Surprise! Walmart health plan is cheaper, offers more coverage than Obamacare

I note that those who have a genetic disposition to hate all things successful (including their own lives) are talking about everything and anything OTHER than the topic.

Remember what the topic was?

That Wal*marts healthcare coverage is less costly and provides better health coverage than Obama's.

Your asses must really be sore.
Walmart apparently has more concern for humanity than all the liberal schemers who devised the Obamacare con.

Surprise! Walmart health plan is cheaper, offers more coverage than Obamacare |

New Obamacare health insurance enrollees may feel a pang of envy when they eye the coverage plans offered by Walmart to its employees.

For many years, the giant discount retailer has been the target of unions and liberal activists who have harshly criticized the company's health care plans, calling them “notorious for failing to provide health benefits” and "substandard.”

But a Washington Examiner comparison of the two health insurance programs found that Walmart's plan is more affordable and provides significantly better access to high-quality medical care than Obamacare.

I don't see why yo think you should shove this news into liberals faces. As a liberal am I supposed to be like "oh my god! Wal Mart is supposed to be evil!"

Good. Good for Wal Mart and good for the employees.

It's interesting you equate ObamaCare coverage to generosity. If the law changed and allowed for better, more expensive insurance plans, you wouldn't stop bitching over it. I seriously doubt you would actually praise ObamaCare's generosity.
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Walmart apparently has more concern for humanity than all the liberal schemers who devised the Obamacare con.

Surprise! Walmart health plan is cheaper, offers more coverage than Obamacare |

New Obamacare health insurance enrollees may feel a pang of envy when they eye the coverage plans offered by Walmart to its employees.

For many years, the giant discount retailer has been the target of unions and liberal activists who have harshly criticized the company's health care plans, calling them “notorious for failing to provide health benefits” and "substandard.”

But a Washington Examiner comparison of the two health insurance programs found that Walmart's plan is more affordable and provides significantly better access to high-quality medical care than Obamacare.

I don't see why yo think you should shove this news into liberals faces. As a liberal am I supposed to be like "oh my god! Wal Mart is supposed to be evil!"

Good. Good for Wal Mart and good for the employees.

It's interesting you equate ObamaCare coverage to generosity. If the law changed and allowed for better, more expensive insurance plans, you wouldn't stop bitching over it. I seriously doubt you would actually praise ObamaCare's generosity.

Government generosity always comes out of someone else's hide. Walmart's insurance didn't cost anyone who doesn't work at Walmart a dime.
Walmart apparently has more concern for humanity than all the liberal schemers who devised the Obamacare con.

Surprise! Walmart health plan is cheaper, offers more coverage than Obamacare |

New Obamacare health insurance enrollees may feel a pang of envy when they eye the coverage plans offered by Walmart to its employees.

For many years, the giant discount retailer has been the target of unions and liberal activists who have harshly criticized the company's health care plans, calling them “notorious for failing to provide health benefits” and "substandard.”

But a Washington Examiner comparison of the two health insurance programs found that Walmart's plan is more affordable and provides significantly better access to high-quality medical care than Obamacare.

I don't see why yo think you should shove this news into liberals faces. As a liberal am I supposed to be like "oh my god! Wal Mart is supposed to be evil!"

Good. Good for Wal Mart and good for the employees.

It's interesting you equate ObamaCare coverage to generosity. If the law changed and allowed for better, more expensive insurance plans, you wouldn't stop bitching over it. I seriously doubt you would actually praise ObamaCare's generosity.

Government generosity always comes out of someone else's hide. Walmart's insurance didn't cost anyone who doesn't work at Walmart a dime.

Which is why criticizing ObamaCare for its lack of generosity is both stupid and hypocritical.
Average pay 8.81$ an hour. Most employees make less than 25k a year....maybe they can put out another box for gifts for the employees like they did around Christmas...can't be paying them to much now can we!? They are the ultimate example of capitalism and its threat to a sane society.

No one makes a person work at Walmart.
The majority of the people who work there do not have skill levels that would command a higher salary. For the most part, it is a self service store.
You don't have to shop at Walmart. But I bet you do.

You gonna give them better jobs? Thought not. No I shop at K Mart.EVERYONE deserves a living wage especially when 6 of the Walton's who own Wal Mart are worth over 100 billion! Yet their workers can't make ends meet. Good ole Capitali$m baby! getting rich off the backs of the poor.

