Surprise: Genius behind man-hating Gillette ad is a radical feminist

That is actually false.

I know you think you are better informed because you watched the movie but history actually records the opposite of what you claim

They never locked the poor people on steerage and they did in fact put women and kids of all classes on the boats first while men especially rich white men stayed on the ship to die.


Titanic's passengers were split into three groups. Thirty nine percent of the most affluent first class passengers died, compared to fifty eight percent of the standard class passengers and seventy six percent of the third (or steerage) class passengers. This really wasn't the result of deliberate preferential treatment for the wealthy however - the first class cabins were also the ones with the best access to the boat deck and being the smallest group it was much easier to evacuate a significant percentage of them.
Commercials aimed at correcting social ills seem misplaced. Financing studies and gatherings for discussion and exploration might get somewhere.
This kind of thing is like praying publicly; the benefit is the immediate social acclaim, but has no effect upon salvation.

actually, no praying will have any effect on salvation, because there is no magic pixie in the sky deciding your afterlife. They just tell you that to make you comply. Kind of like they told you there was a Santa Claus, but you still got presents no matter how much of a bastard you were.

But to the point, so we have a commercial where a razor company say, 'Hey, guys, don't be jerks!" and the White Male community absolutely loses its mind.
Says a control freak who trusts career politicians and their federal government/deep state
That is actually false.

I know you think you are better informed because you watched the movie but history actually records the opposite of what you claim

They never locked the poor people on steerage and they did in fact put women and kids of all classes on the boats first while men especially rich white men stayed on the ship to die.


Titanic's passengers were split into three groups. Thirty nine percent of the most affluent first class passengers died, compared to fifty eight percent of the standard class passengers and seventy six percent of the third (or steerage) class passengers. This really wasn't the result of deliberate preferential treatment for the wealthy however - the first class cabins were also the ones with the best access to the boat deck and being the smallest group it was much easier to evacuate a significant percentage of them.
No I am not wrong and you have failed to address the point being discussed.

Nothing in your link makes mention of male or female passengers and how they were evacuated from the ship which was the specific issue being discussed

That and of course then silly idea that the steerage passagers we're locked up and not allowed access to the lifeboats as shown in the film.

Even your link acknowledges that it did not happen that way and the wealthier passengers had easier access but not because of some deliberate effort

The fact also remains that they did make every effort to evacuated women and kids first at the expense of men.

This includes John Jacob Astor who was considered the wealthiest man on the ship.
He died after making sure his wife was on a boat with other women and kids and then stayed behind.

I have no doubt that a few guys may have tried to save themselves and in fact a few men did survive on the boats but overall they did make every reasonable effort to save the females and children at the expense of men

This is not limited to Titanic. It happens throughout history in many places and times.

Male privilege is a myth.
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So what’s wrong with telling men to not be bullies?

Now try this: Ad tells black people not to steal. Why is this offensive?

Or maybe: Ad tells women not to lie. Why is this offensive?

Or Democrats, don’t assault and try to murder people.

Surprise: Genius behind man-hating Gillette ad is a radical feminist.
Oh look, an angry old white guy on USMB whining about being oppressed...this must be a day that ends in 'y'.
It is an interesting thing how all the bullies and misogynists are rushing to defend bullies and misogynists.
Best way to deal with a bully is to stand up to a bully that will make the individual bullied stronger and weed out the weak...
#TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

Don't be stupid. There is nothing wrong with a company addressing a serious issue.

Hello, BB. Who, if either, bears the greater burden for educating boys about 'treating others the same way you want to be treated?'

A corporation or the maternal child caregivers who chose to create life, and in American society, as well as MOST cultures, are primarily responsible for raising, nurturing and socializing our Nation's most precious and cherished assets?


I think society needs all the help it needs. If corporations want to help then that is fine.
No society needs help at all.

Society is nothing more than a concept

This " society " is actually doing well and I'd there are problems the best way to solve them is to do nothing. Because people are better at solving their own problems than some crusader out to change the world. When people solve their own problems the problems of the notional society gets solved.

This ad is a backhanded attempt by one sjw to preach what she sees as being wrong with men. She has every right to say it but she is clearly wrong and full of shit.

Yes boys will be boys and that is a good thing.

Notice how in the ad they use that line in reference to boys playfighting. Boys do this and it is healthy. They seldom escalate into real fighting and they work out their aggressions and learn respect for each other in this manner.

Feminist fools are simply misandric.
So what’s wrong with telling men to not be bullies?

Now try this: Ad tells black people not to steal. Why is this offensive?

Or maybe: Ad tells women not to lie. Why is this offensive?

Or Democrats, don’t assault and try to murder people.

Surprise: Genius behind man-hating Gillette ad is a radical feminist.

The biggest problem with this country is men refusing to behave as men. I have no issues with the ad. Unfortunately the loser class of "men" will never see it and if they do won't stop beating their girlfriends or wifes or making babies they refuse to take responsibility for. Lots of trash out there.
Funny the ad shows nothing like that.

The ad does not show men stopping men from abusing women, which is something men do take a stand against. Instead they show men stopping other men from flirting with attractive women or trying to get together with attractive women, which is not abuse.

