SURPRISE! Totalitarian Liberals Want to Make it MANDATORY TO VOTE

Staying home on Election Day is the American way of voting for "None of the Above".

If you force Americans to vote, Snoopy is going to win by a landslide via write-in vote.

Sorry, but without write in certification, Mickey Mouse would be President and governor of CA already.
Australia also has compulsory voting. The libertarian CATO Institute ranks Australia as the fourth most free country on Earth, ahead of the US!

CATO puts us at number 7.

While that may be, several factors go into making the determination and I imagine that compulsory voting is not enough to swing things that much.

Australia also has very strict gun control, and had a compulsory gun seizure buyback program, and they are STILL ranked ahead of the US by CATO.
CATO is a bunch of globalist fucks. Im sure they do lol
I haven't seen anybody contend that voting is not a right.

Not that I would doubt the veracity of YOUR claim, of course.

But of course...

I know I have to explain this to you because, as a Leftard, you've never read the Constitution. There's a specific right to own a gun in the Constitution, but there is no right to vote.

The basic premise of this thread is flawed.

There is no right to vote.

Apples and oranges. Your right to bear arms is in the constitution. Your right to vote is not.

There is no right to vote in a FEDERAL election.

Just STOP IT.....There is no "right" to vote.
Voting in this country is a right of a person to know the rules and have your ID...

Sieg Heil!

^ Another absolutely retarded rejoinder.

YOU for example DO have a right to vote (unless you are convicted of a felony or happen to be a minor or not a citizen). But it is YOUR responsibility to have appropriate evidence at the polling place that you ARE a citizen or a resident of that community. it is YOUR responsibility to figure out where YOUR polling place is.

You have a RIGHT to vote, but you also have a right to be an ignorant dumb ass -- and if you do not bother going to the polling place for your district or if you have no way to verify that you ARE the person we call g5000, then how would the volunteer at the polling station know whether or not YOU are that person?

Why is it in ANY way "wrong" to demand enough ID to verify that? What if YOU happen to be a person (maybe an illegal alien even) who has zero right to vote in one of our elections? Why should the rest of us be compelled to tolerate such an effort to commit a criminal act?
Papers! Papers, please! Sieg Heil!

You tards have zero intelligence and limited imaginations.

Let's pretend someone showed up as me and voted. Oh noes!

That's as far as your TardLogic goes.

What never occurs to you idiots is that your master plan goes all kablooey two minutes later when I show up to vote!

^ Another in a long litany of very stale, unimaginative, petty and unpersuasive rhetorical crap from a liberal.

Imagine our utter lack of surprise that a twit liberal like g.5 is using the fallacious "nazi" reference on a topic which he cannot debate it, intelligently, on the merits.

Meanwhile, notice its complete SILENCE on the actual issue.

Hey you liberal twit, DO YOU actually imagine that YOU have a "right" to vote in a voting district if you are NOT a resident of that voting district?

Do you think you have a "right' to vote in a U.S. Presidential election if you are not a U.S. citizen?

Do you think you have a "right' to vote in any U.S. election if you are not a U.S. citizen?

Do you think you have a "right' to vote in any local, state or federal election if you are a convicted felon whose right to vote has been revoked by operation of law?

Do you think you have a "right' to vote in any local, state or federal election if you are unable to establish that you are a local resident, a state resident or the U.S. citizen you claim to be?

IF you actually ARE stupid enough to claim that you shouldn't be called upon to provide proper evidence that you ARE who you claim to be, then what prevents somebody else from voting in YOUR name and place, thereby either preventing YOU from voting or diluting your actual vote?

Why do you twit libs insist on ducking these and all related questions?

What part of arguing for proof that you are who you claim to be is in ANY way akin to a nazi philosophy? Oh. That's right. NO part. Your fallcy ad hominem crap is just that. Crap.

Poetic. That's what we have come to expect from an asshole (like you).
Staying home on Election Day is the American way of voting for "None of the Above".

If you force Americans to vote, Snoopy is going to win by a landslide via write-in vote.

