Surprise Surprise!

Obama Care says if policy holders don't have policies that meet the standards of Obama Care they can not
keep those policies.
But Obama kept telling people they could keep those policies...

So it's now the Insurance companies fault...
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Ha,ha, can't handle the truth, eh?

I have the truth right in front of me, in the form of a letter from my insurer along with a lengthy packet of information options tables contacts etc.
Sure you just can't admit that your party is doing nothing but lying, and you have to cover for it because you've already too invested in it! :lol::lol:

I do apologize for calling you an idiot. You're actually a damned moron.
Apologies from idiots don't count......:lol:

Ha,ha, can't handle the truth, eh?

I have the truth right in front of me, in the form of a letter from my insurer along with a lengthy packet of information options tables contacts etc.

I do apologize for calling you an idiot. You're actually a damned moron.

Hi Mertex and Mr. H:
It's not either or but all of the above.
As the news is reporting, there are winners and losers in how this transition is going.

I heard on the radio a caller who lost her insurance coverage DAYS before her surgery was scheduled for bone marrow transplant which is very sensitive.

Here's another news article of a woman losing her coverage and her cancer specialists:
A Stage-4 Gallblader Cancer Survivor Says: I Am One of ObamaCare's Losers -

This is like comparing
how many people are SAVED by war vs. the collateral damage of innocent lives lost
it's not either or, but both things are happening simultaneously

If you are the ones saved, you are celebrating the war
If you just got your house bombed and lost your family, you are grieving that it started

The sad thing with ACA is that it did not need to be set up with
collateral damage / collective punishment built into it

Lawabiding citizens who never committed insurance fraud or abused welfare
were basically punished to pay for this plan, whille people BLAME insurance companies
for not serving the people; yet the law abiding citizens and customers are penalized?

In truth, this reform could be paid for in other ways such as
1. the parties who support a singlepayer system mostly the Democrat/Greens
pool their own membership base and support/resources together to set up cooperatives
2. the govt go after companies/crooks who DID commit fraud whether
insurance fraud, vet fraud, welfare fraud or other IRS or govt/corporate fraud
that cost taxpayers money
and require those guilty parties to pay back into a fund for health care, NOT spread the cost of past abuses over the tax base of lawabiding citizens who didn't incur costs or waste

Supporters of ACA act like the "insurance mandates are the only way to pay for this"

That is already set up faulty

There could have been better ways to set it up where EVERYONE AGREED, such as compelling wrongdoers to pay back for past abuses of govt resources, insurance money, or even nonprofit donations abused for fraud, and use THAT to pay for health care.

The bad could have been avoided, and the good could have been covered WITHOUT violating citizens' rights to due process, representation and consent to a business contract.

You are not supposed to lose liberty except after due process convicting you of a crime.
So why are we being treated like criminals if we have not committed abuses?
If the insurance companies are the ones being policed, why aren't they being made to pay?

How did lawabiding citizens get rooked into paying the difference?

We could also decide to quit paying for prison health care and use that money instead.

So instead of making "law abiding citizens show proof of insurance," people who have committed crimes should show ability to pay. Not punishing working taxpayers multifold!

This was NOT the only way.
Nothing surprises me about the folks who did this to each and everyone one of you (that's if you have been insured).


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Nothing surprises me about the folks who did this to each and everyone one of you (that's if you have been insured).

But I still want Obamacare to go away. I'd opt for Single Payer in a heartbeat.:smiliehug:

You want the US Postal Service to remove your appendix?

Good luck with that.

No, they magically expect all the medical services and programs to run as is through the private sector, without losing quality, and just have government manage the payments. They have NO CLUE that private programs cannot support the paperwork and bureaucracy of govt entangled.

This is coming from people who already have to fight prochoice vs. prolife every time a medical issue gets into the legislature/govt
and from the same people who are fighting now over ACA when political groups disagree.

Minus all that mess, they still believe govt will magically allow all the best choices they believe in to remain and they ignore all these other views competing to influence policy.
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Here is some interesting news, although I'm not surprised.

Greedy insurance companies that the right is so adamant in defending and blaming Obama and Obamacare for all those cancellations!

Why am I not surprised?

Surprise, surprise... Insurance companies are trying to cheat customers out of more money. Since the start of Obamacare, we've heard various reports of companies canceling insurance policies, and charging customers hundreds of dollars more each month to continue coverage. Well, it turns out that many of those cancellation letters were misleading, and failed to mention that customers could find better policies at lower prices on a healthcare exchange. -
So, about those cancellation letters... | Thom Hartmann - News & info from the #1 progressive radio show

One of the women interviewed by TPM would have had to pay more than $1,000 a month for the new plan offered by her insurance company, and it offered bare minimum coverage with a $6,300 deductible. After logging on to her state's insurance exchange, the Seattle resident found a plan for $80 dollars a month with a $250 dollar deductible.

