Surprise: Genius behind man-hating Gillette ad is a radical feminist

You macho he men sure are a sensitive bunch if a TV commercial can throw you into such a little hissy fit.

Lighten up and grow a pair for once in your miserable little lives.
Which means you have no intelligent argument and are a beta male who gets butthurt when you know you're wrong and can only whine about it,l.
How do you address it then?
Not as a matter of collective guilt which charges all men are bullies, misogynists, etc.
That's just ridiculous on the face of things. Here's a radical about dealing with
the problem itself as it arises on a case by case basis?

This sort of bigotry, the kind of bigotry where actual commercial time is set aside to lecture males for their collective guilt, only sets up future clashes where all women are seen as bitter emotionally unbalanced nut jobs because that's what prejudice sets off a chain reaction of tit for tat battles that are self perpetuating.

If Gillette ran an ad addressing all black males for acts of domestic violence people would rightly denounce the bigotry. Do you not see the analogy here?
Actually, the Gillette spot encourages men to "deal with the problem itself as it arises on a case by case basis," doesn't it? I saw that part. Did you?
However, how do you discuss the problem to begin with, so that people can be encouraged to deal with it? I know most men don't go around being nasty and aggressive, but it sure as hell shouldn't be dismissed as "boys will be boys" or "men have needs." I'm sure you agree.
How do you reach those people? You send up a balloon.
Once again, I say if the shoe don't fit, don't wear it. Just like I'm sure you didn't get bent out of shape about the drug PSA, if you weren't blown on drugs.
Yes I saw it you are not being accurate.

the ad did not encourage any such case by case act of intervention it blanket denounced any normal healthy actions by man and showed only examples of other men intervening,

The shoe does not fit and this is an exercise in misandry and nothing more.
Actually, the Gillette spot encourages men to "deal with the problem itself as it arises on a case by case basis," doesn't it? I saw that part. Did you?
No. How did it do that?

However, how do you discuss the problem to begin with, so that people can be encouraged to deal with it?
Certainly not by making a repellent ad that just inflames emotions. This "ad", which is really just a preachy PSA,
fails on every level. It turns people away, not towards, the message.

I know most men don't go around being nasty and aggressive, but it sure as hell shouldn't be dismissed as "boys will be boys" or "men have needs." I'm sure you agree.
I certainly do.
How do you reach those people? You send up a balloon.
Do you actually believe this Gillette sermonette is reaching the people that represent the worst in male behavior? A little play for you:
"Hey Frankie, did you bust your bitch
in the lip last night?"
"I sure did, bro. She had the nerve to bust my balls because I took cigarette and beer money out of her purse. She had it comin'."
"She sure did, bro. But that razor company says you shouldn't oughta do that."
"What? It did? Gosh...I'd better check myself. My comportment must make me seem a cad." The end.

Once again, I say if the shoe don't fit, don't wear it. Just like I'm sure you didn't get bent out of shape about the drug PSA, if you weren't blown on drugs.
I don't do drugs so I paid no notice to that.
However I am a white male and therefore guilty (in the view of SJW dupes and dopes) of certain behaviors, whether I am or not and not renouncing my "white male privilege".
So thanks for your advice but it's worthless and doesn't make anything better.
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A commercial says "Men, don't be jerks."

This triggers a bunch of conservatives.

Clearly, those conservatives self-identified as the jerks. Why else would they be triggered? I mean, you didn't see any liberals melting down about it.
How do you address it then?
Not as a matter of collective guilt which charges all men are bullies, misogynists, etc.
That's just ridiculous on the face of things. Here's a radical about dealing with
the problem itself as it arises on a case by case basis?

This sort of bigotry, the kind of bigotry where actual commercial time is set aside to lecture males for their collective guilt, only sets up future clashes where all women are seen as bitter emotionally unbalanced nut jobs because that's what prejudice sets off a chain reaction of tit for tat battles that are self perpetuating.