Sorry, but without write in certification, Mickey Mouse would be President and governor of CA already.


That does not stop people from voting for Snoopy. That just prevents Snoopy from actually winning the office.
Voting in this country is a right of a person to know the rules and have your ID...

Sieg Heil!

^ Another absolutely retarded rejoinder.

YOU for example DO have a right to vote (unless you are convicted of a felony or happen to be a minor or not a citizen). But it is YOUR responsibility to have appropriate evidence at the polling place that you ARE a citizen or a resident of that community. it is YOUR responsibility to figure out where YOUR polling place is.

You have a RIGHT to vote, but you also have a right to be an ignorant dumb ass -- and if you do not bother going to the polling place for your district or if you have no way to verify that you ARE the person we call g5000, then how would the volunteer at the polling station know whether or not YOU are that person?

Why is it in ANY way "wrong" to demand enough ID to verify that? What if YOU happen to be a person (maybe an illegal alien even) who has zero right to vote in one of our elections? Why should the rest of us be compelled to tolerate such an effort to commit a criminal act?
Papers! Papers, please! Sieg Heil!

You tards have zero intelligence and limited imaginations.

Let's pretend someone showed up as me and voted. Oh noes!

That's as far as your TardLogic goes.

What never occurs to you idiots is that your master plan goes all kablooey two minutes later when I show up to vote!

^ Another in a long litany of very stale, unimaginative, petty and unpersuasive rhetorical crap from a liberal.

Imagine our utter lack of surprise that a twit liberal like g.5 is using the fallacious "nazi" reference on a topic which he cannot debate it, intelligently, on the merits.

Notice the gigantic Nazi reference in the OP on which you were completely silent.

IF you actually ARE stupid enough to claim that you shouldn't be called upon to provide proper evidence that you ARE who you claim to be, then what prevents somebody else from voting in YOUR name and place, thereby either preventing YOU from voting or diluting your actual vote?

What prevents someone voting as me is me. When I show up to vote, then the fraud is immediately exposed. Which is why in-person fraud is so rare.

I splained this once to you already, retard. Why you making me repeat myself?

Voter ID has been demonstrated to be completely ineffective. In those states where Voter ID is in force, the ACTUAL types of voter fraud which occur are still occurring.

So there's a giant clue you Voter ID tards are missing.

No one has ever been able to provide a single example of actual voter fraud which could only have been stopped or prevented by Voter ID.

So the push for national identity papers must have an altogether different motive. You tards are just being fed some bullshit about voter safety to get you to go along with it.

Papers! Papers, please!
For the record, I have read the Constitution and I see several very specific references to the right to vote. It Is true that it is often stated in terms of denying particular kinds of restrictions ON that right. But if it is denying the validity of certain kinds of restrictions (age, race, gender, poll tax, etc.), then it is also and simultaneously affirming the right itself.

The Constitution (which includes its ratified Amendments) therefore DOES specifically address the RIGHT to VOTE.

If others dispute the existence of that right, then I just disagree with them.

Still, it is a right (at least in FEDERAL elections for FEDERAL offices like Members of the House of Representatives, and the Senate and the President) that is VALIDLY limited to U.S. citizens. As it should be.

And for state and local elections, it is a right that is properly restricted to the state residents OF such respective states and the local residents of the various localities.

If I live in Suffolk County, on Long Island (I don't), I SHOULDN'T have any say in the budget questions of NASSAU county on Long Island. And vice versa. So, why shouldn't the volunteers at the polling stations be properly allowed to verify that I AM a resident of that county or that locality that state and so forth?
And now a message from the Department of Fatherland Homeland Security:

Secure driver's licenses and identification documents are a vital component of a holistic national security strategy. Law enforcement must be able to rely on government-issued identification documents and know that the bearer of such a document is who he or she claims to be.

Papers! Papers, please! Vee must be able to tr-r-r-r-r-ack your moofments at all TIMES, citizen!
For the record, I have read the Constitution and I see several very specific references to the right to vote. It Is true that it is often stated in terms of denying particular kinds of restrictions ON that right. But if it is denying the validity of certain kinds of restrictions (age, race, gender, poll tax, etc.), then it is also and simultaneously affirming the right itself.

