Surprise: Genius behind man-hating Gillette ad is a radical feminist

So you cannot quote me.

Nothing I have said is misogynistic and you are a proven liar who makes false accusations when you are made to look stupid by others.

One more time quote me specifically or you are a coward and liar who got owned by me and every one knows it.

Dude, everything you say is misogynistic and racist... I'm sorry you don't see this.
You do not see better or more clearly you have no special insight or enlightenment.

Misogyny means the irrational hatred or mistrust or women while racism means a belief in the superiority of one race over others.

None of my posts even implies either idea so stop calling those who are smarter than you names and quote me
No it is not you little uneducated troll.,

I have said nothing racist or misogynistic you are a coward and liar.

One more time quote me or shut up. Accusations require evidence

Hold on, i think we found some of your childhood photos.

You do not see better or more clearly you have no special insight or enlightenment.

Misogyny means the irrational hatred or mistrust or women while racism means a belief in the superiority of one race over others.

You just spent pages ranting about how good women have it in this country...

And they do.

Which I never complained about once. Acknowledging that people have it good and I am happy for them is not mistrust or hatred therefore no misogyny

You are not very good at this so one more time fool quote me. You are proving my point that you are a coward and liar
So you cannot quote me.

Nothing I have said is misogynistic and you are a proven liar who makes false accusations when you are made to look stupid by others.

One more time quote me specifically or you are a coward and liar who got owned by me and every one knows it.

Dude, everything you say is misogynistic and racist... I'm sorry you don't see this.

Quote him or stfu you lying fool. He made no such comments.
Quote him or stfu you lying fool. He made no such comments.

Yes, he did. He did it just now...

Too funny to watch how nuts you guys go over something like this or people kneeling at a football game.
No I did not and you are a liar,

One more time quote me.

You really are stupid and have no idea what misogyny even means

Its even funnier to watch you squirm when you are outed as a stupid little person
Argument by memes. IS that all you got?

Still no support for your lies.

Actually, you are barely worth the effort of a meme.

But they are funny.

The sad thing is, you see a commercial telling men to act better around women, and you absolutely lose your shit. That's kind of telling.
It said no such thing actually it told men to stop behaving like men.

The sad thing is you come in a thread to try and marginalize what others are saying and when your arguments are proven uneducated and false you resort to lies and accusations of misogyny and racism which makes you a coward.

Your the one who lost his shit here kid. You lose it when you have nothing but personal attacks based on proven lies
It said no such thing actually it told men to stop behaving like men.

If you think that sexual harassment and bullying is how men ought to behave, then you are kind of making my point for me.

The sad thing is you come in a thread to try and marginalize what others are saying and when your arguments are proven uneducated and false you resort to lies and accusations of misogyny and racism which makes you a coward.

I would have normally dismissed this commercial as the kind of PSA do-gooder stuff that companies feel they need to do, until you guys started absolutely losing your shit over it. That's why I marginalize you... you are a crazy fringe.

Your the one who lost his shit here kid. You lose it when you have nothing but personal attacks based on proven lies

First, you need to learn the difference between 'your' and 'you're'. Secondly, when you say that hitting on women, harassing them and bullying them is 'acceptable', you are part of the problem.
It said no such thing actually it told men to stop behaving like men.

If you think that sexual harassment and bullying is how men ought to behave, then you are kind of making my point for me.

The sad thing is you come in a thread to try and marginalize what others are saying and when your arguments are proven uneducated and false you resort to lies and accusations of misogyny and racism which makes you a coward.

I would have normally dismissed this commercial as the kind of PSA do-gooder stuff that companies feel they need to do, until you guys started absolutely losing your shit over it. That's why I marginalize you... you are a crazy fringe.

