Surprise, Surprise! Recent Philly Mass Shooter Another Tranny Male

He was a supporter of black lives many of those nuts are voting idiot....
Apparently he's one of them.


It's not my problem you pick and choose which facts you want to believe from the same fucking link.

You dumbass.
He was hispanic and no matter how hard you try, he can't be a White Supremacist...
Anyone can have any extremist beliefs. He can support white supremacist ideologies and he did.

In one post, Garcia suggests that Latinos and Hispanics are actually white, referencing notable white supremacist Nick Fuentes, whose father is half-Mexican.

“Hell Nick Fuentes said something like that while he was on the Pearl show,” he wrote in one post, referring to an interview the white supremacist had with podcaster Pearl Davis last month.

I think I even read in the news Hispanics could be the new white supremist [sic]. Just the other day this black dude told me the line is blurring. He can’t tell the difference anymore. Someone would look white but their [sic] actually Hispanic.”

He also wrote, “We are going to make America white again.


He was pushing white supremacist ideology. Your attempt to say otherwise shows how pathetic you are. News outlets are saying that he had white supremacist beliefs, so your stupid narrative hasn't worked.

You dumbass. You moron. You idiot.
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Anyone can have any extremist beliefs. He can support white supremacist ideologies and he did.

In one post, Garcia suggests that Latinos and Hispanics are actually white, referencing notable white supremacist Nick Fuentes, whose father is half-Mexican.

“Hell Nick Fuentes said something like that while he was on the Pearl show,” he wrote in one post, referring to an interview the white supremacist had with podcaster Pearl Davis last month.

I think I even read in the news Hispanics could be the new white supremist [sic]. Just the other day this black dude told me the line is blurring. He can’t tell the difference anymore. Someone would look white but their [sic] actually Hispanic.”

He also wrote, “We are going to make America white again.


He was pushing white supremacist ideology. Your attempt to say otherwise shows how pathetic you are. News outlets are saying that he had white supremacist beliefs, so your stupid narrative hasn't worked.

You dumbass. You moron. You idiot.

Yes...anyone can have extremist beliefs.....they can also like German socialist symbolism...that doesn't make them White supremacists if they are hispanic........they are hispanic supremacists....
...they are hispanic supremacists....

Show me a link calling him a Hispanic supremacist. I can find plenty referring to his white supremacist beliefs.

The shooter, 33-year-old Mauricio Martinez Garcia, was a far-right extremist, although his specific motive for the spree killings was not clear.[5] Garcia's extensive online writings showed that he self-radicalized, adopting and promoting white supremacist, neo-Nazi, and "incel" ideologies, and posting hateful comments against women, Jews and racial minorities in the lead-up to the attack.[5][6][7][8][9] He committed the massacre while wearing a tactical vest embroidered with a "RWDS" ("Right Wing Death Squad") patch.

Ready? Go.

(This is the part where you run away from backing up your nonsense with a link)
2aguy ran off like a little bitch again.

He does this idiotic “Hispanic supremacist” argument every once in a while, gets his ass kicked, and then runs away again.

I think he’s desperately trying to push this false narrative so he doesn’t need to deal with the reality that some right-wing extremists are in fact dangerous.

I mean it doesn’t get any more clear than this. Neo-Nazi incel with a swastika tattoo, with “right wing death squad” on his vest, promoting white supremacy all over the internet.

Not everyone on the right is dangerous. Not everyone on the right is a straight white male. That dumbass 2aguy is trying to ignore FACTS about his right-wing extremist ideology because he’s a dumbass.

He won’t be able to back up his “Hispanic supremacist” claim with his big block of blue text ready to copy/paste, so he gets very uncomfortable and will ultimately make an ass out of himself again.
2aguy ran off like a little bitch again.

He does this idiotic “Hispanic supremacist” argument every once in a while, gets his ass kicked, and then runs away again.

I think he’s desperately trying to push this false narrative so he doesn’t need to deal with the reality that some right-wing extremists are in fact dangerous.

I mean it doesn’t get any more clear than this. Neo-Nazi incel with a swastika tattoo, with “right wing death squad” on his vest, promoting white supremacy all over the internet.

Not everyone on the right is dangerous. Not everyone on the right is a straight white male. That dumbass 2aguy is trying to ignore FACTS about his right-wing extremist ideology because he’s a dumbass.

He won’t be able to back up his “Hispanic supremacist” claim with his big block of blue text ready to copy/paste, so he gets very uncomfortable and will ultimately make an ass out of himself again.

Where am I?

Right here you dumb ass...

You are the idiots trying to tell us that a guy with brown skin is a "White Supremacist." He likes national socialist symbolism, but he is a hispanic supremacist....since White Supremacists do not hang out with people of color....

Hey....dumb ass......I dare you to get thrown into a jail, and go up to the actual skin heads that they and the hispanics are nothing more than the same thing....

I fucking dare you......

I remember the good old days of "White Hispanic," George Zimmerman...until the democrats found out he was Filipino.......I enjoyed their Larry Elder is the black face of White Larry Elder.....

I now enjoy them telling us that asians are "White Supremacists," now that democrats can't discriminate against them.....

