Surprise! Yet Another “Conspiracy Theory” Is True After All


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Surprise! Yet Another

“Conspiracy Theory”

Is True After All

14 Sep 2024 ~~ By Glasswburn

Perhaps you heard Donald Trump report illegal immigrants are eating cats and animals in Springfield, Ohio. You may have scoffed at him as insane for bringing you that news, news a credible news agency should be covering. But, instead of investigating, the debate moderator from the ABC channel suggested to a national audience that Trump made it up. And Kamala Harris flashed a horrified, “you sad, insane old man” look in Trump’s direction. Just what the DNC ordered, but it’s far from the truth. Trump was right and he fell into the trap of sounding insane by reporting what is strange behavior, unless you are familiar with Haiti and voodoo. Facts are stranger than fiction. Haitians practicing voodoo actually drink the blood from the cats while they are alive until the cat dies from blood loss as part of a common Voodoo practice.
Now I sound insane.
Conspiracy identifiers’ claims sound so outlandish that they make them sound insane, and so the actual conspirators are given cover to continue their conspiracy. The conspirators are often the first to paint the person sounding an alarm as insane. Conspirators count on and tend to fuel disbelief as a smoke screen for their actions. Our cooperative mainstream media, who abandoned their role of investigating claims to determine truth, has placed our country in grave danger. They actively participate in silencing and mocking any party who steps in to fill their investigative role or alter the accepted narrative. When there is an absence of an inquisitive press to challenge authority and the official narrative, societies soon collapse or are overthrown by forces intent on seizing power.
What has existed and is growing in strength is a manipulative mainstream media dedicated to serving its corporate and DNC interests. Gone is an objective, investigative mainstream media. In the case of Covid, mainstream media’s lack of investigation and questioning of the official narrative likely cost hundreds of thousands of lives, destroyed businesses, and created financial and emotional hardship for most of America.
In the case of the 2024 election, allowing mainstream media to misrepresent Trump and throw this Presidential election may cost millions of lives and our country. Trump’s report of illegal immigrant atrocities was accurate, but it counters Harris’s claims that all is well with her border policy that brought them here and her narrative that Americans are more dangerous than immigrants. Both stories ABC helped propagate. At this point, Americans are more dangerous – to Harris’s political pursuits – because they will likely oust her from office based on her performance as Vice President and Border Czar. Illegal immigrants are safer to her because they can stack the vote in her favor with illegal votes. But to suggest that this is her plan, despite strong evidence of DNC maneuvers to enable the cheat, makes me sound like a conspiracy theorist, doesn’t it?
The First Amendment recognizes our God-given right to freedom of speech and freedom of the press because the Founders understood the role of free communication in holding elected officials accountable. To its credit, the alternative media shines a light on issues affecting our freedom and allows Americans to engage in a national dialogue when the mainstream media seems intent on suppressing that dialogue. Americans of both parties should demand accountability and action from the mainstream media and an end to the censorship of alternative media and the dissenting American public.

Cats, Covid, Hunter's Laptop and the Quisling MSM cheerleaders.
We've all faced being called conspiracy theorists for posting information about the criminal acts of Fauci, the authenticity of Hunter's Laptop and of course Jan 6th.
Democrat Neo-Marxists have been using the term “Conspiracy Theory” for a while to describe anything they don’t like that someone says about them, and want the truth of it to be repressed. It works only until the degree where it becomes publicly undeniable.
Just peek under the Quisling Medias' covers and you find the CIA and most everyone’s intelligence agencies, along with their co-opted lackeys, tirelessly working towards their goal of making certain we flounder and fuss under endless lies, insults and misdirections.
It’s the current state of political science, and now they have "AI" to assist on the net.
Thread summary:

Having been humiliated by their latest cat-eating conspiracy theory, the Trump cult losers are doubling down on the conspiracy theory, thus making themselves look even more stupid and dishonest.

That is, they're still batting .000 with their conspiracies.

And we do so love rubbing that in their faces, their perfect and unblemished record of failure.
"Conspiracy theories" are now spoiler alerts.

Thread summary:

Having been humiliated by their latest cat-eating conspiracy theory, the Trump cult losers are doubling down on the conspiracy theory, thus making themselves look even more stupid and dishonest.

That is, they're still batting .000 with their conspiracies.

And we do so love rubbing that in their faces, their perfect and unblemished record of failure.
Post summary: didn’t read the OP, reflexively tries gaslighting
Thread summary:

Having been humiliated by their latest cat-eating conspiracy theory, the Trump cult losers are doubling down on the conspiracy theory, thus making themselves look even more stupid and dishonest.

That is, they're still batting .000 with their conspiracies.

And we do so love rubbing that in their faces, their perfect and unblemished record of failure.

I tried to tell you that since YOUR media abdicated all their responsibilities, independent journalists will fill the void.

Here they come. Be nervous.

