeans were intent on getting rid of him because they were fed up with his shit.

You see what I mean when I point out most opposition to Hillary is misogynistic? Look who you have to stick up for to hate her.
I am always amused by this weird new obsession that the Right has with making Moamar Qadaffi (a guy who had been a pain in our asses since the 1970's) into a victim here.
I was no fan of crazy Moamar but when one looks at the facts it's clear he literally was a victim of NeoCon Hillary and King Barry
in cahoots with NATO.

Of course Qadaffi was killed for his oil the West craves and because he proposed a gold backed African currency and that threatened powerful forces as we have discovered from e-mail leaks from Hillary toady Sidney Blumenthal.
New Evidence: The Real Reason Gaddafi Was Killed | The African Exponent
Competition for the dollar and Euro. Can't have that. Do the facts change your thinking at all or do you still believe everyone who objects to her is doing it purely due to misogyny?
That's a simpleton's view, anyway.

The guy killed thousands of his own people and funded terrorists who killed Americans for decades.
Nobody makes him out to be a hero but what Clinton did in order to depose Qadaffi wasn't exactly the stuff of shining noble intentions. It was pure Neo-Con hardball driven by greed and lust for power...We came, we saw...he died!
Hillary Emails Reveal True Motive for Libya Intervention | Foreign Policy Journal

The thing is, his own people were going to overthrow him and the Europeans were intent on getting rid of him because they were fed up with his shit.
It's not clear at all he would be overthrown and if not for Neo-Con and NATO intervention it's unlikely he would have been.

You see what I mean when I point out most opposition to Hillary is misogynistic? Look who you have to stick up for to hate her.
I hate this scheming, greedy, venal, corrupt shit bag for what she is...not because of her gender. Grow up, little boy. And once more I'm not a fan of Qadaffi so stow away that lie.
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I was no fan of crazy Moamar but when one looks at the facts it's clear he literally was a victim of NeoCon Hillary and King Barry in cahoots with NATO.

Okay... so what. Frankly, I think the US and NATO should have taken the POS out back in the 1980's when he bombed the Lockerby flight.

The rest of your post is crazy batshit conspiracy theories and not worth my valuable time. It also has nothing to do with the misogynists losing their shit over a razor commercial.
Okay... so what. Frankly, I think the US and NATO should have taken the POS out back in the 1980's when he bombed the Lockerby flight.
Here's something we finally agree on but ask yourself this: If we didn't take out Qadaffi for his murderous act of terrorism then isn't it interesting that we chose to back the same "rebels" who have been trying to topple Syria (also under the thumb of a bad guy who will not play ball with us) in a fight with Qadaffi?
I doubt you will think about it but there it is anyway.

The rest of your post is crazy batshit conspiracy theories and not worth my valuable time. It also has nothing to do with the misogynists losing their shit over a razor commercial.
:113: LOL...sure it is! Never mind the e-mails and any other evidence. Just go with your gut instinct to pull away from anything that might contradict what you'd rather believe.
As far as the razor commercial, you were the one who went down this road because I had to guts to state that Hillary's gender didn't make her a sacred cow...just a regular cow.
You really are child-like in what you chose to believe.
Here's something we finally agree on but ask yourself this: If we didn't take out Qadaffi for his murderous act of terrorism then isn't it interesting that we chose to back the same "rebels" who have been trying to topple Syria (also under the thumb of a bad guy who will not play ball with us) in a fight with Qadaffi?
I doubt you will think about it but there it is anyway.

Nope, crazy conspiracy theories aren't worth worrying about.

We saw an opportunity and we took it. What we couldn't count on was the country completely falling apart, as it has.

As far as the razor commercial, you were the one who went down this road because I had to guts to state that Hillary's gender didn't make her a sacred cow...just a regular cow.

Hmmm. "Cow". Yup, nothing misogyinistic there.
Nope, crazy conspiracy theories aren't worth worrying about.
Stay a close minded clown. See if I care.
We saw an opportunity and we took it. What we couldn't count on was the country completely falling apart, as it has.
It's fallen apart, dumb shit, because of our own actions. Jeeezus you are a simpleton!

And the "opportunity" we took (the illegal action under international law) was not necessary, cost thousands of lives and has turned Libya into a dystopic refuge for terrorists. Libya: A US-Created Terrorist Haven | The Sleuth Journal
(don't read's not for you....I know you won't anyway....more "crazy conspiracy theories"...careful, information away)

Hmmm. "Cow". Yup, nothing misogyinistic there.
You're right again for the second time! What a hot streak you are on. My disrespect for Clinton does not extend to other women or women in general but I know you idiot snowflake types aren't too keen on nuanced thought and expression.
Just go have a good cry and try to forget all about this.
It's fallen apart, dumb shit, because of our own actions. Jeeezus you are a simpleton!

