Surprise! It's a Muslim!

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Who is shocked that the terrorist in today's terror attack in Canada turned out to be a Muslim convert? I was totally shocked.

Islam, where brain cells go to die.

Gunman killed in Parliament attack named as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, a Canadian convert to Islam born in 1982,


(CNN) -- Michael Zehaf-Bibeau has been identified by Canadian officials to their American counterparts as the suspected gunman in Wednesday's shooting in Ottawa, multiple U.S. officials told CNN.

The gunman was killed after two shooting incidents -- one at the Canada War Memorial, which is near the Parliament building, and another round of shooting inside Parliament -- in Ottawa, where this kind of violence is extremely rare.

Bibeau, who was born in 1982, was a convert to Islam and had a history of drug use before he converted, two sources said.

Canadian broadcaster CBC reported that Bibeau has a record of drug arrests going back 10 years.

He was guy who called himself a Muslim. That's meaningless. All sorts of terrorists have come along in this country who called themselves Christians.
Who is shocked that the terrorist in today's terror attack in Canada turned out to be a Muslim convert? I was totally shocked.

Islam, where brain cells go to die.

Gunman killed in Parliament attack named as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, a Canadian convert to Islam born in 1982,


(CNN) -- Michael Zehaf-Bibeau has been identified by Canadian officials to their American counterparts as the suspected gunman in Wednesday's shooting in Ottawa, multiple U.S. officials told CNN.

The gunman was killed after two shooting incidents -- one at the Canada War Memorial, which is near the Parliament building, and another round of shooting inside Parliament -- in Ottawa, where this kind of violence is extremely rare.

Bibeau, who was born in 1982, was a convert to Islam and had a history of drug use before he converted, two sources said.

Canadian broadcaster CBC reported that Bibeau has a record of drug arrests going back 10 years.

What I find myself beginning to wonder at is why and how any religion gets people willing to die for it so quickly. KIlling's not that hard, people will murder for sex pretty readily, but die too? What kind of recruitment pitch are they using? Can kinda see someone being raised with it and never knowing anything else like, brainwashing et al., but someone who one day decides he wants to be a Muslim, then the next he wants to die for it too? That's nuts.

Most of the converts to Islam are already brain dead, violent, ignorant, illiterate people to begin with. That's why recruitment from prisons across the western world is so big in Islam. So it doesn't take a huge leap of faith for these converts to also become suicidal as well.

Besides, they think they're gonna get the virgins !

Who is shocked that the terrorist in today's terror attack in Canada turned out to be a Muslim convert? I was totally shocked.

Islam, where brain cells go to die.

Gunman killed in Parliament attack named as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, a Canadian convert to Islam born in 1982,


(CNN) -- Michael Zehaf-Bibeau has been identified by Canadian officials to their American counterparts as the suspected gunman in Wednesday's shooting in Ottawa, multiple U.S. officials told CNN.

The gunman was killed after two shooting incidents -- one at the Canada War Memorial, which is near the Parliament building, and another round of shooting inside Parliament -- in Ottawa, where this kind of violence is extremely rare.

Bibeau, who was born in 1982, was a convert to Islam and had a history of drug use before he converted, two sources said.

Canadian broadcaster CBC reported that Bibeau has a record of drug arrests going back 10 years.

He was guy who called himself a Muslim. That's meaningless. All sorts of terrorists have come along in this country who called themselves Christians.

Yeah? Where do you get your info from, ?

He was a convert to Islam who they just confirmed had ties with Jihadist abroad. If something looks like shit, better you don't step in it.
Who is shocked that the terrorist in today's terror attack in Canada turned out to be a Muslim convert? I was totally shocked.

Islam, where brain cells go to die.

Gunman killed in Parliament attack named as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, a Canadian convert to Islam born in 1982,


(CNN) -- Michael Zehaf-Bibeau has been identified by Canadian officials to their American counterparts as the suspected gunman in Wednesday's shooting in Ottawa, multiple U.S. officials told CNN.