Like all misandrists the producer of this ad hates male sexuality and it's expression.

Apparently men should never be allowed to try and approach a woman who is attractive only women are permitted to pick up or hit on members of the opposite sex.

At least according to this ad.
So what’s wrong with telling men to not be bullies?

Now try this: Ad tells black people not to steal. Why is this offensive?

Or maybe: Ad tells women not to lie. Why is this offensive?

Or Democrats, don’t assault and try to murder people.

Surprise: Genius behind man-hating Gillette ad is a radical feminist.
Oh look, an angry old white guy on USMB whining about being oppressed...this must be a day that ends in 'y'.
It is an interesting thing how all the bullies and misogynists are rushing to defend bullies and misogynists.
It is telling how you label and generalize with no examples because your premise is based on fiction
So what’s wrong with telling men to not be bullies?

Now try this: Ad tells black people not to steal. Why is this offensive?

Or maybe: Ad tells women not to lie. Why is this offensive?

Or Democrats, don’t assault and try to murder people.

Surprise: Genius behind man-hating Gillette ad is a radical feminist.

There is nothing wrong with the Gillette ad. Most of the sexual harassment and sexual assaults are committed by men and it is a epidemic. During the Kavanaugh hearings we saw how Dr Ford was treated and Chris Wallace learned his daughters had some issues as well. We heard what Donald Trump said about women. Totally unacceptable. This is something that goes back for decades. Grace Lee Whitney was dumped from the original Star Trek series because she resisted the advances of a network executive when he assaulted her.

The culture has to be changed. Boys will be boys is no longer acceptable. I agree with this ad and this is one time I agree with her. Unlike you, I can separate my politics from what is right and wrong. Your garbage is not acceptable.
I haven't seen the Ad on TV lately have you? Oh by the way, Harry's and Dollar Shave Club have been cleansing some of their earlier Ads cashing in on this bullshit #metoo movement too. They are not the innocents they are trying look like while claiming Gillete's lost customers.

Don't fuck with the people who use your products. We can easily go Duck Dynasty on you.
Gillette is being mocked without mercy on social media.

Didn't see that

They've lost my business.

The business of someone who supports sexual harassment and sexual assault.
You are beyond a fool. It takes a man to stop someone sexually assaulting. Sexual assault is not a masculine trait as you seem to think. That's the point of why this Ad is being ridiculed and Gillete losing business.
This is not limited to Titanic. It happens throughout history in many places and times.

Male privilege is a myth.

Okay, you know what, i think that the vast advantages white males have far outweighs, "You might be obligated to maybe drown in a shipwreck...maybe, but probably not. Fuck those poor people."

Notice how in the ad they use that line in reference to boys playfighting. Boys do this and it is healthy. They seldom escalate into real fighting and they work out their aggressions and learn respect for each other in this manner.

sorry, the bullying that goes on in our society is not healthy. The bully in grammar school usually grows up to be the asshole manager.
So what’s wrong with telling men to not be bullies?

Now try this: Ad tells black people not to steal. Why is this offensive?

Or maybe: Ad tells women not to lie. Why is this offensive?

Or Democrats, don’t assault and try to murder people.

Surprise: Genius behind man-hating Gillette ad is a radical feminist.

There is nothing wrong with the Gillette ad. Most of the sexual harassment and sexual assaults are committed by men and it is a epidemic. During the Kavanaugh hearings we saw how Dr Ford was treated and Chris Wallace learned his daughters had some issues as well. We heard what Donald Trump said about women. Totally unacceptable. This is something that goes back for decades. Grace Lee Whitney was dumped from the original Star Trek series because she resisted the advances of a network executive when he assaulted her.

The culture has to be changed. Boys will be boys is no longer acceptable. I agree with this ad and this is one time I agree with her. Unlike you, I can separate my politics from what is right and wrong. Your garbage is not acceptable.

A while back a woman had a great take on the "toxic masculinity" bullshit. She said something to the effect that, considering all of the fatherless homes and the enormous social costs associated with it, America needs more masculinity, not less.

Kathy Zhu

You macho he men sure are a sensitive bunch if a TV commercial can throw you into such a little hissy fit.

Lighten up and grow a pair for once in your miserable little lives.
This is not limited to Titanic. It happens throughout history in many places and times.

Male privilege is a myth.

Okay, you know what, i think that the vast advantages white males have far outweighs, "You might be obligated to maybe drown in a shipwreck...maybe, but probably not. Fuck those poor people."

Notice how in the ad they use that line in reference to boys playfighting. Boys do this and it is healthy. They seldom escalate into real fighting and they work out their aggressions and learn respect for each other in this manner.

sorry, the bullying that goes on in our society is not healthy. The bully in grammar school usually grows up to be the asshole manager.
And do not forget the privilege of dieing in a war. Or as victim of a crime which men are in far greater statistical danger from. Or from dieing in any workplace accident which again kills far more men than women. Or from committing suicide which is far more common for men. Not to mention health problems such as prostate or testicular cancer which kills more men than breast cancer kills women. Yet women's health issues, including mental health, get more attention and funding. Then of course then massive family court system rigged against men ( it is no coincidence that the highest demographic for suicide is divorced men ).