If Gillette ran an ad addressing all black males for acts of domestic violence people would rightly denounce the bigotry. Do you not see the analogy here?
Actually, the Gillette spot encourages men to "deal with the problem itself as it arises on a case by case basis," doesn't it? I saw that part. Did you?
However, how do you discuss the problem to begin with, so that people can be encouraged to deal with it? I know most men don't go around being nasty and aggressive, but it sure as hell shouldn't be dismissed as "boys will be boys" or "men have needs." I'm sure you agree.
How do you reach those people? You send up a balloon.
Once again, I say if the shoe don't fit, don't wear it. Just like I'm sure you didn't get bent out of shape about the drug PSA, if you weren't blown on drugs.
Yes I saw it you are not being accurate.

the ad did not encourage any such case by case act of intervention it blanket denounced any normal healthy actions by man and showed only examples of other men intervening,

The shoe does not fit and this is an exercise in misandry and nothing more. you believe that bullying and misogyny is "normal healthy actions by man"? That's about it?

A commercial says "Men, don't be jerks."

This triggers a bunch of conservatives.

Clearly, those conservatives self-identified as the jerks. Why else would they be triggered? I mean, you didn't see any liberals melting down about it.
Agreed....just like any commercial where some women are jerks, all the women come to message boards to complain and talk boycott. No.........wait........
You macho he men sure are a sensitive bunch if a TV commercial can throw you into such a little hissy fit.

Lighten up and grow a pair for once in your miserable little lives.
Which means you have no intelligent argument and are a beta male who gets butthurt when you know you're wrong and can only whine about it,l.
Ironic post is ironic.
How do you address it then?
Not as a matter of collective guilt which charges all men are bullies, misogynists, etc.
That's just ridiculous on the face of things. Here's a radical about dealing with
the problem itself as it arises on a case by case basis?

This sort of bigotry, the kind of bigotry where actual commercial time is set aside to lecture males for their collective guilt, only sets up future clashes where all women are seen as bitter emotionally unbalanced nut jobs because that's what prejudice sets off a chain reaction of tit for tat battles that are self perpetuating.

If Gillette ran an ad addressing all black males for acts of domestic violence people would rightly denounce the bigotry. Do you not see the analogy here?
Actually, the Gillette spot encourages men to "deal with the problem itself as it arises on a case by case basis," doesn't it? I saw that part. Did you?
However, how do you discuss the problem to begin with, so that people can be encouraged to deal with it? I know most men don't go around being nasty and aggressive, but it sure as hell shouldn't be dismissed as "boys will be boys" or "men have needs." I'm sure you agree.
How do you reach those people? You send up a balloon.
Once again, I say if the shoe don't fit, don't wear it. Just like I'm sure you didn't get bent out of shape about the drug PSA, if you weren't blown on drugs.
Yes I saw it you are not being accurate.

the ad did not encourage any such case by case act of intervention it blanket denounced any normal healthy actions by man and showed only examples of other men intervening,

The shoe does not fit and this is an exercise in misandry and nothing more. you believe that bullying and misogyny is "normal healthy actions by man"? That's about it?

Ah so you have no argument and must resort to lying and labeling since no one, least of all me , defended either misogyny or bullying
You macho he men sure are a sensitive bunch if a TV commercial can throw you into such a little hissy fit.

Lighten up and grow a pair for once in your miserable little lives.
Which means you have no intelligent argument and are a beta male who gets butthurt when you know you're wrong and can only whine about it,l.
Ironic post is ironic.
Yes and his is ironic which is better than dishonest as most or yours are

A commercial says "Men, don't be jerks."

This triggers a bunch of conservatives.

Clearly, those conservatives self-identified as the jerks. Why else would they be triggered?
Perhaps because the commercial treats all men as if they were jerks and only conservatives see the problems of identity based shaming and collective guilt.

I mean, you didn't see any liberals melting down about it.
No you didn't. They are all brainwashed and see nothing wrong with identity based shaming and collective guilt.
Thank you. It was nice to come to this understanding about the Stalinist mindset of the left.
Perhaps because the commercial treats all men as if they were jerks and only conservatives see the problems of identity based shaming and collective guilt

Naa. The conservatives are just very obedient delicate snowflakes who go into hysterics whenever their masters command them to.

No you didn't. They are all brainwashed and see nothing wrong with identity based shaming and collective guilt.
Thank you. It was nice to come to this understanding about the Stalinist mindset of the left.