The gunman was killed after two shooting incidents -- one at the Canada War Memorial, which is near the Parliament building, and another round of shooting inside Parliament -- in Ottawa, where this kind of violence is extremely rare.

Bibeau, who was born in 1982, was a convert to Islam and had a history of drug use before he converted, two sources said.

Canadian broadcaster CBC reported that Bibeau has a record of drug arrests going back 10 years.

He was guy who called himself a Muslim. That's meaningless. All sorts of terrorists have come along in this country who called themselves Christians.

But, but, but, but, Christians !.........
I've been saying that a while, "they just say they're Muslim." But I'm beginning to wonder.

Both terrorists attacks this week on Canadian soil were people who converted to Islam, AND THEN decided to go on a killing rampage.

So saying the faith had nothing to do with it, or that "they're just saying they are Muslim" is asking people to ignore the obvious big Islamic elephant in the room.
When I was, shall we say, studying Muslims in the wake of 9/11 I found myself wondering why so many Americans (born and raised like) were converting to it. Especially women. I think with women some just like being told what to do, just as counter-intuitively some like the whole rape fantasy thing. Maybe with guys it's the male-superior aspect. Instead of a religion telling you you and the babes are equals, in Islam you're da king.
Please, folks, let's not give in to hysteria n stuff. The flu has killed far more people in Canada than Islam. Nothing to see here ... Besides, western countries are, like, morally obligated to import insane ideologies into their countries from the rest of the world, because of, you know, McVeigh!!!
You think there wont be more
Who is shocked that the terrorist in today's terror attack in Canada turned out to be a Muslim convert? I was totally shocked.

Islam, where brain cells go to die.

Gunman killed in Parliament attack named as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, a Canadian convert to Islam born in 1982,


(CNN) -- Michael Zehaf-Bibeau has been identified by Canadian officials to their American counterparts as the suspected gunman in Wednesday's shooting in Ottawa, multiple U.S. officials told CNN.

The gunman was killed after two shooting incidents -- one at the Canada War Memorial, which is near the Parliament building, and another round of shooting inside Parliament -- in Ottawa, where this kind of violence is extremely rare.

Bibeau, who was born in 1982, was a convert to Islam and had a history of drug use before he converted, two sources said.

Canadian broadcaster CBC reported that Bibeau has a record of drug arrests going back 10 years.

He was guy who called himself a Muslim. That's meaningless. All sorts of terrorists have come along in this country who called themselves Christians.

And those would be who?
When I was, shall we say, studying Muslims in the wake of 9/11 I found myself wondering why so many Americans (born and raised like) were converting to it. Especially women. I think with women some just like being told what to do, just as counter-intuitively some like the whole rape fantasy thing. Maybe with guys it's the male-superior aspect. Instead of a religion telling you you and the babes are equals, in Islam you're da king.

Probably some of that.
With American women raised with the typical American background, converting seems insane, but I suppose if you're a very weak individual it could happen.
I've been saying that a while, "they just say they're Muslim." But I'm beginning to wonder.

Oh so they're secretly conservative Christians.
Who is shocked that the terrorist in today's terror attack in Canada turned out to be a Muslim convert? I was totally shocked.

Islam, where brain cells go to die.

Gunman killed in Parliament attack named as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, a Canadian convert to Islam born in 1982,


(CNN) -- Michael Zehaf-Bibeau has been identified by Canadian officials to their American counterparts as the suspected gunman in Wednesday's shooting in Ottawa, multiple U.S. officials told CNN.

The gunman was killed after two shooting incidents -- one at the Canada War Memorial, which is near the Parliament building, and another round of shooting inside Parliament -- in Ottawa, where this kind of violence is extremely rare.

Bibeau, who was born in 1982, was a convert to Islam and had a history of drug use before he converted, two sources said.

Canadian broadcaster CBC reported that Bibeau has a record of drug arrests going back 10 years.

He was guy who called himself a Muslim. That's meaningless. All sorts of terrorists have come along in this country who called themselves Christians.