Yes men have massive advantages over women. Feminist whine endlessly about the glass ceiling while ignoring the glass cellar. This is where men overwhelmingly are cleaning and fixing sewers and collecting your garbage and repairing your roads and building your homes while feminists only want women in air conditioned office jobs. Which is why affirmative action is contradictory and does nothing except to oppress men in favor of women who are not oppressed.

No one said a word about bullying beong healthy.

You ( like the ad ) are conflating horseplay and bullying, which are not the same thing.

Bullying is bad but it is also dealt with better by individuals who learn to defeat it rather than by some sjw trying to engineer society.

Your premise is basically progressivist crap much like the premise of the ad
Eric, if the shoe don't fit, don't wear it. Do you disagree that there is a problem out there?
Yes and I don't agree lecturing all men is the way is to address it. I don't accept criticism aimed at me that I'm not responsible for and I wouldn't think of calling all women senseless shit stirrers because of a handful of angry, mentally unbalanced women.
I guess that's too much to ask of others.
How do you address it then?
Commercials aimed at correcting social ills seem misplaced. Financing studies and gatherings for discussion and exploration might get somewhere.
This kind of thing is like praying publicly; the benefit is the immediate social acclaim, but has no effect upon salvation.

actually, no praying will have any effect on salvation, because there is no magic pixie in the sky deciding your afterlife. They just tell you that to make you comply. Kind of like they told you there was a Santa Claus, but you still got presents no matter how much of a bastard you were.

But to the point, so we have a commercial where a razor company say, 'Hey, guys, don't be jerks!" and the White Male community absolutely loses its mind.
I've learned a lot of interesting things in my time here at USMB, but the attitude of a lot of men here is a fact I could well have lived without knowing about.
Do you think we will be "saved" with this kind of public display of "holiness"?
You think it's self-righteous to encourage people not to bully, not to push their weight around just because they can? Isn't that going a little far?
So what’s wrong with telling men to not be bullies?

Now try this: Ad tells black people not to steal. Why is this offensive?

Or maybe: Ad tells women not to lie. Why is this offensive?

Or Democrats, don’t assault and try to murder people.

Surprise: Genius behind man-hating Gillette ad is a radical feminist.
Oh look, an angry old white guy on USMB whining about being oppressed...this must be a day that ends in 'y'.
It is an interesting thing how all the bullies and misogynists are rushing to defend bullies and misogynists.
Best way to deal with a bully is to stand up to a bully that will make the individual bullied stronger and weed out the weak...
We don't "weed out the weak" anymore. This isn't a green bean field and it's not Lord of the Flies, either.
WFC’s about this anyway. If you are a man, and haven’t been using the same blade brand forever, you are a girly man.

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This argument that there is something wrong with the ad because it addresses all men is laughable. As someone pointed out much earlier, it isn't really an ad--it is a PSA-- a public service announcement.
I remember the PSA "This is your brain. This is your brain on drugs. Any questions?" Y'all with me? Remember that PSA?

Did a bunch of people scream that they were being unfairly called drug addicts? "This is YOUR brain on drugs" is personally pointing at me! How dare they?

It's a dumb objection.
How do you address it then?
Not as a matter of collective guilt which charges all men are bullies, misogynists, etc.
That's just ridiculous on the face of things. Here's a radical about dealing with
the problem itself as it arises on a case by case basis?

This sort of bigotry, the kind of bigotry where actual commercial time is set aside to lecture males for their collective guilt, only sets up future clashes where all women are seen as bitter emotionally unbalanced nut jobs because that's what prejudice sets off a chain reaction of tit for tat battles that are self perpetuating.

If Gillette ran an ad addressing all black males for acts of domestic violence people would rightly denounce the bigotry. Do you not see the analogy here?
How do you address it then?
Not as a matter of collective guilt which charges all men are bullies, misogynists, etc.
That's just ridiculous on the face of things. Here's a radical about dealing with
the problem itself as it arises on a case by case basis?

This sort of bigotry, the kind of bigotry where actual commercial time is set aside to lecture males for their collective guilt, only sets up future clashes where all women are seen as bitter emotionally unbalanced nut jobs because that's what prejudice sets off a chain reaction of tit for tat battles that are self perpetuating.

If Gillette ran an ad addressing all black males for acts of domestic violence people would rightly denounce the bigotry. Do you not see the analogy here?
Actually, the Gillette spot encourages men to "deal with the problem itself as it arises on a case by case basis," doesn't it? I saw that part. Did you?
However, how do you discuss the problem to begin with, so that people can be encouraged to deal with it? I know most men don't go around being nasty and aggressive, but it sure as hell shouldn't be dismissed as "boys will be boys" or "men have needs." I'm sure you agree.
How do you reach those people? You send up a balloon.
Once again, I say if the shoe don't fit, don't wear it. Just like I'm sure you didn't get bent out of shape about the drug PSA, if you weren't blown on drugs.

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