And the "opportunity" we took (the illegal action under international law) was not necessary, cost thousands of lives and has turned Libya into a dystopic refuge for terrorists. Libya: A US-Created Terrorist Haven | The Sleuth Journal
(don't read's not for you....I know you won't anyway....more "crazy conspiracy theories"...careful, information away)

Our actions in Libya were supported by NATO, the Arab League and the UN. It's about as legal as you can get.

You're right again for the second time! What a hot streak you are on. My disrespect for Clinton does not extend to other women or women in general but I know you idiot snowflake types aren't too keen on nuanced thought and expression.

Again, if you don't understand why calling a woman a cow is misogynist, that on you buddy.

Not at all it shows more intelligence and honesty than you have displayed with your lies.

Okay, guy, the fact you are getting all upset about a commercial that was kind of benign is kind of a sad commentary...
Our actions in Libya were supported by NATO, the Arab League and the UN. It's about as legal as you can get.
NATO was in on it and our creation so I can't imagine them not backing anything King Obama and his sidekick Hillary did.
The other two I'm not so sure of their position. And if they back some illegal action by Killary, so what then? Does it make things right? I'm not so sure.

Again, if you don't understand why calling a woman a cow is misogynist, that on you buddy.
It was more a play on words of the expression sacred cow than anything else.
But if you think she can joyfully depose the leaders of other nations, turning them into dystopic hell holes, and make jokes about it then I have two words for you....and they aren't very nice.
I'm no misogynist and Hillary is no cow...cows are peaceful beneficial animals that don't ruin the lives of others.
So pull up your big boy diapers and get on with your life.

Okay, guy, the fact you are getting all upset about a commercial that was kind of benign is kind of a sad commentary...
The dishonest guys on the left just love to magnify and greatly exaggerate how upset people are when they simply disapprove of something like the absurd Gillette sermonizing.
It's in their DNA. You can't help yourself, can you.
It's fallen apart, dumb shit, because of our own actions. Jeeezus you are a simpleton!

And the "opportunity" we took (the illegal action under international law) was not necessary, cost thousands of lives and has turned Libya into a dystopic refuge for terrorists. Libya: A US-Created Terrorist Haven | The Sleuth Journal
(don't read's not for you....I know you won't anyway....more "crazy conspiracy theories"...careful, information away)

Our actions in Libya were supported by NATO, the Arab League and the UN. It's about as legal as you can get.

You're right again for the second time! What a hot streak you are on. My disrespect for Clinton does not extend to other women or women in general but I know you idiot snowflake types aren't too keen on nuanced thought and expression.

Again, if you don't understand why calling a woman a cow is misogynist, that on you buddy.

Not at all it shows more intelligence and honesty than you have displayed with your lies.

Okay, guy, the fact you are getting all upset about a commercial that was kind of benign is kind of a sad commentary...

NATO in Libya suppose to provide UN mandated no-fly-zone. French were pushing for attacks, because Gaddafi had to go. They sucked us into conflict without every NATO member supporting it and some simply refusing to participate.

If this was truly UN mission, it would have a vote from Russia and China, who both abstained from voting and allowed it to pass, probably in exchange for US approval of free Russian ride into Ukraine.
It's fallen apart, dumb shit, because of our own actions. Jeeezus you are a simpleton!

And the "opportunity" we took (the illegal action under international law) was not necessary, cost thousands of lives and has turned Libya into a dystopic refuge for terrorists. Libya: A US-Created Terrorist Haven | The Sleuth Journal
(don't read's not for you....I know you won't anyway....more "crazy conspiracy theories"...careful, information away)

Our actions in Libya were supported by NATO, the Arab League and the UN. It's about as legal as you can get.

You're right again for the second time! What a hot streak you are on. My disrespect for Clinton does not extend to other women or women in general but I know you idiot snowflake types aren't too keen on nuanced thought and expression.

Again, if you don't understand why calling a woman a cow is misogynist, that on you buddy.

Not at all it shows more intelligence and honesty than you have displayed with your lies.

Okay, guy, the fact you are getting all upset about a commercial that was kind of benign is kind of a sad commentary...
It was not benign it was misandric propaganda.
NATO was in on it and our creation so I can't imagine them not backing anything King Obama and his sidekick Hillary did.

NATO didn't back the Iraq War. so , no, they aren't a rubber stamp.

The other two I'm not so sure of their position. And if they back some illegal action by Killary, so what then? Does it make things right? I'm not so sure.

I think it shows that there was pretty universal agreement that Qadaffi was a bad actor and had to go.

But if you think she can joyfully depose the leaders of other nations, turning them into dystopic hell holes, and make jokes about it then I have two words for you....and they aren't very nice.