The "White Supremacy," thing covers anything the democrats need it to cover...including hispanic mass public shooters....
Show me a link calling him a Hispanic supremacist. I can find plenty referring to his white supremacist beliefs.

The shooter, 33-year-old Mauricio Martinez Garcia, was a far-right extremist, although his specific motive for the spree killings was not clear.[5] Garcia's extensive online writings showed that he self-radicalized, adopting and promoting white supremacist, neo-Nazi, and "incel" ideologies, and posting hateful comments against women, Jews and racial minorities in the lead-up to the attack.[5][6][7][8][9] He committed the massacre while wearing a tactical vest embroidered with a "RWDS" ("Right Wing Death Squad") patch.

Ready? Go.

(This is the part where you run away from backing up your nonsense with a link)

Yes.....he shot a bunch of non-hispanics.........

Hispanic supremacists can hate Jews the same way other leftists hate Jews.......and the racial minorities hispanic supremacists hate are blacks and idiot....they also hate white people.......
2aguy ran off like a little bitch again.

He does this idiotic “Hispanic supremacist” argument every once in a while, gets his ass kicked, and then runs away again.

I think he’s desperately trying to push this false narrative so he doesn’t need to deal with the reality that some right-wing extremists are in fact dangerous.

I mean it doesn’t get any more clear than this. Neo-Nazi incel with a swastika tattoo, with “right wing death squad” on his vest, promoting white supremacy all over the internet.

Not everyone on the right is dangerous. Not everyone on the right is a straight white male. That dumbass 2aguy is trying to ignore FACTS about his right-wing extremist ideology because he’s a dumbass.

He won’t be able to back up his “Hispanic supremacist” claim with his big block of blue text ready to copy/paste, so he gets very uncomfortable and will ultimately make an ass out of himself again.

there are 4 lights, you dumb shit.........
Yes.....he shot a bunch of non-hispanics.........

Hispanic supremacists can hate Jews the same way other leftists hate Jews.......and the racial minorities hispanic supremacists hate are blacks and idiot....they also hate white people.......
Still no link to anyone other than your stupid ass referring to him as a “Hispanic supremacist“.

Now why is that? Is it because you’re entirely full of shit? Yes, yes it is.
(This is the part where you run away from backing up your nonsense with a link)
And look at that. Just as I predicted, the little bitch 2aguy couldn't provide a link indicating that this guy was a "Hispanic supremacist". Plenty of links addressing his white supremacist beliefs, not one calling him a Hispanic supremacist.

On the vast internet, little bitch 2aguy is the only one calling him that. Why? I suppose he desperately wants to cling to some stupid belief that white supremacist beliefs aren't dangerous or something. His problem is that he's using his emotions to form the narrative, not facts.

The little bitch 2aguy ran off. But now that I've tagged him, he will surely get this message. What will he do?

1) Ignore the message. Go back into hiding like the little bitch he is.

2) Respond with a wall of text and mindless insults while failing to provide a link to anyone other than him calling this guy a "Hispanic supremacist".

I say option 2. He's going to want to try to salvage some dignity while failing to back up his stupid nonsense. Let's see what little bitch 2aguy does.
And look at that. Just as I predicted, the little bitch 2aguy couldn't provide a link indicating that this guy was a "Hispanic supremacist". Plenty of links addressing his white supremacist beliefs, not one calling him a Hispanic supremacist.

On the vast internet, little bitch 2aguy is the only one calling him that. Why? I suppose he desperately wants to cling to some stupid belief that white supremacist beliefs aren't dangerous or something. His problem is that he's using his emotions to form the narrative, not facts.

The little bitch 2aguy ran off. But now that I've tagged him, he will surely get this message. What will he do?

1) Ignore the message. Go back into hiding like the little bitch he is.

2) Respond with a wall of text and mindless insults while failing to provide a link to anyone other than him calling this guy a "Hispanic supremacist".

I say option 2. He's going to want to try to salvage some dignity while failing to back up his stupid nonsense. Let's see what little bitch 2aguy does.

Dipshit………he is Hispanic and a supremacist……….he is not white…..

Again…tell us how many Hispanics are allowed in the skin head gangs in prison….you dumb ass….

I know you assholes have to make up new words to cover the insanity you spew……..white hispanic…….white asians now……

The democrats say jump….you don’t even say “how high“ anymore….you just start hopping……..
Our shooter is not out for Hispanic supremacy. What a true lack of cognitive bias on 2aguy's part. The hispanic shooter supports Trump and loves guns.

He is a 2aguy supremacist.
Dipshit………he is Hispanic and a supremacist……….he is not white…..

Again…tell us how many Hispanics are allowed in the skin head gangs in prison….you dumb ass….

I know you assholes have to make up new words to cover the insanity you spew……..white hispanic…….white asians now……

The democrats say jump….you don’t even say “how high“ anymore….you just start hopping……..
And look at that, option 2 it is. The little bitch STILL doesn’t have a link of ANYBODY ELSE calling him a Hispanic supremacist.

What’s the matter? Too much of a little bitch to admit that you found NOTHING on the internet labeling him as a Hispanic supremacist? So it’s just you labeling him that way.

Go ahead and respond again you little bitch. But this time you better explain why you don’t have a link when you do. Stupid little bitch.

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