Surprise, Surprise! Recent Philly Mass Shooter Another Tranny Male

How many mass shooters were trans people 10 years ago, 5 years ago, compared to today? You can pretend it's nuts, but I call it an upsurge.
6 to 0 ten years ago has no real numerical signficance.

hadit: So, just ignore them, then? Hope for the best? Somehow, I don't believe for a moment that you would be so sanguine about it if the shooters were anything but trans.

Who said ignore them? However, numerically, they simply are not significant as a factor.
No, I don't think it works quite like that. An increase in a tiny number looks like a huge percentage but it doesn't translate to a huge increase of that number.

Increase 4 by 100% and you have 8.
Increase 400 by 100% and you have 800.
That was his point
Another of these "peaceful, misunderstood" male suffering from transanity went on a shooting rampage in Philly, killing at least 5 & injuring children.
Kimbrady Carringer is another seriously delusional dude that thinks it's a girl.
He's also a biological black male & BLM supporter.
He used the dreaded AR-15 & wearing body armor, proving once again we need tranny control now!
I demand it!!

Stop enabling these mentally deranged delusional psychos & either force them to seek the therapy they desperately need or lock them up for everyone's safety.
And how come an AR-15 isn't a weapon of war when we talk about the Tree of Liberty but it is one again when used by another psycho to mass slaughter the victims?

Background checks. That's how you stop these shootings. If you are a member of the right wing, you should not be allowed to own a firearm!
6 to 0 ten years ago has no real numerical signficance.

hadit: So, just ignore them, then? Hope for the best? Somehow, I don't believe for a moment that you would be so sanguine about it if the shooters were anything but trans.

Who said ignore them? However, numerically, they simply are not significant as a factor.
Well, what else is anyone supposed to think you are saying when you continue brushing off the killers as no big deal because there are not a whole lot of them yet? When a group which has historically manifested no mass killers suddenly puts out 6 in a few years time, something has changed, and not for the better. It would behoove us to find out what, instead of acting like the TSA and searching Scandanavian grandmas instead of Muslims after 9/11. At what point do you say there have been enough trans shooters that we should look into it?

Background checks. That's how you stop these shootings. If you are a member of the right wing, you should not be allowed to own a firearm!
And how do you determine that? Oh, and BTW, you're too late, the right wing already HAS guns and isn't likely to give them up.
So it doesn’t count unless it’s a white nationalist?

Mass shooting are mass shootings. And GUNS are the common denominator. anti-gun extremists can't exploit the deaths if they are caused by one of numb nuts. That is why this mass public shooting has been buried and ignored......
Foxfyre explained numbers above. Transsexuals are not the immense problem same here like to state.
Foxfyre pointed out a discrepancy in the use of statistics. Foxfyre has also posted her opinion that the number of transgendered people committing mass murder is not sufficient to label transgendered people as likely or even more likely than anybody else to commit mass murder.

But I will continue to object to lewd, obscene, vulgar drag queen shows presented as entertainment for family with children and most especially targeting young children.

I will continue to object to transgendered women who are biological males given access to women's sports, women's locker rooms and public restrooms and other private spaces.

I see that as very much a problem.
Well, what else is anyone supposed to think you are saying when you continue brushing off the killers as no big deal because there are not a whole lot of them yet? When a group which has historically manifested no mass killers suddenly puts out 6 in a few years time, something has changed, and not for the better. It would behoove us to find out what, instead of acting like the TSA and searching Scandanavian grandmas instead of Muslims after 9/11. At what point do you say there have been enough trans shooters that we should look into it?
And here--addressed to you and also Biff_Poindexter -- we do have an argument that merits consideration. While it is true that there have been only four mass shooting events in the last five years, three of them have occurred in a span of four months--November 2022 through March 2023. Given the extremely small number of those who identify as being transgendered or non-binary, that many mass shootings should be statistically significant. It definitely merits at least a look at whether more transgendered people are becoming radicalized in a dangerous way.

The media downplayed Kimbrady Carriker, the mass shooter in Philadelphia in July 2023 as being transgendered and suggest there is no evidence of that. But there are on line photos of Carriker cross dressing as a woman so I think it is fair to at least speculate re the possibility.

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