Surprise, Surprise! Recent Philly Mass Shooter Another Tranny Male

Where did the little bitch 2aguy go? He ran away again and he never provided a link to his stupid claim.

What a little bitch he is. :laugh:
As I keep saying, leftists like you are children in the bodies of adults..........
That's nice. You're just angry because you can't back up your claim and got called out on it. I ask you for a link backing up your claim, you run off like a bitch.

You're not fooling anyone, little bitch. ;)
That's nice. You're just angry because you can't back up your claim and got called out on it. I ask you for a link backing up your claim, you run off like a bitch.

You're not fooling anyone, little bitch. ;)

I backed up my claim by pointing out he is hispanic.....and white supremacists are not hispanic.....that is an entirely new invention by assholes like you because so far, this year, minorities and transgenders are doing all of the mass public shootings.....well...the one guy in Nasheville was a white, left wing, anti-gun extremist democrat.....

Tell us again how George Zimmerman was a "White Hispanic," and how Larry Elder is the Black Face of White Supremacy...

Please, go ahead....tell us...we need a good laugh.
I backed up my claim by pointing out he is hispanic.....
Yet nobody else refers to him as a ”Hispanic supremacist”. Just you. You have made up your own requirements for that term and you admit that you can’t back that up with a link.

Care to address your inability to support your argument with a link this time? Or are you going to run away again like the little bitch you are? You lose, little bitch. We both know it. ;)
Yet nobody else refers to him as a ”Hispanic supremacist”. Just you. You have made up your own requirements for that term and you admit that you can’t back that up with a link.

Care to address your inability to support your argument with a link this time? Or are you going to run away again like the little bitch you are? You lose, little bitch. We both know it. ;)

Yes....because the democrats in the media want to pretend he was a conservative........

He is hispanic and a supremacist......he is a hispanic, he is not white.....white supremacists do not allow non-whites to be a part of their club......this guy liked national socialist symbols...but he was not a "white supremacist."

You idiots are hurting yourselves twisting and stretching to hide the fact that this guy was a hispanic mass public a year of minority and transgender mass shooters......

The only bitch here is you....a dumb one at that......when the democrats say jump, you start hopping......they say "White Hispanic," for George Zimmerman....a Filipino...and you jumped.....they say Larry Elder is the black face of White Supremacy, and you jumped....they say asians are now white......and you jumped...

You are pretty fucking ridiculous...
He is hispanic and a supremacist.....
Nobody other than you is labeling him as a Hispanic supremacist. Why is that? Why is it that you’re unable to provide a link to anyone else labeling him that way?

Care to answer this time or would you rather run and hide again like the little bitch you are?

C’mon you scared little coward. Don’t run away this time. Answer the fucking questions. :)
Nobody other than you is labeling him as a Hispanic supremacist. Why is that? Why is it that you’re unable to provide a link to anyone else labeling him that way?

Care to answer this time or would you rather run and hide again like the little bitch you are?

C’mon you scared little coward. Don’t run away this time. Answer the fucking questions. :)

Why.....? Because they don't think for themselves.....the democrats called him a Hispanic White Supremacist and none of you leftist idiots stopped and said.......What?

There is no dumb shit.........there is the facts....... he is hispanic, he liked national socialist symbols.....white Supremacists hate people who are not white.....they do not allow non-whites to join their white supremacist groups.....the whole point is ..... you know.....white supremacy...

He Was HIspanic...........he was not White.........he could not be a White dumb ass.

Just keep jumping whenever the democrats abuse language. to perpetuate their lies......

He should have joined La Raza before he committed the shooting..... that is a hispanic supremacist group.
At least 95% of all unprovoked violence is implemented by crazed DemWitted loons (including shooters). Seemingly a Daily occurance from fists to rapes to shooting innocents.
He should have joined La Raza before he committed the shooting..... that is a hispanic supremacist group.
He had absolutely nothing to do with them. I’d ask you to back that up but we both know you can’t and we both know you would run away from answering again.

Isn’t that right you little bitch? ;)
He had absolutely nothing to do with them. I’d ask you to back that up but we both know you can’t and we both know you would run away from answering again.

Isn’t that right you little bitch? ;)

I posted that he should have joined La Raza...not that he did, you illiterate moron..........La Raza is a hispanic supremacist organization...they just don't have the symbols this guy liked...
Anyone who swallows the "Hipanic White Supremacist," bullshit is not thinking for themselves..........looking at you....
Nobody calls him a “Hispanic supremacist”.

Are you saying nobody else thinks for themselves? Mind you, that includes every one of your fellow conservatives.

Being the little bitch you are, I have a feeling you’re going to back-pedal or run away from this one. LoL.
Nobody other than you is labeling him as a Hispanic supremacist. Why is that? Why is it that you’re unable to provide a link to anyone else labeling him that way?

Care to answer this time or would you rather run and hide again like the little bitch you are?

C’mon you scared little coward. Don’t run away this time. Answer the fucking questions. :)

I have to actually thank you...........since most people are not thinking about this shooter, and how he is a hispanic supremacist...your continuous posting about it is allowing me to explain this to a much wider audience....


Wait....I think I hear the democrats coming up with another stupid better get ready to jump.......
I posted that he should have joined La Raza...not that he did, you illiterate moron..........La Raza is a hispanic supremacist organization...they just don't have the symbols this guy liked...
Right. You think he SHOULD have joined them for no reason whatsoever. Based on nothing but your feelings.

Stupid fuck. Don’t run away again little bitch.
Right. You think he SHOULD have joined them for no reason whatsoever. Based on nothing but your feelings.

Stupid fuck. Don’t run away again little bitch.

He is a hispanic supremacist....La Raza is a hispanic supremacist group...a match made in racist heaven....

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