So why don't YOU give them better jobs.....? Thought not...
Or how about one of those great new jobs that Obama has created....oh wait.....BO hasn't created any new good jobs....

at least WalMart workers have a job....compared to the MILLIONS of others who are NOT working due to Obama's suppresive socialist regulations that are stagnating the economy....

You socialists are hypercritical about Walmart and Capitalism......but totally hypocritical about money....since you want Capitalism to supply go and stuff your high horse rhetoric...
The individual market prices in the exchange in the Affordable Care Act were never meant to compete with employer provided plans. The insurance companies on the exchange are private companies competing in the individual market.

So how come the private market offers cheaper plans with better benefits? Perhaps the U.S. should have simply sub-let the business to WalMart instead of blowing millions on a faulty website to induce healthy people to over pay for coverage they dont need and cant afford.

1. The exchanges are a private market.

2. What the bogus article in the OP tells you is that the employee pays $40/month. That is NOT the full cost of that healthcare plan. Walmart is paying the rest as part of the employee's compensation.
The individual market prices in the exchange in the Affordable Care Act were never meant to compete with employer provided plans. The insurance companies on the exchange are private companies competing in the individual market.

So how come the private market offers cheaper plans with better benefits? Perhaps the U.S. should have simply sub-let the business to WalMart instead of blowing millions on a faulty website to induce healthy people to over pay for coverage they dont need and cant afford.

1. The exchanges are a private market.

2. What the bogus article in the OP tells you is that the employee pays $40/month. That is NOT the full cost of that healthcare plan. Walmart is paying the rest as part of the employee's compensation.

1. the exchanges aren't quite a "private market"......not with the Government dictating requirements and subsidizing plans...

2. yes...Walmart is paying the rest...instead of taking more profits would you believe.....

guess WHO is paying the rest on the Obamacare subsidized plans.....?
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Um ... Walmart offers their employees insurance. That insurance must comply with the ACA. There is no such insurance as "Obamacare."

If you try to sign up for Obamascare, you will get punched in the nuts.

There is no insurance called Obamacare - all insurance must comply with the ACA.

Can you guys understand this or do you need it to crawl up your ass in the form of a colonoscopy?
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So how come the private market offers cheaper plans with better benefits? Perhaps the U.S. should have simply sub-let the business to WalMart instead of blowing millions on a faulty website to induce healthy people to over pay for coverage they dont need and cant afford.

1. The exchanges are a private market.

2. What the bogus article in the OP tells you is that the employee pays $40/month. That is NOT the full cost of that healthcare plan. Walmart is paying the rest as part of the employee's compensation.

1. the exchanges aren't quite a "private market"......not with the Government dictating requirements and subsidizing plans...

2. yes...Walmart is paying the rest*...instead of taking more profits would you believe.....

guess WHO is paying the rest on the Obamacare subsidized plans.....?

*businesses can deduct vs. the individual who can't...which is why the individual market costs are higher...

So you admit that the rightwing rag Washington Examiner lied. Explain that to the rest of these people.
1. The exchanges are a private market.

2. What the bogus article in the OP tells you is that the employee pays $40/month. That is NOT the full cost of that healthcare plan. Walmart is paying the rest as part of the employee's compensation.

1. the exchanges aren't quite a "private market"......not with the Government dictating requirements and subsidizing plans...

2. yes...Walmart is paying the rest*...instead of taking more profits would you believe.....

guess WHO is paying the rest on the Obamacare subsidized plans.....?

*businesses can deduct vs. the individual who can't...which is why the individual market costs are higher...

So you admit that the rightwing rag Washington Examiner lied. Explain that to the rest of these people.
lied about what...?
they said Walmart is providing better provider coverage at a lower cost to the people.....versus what Obamacare is that a wrong conclusion...?
Um ... Walmart offers their employees insurance. That insurance must comply with the ACA. There is no such insurance as "Obamacare."

If you try to sign up for Obamascare, you will get punched in the nuts.

There is no insurance called Obamacare - all insurance must comply with the ACA.

Can you guys understand this or do you need it to crawl up your ass in the form of a colonoscopy?

You understand that Walmart's insurance may or may not comply with ACA, because the mandate for employer policies was postponed illegally by Obama, right? Or do you need a proctologist to insert the information directly in your brain?
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Um ... Walmart offers their employees insurance. That insurance must comply with the ACA. There is no such insurance as "Obamacare."

