Surprise, Surprise! Recent Philly Mass Shooter Another Tranny Male

We have thousands and thousands of heterosanity potential mass killers.

We should focus on everyone. This is not about sexual identity as a clue but about messed up individuals.
No shit Sherlock, that's why we need to stop the trannies from having weapons.
They are an entire class of mentally deranged messed up individuals.
Every. Single. One. Of them
We have thousands and thousands of heterosanity potential mass killers.

We should focus on everyone. This is not about sexual identity as a clue but about messed up individuals.

We (FBI?) do the background checks. Guess they dont look at the BLM trannies? Just suburban Whites who voted Trump.
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Obviously you and BlueGin do not follow the data carefully.

Benny Johnson

The Colorado Springs shooter identified as non binary. The Denver shooter identified as trans. The Aberdeen shooter identified as trans. The Nashville shooter identified as trans. One thing is VERY clear: the modern trans movement is radicalizing activists into terrorists.
4:16 PM · Mar 27, 2023

Then there was the tranny the FBI busted with guns and intent to commit a mass shooting

Now this tranny/BLMer.

Benny Johnson
The Colorado Springs shooter identified as non binary. The Denver shooter identified as trans. The Aberdeen shooter identified as trans. The Nashville shooter identified as trans. One thing is VERY clear: the modern trans movement is radicalizing activists into terrorists.
4:16 PM · Mar 27, 2023

Then there was the tranny the FBI busted with guns and intent to commit a mass shooting

Now this tranny/BLMer.
It sure seems like there is enough trans killers that the FBI should have created a standard profile by now. I would think Homeland Security would have taken notice by now. Seriously, if I operated a gun shop I would hesitate to sell weapons and ammo to a lady with a bulge in their jeans and bad makeup.
They are outnumbered thousands to one of weird white gun fantasists the insist on shooting their way out of thier own stew.

Incarcerate everyone you find.

Stop enabling these mentally deranged delusional psychos .....
That's the A to Z of it, yes. They are being encouraged to believe they can be anything they want to be just by getting an injection. Afterward, when they realize it's not true, and they are still mentally deranged and delusional, they go bonkers and try to destroy the world for lying to them.
Another of these "peaceful, misunderstood" male suffering from transanity went on a shooting rampage in Philly, killing at least 5 & injuring children.
Kimbrady Carringer is another seriously delusional dude that thinks it's a girl.
He's also a biological black male & BLM supporter.
He used the dreaded AR-15 & wearing body armor, proving once aga

in we need tranny control now!
I demand it!!

Stop enabling these mentally deranged delusional psychos & either force them to seek the therapy they desperately need or lock them up for everyone's safety.
And how come an AR-15 isn't a weapon of war when we talk about the Tree of Liberty but it is one again when used by another psycho to mass slaughter the victims?

Something is very wrong with this person. It's in the face--I'm a big believer in that, and I'm not talking about how objectively good looking someone is. The eyes, the set of them, etc. Very off. Very deranged.
There's really nothing to see here, all of the victims were black too. So this is just another case of black on black murder. The only thing that makes this case unusual is the fact that the shooter is a black BLM-supporting transgender.

Benny Johnson
The Colorado Springs shooter identified as non binary. The Denver shooter identified as trans. The Aberdeen shooter identified as trans. The Nashville shooter identified as trans. One thing is VERY clear: the modern trans movement is radicalizing activists into terrorists.
4:16 PM · Mar 27, 2023

Then there was the tranny the FBI busted with guns and intent to commit a mass shooting

Now this tranny/BLMer.
They are outliers. Give us the full data. Oh, you have that there are almost no transexual shooters.

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