Surprise: Genius behind man-hating Gillette ad is a radical feminist

There are many women I could see running the nation. A corrupt, lying, amoral shit bag like Hilary Clinton is not one of them.

But sure, go ahead and pretend one woman is just the same as all the others, okay?

You're quite the enlightened thinker, aren't you.

Here's the problem, buddy. I'd be more impressed with your legitimate complaints about hillary if you didn't use words like "Hag", Bitch and the C-word to describe her.
And do not forget the privilege of dieing in a war. Or as victim of a crime which men are in far greater statistical danger from. Or from dieing in any workplace accident which again kills far more men than women. Or from committing suicide which is far more common for men. Not to mention health problems such as prostate or testicular cancer which kills more men than breast cancer kills women. Yet women's health issues, including mental health, get more attention and funding. Then of course then massive family court system rigged against men ( it is no coincidence that the highest demographic for suicide is divorced men ).

Yawn, poor baby. NOne of these things are ever going to happen to you, so don't be a little bitch about it. Ladies go to war and work in factories now, too.

Yes men have massive advantages over women. Feminist whine endlessly about the glass ceiling while ignoring the glass cellar. This is where men overwhelmingly are cleaning and fixing sewers and collecting your garbage and repairing your roads and building your homes while feminists only want women in air conditioned office jobs. Which is why affirmative action is contradictory and does nothing except to oppress men in favor of women who are not oppressed.

God, dude, you do have issues! Most of the "hard" jobs you mention that are done by men are unionized and pay really good wages. The hard jobs done by women such as cleaning and child care, not so much.

No one said a word about bullying beong healthy.

You ( like the ad ) are conflating horseplay and bullying, which are not the same thing.

Bullying is bad but it is also dealt with better by individuals who learn to defeat it rather than by some sjw trying to engineer society.

I think too many adults see bullying, especially when their own kids are doing it and say, "Boys will be boys". That's what the commercial was trying to address.
Yes women do many of the same things men do but men in far greater numbers then women do in war and in factories.

Yes many of those jobs are unionized which is besides the point. The point is feminists do not bitch about lack of females in such fields they only whine about lack of females ceos or senators. Then they make up myth such as gender pay gap and male privilege

No sir the ad was addressing horseplay which is boys being boys and is not thing.
Here's the problem, buddy. I'd be more impressed with your legitimate complaints about hillary if you didn't use words like "Hag", Bitch and the C-word to describe her.
Actually I think I called her a "corrupt, lying, amoral shit bag". Whether you are impressed or not is a matter of utter indifference to me.
Don't pretend I'd be freaked out by a female president because that's all on you, Jack! That's pure projection on your part.
Bingo! As I said, she`s corrupt because FOX told you she is. Now go sit in a corner and if need to hear another dumb remark we`ll ring a bell or something.
Oh, I see. You are pretending you've caused me to reveal something I'd rather not.

Very impressive.
Yes many of those jobs are unionized which is besides the point. The point is feminists do not bitch about lack of females in such fields they only whine about lack of females ceos or senators. Then they make up myth such as gender pay gap and male privilege

You mean women want more of the decision making power? Why, that's horrible. How dare they!

Actually I think I called her a "corrupt, lying, amoral shit bag". Whether you are impressed or not is a matter of utter indifference to me.
Don't pretend I'd be freaked out by a female president because that's all on you, Jack! That's pure projection on your part.

It's not far projection... I've been watching Hillary make you Wingnuts crazy for 30 years now... it's kind of sad to watch.
Yes many of those jobs are unionized which is besides the point. The point is feminists do not bitch about lack of females in such fields they only whine about lack of females ceos or senators. Then they make up myth such as gender pay gap and male privilege

You mean women want more of the decision making power? Why, that's horrible. How dare they!

Actually I think I called her a "corrupt, lying, amoral shit bag". Whether you are impressed or not is a matter of utter indifference to me.
Don't pretend I'd be freaked out by a female president because that's all on you, Jack! That's pure projection on your part.

It's not far projection... I've been watching Hillary make you Wingnuts crazy for 30 years now... it's kind of sad to watch.
No they want equality of outcome.

They have far greater decision making power than men.

They decide how most of the money is spent and receive far more tax funded support than men.

Which means even single moms are STILL being supported by men
It's not far projection... I've been watching Hillary make you Wingnuts crazy for 30 years now... it's kind of sad to watch.
Is it as sad as watching Secretary of State Clinton commit war crimes in Libya, for instance?
Hillary’s War Crime | Foreign Policy Journal

Or does it even bother you and your alleged conscience?
You`ve had it all for 2 years. Why wasn`t she charged with anything? The article didn`t seem overly stupid until I got to the "killer bitch" thing. Dismissed. BTW, are you giving Gomer a free pass for killing 4,500 soldiers and wounding another 20,000 looking for WMDs that he knew weren`t there? Much shame to both parties for blowing those casualties off.
You`ve had it all for 2 years. Why wasn`t she charged with anything?
Because the people at the top almost never ever are held accountable. How naive are you anyway?

