Surprise: Genius behind man-hating Gillette ad is a radical feminist

More likely he's delighted seeing how the left has taken his themes of collective guilt

But I didn't feel guilty, and no liberals out there talk about feeling guilty.

It didn't occur to us to feel guilty, yet collective guilt was the first thing you thought of. Interesting, the way you've been trained to look at the world in terms of collective guilt.
But I didn't feel guilty, and no liberals out there talk about feeling guilty.

It didn't occur to us to feel guilty, yet collective guilt was the first thing you thought of. Interesting, the way you've been trained to look at the world in terms of collective guilt.
This isn't about whether you personally feel guilt or not, numb nuts!

Find out what "collective guilt" is before you shoot off your mouth again with your remarkably idiotic comments.
Christ, you are dumb!
More likely he's delighted seeing how the left has taken his themes of collective guilt

But I didn't feel guilty, and no liberals out there talk about feeling guilty.

It didn't occur to us to feel guilty, yet collective guilt was the first thing you thought of. Interesting, the way you've been trained to look at the world in terms of collective guilt.
No just to assign guilt on others then virtue signal to excuse yourself.

The entire myth of white privilege is an exercise in assigning guilt and avoiding it

A commercial says "Men, don't be jerks."

This triggers a bunch of conservatives.

Clearly, those conservatives self-identified as the jerks. Why else would they be triggered? I mean, you didn't see any liberals melting down about it.

The commercial claims that “some men” aren’t abusing and mistreating women.

How would it be received if someone made a commercial telling blacks they shouldn’t commit so much crime or do drugs or be illiterate, but “some” of them are ok?

How about a commercial telling women they shouldn’t falsely accuse men of rape, pay for their own meals, or to stop demanding to be treated like a princess? How would that go over?
So what’s wrong with telling men to not be bullies?

Now try this: Ad tells black people not to steal. Why is this offensive?

Or maybe: Ad tells women not to lie. Why is this offensive?

Or Democrats, don’t assault and try to murder people.

Surprise: Genius behind man-hating Gillette ad is a radical feminist.

"So what’s wrong with telling men to not be bullies?"


"Now try this: Ad tells black people not to steal. Why is this offensive?"

It is offensive because it is suggesting that ONLY blackmen "steal" and we all know that the BIGGEST THIEVES in the world tend to be white males. WHITE COLLAR white males who rig "the system" to overyl favor themselves.

How much has trump stolen over the years?

even if you just add up the amount he stiffed people (theft) for doing work for him he'd be a bigger thief then any black guy.

"Or maybe: Ad tells women not to lie. Why is this offensive?"

???? or you a conservative????

because it is suggesting that ONLY women lie and that is just pure nonsense!

"Or Democrats, don’t assault and try to murder people."

a sentiment better expressed to conservatives who daily discuss delightedly their desire to demolish democrats and liberals

"Surprise: Genius behind man-hating Gillette ad is a radical feminist."


so any person suggesting that perhaps MEN (no color or political persuasion necessary) should be more civil and respectful to women automatically becomes a MAN HATING RADICAL FEMINIST!?
More likely he's delighted seeing how the left has taken his themes of collective guilt

But I didn't feel guilty, and no liberals out there talk about feeling guilty.

It didn't occur to us to feel guilty, yet collective guilt was the first thing you thought of. Interesting, the way you've been trained to look at the world in terms of collective guilt.
No just to assign guilt on others then virtue signal to excuse yourself.

The entire myth of white privilege is an exercise in assigning guilt and avoiding it

denying white privilege is an exercise in avoiding guilt and responsibility.
So what’s wrong with telling men to not be bullies?

Now try this: Ad tells black people not to steal. Why is this offensive?

Or maybe: Ad tells women not to lie. Why is this offensive?

Or Democrats, don’t assault and try to murder people.

Surprise: Genius behind man-hating Gillette ad is a radical feminist.

"So what’s wrong with telling men to not be bullies?"


"Now try this: Ad tells black people not to steal. Why is this offensive?"

It is offensive because it is suggesting that ONLY blackmen "steal" and we all know that the BIGGEST THIEVES in the world tend to be white males. WHITE COLLAR white males who rig "the system" to overyl favor themselves.

How much has trump stolen over the years?

even if you just add up the amount he stiffed people (theft) for doing work for him he'd be a bigger thief then any black guy.

"Or maybe: Ad tells women not to lie. Why is this offensive?"

???? or you a conservative????

because it is suggesting that ONLY women lie and that is just pure nonsense!

