Surprise, Surprise! Recent Philly Mass Shooter Another Tranny Male

Progs have educated people to call other people colonizers. They love their agendas. What is the real truth is that most of the people who call others colonizers have DNA in them from the people they call colonizers in their history. What happened is they lost the race to supremacy with their colonizer founding fathers having no history of rights and corruption to the extremes. They stole all the gold and wealth of the Native Central and South American people just to start. Their forefathers in their DNA gave them a big phuk u. Spain destroyed itself. A major power competing with England and France for top dog, and they take all the gold and release it into the country that cheapened it as there was too much. They never recovered and that was five centuries ago or so. You will find how nations debase their currencies at the time as Spain did and every other nation has done as they declined. Inflation is part of that. Ours is a fiat currency. And old Joe is as corrupted as it comes.

No...they simply use that word because they know that uninformed, busy, Americans will react to it.......the democrats use buzz words so they don't have to deal with actual arguments.....
Speaking of pulling the wool over viewers eyes, NEITHER CNN or MSNBC would say it was a Tranny. Just that he killed some people. Why do Liberals obsess about Trannys but when they commit a crime, they never say "TRANNY MURDERER" in the same sentence. Remember that other Tranny Murderer..... same thing. They never said a Tranny murdered some people...
No...they simply use that word because they know that uninformed, busy, Americans will react to it.......the democrats use buzz words so they don't have to deal with actual arguments.....
There are people from other parts of the Western world now here who use it. Those buzz words you said is true though. And it works. We have a short time memory on agendas. I try to repeat things over and over due to it. For that is what the Progressive propagandists do. Joy Reid and Michelle Obama are Harvard graduates who have done nothing to expand wealth. In fact, they are underachievers who live great for doing so little. They are better than me. There are people better than them who have been denied. And over a half century or so our nation has come to be in decline. They have the same mindset as the feminist VP from Anheuser Busch who was as woke as they come. She was taken to task as near all of them are not. Joy and Michele will leave America if we start exterminating each other. They live good though.
50 years ago, the US population was about 80% white.
It is still about 67% white.
Thanks for highlighting how white people are actually UNDER represented when it comes to these shootings.

Gee, I wonder what group that is constantly making headlines these days is massively over represented?
LGBFJB+ deviants maybe?
I was responding to someone who lol said most mass shootings are done by blacks. That is not true.
Speaking of pulling the wool over viewers eyes, NEITHER CNN or MSNBC would say it was a Tranny. Just that he killed some people. Why do Liberals obsess about Trannys but when they commit a crime, they never say "TRANNY MURDERER" in the same sentence. Remember that other Tranny Murderer..... same thing. They never said a Tranny murdered some people...

He was a trump supporter:
"Photos and posts on his since-removed Facebook page showed Carriker sharing videos of guns, complaining that President Joe Biden will revoke Second Amendment rights, expressing support for Donald Trump, and sharing nonsensical Biblical references, Heavy reported."
Oh....I almost forgot the Hispanic supremacist.........
You're still going with the Hispanic supremacist nonsense? There's absolutely nothing linking him to Hispanic extremist ideologies.

What IS true is that he claimed he's an incel, that's he's right-wing, that he supports Hitler and Nazis, that he's against Antifa and BLM and Jewish people, and that he had a patch on his vest with "Right Wing Death Squad" on it.

Face it, he's a right-wing extremist who happens to be of Hispanic dissent. Stop playing stupid.
You're still going with the Hispanic supremacist nonsense? There's absolutely nothing linking him to Hispanic extremist ideologies.

What IS true is that he claimed he's an incel, that's he's right-wing, that he supports Hitler and Nazis, that he's against Antifa and BLM and Jewish people, and that he had a patch on his vest with "Right Wing Death Squad" on it.

Face it, he's a right-wing extremist who happens to be of Hispanic dissent. Stop playing stupid.

And he is hispanic.........he liked nazi symbolism, that makes him a hispanic supremacist.
Moron....he is a blm idiot.

From you own link you dumb ass....

Carriker shared a symbol used by BLM:
You dumbass. What does it say about his support for Biden or Trump? I noticed you didn’t mention that even though it’s in the same link.

You dumbass. You moron. You idiot. You fool. You stupid fuck. You dumb person. You stupid head.
You dumbass. What does it say about his support for Biden or Trump? I noticed you didn’t mention that even though it’s in the same link.

You dumbass. You moron. You idiot. You fool. You stupid fuck. You dumb person. You stupid head.

He was a supporter of black lives many of those nuts are voting idiot....
Once again, there’s nothing linking him to a Hispanic extremist ideology.

You’re making that up because you desperately want to pretend he wasn’t right-wing. It’s not working and you look pathetic.

Right Wing Death Squad.

He was hispanic and no matter how hard you try, he can't be a White Supremacist, and asians can't be white surpemacists, and larry elder can't be the black face of White supremacy and George Zimmerman can't be a White hispanic....

You guys are vile....
He was hispanic and no matter how hard you try, he can't be a White Supremacist, and asians can't be white surpemacists, and larry elder can't be the black face of White supremacy and George Zimmerman can't be a White hispanic....

You guys are vile....
They are desperate, I will give them that. Anything to avoid reality.

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