The Constitution (which includes its ratified Amendments) therefore DOES specifically address the RIGHT to VOTE.

If others dispute the existence of that right, then I just disagree with them.

Still, it is a right (at least in FEDERAL elections for FEDERAL offices like Members of the House of Representatives, and the Senate and the President) that is VALIDLY limited to U.S. citizens. As it should be.

And for state and local elections, it is a right that is properly restricted to the state residents OF such respective states and the local residents of the various localities.

If I live in Suffolk County, on Long Island (I don't), I SHOULDN'T have any say in the budget questions of NASSAU county on Long Island. And vice versa. So, why shouldn't the volunteers at the polling stations be properly allowed to verify that I AM a resident of that county or that locality that state and so forth?
Hey, dumbshit.

Your name does not appear on the voter registration list anywhere in the country except where you are registered to vote.

You aren't on the voter list in Nassau county. So you cannot vote there. No Voter ID necessary.

Have you ever actually voted? You would know these things if you did.
Same folks who supported the Obamacare debacle. Don't have health care, you will be punished. No one should ever think Communists/Progressives care about Freedom & Liberty. The wingnuts are even discussing arresting and imprisoning 'Global Warming Deniers.' You follow their agendas... Or else.
Same folks who supported the Obamacare debacle. Don't have health care, you will be punished. No one should ever think Communists/Progressives care about Freedom & Liberty. You either follow their agendas... Or else.
Don't have a mortgage? You will be punished.

Didn't buy the right kind of refrigerator? You will be punished.

Didn't buy the right kind of electricity? You will be punished.

It wasn't a leap to punish you for not having the right kind of health insurance.

Just one more reason to ban tax expenditures.
Compulsory voting is SUCH a ridiculous notion -- especially in a Republic, such as ours, which was founded on the basic precepts of freedom and liberty.

When you convert a right into an obligation, it ceases to be a "right."
I have heard quite a few right wingers on this forum argue that voting is not a right during debates about forcing you to carry national identity papers.

It's amazing their heads don't explode from getting their own totalitarian streaks more twisted than a pretzel.

Wow... got names?
Same folks who supported the Obamacare debacle. Don't have health care, you will be punished. No one should ever think Communists/Progressives care about Freedom & Liberty. You either follow their agendas... Or else.
Don't have a mortgage? You will be punished.

Didn't buy the right kind of refrigerator? You will be punished.

Didn't buy the right kind of electricity? You will be punished.

It wasn't a leap to punish you for not having the right kind of health insurance.

Just one more reason to ban tax expenditures.

How is one punished by not having a mortgage?
Voting in this country is a right of a person to know the rules and have your ID...

Sieg Heil!

^ Another absolutely retarded rejoinder.

YOU for example DO have a right to vote (unless you are convicted of a felony or happen to be a minor or not a citizen). But it is YOUR responsibility to have appropriate evidence at the polling place that you ARE a citizen or a resident of that community. it is YOUR responsibility to figure out where YOUR polling place is.

You have a RIGHT to vote, but you also have a right to be an ignorant dumb ass -- and if you do not bother going to the polling place for your district or if you have no way to verify that you ARE the person we call g5000, then how would the volunteer at the polling station know whether or not YOU are that person?

Why is it in ANY way "wrong" to demand enough ID to verify that? What if YOU happen to be a person (maybe an illegal alien even) who has zero right to vote in one of our elections? Why should the rest of us be compelled to tolerate such an effort to commit a criminal act?
Papers! Papers, please! Sieg Heil!

You tards have zero intelligence and limited imaginations.

Let's pretend someone showed up as me and voted. Oh noes!

That's as far as your TardLogic goes.

What never occurs to you idiots is that your master plan goes all kablooey two minutes later when I show up to vote!

^ Another in a long litany of very stale, unimaginative, petty and unpersuasive rhetorical crap from a liberal.

