Surprise, Surprise! Recent Philly Mass Shooter Another Tranny Male

Another of these "peaceful, misunderstood" male suffering from transanity went on a shooting rampage in Philly, killing at least 5 & injuring children.
Kimbrady Carringer is another seriously delusional dude that thinks it's a girl.
He's also a biological black male & BLM supporter.
He used the dreaded AR-15 & wearing body armor, proving once again we need tranny control now!
I demand it!!

Stop enabling these mentally deranged delusional psychos & either force them to seek the therapy they desperately need or lock them up for everyone's safety.
And how come an AR-15 isn't a weapon of war when we talk about the Tree of Liberty but it is one again when used by another psycho to mass slaughter the victims?

So.....the anti-gun extremists are crying themselves to sleep over this........because....

Once again, they had a mass public shooting with an AR-15 rifle, and they were going to ride that baby 24/7 for weeks.................

And then........

The facts came out too soon...

1) The shooter was not a white, conservative, christian nationalist, Trump supporter....

2) The shooter was, in fact a black man.

3) The shooter. was, in fact, a transgender.....

4) being black and transgender, it strongly implies they were left wing and a democrat voter....

5) He targeted blacks

6) he targeted blacks in a democrat party controlled city....

Sooooooooo, the dreams of dragging the dead in front of the cameras of democrat party media journalists, and smearing blood of the victims all over themsevles as they cackled about "gun control......weapons of war...." died.........

And they cried themselves to sleep..........
So.....the anti-gun extremists are crying themselves to sleep over this........because....

Once again, they had a mass public shooting with an AR-15 rifle, and they were going to ride that baby 24/7 for weeks.................

And then........

The facts came out too soon...

1) The shooter was not a white, conservative, christian nationalist, Trump supporter....

2) The shooter was, in fact a black man.

3) The shooter. was, in fact, a transgender.....

4) being black and transgender, it strongly implies they were left wing and a democrat voter....

5) He targeted blacks

6) he targeted blacks in a democrat party controlled city....

Sooooooooo, the dreams of dragging the dead in front of the cameras of democrat party media journalists, and smearing blood of the victims all over themsevles as they cackled about "gun control......weapons of war...." died.........

And they cried themselves to sleep..........
So it doesn’t count unless it’s a white nationalist?

Mass shooting are mass shootings. And GUNS are the common denominator.
Gays are the source of the problem...especially black gays....they are the ones who started this tranny crisis.....they need to be dealt with immediately...
Many transgendered males, i.e. biological men who say they want to be women, are not gay which is another argument for why they should not be allowed into women's locker rooms, public rest rooms etc. because it puts women and especially little girls at higher risk as well as making them feel uncomfortable/creepy. But 4 mass shooters in five years out of 1.4 million transgendered people is a really small percentage. I don't think is large enough to make being homosexual or transgender a marker for a who is likely to be a mass shooter.
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Many transgendered males, i.e. biological men who say they want to be women, are not gay which is another argument for why they should not be allowed into women's locker rooms, public rest rooms etc. because it puts women and especially little girls at higher risk. But 4 mass shooters in five years out of 1.4 million transgendered people is a really small percentage. I don't think is large enough to make being homosexual or transgender a marker for a who is likely to be a mass shooter.
But you have to understand that in the past few years, especially when Biden took office, there has been a 827% increase in tranny if we extrapolate that out, that means there will be at least 947 tranny shootings a's time to act now!!!
But you have to understand that in the past few years, especially when Biden took office, there has been a 827% increase in tranny if we extrapolate that out, that means there will be at least 947 tranny shootings a's time to act now!!!
No, I don't think it works quite like that. An increase in a tiny number looks like a huge percentage but it doesn't translate to a huge increase of that number.

Increase 4 by 100% and you have 8.
Increase 400 by 100% and you have 800.
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Many transgendered males, i.e. biological men who say they want to be women, are not gay which is another argument for why they should not be allowed into women's locker rooms, public rest rooms etc. because it puts women and especially little girls at higher risk. But 4 mass shooters in five years out of 1.4 million transgendered people is a really small percentage. I don't think is large enough to make being homosexual or transgender a marker for a who is likely to be a mass shooter.
Its also 4 mass shooters out of what 1,000 mass shootings? That doesn't pass alpha level significance statistics test.
This was not a shooting from a robbery, assault, argument, revenge or gang drive-by shooting as are almost all other mass shootings.

This was un-provoked random killing for fun. The last 6 of these type incidents have been loony Leftist, mostly Trans.
Hope that helps the Confused spinning loons posting gibberish up above.
you are welcome, as always.
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Another of these "peaceful, misunderstood" male suffering from transanity went on a shooting rampage in Philly, killing at least 5 & injuring children.
Kimbrady Carringer is another seriously delusional dude that thinks it's a girl.
He's also a biological black male & BLM supporter.
He used the dreaded AR-15 & wearing body armor, proving once again we need tranny control now!
I demand it!!

Stop enabling these mentally deranged delusional psychos & either force them to seek the therapy they desperately need or lock them up for everyone's safety.
And how come an AR-15 isn't a weapon of war when we talk about the Tree of Liberty but it is one again when used by another psycho to mass slaughter the victims?

Welp there goes the narrative
Foxfyre explained numbers above. Transsexuals are not the immense problem same here like to state.
So, just ignore them, then? Hope for the best? Somehow, I don't believe for a moment that you would be so sanguine about it if the shooters were anything but trans.
That is because Biden ordered most of these tranny and darkie mass is time to declare these communities as terrorist groups and treat them tougher....and anyone who enables them needs to be dealt with
Obvious troll is being obvious.
This was un-provoked random killing for fun.
The last 6 (recently) of these type incidents have been committed by loony Leftist, most of the shooters were full-blown self-proclaimed Trannies.
Yes, that sort of increase by an almost non-existent population group......well, that is an "uptick"
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