Surprise, Surprise! Recent Philly Mass Shooter Another Tranny Male

Now....I have given you a lot of time......and I have other left wingers to wreck, so if I don't respond to every single post that you put isn't anything personal, I only have so much time in the day for dealing with individual asshats like you.........
You took the time to respond but you aren’t able to answer the simple yes/no question?

Looks to me like you’re just a little bitch and you’re dodging. Again. ;)
No.....of course conservatives think for themselves......they just haven't thought about this nut.......the hispanic supremacist......

You know, like La Raza......
Does La Raza support Hitler and wear Right Wing Death Squad patches?
You leftists ..... facts, truth and reality are not your friends....
Fact: he was wearing a right wing death squad patch.

Fact: He said we need to make America white again.

Fact: only you think he’s a Hispanic supremacist.

Like those facts?
La Raza....

Race and culture.........they are hispanic supremacists...why would they care about German culture or white people?
So La Raza doesn’t wear right wing death squad patches and they don’t support Hitler and Nazis.

He doesn’t sound like La Raza then. Weird. Maybe that’s why you’re the only one trying to connect him to that group.
So how is he a Hispanic supremacist then?

Did he say he hated people who aren’t Hispanic? Lmao.

You are the idiot who calls a hispanic guy a "White Supremacist...." you have to explain that one, not doofus....

Again...tell us how George Zimmerman, of Filipino extraction is a "White Hispanic."

Then tell us how Larry Elder is the black face of "White Supremacy."

I dare you.
So La Raza doesn’t wear right wing death squad patches and they don’t support Hitler and Nazis.

He doesn’t sound like La Raza then. Weird. Maybe that’s why you’re the only one trying to connect him to that group.

They are racists....who believe in race and culture....just like the German socialists believed in race and doofus.......
You are the idiot who calls a hispanic guy a "White Supremacist...." you have to explain that one, not doofus....

Again...tell us how George Zimmerman, of Filipino extraction is a "White Hispanic."

Then tell us how Larry Elder is the black face of "White Supremacy."

I dare you.
So you can’t answer and you’re running away again.

You said someone is a white supremacist if they hate non-white people. Does that not apply to a Hispanic supremacist? Someone who hates non-Hispanics?

Answer the question. Stop being a little bitch.
They are racists....who believe in race and culture....just like the German socialists believed in race and doofus.......
So they don’t hate Jews, they don’t support Nazis, they don’t want to make America white again, and they don’t wear right wing death squad patches.

This guy did. Sounds like he doesn’t have a whole lot in common with them.

Another of these "peaceful, misunderstood" male suffering from transanity went on a shooting rampage in Philly, killing at least 5 & injuring children.
Kimbrady Carringer is another seriously delusional dude that thinks it's a girl.
He's also a biological black male & BLM supporter.
He used the dreaded AR-15 & wearing body armor, proving once again we need tranny control now!
I demand it!!

Stop enabling these mentally deranged delusional psychos & either force them to seek the therapy they desperately need or lock them up for everyone's safety.
And how come an AR-15 isn't a weapon of war when we talk about the Tree of Liberty but it is one again when used by another psycho to mass slaughter the victims?

Not surprised. Trannies are fucking nuts.

Even if this one isn't nuts and just trolling people it's still nuts to say this to the world.

No wonder no one takes trannies seriously
Not surprised. Trannies are fucking nuts.

Even if this one isn't nuts and just trolling people it's still nuts to say this to the world.

No wonder no one takes trannies seriously

Transanity & virtue signaling makes the most hilarious videos!!
They're a walking, talking Monty Python sketch.
Seeing how many shooters are women transitioning to men makes 100% perfect sense

Those transitioning are injected with testosterone, which creates aggression. Males their entire lives are gradually taught to deal with both their aggression and their inner rage.

However, these women are essentially adults and have not had an entire life learning to cope with both.

So they go nuts more on average.

In fact, pretty much all males are shooters for the reasons given above.

The medical community are creating these mass murderers.
This is a VERY INTERESTING POINT. They indeed would start getting testosterone, something which they did not grow up dealing with and learn to control like most men do. It's like giving LSD to an old stuffy curmudgeon who is far beyond having his life-view challenged and transformed by a psychedelic experience. I think many younger people are much more capable of dealing with that. I'm advocating that teens and 20-somethings should take LSD.....I'm saying their world view is far more flexible than a person, say, over 40...or 50. Likewise, it must be a huge psychological shock for a biological female to suddenly have her personality pumped up with testosterone after years of being female. These people are in a fucking fantasy world and they simply cannot handle being exposed to something which is really very alien to them.
This is a VERY INTERESTING POINT. They indeed would start getting testosterone, something which they did not grow up dealing with and learn to control like most men do. It's like giving LSD to an old stuffy curmudgeon who is far beyond having his life-view challenged and transformed by a psychedelic experience. I think many younger people are much more capable of dealing with that. I'm advocating that teens and 20-somethings should take LSD.....I'm saying their world view is far more flexible than a person, say, over 40...or 50. Likewise, it must be a huge psychological shock for a biological female to suddenly have her personality pumped up with testosterone after years of being female. These people are in a fucking fantasy world and they simply cannot handle being exposed to something which is really very alien to them.
But the Left won't admit that a lifelong supply of testosterone gives people born males an advantage in sports, so why would they ever consider what I said here?

The Left is anti-science.

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