This is sort of misleading.

Here is the original story:
Special Investigation: How Insurers Are Hiding Obamacare Benefits From Customers

Before Obamacare, Donna paid a $724 monthly premium for $10,000 deductible, catastrophic health coverage from LifeWise, a subsidiary of the state's Blue Cross/Blue Shield affiliate.

The Sept. 16 letter from LifeWise told her that her existing plan was being canceled to comply with the new requirements of Obamacare and that she would automatically be rolled over into a new plan that was the "closest match" to her old plan. "If we don't hear from you, we'll automatically move you to this plan and you'll be covered starting January 1, 2014," the notice read.
LifeWise Renewal Letter.pdf

Under the new LifeWise plan, Donna would have to pay more than $1,000 a month, a nearly $300 per month increase and a huge hit for a family with an income around $40,000. It was bare-bones coverage by ACA standards, with a $6,350 deductible.

No she would not. Read the letter the HI company sent her.
She had choices.
She also had a health insurance agent.
Now her agent has lost part of his commissioned income.

This cracks me up:
It did mention that she might qualify for financial help in the form of a tax credit but the onus was on Donna to call the insurer for more information.
Of course she would have to call the agent. They don't know what her income level is.

Here are the numbers you need to plug in the data for her:
*56-year-old Seattle resident with a 57-year-old husband and 15-year-old daughter
*a family with an income around $40,000
Estimate Your Premium

This is what the family qualified for.
It sounds like a co-op.
I like co-ops and wish there were more of them around!!
Understanding Basic Health
But I still want Obamacare to go away. I'd opt for Single Payer in a heartbeat.:smiliehug:

You want the US Postal Service to remove your appendix?

Good luck with that.

No, they magically expect all the medical services and programs to run as is through the private sector, without losing quality, and just have government manage the payments. They have NO CLUE that private programs cannot support the paperwork and bureaucracy of govt entangled.

This is coming from people who already have to fight prochoice vs. prolife every time a medical issue gets into the legislature/govt
and from the same people who are fighting now over ACA when political groups disagree.

Minus all that mess, they still believe govt will magically allow all the best choices they believe in to remain and they ignore all these other views competing to influence policy.

How about some links or is this simple talking points based on no facts, just opinions?
Here is some interesting news, although I'm not surprised.

Greedy insurance companies that the right is so adamant in defending and blaming Obama and Obamacare for all those cancellations!

Why am I not surprised?

Surprise, surprise... Insurance companies are trying to cheat customers out of more money. Since the start of Obamacare, we've heard various reports of companies canceling insurance policies, and charging customers hundreds of dollars more each month to continue coverage. Well, it turns out that many of those cancellation letters were misleading, and failed to mention that customers could find better policies at lower prices on a healthcare exchange. -
So, about those cancellation letters... | Thom Hartmann - News & info from the #1 progressive radio show

Obama plays most of his golf games with insurance company executives.

Even you can do the math.



Every single one of you knows this is true and not one of you will admit it.

And, think about it - the insurance companies are pretty pissed because they're not making near the profit and they're not the one controlling health care anymore. its finally right where it belongs - between you and your doctor.
Here is some interesting news, although I'm not surprised.

Greedy insurance companies that the right is so adamant in defending and blaming Obama and Obamacare for all those cancellations!

Why am I not surprised?

Surprise, surprise... Insurance companies are trying to cheat customers out of more money. Since the start of Obamacare, we've heard various reports of companies canceling insurance policies, and charging customers hundreds of dollars more each month to continue coverage. Well, it turns out that many of those cancellation letters were misleading, and failed to mention that customers could find better policies at lower prices on a healthcare exchange. -
So, about those cancellation letters... | Thom Hartmann - News & info from the #1 progressive radio show

All we can do is keep posting the FACTS.

They'll never admit it but you never know when you might reach someone who actually wants the information.
Obama Care is designed to squeeze as much as they can out of the American people to fund this farce.
Insurance companies had no choice but to drop people in order to comply with the law.
Then they can issue the new policies that do comply.

The end result is people have to buy policies that they don't want with coverage they don't need.
That is a lie! The PPACA allows the insurance industry to grandfather all noncomplying plans in existence at the time it became law.
Obama Care says if policy holders don't have policies that meet the standards of Obama Care they can not
keep those policies.

