Surprise, Surprise - WH / Biden Refuses To Reveal Who Is Buying, Hunter Biden's Art

Hillary cost Hillary the election because SHE violated department rules when she ran the State Department through her hidden servers! Blaming it on Comey is laughable. Hillary ran the sleaziest campaign in modern American political history. She paid to smear her opponent with made up dossiers right before the election and lied about it to the American people. She got EXACTLY what she deserved!

Again, for the sake of brain-dead righties who can't grasp simple concepts ... Comey's investigation opened during early voting was about emails discovered on Anthony Weiner's laptop. Hillary had nothing to do with that and the investigation was closed 9 days later after it was determined those emails did not alter their earlier conclusions. Hillary's poll ratings dropped during that period. Anyone claiming Comey was protecting Hillary is straight up retarded.
Again, for the sake of brain-dead righties who can't grasp simple concepts ... Comey's investigation opened during early voting was about emails discovered on Anthony Weiner's laptop. Hillary had nothing to do with that and the investigation was closed 9 days later after it was determined those emails did not alter their earlier conclusions. Hillary's poll ratings dropped during that period. Anyone claiming Comey was protecting Hillary is straight up retarded.
Dude. Hillary is/was her own worst enemy. She didn't win for a multitude of reasons. You sound like the crying orange man people do about election fraud. The bottom line is Hillary broke the law regarding her private email server usage and the mishandling of classified material, and is frankly lucky the case wasn't referred for prosecution. If she weren't as politically connected as she is it likely would have been.
Dude. Hillary is/was her own worst enemy. She didn't win for a multitude of reasons. You sound like the crying orange man people do about election fraud. The bottom line is Hillary broke the law regarding her private email server usage and the mishandling of classified material, and is frankly lucky the case wasn't referred for prosecution. If she weren't as politically connected as she is it likely would have been.

Which has nothing to do with what I posted. But thanks for trying just the same.
Which has nothing to do with what I posted. But thanks for trying just the same.
Sure it does. Youre trying to make the assertation that Hillary lost because Comey investigated her stupid ass for violating any number of US laws. It was an unforced error caused by her paranoia. She was scared someone would FOIA the records of her time at the State Dept (and likely they would have) so she illegally used an unsecure private server, didnt archive her records and apparently sent a bunch of classified material over it. Comey most certainly did her a favor by not forwarding the case for prosecution. Pretty sure she wouldn't have polled well if that happened. She has no one to blame but herself for the situation she was in during that time. Do you think it would have been ok to just not look into a crime because the person who committed it is a Presidential candidate?
Sure it does. Youre trying to make the assertation that Hillary lost because Comey investigated her stupid ass for violating any number of US laws. It was an unforced error caused by her paranoia. She was scared someone would FOIA the records of her time at the State Dept (and likely they would have) so she illegally used an unsecure private server, didnt archive her records and apparently sent a bunch of classified material over it. Comey most certainly did her a favor by not forwarding the case for prosecution. Pretty sure she wouldn't have polled well if that happened. She has no one to blame but herself for the situation she was in during that time. Do you think it would have been ok to just not look into a crime because the person who committed it is a Presidential candidate?

Nope, unrelated. Despite the earlier investigation into her email server, she still maintained a sizeable lead in the polls. That lead evaporated after Comey opened the investigation into Weiner's laptop.
Nope, unrelated. Despite the earlier investigation into her email server, she still maintained a sizeable lead in the polls. That lead evaporated after Comey opened the investigation into Weiner's laptop.
So in your head Comey shouldn't have investigated it? And if so, why?
Nope, unrelated. Despite the earlier investigation into her email server, she still maintained a sizeable lead in the polls. That lead evaporated after Comey opened the investigation into Weiner's laptop.
She had "lead" in the polls right up to election day. The problem is the polls dont get you elected and winning the popular vote doesnt get you elected either.
So in your head Comey shouldn't have investigated it? And if so, why?

Never said that. I do say it should have either been done without the publics' knowledge or should have been delayed for 2 weeks until after the election.
She had "lead" in the polls right up to election day. The problem is the polls dont get you elected and winning the popular vote doesnt get you elected either.

Her lead dropped considerably. making that announcement publicly, during early voting, no doubt cost her votes.
Her lead dropped considerably. making that announcement publicly, during early voting, no doubt cost her votes.
Dont break the law and you dont have these problems. It weird that you think the Government should cover for a political candidate because it might hurt their election chances.
Dont break the law and you dont have these problems. It weird that you think the Government should cover for a political candidate because it might hurt their election chances.