Your the one who lost his shit here kid. You lose it when you have nothing but personal attacks based on proven lies

First, you need to learn the difference between 'your' and 'you're'. Secondly, when you say that hitting on women, harassing them and bullying them is 'acceptable', you are part of the problem.
Asking a woman out is not sexual harassment which is what the ad showed. Two boys play fighting is not bullying which is what the ad showed. The ad showed one example of possible harassment against women but then went on to imply simply hitting on a girl is harassment when IT IS NOT. Women hit on men and men hit on women. It can be taken too far but the ad did not show it being taken to far it implies that simply approaching a women to hit on her is harassment. Sorry wrong.

You are failing to marginalize anything. You dropped many criticisms which have been proven wrong and then lost your shit in a panic because you tried labels and accusations which are out right cowardly lies and proven so.

You are very quick to lie about misogyny but quick to defend misandry. Which strongly implies you are the bigot here.
Asking a woman out is not sexual harassment which is what the ad showed.

It would depend on the circumstances, wouldn't it? Clearly, if you are constantly asking a coworker out after she said "no", that is harassment.

Two boys play fighting is not bullying which is what the ad showed.

Didn't look like playfighting... it looked like a bigger kid beating up on a smaller kid.

Women hit on men and men hit on women. It can be taken too far but the ad did not show it being taken to far it implies that simply approaching a women to hit on her is harassment. Sorry wrong.

I think it depends on context. Hitting on a woman in a bar is fine.. Hitting on a woman in the workplace is harassment. Also a terrible idea, which is why I never date coworkers.

You are failing to marginalize anything. You dropped many criticisms which have been proven wrong and then lost your shit in a panic because you tried labels and accusations which are out right cowardly lies and proven so.

Again, guy, I'm sorry that whatever happened in your life that makes you hate women happened, but you really need to get over it.
Asking a woman out is not sexual harassment which is what the ad showed.

It would depend on the circumstances, wouldn't it? Clearly, if you are constantly asking a coworker out after she said "no", that is harassment.

Two boys play fighting is not bullying which is what the ad showed.

Didn't look like playfighting... it looked like a bigger kid beating up on a smaller kid.

Women hit on men and men hit on women. It can be taken too far but the ad did not show it being taken to far it implies that simply approaching a women to hit on her is harassment. Sorry wrong.

I think it depends on context. Hitting on a woman in a bar is fine.. Hitting on a woman in the workplace is harassment. Also a terrible idea, which is why I never date coworkers.

You are failing to marginalize anything. You dropped many criticisms which have been proven wrong and then lost your shit in a panic because you tried labels and accusations which are out right cowardly lies and proven so.

Again, guy, I'm sorry that whatever happened in your life that makes you hate women happened, but you really need to get over it.
And the video made no such distinctions.

Also you are wrong no kid was beating up another they were playfighting which is not bullying.,

once again you lie like a coward as it is you demonstrating hatred of women I have not and you cannot quote me and show anything misogynistic.

You on the other hand imply women are weak little spineless and helpless flowers who cannot protect themselves or provide for themselves.
And the video made no such distinctions.

Also you are wrong no kid was beating up another they were playfighting which is not bullying.,

Didn't look like playfighting to me.. Looked like the big kid was pounding the smaller kid.

Good thing an adult stepped in and didn't say, Boys will be boys.

You on the other hand imply women are weak little spineless and helpless flowers who cannot protect themselves or provide for themselves.

I'm saying they shouldn't have to, because if the behavior is out there, we should all say "No" to it...

The question is, why do you feel threatened by someone saying these behaviors are wrong. (Psst. Psst. Misogyny!)
Um, the Libyans were having a civil war no matter what we did. Personally, I think we shouldn't have gotten involved, but this has kind of been our policy in that part of the world since the 1960's no matter who is in charge.
"A war criminal under international law....." Hillary’s War Crime | Foreign Policy Journal
Libya's "civil war" was a pretext by Washington NeoCons to go in and murder Qadaffi (We came, we saw, he died, cackled Clinton to CBS news, incredibly.). It destabilized the whole region and was a real mistake just from a geopolitical perspective.
You dismiss her crime so easily and casually. It's quite nauseating.

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