The article didn`t seem overly stupid until I got to the "killer bitch" thing. Dismissed.
I see. You got triggered so all that other information and evidence all went straight out the window. Well, that's very um.....mature.

BTW, are you giving Gomer a free pass for killing 4,500 soldiers and wounding another 20,000 looking for WMDs that he knew weren`t there? Much shame to both parties for blowing those casualties off.
If you mean George Bush say so. I'm not giving him a pass at all but when you called him Gomer....dismissed.

Hillary is the issue. Try not to divert attention away from it. Thanks.
Is it as sad as watching Secretary of State Clinton commit war crimes in Libya, for instance?
Hillary’s War Crime | Foreign Policy Journal

Or does it even bother you and your alleged conscience?

Um, the Libyans were having a civil war no matter what we did. Personally, I think we shouldn't have gotten involved, but this has kind of been our policy in that part of the world since the 1960's no matter who is in charge.

No they want equality of outcome.

They have far greater decision making power than men.

They decide how most of the money is spent and receive far more tax funded support than men.

Which means even single moms are STILL being supported by men

Well, unless those single moms were a case of immaculate conception, the men need to support them.

Dude, you really need to see someone about your misogyny. This commercial has proven to be a real Rorschach test.
Is it as sad as watching Secretary of State Clinton commit war crimes in Libya, for instance?
Hillary’s War Crime | Foreign Policy Journal

Or does it even bother you and your alleged conscience?

Um, the Libyans were having a civil war no matter what we did. Personally, I think we shouldn't have gotten involved, but this has kind of been our policy in that part of the world since the 1960's no matter who is in charge.

No they want equality of outcome.

They have far greater decision making power than men.

They decide how most of the money is spent and receive far more tax funded support than men.

Which means even single moms are STILL being supported by men

Well, unless those single moms were a case of immaculate conception, the men need to support them.

Dude, you really need to see someone about your misogyny. This commercial has proven to be a real Rorschach test.
First of all you are a liar as o have said nothing misogynistic and your accusation proves you are a coward.

Second I was referring to women being supported by men other than the one who got them pregnant .

If women wish to be a single mom fine do it but without demanding men provide the means.

And do not drop false labels on people again boy
First of all you are a liar as o have said nothing misogynistic and your accusation proves you are a coward.

Everything out of your mouth is misogynistic. Dude, own your misogyny and racism, you'll be a happier person.
First of all you are a liar as o have said nothing misogynistic and your accusation proves you are a coward.

Everything out of your mouth is misogynistic. Dude, own your misogyny and racism, you'll be a happier person.
Your a liar and cannot quote one misogynistic or racist statement from me.

When you lack the intellect to make a reasoned argument you resort to false accusations.

Now show one specific misogynist or racist quote from me or it proves you are a coward liar and stupid fool.
Your a liar and cannot quote one misogynistic or racist statement from me.

When you lack the intellect to make a reasoned argument you resort to false accusations.

Now show one specific misogynist or racist quote from me or it proves you are a coward liar and stupid fool.

Everything you post. The sad thing is you are so deranged you think what you post is acceptable.

Tell you what, go to work tomorrow - assuming you have a job - and start spewing out the kind of shit you say here.

Let me know how that works out for you.

Your a liar and cannot quote one misogynistic or racist statement from me.

When you lack the intellect to make a reasoned argument you resort to false accusations.

Now show one specific misogynist or racist quote from me or it proves you are a coward liar and stupid fool.

Everything you post. The sad thing is you are so deranged you think what you post is acceptable.

Tell you what, go to work tomorrow - assuming you have a job - and start spewing out the kind of shit you say here.

Let me know how that works out for you.

So you cannot quote me.

Nothing I have said is misogynistic and you are a proven liar who makes false accusations when you are made to look stupid by others.

One more time quote me specifically or you are a coward and liar who got owned by me and every one knows it.
So you cannot quote me.

Nothing I have said is misogynistic and you are a proven liar who makes false accusations when you are made to look stupid by others.

One more time quote me specifically or you are a coward and liar who got owned by me and every one knows it.

Dude, everything you say is misogynistic and racist... I'm sorry you don't see this.
So you cannot quote me.

Nothing I have said is misogynistic and you are a proven liar who makes false accusations when you are made to look stupid by others.

One more time quote me specifically or you are a coward and liar who got owned by me and every one knows it.

Dude, everything you say is misogynistic and racist... I'm sorry you don't see this.
No it is not you little uneducated troll.,

I have said nothing racist or misogynistic you are a coward and liar.

One more time quote me or shut up. Accusations require evidence

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