But Obama kept telling people they could keep those policies...

So it's now the Insurance companies fault...
That is a lie! The PPACA allows the insurance industry to grandfather all noncomplying plans in existence at the time it became law.

It is the insurance company's fault because they CHOSE to cancel the health plans rather than grandfather them.
Ha,ha, can't handle the truth, eh?

I have the truth right in front of me, in the form of a letter from my insurer along with a lengthy packet of information options tables contacts etc.

I do apologize for calling you an idiot. You're actually a damned moron.

Hi Mertex and Mr. H:
It's not either or but all of the above.
As the news is reporting, there are winners and losers in how this transition is going.

I heard on the radio a caller who lost her insurance coverage DAYS before her surgery was scheduled for bone marrow transplant which is very sensitive.
Another example of insurance industry abuse, if true! The PPACA requires 90 days notice before a policy can be cancelled, so the caller is probably lying and only a low information sucker would be stupid enough to believe the caller.
I am a cute guy. Obamas proclivity to engage big business and involve himself in crony capitalism is well documented. General Electric, Goldman Sachs, a plethora of Big Ethanol (ADM) and Big Solar (Solyndra) corporations litter his politics. Suborning Chrysler was just the warm up, insurance companies are the Big Kahuna for Obama.

Sure they are, that's why Obamacare has them scrambling trying to fool their customers into buying more expensive plans.....

And guess who passed Obamacare? Do the math!

Ask yourself why Big Business was granted a delay in ACA mandates, but individuals were not. This is not rocket science Mertex. Obama got the votes from the 'individual' in 2012. He can screw them now without any consequence. But the Big Business mandate gets delayed. Hmmm...I wonder who he plays golf with.

Obama is the one that cares about helping the middle-class and the poor, quit kidding yourself. If your party cared about the middle-class they would be doing everything they could to fix what they don't like instead of putting the screws to the middle-class and the poor.

Too bad you can't see it.
Lawabiding citizens who never committed insurance fraud or abused welfare
were basically punished to pay for this plan, whille people BLAME insurance companies
for not serving the people; yet the law abiding citizens and customers are penalized?
Law abiding citizens who never committed insurance fraud or abused welfare were having to pay for the ones that were, long before Obamacare came into play. Now they are not going to have to pay for as much because with Obamacare more people will be able to afford health care.

In truth, this reform could be paid for in other ways such as
1. the parties who support a singlepayer system mostly the Democrat/Greens
pool their own membership base and support/resources together to set up cooperatives
2. the govt go after companies/crooks who DID commit fraud whether
insurance fraud, vet fraud, welfare fraud or other IRS or govt/corporate fraud
that cost taxpayers money
and require those guilty parties to pay back into a fund for health care, NOT spread the cost of past abuses over the tax base of lawabiding citizens who didn't incur costs or waste
I'm sure you think your suggestion is a great way to solve the horrible health care problem we had, but honestly, that's why we voted for what we thought were intelligent people, to come up with a plan.

Supporters of ACA act like the "insurance mandates are the only way to pay for this"
It doesn't matter what supporters of the ACA act like, whether or not there are other ways to pay for it is a moot point at this time.

There could have been better ways to set it up where EVERYONE AGREED, such as compelling wrongdoers to pay back for past abuses of govt resources, insurance money, or even nonprofit donations abused for fraud, and use THAT to pay for health care.

The bad could have been avoided, and the good could have been covered WITHOUT violating citizens' rights to due process, representation and consent to a business contract.

You are not supposed to lose liberty except after due process convicting you of a crime.
So why are we being treated like criminals if we have not committed abuses?
If the insurance companies are the ones being policed, why aren't they being made to pay?

How did lawabiding citizens get rooked into paying the difference?

We could also decide to quit paying for prison health care and use that money instead.

So instead of making "law abiding citizens show proof of insurance," people who have committed crimes should show ability to pay. Not punishing working taxpayers multifold!

This was NOT the only way.
I'm sure you mean well with all your suggestions, but really, Obamacare has already been accepted into law as it was written. If you have suggestions for making it better, write your Congressman/Senator, but suggesting here what could have been done is moot - the OP is about how the Insurance companies were duping Republicans into thinking their plans were being canceled in order to sucker them into a more expensive plan without telling them that they could also go to the Obamacare exchange and probably get a cheaper plan which would cost them less than the more expensive plan they were offering, and would probably cover more benefits.

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