We didn't turn Libya into a hell-hole, their own people did that by fighting among themselves. And yeah, whacking Qadaffy was kind of funny.

The dishonest guys on the left just love to magnify and greatly exaggerate how upset people are when they simply disapprove of something like the absurd Gillette sermonizing.
It's in their DNA. You can't help yourself, can you.

This thread is now on page 22 of you guys venting someone told you to not be cads..

Yes, you are overreacting.

NATO in Libya suppose to provide UN mandated no-fly-zone. French were pushing for attacks, because Gaddafi had to go. They sucked us into conflict without every NATO member supporting it and some simply refusing to participate.

If this was truly UN mission, it would have a vote from Russia and China, who both abstained from voting and allowed it to pass, probably in exchange for US approval of free Russian ride into Ukraine.

So what did China get, exactly? Point was the UN and NATO approved the mission... now, we can argue who the instigators was, but that's a case of success having a thousands fathers and failure being an orphan.
NATO didn't back the Iraq War. so , no, they aren't a rubber stamp.
Did NATO have a position one way or the other on the Iraq war? I don't think anyone asked them if they approved or not
We had a coalition of willing nations in Iraq so I don't think your point is germane or pertinent. But I give you points for persistence
I think it shows that there was pretty universal agreement that Qadaffi was a bad actor and had to go.
"Universal agreement" among a small select group, perhaps. Check my link about Libya post Moamar Qadaffi and what we've done to the already not great region...not that you seem to care.

We didn't turn Libya into a hell-hole, their own people did that by fighting among themselves. And yeah, whacking Qadaffy was kind of funny.
Yeah, as I was saying you don't care
and no, I don't think Killary Clinton cackling with obvious glee about killing Moamar Qadaffi is not the greatest advertisement for her, or the nation as a whole.
And, yeah, we did turn Libya into a hell hole and the country post Qadaffi is notably more lawless and a refuge for ISIS and the like as opposed to when he was in power.

This thread is now on page 22 of you guys venting someone told you to not be cads..

Yes, you are overreacting.
You obviously have never posted here before as you seem to be unaware of the nature of these long threads. It starts with one thing and then branches out in a dozen different directions from there.
And it doesn't matter because whatever conservatives say or do you punks claim we are "over reacting" and behaving like "precious snowflake crybabies".
So if we defend ourselves from specious leftist bullshit then we are always accused
of "overreacting".

Did NATO have a position one way or the other on the Iraq war? I don't think anyone asked them if they approved or not
We had a coalition of willing nations in Iraq so I don't think your point is germane or pertinent. But I give you points for persistence

What we had in Iraq was Bush lying us into a war that no one really wanted.

What we had in Libya was the decision to take the side of the Libyan people against a dictator propped up by foreign mercenaries.

Which NATO, The UN and the Arab League all approved of.

"Universal agreement" among a small select group, perhaps. Check my link about Libya post Moamar Qadaffi and what we've done to the already not great region...not that you seem to care.

You link was written by Crazy Misogynists, so no, I don't care. That you hate Hillary so much that you want to embrace Qadaffi is telling.

You obviously have never posted here before as you seem to be unaware of the nature of these long threads.

no, I've never posted here before.. other than the 104,526 posts I've made up to this point.
What we had in Iraq was Bush lying us into a war that no one really wanted.

What we had in Libya was the decision to take the side of the Libyan people against a dictator propped up by foreign mercenaries.

Which NATO, The UN and the Arab League all approved of.
Someone wanted the Iraq war. A bunch of democrats voted for it. And your view of what happened in Libya is funny, in an uninformed ignorant sort of way. The "rebels" were the mercenaries and terrorists, just like in Syria.
You are making it up as you go along. Libya: The story of the conflict explained

You link was written by Crazy Misogynists, so no, I don't care. That you hate Hillary so much that you want to embrace Qadaffi is telling.
LOL. You are such an uniformed idiot!
Tell me more about these "crazy misogynists" you seem to know so much about. You "don't care" about the link because you are afraid to deal with it and I'm sure you never read it at all.
Apparently anyone who dares to tell the truth about Hillary Clinton is a "misogynist" in your
biased asinine view. You are such a transparent liar! A real bad apple.

And you keep claiming I am fond of Qadaffi even though I've made it clear I don't so it's clear you will keep lying your ass off over and over again which makes you a worthless shit bag!

no, I've never posted here before.. other than the 104,526 posts I've made up to this point.
That's exactly how it seems.
Hillary Clinton voted for the illegal, disastrous Iraq invasion. Anyone who did not vote for her based on that fact did not do it out of misogyny.
Those who did not vote for Trump did not do it out of misanthropy.

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