SURPRISE! Totalitarian Liberals Want to Make it MANDATORY TO VOTE

I work in IT. I spend 13.5 years at the NYSE. We tracked billions of trades which were far more complex than the data you find in voting.

The type of voting protocols we have NOW are far more subject to abuse. Especially mail ins..

Yet? Conservatives seem to love voting by mail.

If you work in IT, then you should know how wide open cyber space is. China is hacking our government systems at will. High School kids are hacking ISIS. Our own government is stealing our dick-picks. Facebook has massive digital dossiers on people who have never in their entire lives had a facebook account. Internet voting is the single worse idea I've heard since accidentally going on a date with the librarian chick from Tomcats.

Hacking what systems, at will?

For example...

U.S. pulls spies from China after hack
CHIOCE is only good to a so called: progressive/lib/socialdemocrat when it comes to the killing of the unborn. other than that you WILL do as they say OR ELSE. Progressive stands for FASCIST

it is not "totalitarian", nutty steffie....

I find a system that would force people under penalty of law to leave their homes and choose between a giant douche and a turd sandwich to continue ruining their country and stuffing the pockets of their own special interests incredibly totalitarian, but hey, that's just me.

Maybe if people were given choices worth their time we'd have higher turn out.

you can "find" it anything you want. if you don't want to vote, take the $25 fine and stand on principle.

How about standing on your principle and not giving government a fine.
22 countries where voting is mandatory

Which of them do you hate the most, Step?

I posted that link earlier.

I see Singapore is on that list. Libertarians consistently rate Singapore year after year as the most free country on Earth.

Oh, look. The Heritage Foundation ranks Singapore as the second most free country on Earth.

Australia also has compulsory voting. The libertarian CATO Institute ranks Australia as the fourth most free country on Earth, ahead of the US!

CATO puts us at number 7.
If you fail to vote you will be deemed to have voted for the majority party in your district, the left would wet themselves over that one.

Non voters should be assumed to be libertarians and anarchists and their vote should go to the Libertarian Party
What's the difference between a Democrat and a Libratarian?

A Democrat spends all of his waking hours causing problems.......a Libratarian spends all of his solving nothing.

Government may be the only way to solve your problems, but it isn't the only way to solve mine
CATO Human Freedom Index

Here are the countries the Libertarians like the most. Just for fun, I have bolded and colored those countries which have compulsory voting:

On a scale of 0 to 10, where 10 represents more freedom, the nonweighted average rating for 152 countries in 2012 was 6.96. The level of global freedom stayed about the same compared to 2008, but almost all countries experienced changes in their ratings, with about half of those increasing their ratings and half decreasing. The top 10 jurisdictions in order were Hong Kong, Switzerland, Finland, Denmark, New Zealand, Canada, Australia, Ireland, the United Kingdom, and Sweden. The United States is ranked in 20th place.

They put Australia, with its compulsory voting and compulsory gun buyback program, in the top ten, while the US is ranked at number 20.

They put the UK, which has wall-to-wall surveillance on its streets, in the top ten, too.

One surveillance camera for every 11 people in Britain, says CCTV survey

Other countries of note, and their high or low rankings:
Other countries rank as follows: Germany (12), Chile (18), Japan (28), France (33), Singapore (43), South Africa (70), India (75), Brazil (82), Russia (111), China (132), Nigeria (139), Saudi Arabia (141), Venezuela (144), Zimbabwe (149), and Iran (152).
Compulsory voting is SUCH a ridiculous notion -- especially in a Republic, such as ours, which was founded on the basic precepts of freedom and liberty.

When you convert a right into an obligation, it ceases to be a "right."
Compulsory voting is SUCH a ridiculous notion -- especially in a Republic, such as ours, which was founded on the basic precepts of freedom and liberty.

When you convert a right into an obligation, it ceases to be a "right."
I have heard quite a few right wingers on this forum argue that voting is not a right during debates about forcing you to carry national identity papers.

It's amazing their heads don't explode from getting their own totalitarian streaks more twisted than a pretzel.
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CHIOCE is only good to a so called: progressive/lib/socialdemocrat when it comes to the killing of the unborn. other than that you WILL do as they say OR ELSE. Progressive stands for FASCIST

November 3, 2015 by Aleister


If progressives get their way, you will be forced to participate in the American election process and you will like it.

Choosing to stay home on election day will no longer be an option. For people who claim to believe in choice, the left sure loves force.

Just yesterday, this was published at the liberal outlet The Atlantic:

A Feasible Roadmap to Compulsory Voting

Not enough people vote. It’s a perennial source of concern in American politics. There’s no shortage of reforms designed to address the problem, but one idea that seems particularly promising, at least in theory, is compulsory voting. It would produce much higher turnout for the obvious reason that it requires people to vote. It’s long been dismissed, though, as an impossible pipe dream, unlikely to ever happen in the United States. But if reformers were to start at the municipal level, they could set into motion forces that might lead to its nationwide adoption.

Start with some statistics: In years with presidential elections, voter turnout peaks at just above 60 percent. In off-year elections, turnout dips to 40 percent or less. In November 2014, only 36 percent of eligible voters went to the polls—the lowest share in more than 70 years. Participation this paltry calls into question the political system’s legitimacy. It also hints that election outcomes might be quite different if more people bothered to show up.

Gee. Where did they get that idea?

CNN reported in March of this year:

Obama: Maybe it’s time for mandatory voting

all of it here:
SURPRISE! Totalitarian Liberals Want to Make it MANDATORY TO VOTE - Progressives Today
No Stephanie. We don't want to make you vote.
I posted that link earlier.

I see Singapore is on that list. Libertarians consistently rate Singapore year after year as the most free country on Earth.