He wasn't a guy who called himself a Muslim, he and the other terrorist were assholes who converted to Islam and had ties to Jihadists overseas.

They converted these violent acts of terror as a result of their conversion and in the name of Islam.

Keep up.
You think showing tolerance to a faith who's followers exhibit little or no tolerance for Western ideals, democracy, human rights, women's rights, gay rights, religious freedom etc. is a great idea that will keep us safe? :cuckoo:

I think that showing tolerance for all faiths is not a choice, it is a fundamental part of our constitution.

But even if it were not, trying to blame a religion of 1 billion people for the actions of individual members is just flat out idiotic. When a Christian commits a terrorist act, we blame the individual, but when a Muslim does, we blame the religion. It's just the standard stupidity of bigotry.

People don't reject bigotry just because it is "mean" or something, they reject it because it is moronic.
You think showing tolerance to a faith who's followers exhibit little or no tolerance for Western ideals, democracy, human rights, women's rights, gay rights, religious freedom etc. is a great idea that will keep us safe? :cuckoo:

I think that showing tolerance for all faiths is not a choice, it is a fundamental part of our constitution.

But even if it were not, trying to blame a religion of 1 billion people for the actions of individual members is just flat out idiotic. When a Christian commits a terrorist act, we blame the individual, but when a Muslim does, we blame the religion. It's just the standard stupidity of bigotry.

People don't reject bigotry just because it is "mean" or something, they reject it because it is moronic.

And why doesn't the Muslim world reject the bigotry of their faith?
When I was, shall we say, studying Muslims in the wake of 9/11 I found myself wondering why so many Americans (born and raised like) were converting to it. Especially women. I think with women some just like being told what to do, just as counter-intuitively some like the whole rape fantasy thing. Maybe with guys it's the male-superior aspect. Instead of a religion telling you you and the babes are equals, in Islam you're da king.

The women converted to Islam because of the chauvinist Muslim men that forced them to.
Who is shocked that the terrorist in today's terror attack in Canada turned out to be a Muslim convert? I was totally shocked.

Islam, where brain cells go to die.

Gunman killed in Parliament attack named as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, a Canadian convert to Islam born in 1982,


(CNN) -- Michael Zehaf-Bibeau has been identified by Canadian officials to their American counterparts as the suspected gunman in Wednesday's shooting in Ottawa, multiple U.S. officials told CNN.

The gunman was killed after two shooting incidents -- one at the Canada War Memorial, which is near the Parliament building, and another round of shooting inside Parliament -- in Ottawa, where this kind of violence is extremely rare.

Bibeau, who was born in 1982, was a convert to Islam and had a history of drug use before he converted, two sources said.

Canadian broadcaster CBC reported that Bibeau has a record of drug arrests going back 10 years.

He was guy who called himself a Muslim. That's meaningless. All sorts of terrorists have come along in this country who called themselves Christians.

name a few....
Who is shocked that the terrorist in today's terror attack in Canada turned out to be a Muslim convert? I was totally shocked.

Islam, where brain cells go to die.

Gunman killed in Parliament attack named as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, a Canadian convert to Islam born in 1982,


(CNN) -- Michael Zehaf-Bibeau has been identified by Canadian officials to their American counterparts as the suspected gunman in Wednesday's shooting in Ottawa, multiple U.S. officials told CNN.

The gunman was killed after two shooting incidents -- one at the Canada War Memorial, which is near the Parliament building, and another round of shooting inside Parliament -- in Ottawa, where this kind of violence is extremely rare.

Bibeau, who was born in 1982, was a convert to Islam and had a history of drug use before he converted, two sources said.

Canadian broadcaster CBC reported that Bibeau has a record of drug arrests going back 10 years.

I don't understand why we these people aren't allowed to leave but not come back. I heard both attackers this week wanted to leave but were stopped from doing so. So instead Canadians had to die. I say let them leave.