If you try to sign up for Obamascare, you will get punched in the nuts.

There is no insurance called Obamacare - all insurance must comply with the ACA.

Can you guys understand this or do you need it to crawl up your ass in the form of a colonoscopy?

You understand that Walmart's insurance may or may not comply with ACA, because the mandate for employer policies was postponed illegally by Obama, right? Or do you need a proctologist to insert the information directly in your brain?

postponed illegally....and postponed until AFTER elections.....what a self-serving un-Constitutional's no wonder he admired Hugo Chavez....
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The individual market prices in the exchange in the Affordable Care Act were never meant to compete with employer provided plans. The insurance companies on the exchange are private companies competing in the individual market.

So how come the private market offers cheaper plans with better benefits? Perhaps the U.S. should have simply sub-let the business to WalMart instead of blowing millions on a faulty website to induce healthy people to over pay for coverage they dont need and cant afford.

1. The exchanges are a private market.

2. What the bogus article in the OP tells you is that the employee pays $40/month. That is NOT the full cost of that healthcare plan. Walmart is paying the rest as part of the employee's compensation.

Walmart as the biggest employer in this country is underwriting their own plans and acts almost like the insurance company on behalf of the employers.

and the point here was that Walmart plans were always described as substandard and they are MUCH BETTER than the crappy obamacare exchange plans that are available now as an "achievement"
Surprise! Walmart health plan is cheaper, offers more coverage than Obamacare reveals that government, business, and labor pressure can make Wal-Mart do the right thing

Good on, Wal-Mart!

How do you make government do the right thing, Fakey?

Through the constitutional and electoral process that you as an anarchist you reject.

except the Walmart plans were there BEFORE this obamacare crap and they were then better and are now even MUCH BETTER than obamacare exchange plans.

no pressure led to that - Walmart is an example of vilification from the left.
and it's coverage is better because they do not have unionized labor.
The Examiner is a pathetic RW propaganda rag, funded by a disgraceful billionnaire, for hater dupes only...
So how come the private market offers cheaper plans with better benefits? Perhaps the U.S. should have simply sub-let the business to WalMart instead of blowing millions on a faulty website to induce healthy people to over pay for coverage they dont need and cant afford.

1. The exchanges are a private market.

2. What the bogus article in the OP tells you is that the employee pays $40/month. That is NOT the full cost of that healthcare plan. Walmart is paying the rest as part of the employee's compensation.

Walmart as the biggest employer in this country is underwriting their own plans and acts almost like the insurance company on behalf of the employers.

and the point here was that Walmart plans were always described as substandard and they are MUCH BETTER than the crappy obamacare exchange plans that are available now as an "achievement"

You don't work at the Obamacare exchanges, you buy insurance there.
1. The exchanges are a private market.

2. What the bogus article in the OP tells you is that the employee pays $40/month. That is NOT the full cost of that healthcare plan. Walmart is paying the rest as part of the employee's compensation.

Walmart as the biggest employer in this country is underwriting their own plans and acts almost like the insurance company on behalf of the employers.

and the point here was that Walmart plans were always described as substandard and they are MUCH BETTER than the crappy obamacare exchange plans that are available now as an "achievement"

You don't work at the Obamacare exchanges, you buy insurance there.


obamacare exchanges plans are extremely crappy as in order to lower the costs they have extremely narrow net of providers.

THAT what makes them the crappiest crap ever existing.
1. the exchanges aren't quite a "private market"......not with the Government dictating requirements and subsidizing plans...

2. yes...Walmart is paying the rest*...instead of taking more profits would you believe.....

guess WHO is paying the rest on the Obamacare subsidized plans.....?

*businesses can deduct vs. the individual who can't...which is why the individual market costs are higher...

So you admit that the rightwing rag Washington Examiner lied. Explain that to the rest of these people.
lied about what...?
they said Walmart is providing better provider coverage at a lower cost to the people.....versus what Obamacare is that a wrong conclusion...?

You can't calculate the cost of Walmart insurance because people are paying for most of it with labor.

The article was comparing the employee's cash contribution towards his Walmart insurance vs. the full cost of an insurance policy on the exchange.

That's an absurd apples to oranges comparison.

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