Oh, look. The Heritage Foundation ranks Singapore as the second most free country on Earth.

No, they don't. First of all, The Heritage Foundation is not a libertarian think tank; it's conservative. Second, that is a ranking of economic freedom, not overall freedom. Singapore is a very authoritarian nation which I would not want to emulate.

Australia also has compulsory voting. The libertarian CATO Institute ranks Australia as the fourth most free country on Earth, ahead of the US!

CATO puts us at number 7.

While that may be, several factors go into making the determination and I imagine that compulsory voting is not enough to swing things that much.
Compulsory voting is SUCH a ridiculous notion -- especially in a Republic, such as ours, which was founded on the basic precepts of freedom and liberty.

When you convert a right into an obligation, it ceases to be a "right."
I have heard quite a few right wingers on this forum argue that voting is not a right during debates about forcing you to carry national identity papers.

It's amazing their heads don't explode from getting their own totalitarian streaks more twisted than a pretzel.

I haven't seen anybody contend that voting is not a right.

Not that I would doubt the veracity of YOUR claim, of course.
Compulsory voting is SUCH a ridiculous notion -- especially in a Republic, such as ours, which was founded on the basic precepts of freedom and liberty.

When you convert a right into an obligation, it ceases to be a "right."
I have heard quite a few right wingers on this forum argue that voting is not a right during debates about forcing you to carry national identity papers.

It's amazing their heads don't explode from getting their own totalitarian streaks more twisted than a pretzel.

I haven't seen anybody contend that voting is not a right.


We've had to convince quite a few Voter ID proponents it is.

A recent example:

The COTUS doesn't give citizens the right to vote?

No, it doesn't.

How could you be on this forum all this time and not notice a lot of Voter ID tards don't believe voting is a right?

I have often said some of the people on this forum have a memory like that of a goldfish, and I wasn't kidding.
Here's an idea: All of those who believe Stephanie's "Look What I Found on Yet Another Crackpot Website" premise should protest being forced to vote by refusing to vote in '16. Stay home and play GTA. That'll show 'em!

The adults, who remember those who died to secure the right to vote, will honor their memory and exercise our franchise. (Though we'll also be laughing a little at how gullible some people are.)
Voting in this country is a right of a person to know the rules and have your ID...

Sieg Heil!

^ Another absolutely retarded rejoinder.

YOU for example DO have a right to vote (unless you are convicted of a felony or happen to be a minor or not a citizen). But it is YOUR responsibility to have appropriate evidence at the polling place that you ARE a citizen or a resident of that community. it is YOUR responsibility to figure out where YOUR polling place is.

You have a RIGHT to vote, but you also have a right to be an ignorant dumb ass -- and if you do not bother going to the polling place for your district or if you have no way to verify that you ARE the person we call g5000, then how would the volunteer at the polling station know whether or not YOU are that person?

Why is it in ANY way "wrong" to demand enough ID to verify that? What if YOU happen to be a person (maybe an illegal alien even) who has zero right to vote in one of our elections? Why should the rest of us be compelled to tolerate such an effort to commit a criminal act?
Australia also has compulsory voting. The libertarian CATO Institute ranks Australia as the fourth most free country on Earth, ahead of the US!

CATO puts us at number 7.

While that may be, several factors go into making the determination and I imagine that compulsory voting is not enough to swing things that much.

Australia also has very strict gun control, and had a compulsory gun seizure buyback program, and they are STILL ranked ahead of the US by CATO.
Voting in this country is a right of a person to know the rules and have your ID...

Sieg Heil!

^ Another absolutely retarded rejoinder.

YOU for example DO have a right to vote (unless you are convicted of a felony or happen to be a minor or not a citizen). But it is YOUR responsibility to have appropriate evidence at the polling place that you ARE a citizen or a resident of that community. it is YOUR responsibility to figure out where YOUR polling place is.

You have a RIGHT to vote, but you also have a right to be an ignorant dumb ass -- and if you do not bother going to the polling place for your district or if you have no way to verify that you ARE the person we call g5000, then how would the volunteer at the polling station know whether or not YOU are that person?

Why is it in ANY way "wrong" to demand enough ID to verify that? What if YOU happen to be a person (maybe an illegal alien even) who has zero right to vote in one of our elections? Why should the rest of us be compelled to tolerate such an effort to commit a criminal act?
Papers! Papers, please! Sieg Heil!

You tards have zero intelligence and limited imaginations.

Let's pretend someone showed up as me and voted. Oh noes!

That's as far as your TardLogic™ goes. You stop thinking right there and go into drool mode.

What never occurs to you idiots is that your master plan goes all kablooey two minutes later when I show up to vote!

That's why in-person voter fraud is as rare as hen's teeth.
I work in IT. I spend 13.5 years at the NYSE. We tracked billions of trades which were far more complex than the data you find in voting.

The type of voting protocols we have NOW are far more subject to abuse. Especially mail ins..

Yet? Conservatives seem to love voting by mail.

If you work in IT, then you should know how wide open cyber space is. China is hacking our government systems at will. High School kids are hacking ISIS. Our own government is stealing our dick-picks. Facebook has massive digital dossiers on people who have never in their entire lives had a facebook account. Internet voting is the single worse idea I've heard since accidentally going on a date with the librarian chick from Tomcats.

Hacking what systems, at will?

For example...

U.S. pulls spies from China after hack

Basically this happens for a couple of reasons.

One is outsourcing the work to private firms, who, guess what? Uses Chinese programmers.

Second is they outsource security to private firms, who, guess what? Uses Chinese engineers.

Want things on the cheap? This is what happens.

But elections? There would be no real reason or motivation to hack an election. And our current system? Is easier to hack, by far.

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