Imagine our utter lack of surprise that a twit liberal like g.5 is using the fallacious "nazi" reference on a topic which he cannot debate it, intelligently, on the merits.

Notice the gigantic Nazi reference in the OP on which you were completely silent.

IF you actually ARE stupid enough to claim that you shouldn't be called upon to provide proper evidence that you ARE who you claim to be, then what prevents somebody else from voting in YOUR name and place, thereby either preventing YOU from voting or diluting your actual vote?

What prevents someone voting as me is me. When I show up to vote, then the fraud is immediately exposed. Which is why in-person fraud is so rare.

I splained this once to you already, retard. Why you making me repeat myself?

Voter ID has been demonstrated to be completely ineffective. In those states where Voter ID is in force, the ACTUAL types of voter fraud which occur are still occurring.

So there's a giant clue you Voter ID tards are missing.

No one has ever been able to provide a single example of actual voter fraud which could only have been stopped or prevented by Voter ID.

So the push for national identity papers must have an altogether different motive.

Papers! Papers, please!
For the record, I have read the Constitution and I see several very specific references to the right to vote. It Is true that it is often stated in terms of denying particular kinds of restrictions ON that right. But if it is denying the validity of certain kinds of restrictions (age, race, gender, poll tax, etc.), then it is also and simultaneously affirming the right itself.

The Constitution (which includes its ratified Amendments) therefore DOES specifically address the RIGHT to VOTE.

If others dispute the existence of that right, then I just disagree with them.

Still, it is a right (at least in FEDERAL elections for FEDERAL offices like Members of the House of Representatives, and the Senate and the President) that is VALIDLY limited to U.S. citizens. As it should be.

And for state and local elections, it is a right that is properly restricted to the state residents OF such respective states and the local residents of the various localities.

If I live in Suffolk County, on Long Island (I don't), I SHOULDN'T have any say in the budget questions of NASSAU county on Long Island. And vice versa. So, why shouldn't the volunteers at the polling stations be properly allowed to verify that I AM a resident of that county or that locality that state and so forth?
Hey, dumbshit.

Your name does not appear on the voter registration list anywhere in the country except where you are registered to vote.

You aren't on the voter list in Nassau county. So you cannot vote there. No Voter ID necessary.

Have you ever actually voted? You would know these things if you did.

I see that argument by analogy eludes you, you fucking abject pathetic imbecile.

That was my point of course. Unless I LIVE in Nassau county, my name would NOT appear on its voter list. But if the polling place volunteer is not allowed to make me prove WHO the fuck I am when I go there all the same to vote it might be difficult to prevent me from casting my illegal vote.

Can you truly BE as fucking stupid as that?


A person with your brain power must find the whole breathing thing to be very difficult.
Compulsory voting is SUCH a ridiculous notion -- especially in a Republic, such as ours, which was founded on the basic precepts of freedom and liberty.

When you convert a right into an obligation, it ceases to be a "right."
I have heard quite a few right wingers on this forum argue that voting is not a right during debates about forcing you to carry national identity papers.

It's amazing their heads don't explode from getting their own totalitarian streaks more twisted than a pretzel.

Wow... got names?
Already made a list. Read the topic.
Same folks who supported the Obamacare debacle. Don't have health care, you will be punished. No one should ever think Communists/Progressives care about Freedom & Liberty. You either follow their agendas... Or else.
Don't have a mortgage? You will be punished.

Didn't buy the right kind of refrigerator? You will be punished.

Didn't buy the right kind of electricity? You will be punished.

It wasn't a leap to punish you for not having the right kind of health insurance.

Just one more reason to ban tax expenditures.

Yeah, i'm shocked the People have allowed the Mandate to stick. It's a Communist/Progressive pattern to force others to go along with their agendas. They'll make it illegal for you to not go along.
Same folks who supported the Obamacare debacle. Don't have health care, you will be punished. No one should ever think Communists/Progressives care about Freedom & Liberty. You either follow their agendas... Or else.
Don't have a mortgage? You will be punished.

