Surprise: Genius behind man-hating Gillette ad is a radical feminist

We'll see. If their bottom line increases, then it could be said that their move was smart. You can bet that liberals will flock to Gillette.
And conservatives will stay away like Gillette has the plague...and in a way they do.... now.
Well surprise surprise..

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:hitit: Nice cheekbones n eyes..

There's "crazy" behind those eyes. Never stick it in crazy.
#TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

Don't be stupid. There is nothing wrong with a company addressing a serious issue.

Hello, BB. Who, if either, bears the greater burden for educating boys about 'treating others the same way you want to be treated?'

A corporation or the maternal child caregivers who chose to create life, and in American society, as well as MOST cultures, are primarily responsible for raising, nurturing and socializing our Nation's most precious and cherished assets?


I think society needs all the help it needs. If corporations want to help then that is fine.
Commercials aimed at correcting social ills seem misplaced. Financing studies and gatherings for discussion and exploration might get somewhere.
This kind of thing is like praying publicly; the benefit is the immediate social acclaim, but has no effect upon salvation.

actually, no praying will have any effect on salvation, because there is no magic pixie in the sky deciding your afterlife. They just tell you that to make you comply. Kind of like they told you there was a Santa Claus, but you still got presents no matter how much of a bastard you were.

But to the point, so we have a commercial where a razor company say, 'Hey, guys, don't be jerks!" and the White Male community absolutely loses its mind.
I've learned a lot of interesting things in my time here at USMB, but the attitude of a lot of men here is a fact I could well have lived without knowing about.
There will be at least three Marketing textbooks released in the next 12 month analyzing Gillette's corporate suicide.
Harassing and assaulting women are not a part of masculinity.
No. They are certainly not! Gillette has a lot of guts lecturing males as if we are all bullies and cave men and I don't appreciate their commercial.
I will be certain to never buy their product in the future, if I ever did before.

That woman has no clue what she is talking about if that is what she meant.
You have a problem with the concept of masculinity. I was taught by my father to respect and treat women as equals and my daughters are happy well adjusted women of accomplishment as a result. Most males I know were instructed similarly.

I don't appreciate Gillette addressing me as if I were Harvey Weinstein and that goes for you as well.
Eric, if the shoe don't fit, don't wear it. Do you disagree that there is a problem out there?
I have never seen the Gillette commercial, I use Harry's Razors anyway...Harry's don't care whether you rape women or not, just buy their razors....
Eric, if the shoe don't fit, don't wear it. Do you disagree that there is a problem out there?
Yes and I don't agree lecturing all men is the way is to address it. I don't accept criticism aimed at me that I'm not responsible for and I wouldn't think of calling all women senseless shit stirrers because of a handful of angry, mentally unbalanced women.
I guess that's too much to ask of others.
I like lecturing women about what they should do with their bodies; its pretty awesome because I can justify it by saying its for religious reasons and stuff..

But Gillette had no right trying to lecture men about anything...
Commercials aimed at correcting social ills seem misplaced. Financing studies and gatherings for discussion and exploration might get somewhere.
This kind of thing is like praying publicly; the benefit is the immediate social acclaim, but has no effect upon salvation.

actually, no praying will have any effect on salvation, because there is no magic pixie in the sky deciding your afterlife. They just tell you that to make you comply. Kind of like they told you there was a Santa Claus, but you still got presents no matter how much of a bastard you were.

But to the point, so we have a commercial where a razor company say, 'Hey, guys, don't be jerks!" and the White Male community absolutely loses its mind.
I've learned a lot of interesting things in my time here at USMB, but the attitude of a lot of men here is a fact I could well have lived without knowing about.
Do you think we will be "saved" with this kind of public display of "holiness"?
Harassing and assaulting women are not a part of masculinity.
No. They are certainly not! Gillette has a lot of guts lecturing males as if we are all bullies and cave men and I don't appreciate their commercial.
I will be certain to never buy their product in the future, if I ever did before.

That woman has no clue what she is talking about if that is what she meant.
You have a problem with the concept of masculinity. I was taught by my father to respect and treat women as equals and my daughters are happy well adjusted women of accomplishment as a result. Most males I know were instructed similarly.