If you all hadn't been told to melt down uncontrollably here, you wouldn't have cared about the commercial. You're here weeping because you were told to weep, and you don't have the guts to tell your masters "No, I won't humiliate myself that way".

And in the grave, Stalin seethes in envy, wishing that he had possessed a cadre of Useful Idiots as numerous and as easily manipulated as American conservative beta males.
How do you address it then?
Not as a matter of collective guilt which charges all men are bullies, misogynists, etc.
That's just ridiculous on the face of things. Here's a radical about dealing with
the problem itself as it arises on a case by case basis?

This sort of bigotry, the kind of bigotry where actual commercial time is set aside to lecture males for their collective guilt, only sets up future clashes where all women are seen as bitter emotionally unbalanced nut jobs because that's what prejudice sets off a chain reaction of tit for tat battles that are self perpetuating.

If Gillette ran an ad addressing all black males for acts of domestic violence people would rightly denounce the bigotry. Do you not see the analogy here?
Actually, the Gillette spot encourages men to "deal with the problem itself as it arises on a case by case basis," doesn't it? I saw that part. Did you?
However, how do you discuss the problem to begin with, so that people can be encouraged to deal with it? I know most men don't go around being nasty and aggressive, but it sure as hell shouldn't be dismissed as "boys will be boys" or "men have needs." I'm sure you agree.
How do you reach those people? You send up a balloon.
Once again, I say if the shoe don't fit, don't wear it. Just like I'm sure you didn't get bent out of shape about the drug PSA, if you weren't blown on drugs.
Yes I saw it you are not being accurate.

the ad did not encourage any such case by case act of intervention it blanket denounced any normal healthy actions by man and showed only examples of other men intervening,

The shoe does not fit and this is an exercise in misandry and nothing more. you believe that bullying and misogyny is "normal healthy actions by man"? That's about it?

Ah so you have no argument and must resort to lying and labeling since no one, least of all me , defended either misogyny or bullying
Let me ask you a question......why would anyone be upset about a commercial that speaks against bullying / misogyny?
You macho he men sure are a sensitive bunch if a TV commercial can throw you into such a little hissy fit.

Lighten up and grow a pair for once in your miserable little lives.
Which means you have no intelligent argument and are a beta male who gets butthurt when you know you're wrong and can only whine about it,l.
Ironic post is ironic.
Yes and his is ironic which is better than dishonest as most or yours are
Let me ask you another question.....what is dishonest about being against bullying and misogyny?
Not as a matter of collective guilt which charges all men are bullies, misogynists, etc.
That's just ridiculous on the face of things. Here's a radical about dealing with
the problem itself as it arises on a case by case basis?

This sort of bigotry, the kind of bigotry where actual commercial time is set aside to lecture males for their collective guilt, only sets up future clashes where all women are seen as bitter emotionally unbalanced nut jobs because that's what prejudice sets off a chain reaction of tit for tat battles that are self perpetuating.

If Gillette ran an ad addressing all black males for acts of domestic violence people would rightly denounce the bigotry. Do you not see the analogy here?
Actually, the Gillette spot encourages men to "deal with the problem itself as it arises on a case by case basis," doesn't it? I saw that part. Did you?
However, how do you discuss the problem to begin with, so that people can be encouraged to deal with it? I know most men don't go around being nasty and aggressive, but it sure as hell shouldn't be dismissed as "boys will be boys" or "men have needs." I'm sure you agree.
How do you reach those people? You send up a balloon.
Once again, I say if the shoe don't fit, don't wear it. Just like I'm sure you didn't get bent out of shape about the drug PSA, if you weren't blown on drugs.
Yes I saw it you are not being accurate.

the ad did not encourage any such case by case act of intervention it blanket denounced any normal healthy actions by man and showed only examples of other men intervening,

The shoe does not fit and this is an exercise in misandry and nothing more. you believe that bullying and misogyny is "normal healthy actions by man"? That's about it?

Ah so you have no argument and must resort to lying and labeling since no one, least of all me , defended either misogyny or bullying
Let me ask you a question......why would anyone be upset about a commercial that speaks against bullying / misogyny?
It speaks against neither making the premise of your question dishonest.