Didn't buy the right kind of refrigerator? You will be punished.

Didn't buy the right kind of electricity? You will be punished.

It wasn't a leap to punish you for not having the right kind of health insurance.

Just one more reason to ban tax expenditures.

How is one punished by not having a mortgage?
You pay more taxes than someone with a mortgage who earns the same income you do.

You are punished for not having a mortgage.

This is exactly why the insurance mandate was found to be constitutional.
Voting in this country is a right of a person to know the rules and have your ID...

Sieg Heil!

^ Another absolutely retarded rejoinder.

YOU for example DO have a right to vote (unless you are convicted of a felony or happen to be a minor or not a citizen). But it is YOUR responsibility to have appropriate evidence at the polling place that you ARE a citizen or a resident of that community. it is YOUR responsibility to figure out where YOUR polling place is.

You have a RIGHT to vote, but you also have a right to be an ignorant dumb ass -- and if you do not bother going to the polling place for your district or if you have no way to verify that you ARE the person we call g5000, then how would the volunteer at the polling station know whether or not YOU are that person?

Why is it in ANY way "wrong" to demand enough ID to verify that? What if YOU happen to be a person (maybe an illegal alien even) who has zero right to vote in one of our elections? Why should the rest of us be compelled to tolerate such an effort to commit a criminal act?
Papers! Papers, please! Sieg Heil!

You tards have zero intelligence and limited imaginations.

Let's pretend someone showed up as me and voted. Oh noes!

That's as far as your TardLogic goes.

What never occurs to you idiots is that your master plan goes all kablooey two minutes later when I show up to vote!

^ Another in a long litany of very stale, unimaginative, petty and unpersuasive rhetorical crap from a liberal.

Imagine our utter lack of surprise that a twit liberal like g.5 is using the fallacious "nazi" reference on a topic which he cannot debate it, intelligently, on the merits.

Notice the gigantic Nazi reference in the OP on which you were completely silent.

IF you actually ARE stupid enough to claim that you shouldn't be called upon to provide proper evidence that you ARE who you claim to be, then what prevents somebody else from voting in YOUR name and place, thereby either preventing YOU from voting or diluting your actual vote?

What prevents someone voting as me is me. When I show up to vote, then the fraud is immediately exposed. Which is why in-person fraud is so rare.

I splained this once to you already, retard. Why you making me repeat myself?

Voter ID has been demonstrated to be completely ineffective. In those states where Voter ID is in force, the ACTUAL types of voter fraud which occur are still occurring.

So there's a giant clue you Voter ID tards are missing.

No one has ever been able to provide a single example of actual voter fraud which could only have been stopped or prevented by Voter ID.

So the push for national identity papers must have an altogether different motive.

Papers! Papers, please!
And now a message from the Department of Fatherland Homeland Security:

Secure driver's licenses and identification documents are a vital component of a holistic national security strategy. Law enforcement must be able to rely on government-issued identification documents and know that the bearer of such a document is who he or she claims to be.

Papers! Papers, please! Vee must be able to tr-r-r-r-r-ack your moofments at all TIMES, citizen!


Even WHILE utterly brain damaged dishonest hack motherfuckers like g.5 are MAKING their fallacious "arguments," they establish how fucking stupid and unpersuasive their rhetoric leads them to being.
Dipshit OP writer has the uniform wrong. It was the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact which had compulsory voting, not Nazi Germany.

Just another historically ignorant dumb fuck who thinks Nazis are left wing.

22 countries where voting is mandatory
They did start out as progressive socialists, but as always socialism turns into fascism.

...and no hitler did not want his country to have their own firearms, there for he took all the firearms.
Sieg Heil!

^ Another absolutely retarded rejoinder.

YOU for example DO have a right to vote (unless you are convicted of a felony or happen to be a minor or not a citizen). But it is YOUR responsibility to have appropriate evidence at the polling place that you ARE a citizen or a resident of that community. it is YOUR responsibility to figure out where YOUR polling place is.