I don't appreciate Gillette addressing me as if I were Harvey Weinstein and that goes for you as well.
Really, this is a point well to be taken.
Advertisements are aimed at an entire audience. In Gillette's case, that's half the population. To direct this message at the majority of men is inappropriate. They really don't think that real men know this? That real men don't love and honor their opposite sex? It could be easily understood that a man feel insulted.

P.S. Men do have feelings. And you don't want to see some of the manifestations of those feelings. Men don't want to see them, either, but they're prepared to display them if it comes to it.
That's what scares us a bit about ourselves. We know, we see, we feel that nature has instilled in the male human the capacity to do anything if sufficiently unhinged. There is a point at which it is unbearable to continue living than fail to protect something dear.
Yes, mothers feel something similar, or at least history has shown how excruciatingly effective female fighters have been in defense of their home and children.
Men are all too ready to travel half-way round the world to do what they feel is the same thing; effect their will. Sometimes, that will is to the 'good', sometimes not.
Certainly, not all men are that way. All men are not alike. There is every imaginable variation, and then some.
There are men who are addicted to women and actively dislike men in general. They detest macho and men who are, especially the ones who are and are vocally proud of it. Yet, even they themselves recognize that gripping, gut-level feeling and know it's innate.
I think society needs all the help it needs. If corporations want to help then that is fine.

Hello, BB. Do you believe corporations should be aiding American medical professionals in educating PRIMARY CHILD CAREGIVERS about our Nation's potentially life scarring CHILD CARE PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS that WOMEN are primarily responsible for creating and maintaining?

Dr Nadine Burke Harris youth wellness.png


So what’s wrong with telling men to not be bullies?

Now try this: Ad tells black people not to steal. Why is this offensive?

Or maybe: Ad tells women not to lie. Why is this offensive?

Or Democrats, don’t assault and try to murder people.

Surprise: Genius behind man-hating Gillette ad is a radical feminist.

Fuck those thieves at Gillette, charging the kind of money they do for freaking razors. I dropped them years ago, haven’t used a razor blade in years. Had to stay clean shaven while in the military, but now I can’t imagine being without a beard.
The feminist c*** that made this Gillette ad also made this one for tampons a while back:

Who the fuck sees that crap and then says, “hey lets get her to do our razors for men commercial”.
Well, women shave, too.

At some point these folks probably calculated a net win, like Nike and Kaepernick.

And we move on.
That is actually false.

I know you think you are better informed because you watched the movie but history actually records the opposite of what you claim

They never locked the poor people on steerage and they did in fact put women and kids of all classes on the boats first while men especially rich white men stayed on the ship to die.


Titanic's passengers were split into three groups. Thirty nine percent of the most affluent first class passengers died, compared to fifty eight percent of the standard class passengers and seventy six percent of the third (or steerage) class passengers. This really wasn't the result of deliberate preferential treatment for the wealthy however - the first class cabins were also the ones with the best access to the boat deck and being the smallest group it was much easier to evacuate a significant percentage of them.
So what’s wrong with telling men to not be bullies?

Now try this: Ad tells black people not to steal. Why is this offensive?

Or maybe: Ad tells women not to lie. Why is this offensive?

Or Democrats, don’t assault and try to murder people.

Surprise: Genius behind man-hating Gillette ad is a radical feminist.

There is nothing wrong with the Gillette ad. Most of the sexual harassment and sexual assaults are committed by men and it is a epidemic. During the Kavanaugh hearings we saw how Dr Ford was treated and Chris Wallace learned his daughters had some issues as well. We heard what Donald Trump said about women. Totally unacceptable. This is something that goes back for decades. Grace Lee Whitney was dumped from the original Star Trek series because she resisted the advances of a network executive when he assaulted her.

The culture has to be changed. Boys will be boys is no longer acceptable. I agree with this ad and this is one time I agree with her. Unlike you, I can separate my politics from what is right and wrong. Your garbage is not acceptable.
The ad is political correctness which is always wrong… Every time

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