It's not just me. It's department policy to not affect the outcome of an election. They dictate the public not be made aware of opening investigations into candidates running for office for up to several months prior to an election.

What's weird is that you find that weird.

That's the timeline. Even Pres Obama was talking about it. I dont think Comey's announcement was the thing that put it over the top....

You're making my point...

October 28, 2016 – In a letter to Congress, Comey says the FBI is reviewing new emails related to Clinton’s time as secretary of state, according to a letter sent to eight congressional committee chairmen. The emails are discovered as part of an investigation into Anthony Weiner and were sent or received by Clinton aide Abedin.

November 6, 2016 – Based on a review of the newly discovered emails, Comey tells lawmakers that the agency has not changed its opinion that Clinton should not face criminal charges.
Why would the White House be responsible to disclose information about Hunters business dealings? Are you high?
you sure gave a damn when it was trump jr and anything trumps family was doing.

fucking hypocrite.
You're making my point...

October 28, 2016 – In a letter to Congress, Comey says the FBI is reviewing new emails related to Clinton’s time as secretary of state, according to a letter sent to eight congressional committee chairmen. The emails are discovered as part of an investigation into Anthony Weiner and were sent or received by Clinton aide Abedin.​
November 6, 2016 – Based on a review of the newly discovered emails, Comey tells lawmakers that the agency has not changed its opinion that Clinton should not face criminal charges.
If you didn't know Hillary was dealing with an email scandal and likely under investigation in Oct 2016 you didn't want to know. It had been going on for years. The President of the United States was talking about it for crying out loud.

April 10, 2016 – Obama defends Clinton in an interview on “Fox News Sunday” but “guarantees” that he will not interfere with the ongoing investigation into her private email server.
If you didn't know Hillary was dealing with an email scandal and likely under investigation in Oct 2016 you didn't want to know. It had been going on for years. The President of the United States was talking about it for crying out loud.

April 10, 2016 – Obama defends Clinton in an interview on “Fox News Sunday” but “guarantees” that he will not interfere with the ongoing investigation into her private email server.

April was 7 months before the election. And the investigation into her was pretty much wrapped up in July. By August or September the latest, there should have been no more information leaked to the public until after the election. Certainly not after early voting had already begun.
April was 7 months before the election. And the investigation into her was pretty much wrapped up in July. By August or September the latest, there should have been no more information leaked to the public until after the election. Certainly not after early voting had already begun.
Why? It was an ongoing issue with her. The public certainly had a right to know. She certainly doesnt have a right to the Government covering up the fact that she was under investigation. She lost because she was arrogant and paranoid. She was also a terrible candidate. People hate her as much as they hate Trump.

Apparently the investigations werent done in July.

July 7, 2016 – Comey testifies before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. During the hearing, Comey says, “The Petraeus case, to my mind, illustrates perfectly the kind of cases the Department of Justice is willing to prosecute.”

The same day, the State Department reopens its investigation into Clinton’s use of a private email server.

Fuck man, she lost, get over it. And it was her fault she lost. And not just the email scandal. She's not all that likable. People were looking for a reason not to vote for her.
Why? It was an ongoing issue with her. The public certainly had a right to know. She certainly doesnt have a right to the Government covering up the fact that she was under investigation. She lost because she was arrogant and paranoid. She was also a terrible candidate. People hate her as much as they hate Trump.

Apparently the investigations werent done in July.

July 7, 2016 – Comey testifies before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. During the hearing, Comey says, “The Petraeus case, to my mind, illustrates perfectly the kind of cases the Department of Justice is willing to prosecute.”

The same day, the State Department reopens its investigation into Clinton’s use of a private email server.

Fuck man, she lost, get over it. And it was her fault she lost. And not just the email scandal. She's not all that likable. People were looking for a reason not to vote for her.

The public has a right to know but the department has a policy not to release information on candidates close to an election. And certainly not after the election has begun.
The public has a right to know but the department has a policy not to release information on candidates close to an election. And certainly not after the election has begun.
It wasnt a new thing. There were ongoing investigations into that subject for years. You're acting like this was some "October Surprise" that the RNC sprung on the Clinton Campaign through the DOJ.

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