You have a RIGHT to vote, but you also have a right to be an ignorant dumb ass -- and if you do not bother going to the polling place for your district or if you have no way to verify that you ARE the person we call g5000, then how would the volunteer at the polling station know whether or not YOU are that person?

Why is it in ANY way "wrong" to demand enough ID to verify that? What if YOU happen to be a person (maybe an illegal alien even) who has zero right to vote in one of our elections? Why should the rest of us be compelled to tolerate such an effort to commit a criminal act?
Papers! Papers, please! Sieg Heil!

You tards have zero intelligence and limited imaginations.

Let's pretend someone showed up as me and voted. Oh noes!

That's as far as your TardLogic goes.

What never occurs to you idiots is that your master plan goes all kablooey two minutes later when I show up to vote!

^ Another in a long litany of very stale, unimaginative, petty and unpersuasive rhetorical crap from a liberal.

Imagine our utter lack of surprise that a twit liberal like g.5 is using the fallacious "nazi" reference on a topic which he cannot debate it, intelligently, on the merits.

Notice the gigantic Nazi reference in the OP on which you were completely silent.

IF you actually ARE stupid enough to claim that you shouldn't be called upon to provide proper evidence that you ARE who you claim to be, then what prevents somebody else from voting in YOUR name and place, thereby either preventing YOU from voting or diluting your actual vote?

What prevents someone voting as me is me. When I show up to vote, then the fraud is immediately exposed. Which is why in-person fraud is so rare.

I splained this once to you already, retard. Why you making me repeat myself?

Voter ID has been demonstrated to be completely ineffective. In those states where Voter ID is in force, the ACTUAL types of voter fraud which occur are still occurring.

So there's a giant clue you Voter ID tards are missing.

No one has ever been able to provide a single example of actual voter fraud which could only have been stopped or prevented by Voter ID.

So the push for national identity papers must have an altogether different motive.

Papers! Papers, please!
For the record, I have read the Constitution and I see several very specific references to the right to vote. It Is true that it is often stated in terms of denying particular kinds of restrictions ON that right. But if it is denying the validity of certain kinds of restrictions (age, race, gender, poll tax, etc.), then it is also and simultaneously affirming the right itself.

The Constitution (which includes its ratified Amendments) therefore DOES specifically address the RIGHT to VOTE.

If others dispute the existence of that right, then I just disagree with them.

Still, it is a right (at least in FEDERAL elections for FEDERAL offices like Members of the House of Representatives, and the Senate and the President) that is VALIDLY limited to U.S. citizens. As it should be.

And for state and local elections, it is a right that is properly restricted to the state residents OF such respective states and the local residents of the various localities.

If I live in Suffolk County, on Long Island (I don't), I SHOULDN'T have any say in the budget questions of NASSAU county on Long Island. And vice versa. So, why shouldn't the volunteers at the polling stations be properly allowed to verify that I AM a resident of that county or that locality that state and so forth?
Hey, dumbshit.

Your name does not appear on the voter registration list anywhere in the country except where you are registered to vote.

You aren't on the voter list in Nassau county. So you cannot vote there. No Voter ID necessary.

Have you ever actually voted? You would know these things if you did.

I see that argument by analogy eludes you, you fucking abject pathetic imbecile.

That was my point of course. Unless I LIVE in Nassau county, my name would NOT appear on its voter list. But if the polling place volunteer is not allowed to make me prove WHO the fuck I am when I go there all the same to vote it might be difficult to prevent me from casting my illegal vote.

Can you truly BE as fucking stupid as that?


A person with your brain power must find the whole breathing thing to be very difficult.
Again, if you voted as Joe Bob Smith, the Nassau citizen, your fraud would be exposed as soon as Joe Bob Smith showed up to vote.

This is why in-person fraud is so rare, even during the two centuries we voted without Voter ID.

Now I have explained this to you THREE times, retard. Let's hope it sticks this time.

Perhaps you could nail it into your thick skull by finding real world examples of in-person fraud. Good luck with that.

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