It speaks against normal healthy masculinity.
Not as a matter of collective guilt which charges all men are bullies, misogynists, etc.
That's just ridiculous on the face of things. Here's a radical about dealing with
the problem itself as it arises on a case by case basis?

This sort of bigotry, the kind of bigotry where actual commercial time is set aside to lecture males for their collective guilt, only sets up future clashes where all women are seen as bitter emotionally unbalanced nut jobs because that's what prejudice sets off a chain reaction of tit for tat battles that are self perpetuating.

If Gillette ran an ad addressing all black males for acts of domestic violence people would rightly denounce the bigotry. Do you not see the analogy here?
Actually, the Gillette spot encourages men to "deal with the problem itself as it arises on a case by case basis," doesn't it? I saw that part. Did you?
However, how do you discuss the problem to begin with, so that people can be encouraged to deal with it? I know most men don't go around being nasty and aggressive, but it sure as hell shouldn't be dismissed as "boys will be boys" or "men have needs." I'm sure you agree.
How do you reach those people? You send up a balloon.
Once again, I say if the shoe don't fit, don't wear it. Just like I'm sure you didn't get bent out of shape about the drug PSA, if you weren't blown on drugs.
Yes I saw it you are not being accurate.

the ad did not encourage any such case by case act of intervention it blanket denounced any normal healthy actions by man and showed only examples of other men intervening,

The shoe does not fit and this is an exercise in misandry and nothing more. you believe that bullying and misogyny is "normal healthy actions by man"? That's about it?

Ah so you have no argument and must resort to lying and labeling since no one, least of all me , defended either misogyny or bullying
Let me ask you a question......why would anyone be upset about a commercial that speaks against bullying / misogyny?
It speaks against neither making the premise of your question dishonest.

It speaks against normal healthy masculijity
You macho he men sure are a sensitive bunch if a TV commercial can throw you into such a little hissy fit.

Lighten up and grow a pair for once in your miserable little lives.
Which means you have no intelligent argument and are a beta male who gets butthurt when you know you're wrong and can only whine about it,l.
Ironic post is ironic.
Yes and his is ironic which is better than dishonest as most or yours are
Let me ask you another question.....what is dishonest about being against bullying and misogyny?
Nothing which has nothing to do with this issue as the as opposed neither
Naa. The conservatives are just very obedient delicate snowflakes who go into hysterics whenever their masters command them to.
As a conservative myself I am certain you are wrong and your ridiculous Straw Man bullshit is just sadly pathetic.

If you all hadn't been told to melt down uncontrollably here, you wouldn't have cared about the commercial. You're here weeping because you were told to weep, and you don't have the guts to tell your masters "No, I won't humiliate myself that way".
More of the same Straw Man nonsense.
It really doesn't merit a reply.

And in the grave, Stalin seethes in envy, wishing that he had possessed a cadre of Useful Idiots as numerous and as easily manipulated as American conservative beta males.
More likely he's delighted seeing how the left has taken his themes of collective guilt and identity politics and uses them so effectively to sew discord among Americans.
Ultimately though the tactic is seen for what it is and fails.
But Stalin never intended the tactic to be used by intelligent people...only the weak minded fools
who would embrace it to infect the body politic and weaken nations he otherwise could not
Perhaps because the commercial treats all men as if they were jerks and only conservatives see the problems of identity based shaming and collective guilt

Naa. The conservatives are just very obedient delicate snowflakes who go into hysterics whenever their masters command them to.

No you didn't. They are all brainwashed and see nothing wrong with identity based shaming and collective guilt.
Thank you. It was nice to come to this understanding about the Stalinist mindset of the left.

If you all hadn't been told to melt down uncontrollably here, you wouldn't have cared about the commercial. You're here weeping because you were told to weep, and you don't have the guts to tell your masters "No, I won't humiliate myself that way".

And in the grave, Stalin seethes in envy, wishing that he had possessed a cadre of Useful Idiots as numerous and as easily manipulated as American conservative beta males.
Who are these masters.

Strange how progressives dominate tv and other media and questioning then is somehow compared by you to being brainwashed and accepting what the dominant powers that be demand.

Massive failure for you as challenging this ad is akin to someone resisting what their masters demand.

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