Independent journalists are already on the hunt and could reveal more. The Daily Wire has dispatched a reporter to Springfield to investigate. The Federalist has published a police report with allegations that a group of Haitians emerged from a city trail with dead geese in hand. Ohio’s attorney general, Dave Yost, has backed up this claim, arguing that citizens with such firsthand knowledge “would be competent witnesses in court.”
Thread summary:

Having been humiliated by their latest cat-eating conspiracy theory, the Trump cult losers are doubling down on the conspiracy theory, thus making themselves look even more stupid and dishonest.

That is, they're still batting .000 with their conspiracies.

And we do so love rubbing that in their faces, their perfect and unblemished record of failure.
When Trump screws up…

Claim fiction is fact
I tried to tell you that since YOUR media abdicated all their responsibilities, independent journalists will fill the void.

Here they come. Be nervous.

You can't serve the Lord of Lies with such gusto and not pay an eternal price for it.

Repent of your lies, for the sake of your eternal soul.

Are the sick thrills you get from your weird and creepy cult really worth an eternity of torture?
You can't serve the Lord of Lies with such gusto and not pay an eternal price for it.

Repent of your lies, for the sake of your eternal soul.

Are the sick thrills you get from your weird and creepy cult really worth an eternity of torture?

And now with the religious warnings.....desperation has set in lol

The Democrats, btw, do not deserve your worship. Believe me

Surprise! Yet Another

“Conspiracy Theory”

Is True After All

14 Sep 2024 ~~ By Glasswburn

Perhaps you heard Donald Trump report illegal immigrants are eating cats and animals in Springfield, Ohio. You may have scoffed at him as insane for bringing you that news, news a credible news agency should be covering. But, instead of investigating, the debate moderator from the ABC channel suggested to a national audience that Trump made it up. And Kamala Harris flashed a horrified, “you sad, insane old man” look in Trump’s direction. Just what the DNC ordered, but it’s far from the truth. Trump was right and he fell into the trap of sounding insane by reporting what is strange behavior, unless you are familiar with Haiti and voodoo. Facts are stranger than fiction. Haitians practicing voodoo actually drink the blood from the cats while they are alive until the cat dies from blood loss as part of a common Voodoo practice.
Now I sound insane.
Conspiracy identifiers’ claims sound so outlandish that they make them sound insane, and so the actual conspirators are given cover to continue their conspiracy. The conspirators are often the first to paint the person sounding an alarm as insane. Conspirators count on and tend to fuel disbelief as a smoke screen for their actions. Our cooperative mainstream media, who abandoned their role of investigating claims to determine truth, has placed our country in grave danger. They actively participate in silencing and mocking any party who steps in to fill their investigative role or alter the accepted narrative. When there is an absence of an inquisitive press to challenge authority and the official narrative, societies soon collapse or are overthrown by forces intent on seizing power.
What has existed and is growing in strength is a manipulative mainstream media dedicated to serving its corporate and DNC interests. Gone is an objective, investigative mainstream media. In the case of Covid, mainstream media’s lack of investigation and questioning of the official narrative likely cost hundreds of thousands of lives, destroyed businesses, and created financial and emotional hardship for most of America.
In the case of the 2024 election, allowing mainstream media to misrepresent Trump and throw this Presidential election may cost millions of lives and our country. Trump’s report of illegal immigrant atrocities was accurate, but it counters Harris’s claims that all is well with her border policy that brought them here and her narrative that Americans are more dangerous than immigrants. Both stories ABC helped propagate. At this point, Americans are more dangerous – to Harris’s political pursuits – because they will likely oust her from office based on her performance as Vice President and Border Czar. Illegal immigrants are safer to her because they can stack the vote in her favor with illegal votes. But to suggest that this is her plan, despite strong evidence of DNC maneuvers to enable the cheat, makes me sound like a conspiracy theorist, doesn’t it?
The First Amendment recognizes our God-given right to freedom of speech and freedom of the press because the Founders understood the role of free communication in holding elected officials accountable. To its credit, the alternative media shines a light on issues affecting our freedom and allows Americans to engage in a national dialogue when the mainstream media seems intent on suppressing that dialogue. Americans of both parties should demand accountability and action from the mainstream media and an end to the censorship of alternative media and the dissenting American public.

Cats, Covid, Hunter's Laptop and the Quisling MSM cheerleaders.
We've all faced being called conspiracy theorists for posting information about the criminal acts of Fauci, the authenticity of Hunter's Laptop and of course Jan 6th.
Democrat Neo-Marxists have been using the term “Conspiracy Theory” for a while to describe anything they don’t like that someone says about them, and want the truth of it to be repressed. It works only until the degree where it becomes publicly undeniable.
Just peek under the Quisling Medias' covers and you find the CIA and most everyone’s intelligence agencies, along with their co-opted lackeys, tirelessly working towards their goal of making certain we flounder and fuss under endless lies, insults and misdirections.
It’s the current state of political science, and now they have "AI" to assist on the net.
Lol, It is a crazy conspiracy theory. Nobody is eating your pet cat.
reality check----some Haitians engage in strange rituals---based on an occult "religion" VOODOO----some do----it does involve ANIMALS ---
HOWEVER there is no danger of depletion of the cat population ANYWHERE

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