"Or Democrats, don’t assault and try to murder people."

a sentiment better expressed to conservatives who daily discuss delightedly their desire to demolish democrats and liberals

"Surprise: Genius behind man-hating Gillette ad is a radical feminist."


so any person suggesting that perhaps MEN (no color or political persuasion necessary) should be more civil and respectful to women automatically becomes a MAN HATING RADICAL FEMINIST!?
Only a fool would call paying someone doe doing a job theft and that is exactly what you said

This ad inplies that only men are bullies just as you say other such hypothetical ads would be insulting to others.

It gives no examples of men being disrespectful to anyone or bullying anyone it only addresses acceptable and healthy behavior from men and boys and then says it is toxic.

There is nothing wrong with boys horseplay and play fighting

There is nothing wrong with a man trying to meet an attractive woman in the hopes of having sex.

But this is precisely what the hyper feminazis portray as toxic masculinity.
More likely he's delighted seeing how the left has taken his themes of collective guilt

But I didn't feel guilty, and no liberals out there talk about feeling guilty.

It didn't occur to us to feel guilty, yet collective guilt was the first thing you thought of. Interesting, the way you've been trained to look at the world in terms of collective guilt.
No just to assign guilt on others then virtue signal to excuse yourself.

The entire myth of white privilege is an exercise in assigning guilt and avoiding it

denying white privilege is an exercise in avoiding guilt and responsibility.
No acknowledging white supremacy is a myth is simple intelligence.

No one has a reason to be guilty or responsible for privilege and no one is greater privilege as rehressives claim based on race or gender.

Funny how there is male privilege but gender does not exist.

No one male or female need be responsible for what others do or have done which is what the silly myth of white supremacy is about.
And do not forget the privilege of dieing in a war. Or as victim of a crime which men are in far greater statistical danger from. Or from dieing in any workplace accident which again kills far more men than women. Or from committing suicide which is far more common for men. Not to mention health problems such as prostate or testicular cancer which kills more men than breast cancer kills women. Yet women's health issues, including mental health, get more attention and funding. Then of course then massive family court system rigged against men ( it is no coincidence that the highest demographic for suicide is divorced men ).

Yawn, poor baby. NOne of these things are ever going to happen to you, so don't be a little bitch about it. Ladies go to war and work in factories now, too.

Yes men have massive advantages over women. Feminist whine endlessly about the glass ceiling while ignoring the glass cellar. This is where men overwhelmingly are cleaning and fixing sewers and collecting your garbage and repairing your roads and building your homes while feminists only want women in air conditioned office jobs. Which is why affirmative action is contradictory and does nothing except to oppress men in favor of women who are not oppressed.

God, dude, you do have issues! Most of the "hard" jobs you mention that are done by men are unionized and pay really good wages. The hard jobs done by women such as cleaning and child care, not so much.

No one said a word about bullying beong healthy.

You ( like the ad ) are conflating horseplay and bullying, which are not the same thing.

Bullying is bad but it is also dealt with better by individuals who learn to defeat it rather than by some sjw trying to engineer society.

I think too many adults see bullying, especially when their own kids are doing it and say, "Boys will be boys". That's what the commercial was trying to address.

A commercial says "Men, don't be jerks."

This triggers a bunch of conservatives.

Clearly, those conservatives self-identified as the jerks. Why else would they be triggered? I mean, you didn't see any liberals melting down about it.

Then again, when you have people who put a Nazi Clown in the White House because they couldn't stand the thought of a woman being president, it probably didn't take much to 'trigger" them.
Perhaps because the commercial treats all men as if they were jerks and only conservatives see the problems of identity based shaming and collective guilt.

Where did the commercial say all men were jerks? It said we could do better. We can always do better.
Then again, when you have people who put a Nazi Clown in the White House because they couldn't stand the thought of a woman being president, it probably didn't take much to 'trigger" them.
There are many women I could see running the nation. A corrupt, lying, amoral shit bag like Hilary Clinton is not one of them.

But sure, go ahead and pretend one woman is just the same as all the others, okay?

You're quite the enlightened thinker, aren't you. :113:
Making up terms no one has seen before assures that they will be unprepared to respond to them. "White privilege" is one of the most recent. What it describes, at best, is what has always existed in every society; things often go more smoothly for the majority than for minorities. So, it isn't "whites" ( a meaningless, inherently racist term) that have or are the problem. Human systems present challenges to creating a more perfect union of all of us.
Then again, when you have people who put a Nazi Clown in the White House because they couldn't stand the thought of a woman being president, it probably didn't take much to 'trigger" them.
There are many women I could see running the nation. A corrupt, lying, amoral shit bag like Hilary Clinton is not one of them.

But sure, go ahead and pretend one woman is just the same as all the others, okay?

You're quite the enlightened thinker, aren't you. :113:
She`s corrupt because.....FOX news told you so?

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