I agree it was a pretty stupid move on the Canadians part to not let him leave while at the same time not putting him behind bars. But, question is, what are they supposed to do, you can't arrest a person without good cause, and you can't assign a team to monitor every single Muslim that says or does suspicious things. Best solution: severely limit the issuance of visas to people from any Muslim country, watch the Muslims within your borders very closely.

If you let them leave, but not come back the problem is solved. They should be free to go if they want, most of them will die over there. Problem solved.
Who is shocked that the terrorist in today's terror attack in Canada turned out to be a Muslim convert? I was totally shocked.

Islam, where brain cells go to die.

Gunman killed in Parliament attack named as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, a Canadian convert to Islam born in 1982,


(CNN) -- Michael Zehaf-Bibeau has been identified by Canadian officials to their American counterparts as the suspected gunman in Wednesday's shooting in Ottawa, multiple U.S. officials told CNN.

The gunman was killed after two shooting incidents -- one at the Canada War Memorial, which is near the Parliament building, and another round of shooting inside Parliament -- in Ottawa, where this kind of violence is extremely rare.

Bibeau, who was born in 1982, was a convert to Islam and had a history of drug use before he converted, two sources said.

Canadian broadcaster CBC reported that Bibeau has a record of drug arrests going back 10 years.

I don't understand why we these people aren't allowed to leave but not come back. I heard both attackers this week wanted to leave but were stopped from doing so. So instead Canadians had to die. I say let them leave.

I agree it was a pretty stupid move on the Canadians part to not let him leave while at the same time not putting him behind bars. But, question is, what are they supposed to do, you can't arrest a person without good cause, and you can't assign a team to monitor every single Muslim that says or does suspicious things. Best solution: severely limit the issuance of visas to people from any Muslim country, watch the Muslims within your borders very closely.

If you let them leave, but not come back the problem is solved. They should be free to go if they want, most of them will die over there. Problem solved.

Better they be busy slaughtering each other than us infidels. :clap:
There was a 90% chance it would be a Muslim and 10% chance it was a 20 something who stopped taking his meds. The better odds won out.
Not even close to being true.

There have been a total of 300 deaths on American soil since 9/11. Only 11% of them were at the hands of muslim extremists.
U.S. News and World Report noted in February of this year:

Of the more than 300 American deaths from political violence and mass shootings since 9/11, only 33 have come at the hands of Muslim-Americans, according to the Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security.
In fact, more terrorist attacks were committed by Jewish extremists, than Muslims.

Of course, that picture changes dramatically when one includes just one more day ... 9/11. :cool:
Who is shocked that the terrorist in today's terror attack in Canada turned out to be a Muslim convert? I was totally shocked.

Islam, where brain cells go to die.

Gunman killed in Parliament attack named as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, a Canadian convert to Islam born in 1982,


(CNN) -- Michael Zehaf-Bibeau has been identified by Canadian officials to their American counterparts as the suspected gunman in Wednesday's shooting in Ottawa, multiple U.S. officials told CNN.

The gunman was killed after two shooting incidents -- one at the Canada War Memorial, which is near the Parliament building, and another round of shooting inside Parliament -- in Ottawa, where this kind of violence is extremely rare.

Bibeau, who was born in 1982, was a convert to Islam and had a history of drug use before he converted, two sources said.

Canadian broadcaster CBC reported that Bibeau has a record of drug arrests going back 10 years.

I don't understand why we these people aren't allowed to leave but not come back. I heard both attackers this week wanted to leave but were stopped from doing so. So instead Canadians had to die. I say let them leave.

I agree it was a pretty stupid move on the Canadians part to not let him leave while at the same time not putting him behind bars. But, question is, what are they supposed to do, you can't arrest a person without good cause, and you can't assign a team to monitor every single Muslim that says or does suspicious things. Best solution: severely limit the issuance of visas to people from any Muslim country, watch the Muslims within your borders very closely.

If you let them leave, but not come back the problem is solved. They should be free to go if they want, most of them will die over there. Problem solved.

Better they be busy slaughtering each other than us infidels. :clap:

Obviously they are culturally compelled to kill.
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