Surprise, Surprise! Recent Philly Mass Shooter Another Tranny Male

No.....they called him a white supremacist, but he was actually a hispanic male........the first case of a hispanic white supremacist.......

In reality, he was a hispanic supremacist....

The shooter, 33-year-old Mauricio Martinez Garcia,

There are light skinned hispanics (Cruz, Rubio for example). Many have Spanish or other European blood.
Off the top of my seems killings of 3-15 persons with firearms is done by Loony Leftists (mostly Black)//
You have to go back to the phony LasVegas hotel story to find a crazy white guy shooting random innocents.
And even that one was never clearly explained? reports of multiple shooters were out there? A GOVT setup? We never know the truths.

That is all.
Of course it was phony. It's the only way you can deal with white people doing bad things.

52.3% of mass shooters were white. Public Mass Shootings: Database Amasses Details of a Half Century of U.S. Mass Shootings with Firearms, Generating Psychosocial Histories

How you feel about it doesnt really matter you dumb sack of shit. Other factors are at play besides ones skin color. But being the racist that you are, of course you have to bring skin shades into it.
There are light skinned hispanics (Cruz, Rubio for example). Many have Spanish or other European blood.

And yet they are still hispanic.......not white supremacists.

And if you look up the photo of the Allen Mall shooter...he does not fit the fair skinned, Spaniard, complexion....
Of course it was phony. It's the only way you can deal with white people doing bad things.

52.3% of mass shooters were white. Public Mass Shootings: Database Amasses Details of a Half Century of U.S. Mass Shootings with Firearms, Generating Psychosocial Histories

How you feel about it doesnt really matter you dumb sack of shit. Other factors are at play besides ones skin color. But being the racist that you are, of course you have to bring skin shades into it.
Your link is not easy to read. If you don't include all the DATA (like CHI, Newark etc.) it is meaningless. "From 2010 to 2019, the end of the study period, the average was up to 51 deaths per year." obviously missed CHI where ~720 deaths per year occur from shootings. You can't say its' not a mass shooting because it was justified in anger by Black BLM in drive by gang retaliation. When you are is a count. A body bag in 20% of CHI shootings.

Like I said, Black, BLM, crazy LW loons. No suburban NRA white guys are shooting up innocent civilians. Yet it happens daily in every big city by you know who. How does the FBI hand out guns to mentally disturbed blacks in a dress so easily? Hispanic LW nutjob in TEX had three weapons worth $8K as a min wage worker? huh?
There are not other facts other than skin color to you LW loons almost 100% of the time? I only give what you ask for?
No real facts come out of the Las Vegas shooting other than he was another suicide at the end?

You can't fix any problem until you accept facts. Sorry that hurts your feelings. Learn to pareto. Attack the big issues first. Minimize your pain. Maximize your gains.
Of course it was phony. It's the only way you can deal with white people doing bad things.

52.3% of mass shooters were white. Public Mass Shootings: Database Amasses Details of a Half Century of U.S. Mass Shootings with Firearms, Generating Psychosocial Histories

How you feel about it doesnt really matter you dumb sack of shit. Other factors are at play besides ones skin color. But being the racist that you are, of course you have to bring skin shades into it.
50 years ago, the US population was about 80% white.
It is still about 67% white.
Thanks for highlighting how white people are actually UNDER represented when it comes to these shootings.

Gee, I wonder what group that is constantly making headlines these days is massively over represented?
LGBFJB+ deviants maybe?
Your link is not easy to read. If you don't include all the DATA (like CHI, Newark etc.) it is meaningless. "From 2010 to 2019, the end of the study period, the average was up to 51 deaths per year." obviously missed CHI where ~720 deaths per year occur from shootings. You can't say its' not a mass shooting because it was justified in anger by Black BLM in drive by gang retaliation. When you are is a count. A body bag in 20% of CHI shootings.

Like I said, Black, BLM, crazy LW loons. No suburban NRA white guys are shooting up innocent civilians. Yet it happens daily in every big city by you know who. How does the FBI hand out guns to mentally disturbed blacks in a dress so easily? Hispanic LW nutjob in TEX had three weapons worth $8K as a min wage worker? huh?
There are not other facts other than skin color to you LW loons almost 100% of the time? I only give what you ask for?
No real facts come out of the Las Vegas shooting other than he was another suicide at the end?

You can't fix any problem until you accept facts. Sorry that hurts your feelings. Learn to pareto. Attack the big issues first. Minimize your pain. Maximize your gains.
It's interesting that the NRA is routinely blasted whenever someone shoots up a place, but no NRA members commit mass murders. Just sayin'.
And yet they are still hispanic.......not white supremacists.

And if you look up the photo of the Allen Mall shooter...he does not fit the fair skinned, Spaniard, complexion....
Hispanics can be MAGA supremacist's. Maybe not in Ohio.
Do you know this guy was, or are you postulating wildly, hoping to find a pearl in the poop?

They didn't know who the guy actually was.....likely they went off of the democrat party media coverage and just accepted the "White Supremacist," title they put on the shooter....not realizing his last name was "Garcia."
Those are 6 mass public shootings for 2023 so far..........all of them.
There have been more than a 120 bub. look it up.
There have been more than a 120 bub. look it up.

Wrong........they include gang shootings in the count.......mass public shootings and gang shootings are two completely different crimes, with very different attackers, very different causes, and very different solutions...

You assholes have to include gang shootings and lie about them, calling them mass shootings, knowing that normal people will hear "mass shooting," and think they are actually mass public shootings.....

Since there are only 7 so far this year, you can't really stampede people into giving up their Right to own and carry you lie, as the BBC lied, and include gang shootings so you can claim hundreds of mass public shootings......but it is a lie....

Mother anti-gun, left wing, extremist news organization, uses the FBI definition of mass public shootings.....and they cover all of them.....going back to the 80s....

US mass shootings, 1982–2023: Data from Mother Jones’ investigation

Dating back to at least 2005, the FBI and leading criminologists essentially defined a mass shooting as a single attack in a public place in which four or more victims were killed. We adopted that baseline for fatalities when we gathered data in 2012 on three decades worth of cases.

  • Here is a description of the criteria we use:

    • The perpetrator took the lives of at least four people. A 2008 FBI report identifies an individual as a mass murderer—versus a spree killer or a serial killer—if he kills four or more people in a single incident (not including himself), typically in a single location. (*In 2013, the US government’s fatality baseline was revised down to three; our database reflects this change beginning from Jan. 2013, as detailed above.)
    • The killings were carried out by a lone shooter. (Except in the case of the Columbine massacre and the Westside Middle School killings, which involved two shooters.)
    • The shootings occurred in a public place. (Except in the case of a party on private property in Crandon, Wisconsin, and another in Seattle, where crowds of strangers had gathered, essentially constituting a public crowd.)
    • Crimes primarily related to gang activity or armed robbery are not included, nor are mass killings that took place in private homes (often stemming from domestic violence).

    • Perpetrators who died or were wounded during the attack are not included in the victim tallies.
    • We included a handful of cases also known as “spree killings“—cases in which the killings occurred in more than one location, but still over a short period of time, that otherwise fit the above criteria.
Our research focused on indiscriminate rampages in public places resulting in four or more victims killed by the attacker. We exclude shootings stemming from more conventionally motivated crimes such as armed robbery or gang violence. (Or in which the perpetrators have not been identified.) Other news outlets and researchers have since published larger tallies that include a wide range of gun crimes in which four or more people have been either wounded or killed. While those larger datasets of multiple-victim shootings are useful for studying the broader problem of gun violence, our investigation provides an in-depth look at a distinct phenomenon—from the firearms used and mental health factors to the growing copycat problem. Tracking mass shootings is complex; we believe ours is the most useful approach for studying this specific phenomenon.

    • Crimes primarily related to gang activity or armed robbery are not included, nor are mass killings that took place in private homes (often stemming from domestic violence).
  • We exclude shootings stemming from more conventionally motivated crimes such as armed robbery or gang violence.

The actual number of mass shootings from Mother Jones......

Here you go...the number of mass public shootings according to Mother Jones...rabid, anti gun, left wing news source.....not the NRA...

The list below comes from the old definition of 4 killed to make a shooting a mass shooting...if you now go to the link there are more than listed below...but that is because Mother Jones changed the list from the time I first posted it...and changed to obama's new standard of only 3 dead to make a mass shooting...

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation





2018... 12

2017: 11 ( 5 according to the old standard)


2015....4 ( obama's new standard....7)

2014....2 (4)












2002 not listed so more than likely 0

















1985... not listed so probably 0


1983...not listed so probably 0


US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

Deer kill 200 people a year.....

Lawn mowers between 90-100 people a year....

Ladders 300 people a year....

bathtubs 350 people a year...

Cars killed over 39,000 people in 2019...

Total number of people killed in mass public shootings by year...


2014..... 9
2013..... 36
2012..... 72
2011..... 19
2002...not listed by mother jones
1985...(none listed)
1983 (none listed)
2aguy wants to exclude gang shootings except when he does not.

He lied, and I kicked his ass. Nothing new.

You must be mixing your booze and your meds.......because that is the only way to explain your stupid ass post.

Where do I exclude gang shootings when they actually count as a crime? When you discuss mass public shootings, the actual mass public shootings, gang shootings are not the same.

A mass public shooting is an attack where an individual goes to a public place to murder strangers......without any connection to any other criminal activity...

That is what everyone understands to be a mass public shooting.

You assholes have to lie....because that means we have had 7 total so far this year, 12 total last year.

Meanwhile, in democrat party run cities...the criminals and gang members spray bullets at each other every day of the week.....but those shootings happen in known, tiny areas of democrat party controlled cities.....and if you stay out of those areas, you have nothing to fear.

But since the democrats can't use those shootings to their political advantage because the majority of the shooters are young black males......shooting other young black males......the democrats have to lie and call them mass public order to group them in with the rarest of rare actual mass public shootings.......

And since you purposefully ignored the Mother Jones link, where they show the actual definition and reasoning behind it is again...

US mass shootings, 1982–2023: Data from Mother Jones’ investigation

Dating back to at least 2005, the FBI and leading criminologists essentially defined a mass shooting as a single attack in a public place in which four or more victims were killed. We adopted that baseline for fatalities when we gathered data in 2012 on three decades worth of cases.

  • Here is a description of the criteria we use:

    • The perpetrator took the lives of at least four people. A 2008 FBI report identifies an individual as a mass murderer—versus a spree killer or a serial killer—if he kills four or more people in a single incident (not including himself), typically in a single location. (*In 2013, the US government’s fatality baseline was revised down to three; our database reflects this change beginning from Jan. 2013, as detailed above.)
    • The killings were carried out by a lone shooter. (Except in the case of the Columbine massacre and the Westside Middle School killings, which involved two shooters.)
    • The shootings occurred in a public place. (Except in the case of a party on private property in Crandon, Wisconsin, and another in Seattle, where crowds of strangers had gathered, essentially constituting a public crowd.)
    • Crimes primarily related to gang activity or armed robbery are not included, nor are mass killings that took place in private homes (often stemming from domestic violence).

    • Perpetrators who died or were wounded during the attack are not included in the victim tallies.
    • We included a handful of cases also known as “spree killings“—cases in which the killings occurred in more than one location, but still over a short period of time, that otherwise fit the above criteria.
Our research focused on indiscriminate rampages in public places resulting in four or more victims killed by the attacker. We exclude shootings stemming from more conventionally motivated crimes such as armed robbery or gang violence. (Or in which the perpetrators have not been identified.) Other news outlets and researchers have since published larger tallies that include a wide range of gun crimes in which four or more people have been either wounded or killed. While those larger datasets of multiple-victim shootings are useful for studying the broader problem of gun violence, our investigation provides an in-depth look at a distinct phenomenon—from the firearms used and mental health factors to the growing copycat problem. Tracking mass shootings is complex; we believe ours is the most useful approach for studying this specific phenomenon.

    • Crimes primarily related to gang activity or armed robbery are not included, nor are mass killings that took place in private homes (often stemming from domestic violence).
  • We exclude shootings stemming from more conventionally motivated crimes such as armed robbery or gang violence.
Hispanics can be MAGA supremacist's. Maybe not in Ohio.
Progs have educated people to call other people colonizers. They love their agendas. What is the real truth is that most of the people who call others colonizers have DNA in them from the people they call colonizers in their history. What happened is they lost the race to supremacy with their colonizer founding fathers having no history of rights and corruption to the extremes. They stole all the gold and wealth of the Native Central and South American people just to start. Their forefathers in their DNA gave them a big phuk u. Spain destroyed itself. A major power competing with England and France for top dog, and they take all the gold and release it into the country that cheapened it as there was too much. They never recovered and that was five centuries ago or so. You will find how nations debase their currencies at the time as Spain did and every other nation has done as they declined. Inflation is part of that. Ours is a fiat currency. And old Joe is as corrupted as it comes.

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