
Dems back to their bag of tricks......

Eagle, you wouldn't know corrupt if it hit you in the butt, as evidenced by your undocumented accusations. Russia loves you though, and since you are so receptive to their malevolence, you may get a red star soon as Trump makes his allegiance official. says you...............The IRS didn't happen.............even though they admitted it in court........


They are coming to take me away a ha.........coming to take me away............
Only with those who don't want to hear facts.

Didn't your beloved Rachael Maddow steal one of his returns and how did that work out for you?

Why don't you just go ahead and rail against what is in his tax returns? You and I both know that it doesn't matter one iota what they contain, Democrats will feign shock, terror, and God only knows what else in their efforts to eviscerate President Donald Trump.

President Donald Trump has proven and continues to prove that our country can be run far better by someone who is not a professional politician dependent on not ruffling the feathers of his fellow life long professional, politicians.

I think President Trump is nonplussed as to whether or not his tax returns are released. He knows that whatever is in them, Democrats will go ballistic, so he simply trolls them knowing it drives them nuts!
Every other president has disclosed their taxes. Stop making excuses for trump.

As you know, that is a flagrant lie. On the other hand, I didn't care a rat's behind what was in those few tax returns and my guess is that you have no clue what was, or was not, in them either.

President Donald Trump is doing so well in the eye of the voters that all you have is whining and crying about...nothing. Keep up the good work!
Are you really this stupid or is this an act. No one cares how much money Donald Trump makes, but they care who he owes money to, how much, and where these debts are located.

American banks will not loan money to Trump and haven't since the Atlantic City casino bankruptcies in the 1990's. The banks lost billions, while Trump bragged that he was walking away from the bankruptcies with millions in his pockets. Who he owes money to and how much is incredibly important. A friend who worked on Trump Tower in Toronto said that the Saudis were signing all of the cheques.

Well, that certainly settles it!

He's obviously hiding something and scared shitless.

So, if you're not guilty of a crime, then you have no reason to object to government going through your private information, property, and belongings?

F••• the Fourth Amendment and all the related principles?
Neat talking point. Where were you when about 20 of the past presidents, and even candidates, forked over years of tax filings in a transparency effort. I'm sure they would have loved your concern for their personal papers that tells so much about them. And of course you are not at all interested in Trump's business practices that scammed investors, contractors and friends, many by using and losing in the courts, so long as he continues to do whatever he does, legal or not, Constitutional or not, because he promised to drain a swamp almost as corrupt as the one he brought with him to DC.
Nice blinders. Are you aware of the difference between voluntary disclosure and privacy rights?

What I'm aware of is the 'Deep State' atmosphere of this entire admin. Secrecy slathered over with daily lies on twitter. Stonewalling is Trump's best feature, next to tossing friends and enemies under buses.

As a private businessman, he is free to deceive and misdirect. Most businesses do not allow employees to talk to the press, for example, only certain execs. But Trump is President of the United States and the ROE changes. A President has no privacy rights except in the case of national security. Everything he does is in our name. When he chose unilaterally to betray the Kurds, for example, giving Erdogan a green light to 'eliminate' a thorn in his side, and to release ISIS captives, the world doesn't say, "Trump did it!". The world says. "America did it!" I know you have rationalized this act because of your admiration for Trump. I genuinely believe if this withdrawal had been done by UK or any other nation, you would see clearer. My point in using this example is to show that the actions of a President are 1000 times more important, or maybe even over 300 million times. Our President's actions define us. And Trump lies like a rug in between shady deals with tyrants and cuddles with people who flatter him while using him, like L. Graham's see-no-evil and Barr's carte blanche dissertation that got him a cushy job traveling the world looking for dirt on American institutions..
Tax returns are supposed to be private.
Not for Presidents. I remember when Hillary was running against Obama. Republicans not only wanted hers, they wanted her husband's too. Reagan, Romney, GHWB, GWB, McCain...they ALL showed their sincerity by releasing tax data. Trump's whole life has been in hiding sub-rosa activities.
Someones income is NO ONES FUCKING BUSINESS.

If he did something wrong the IRS is the responsible party.

It is Congresses business if they are investigating you

IRS only cares if you declared your income and paid taxes
They do not care if your money is coming from Russia or if you have conflicts of interest
Someones income is NO ONES FUCKING BUSINESS.

If he did something wrong the IRS is the responsible party.
Then Why did Candidate Trump LIE and say he'd release them?

No one cares about his income, the law that says the Treasury SHALL give them to Ways and Means is for oversight.... Is the Treasury actually auditing the President and Veep taxes, as required by law, every year in office? Or are his political henchmen at The Treasury preventing IRS from auditing them? Is he receiving illegal emoluments?
Someones income is NO ONES FUCKING BUSINESS.

If he did something wrong the IRS is the responsible party.

It is Congresses business if they are investigating you

IRS only cares if you declared your income and paid taxes
They do not care if your money is coming from Russia or if you have conflicts of interest

Trump's tax returns are prepared by some of the best tax accountants and lawyers in the country. They are probably hundreds of pages of very complicated financial data. He gets audited every year and has never been found to be out of compliance with the tax code.

If he were to release his returns, fools like you and the corrupt left wing media would focus on one line on one page and make up lies about what it says, then he would have to waste hundreds of hours refuting those lies. THAT is why he will not release them.

If you have evidence that he was on the Russian payroll or had conflicts, post it or STFU and stop lying.

If he was cheating why didn't the Obama controlled IRS bring it out?

This is nothing but BS because you lefties cannot stand it that he is getting things done and exposing the DC establishment corruption in both parties.
Someones income is NO ONES FUCKING BUSINESS.

If he did something wrong the IRS is the responsible party.
Then Why did Candidate Trump LIE and say he'd release them?

No one cares about his income, the law that says the Treasury SHALL give them to Ways and Means is for oversight.... Is the Treasury actually auditing the President and Veep taxes, as required by law, every year in office? Or are his political henchmen at The Treasury preventing IRS from auditing them? Is he receiving illegal emoluments?

see post #71
Someones income is NO ONES FUCKING BUSINESS.

If he did something wrong the IRS is the responsible party.
Then Why did Candidate Trump LIE and say he'd release them?

No one cares about his income, the law that says the Treasury SHALL give them to Ways and Means is for oversight.... Is the Treasury actually auditing the President and Veep taxes, as required by law, every year in office? Or are his political henchmen at The Treasury preventing IRS from auditing them? Is he receiving illegal emoluments?

how did obama become a multimillionaire on 8 years at 400K? same question for the clintons, pelosi, schumer, Reid, Nadler, Schiff, Biden. Bring it or STFU
Someones income is NO ONES FUCKING BUSINESS.

If he did something wrong the IRS is the responsible party.

It is Congresses business if they are investigating you

IRS only cares if you declared your income and paid taxes
They do not care if your money is coming from Russia or if you have conflicts of interest
And you can tell Congress to go fuck themselves........

You got a crime allegation.............see you in court................Congress is a Political Circus now..........f them......

Even if you did go......plead the 5th and let them play with themselves......

At the end they would chastise you............My done.......can I leave now........BYE
Then Why did Candidate Trump LIE and say he'd release them?

Couldn't tell you.
I'll say why not................Because for 3 years your side has used everything in the book to remove him.......All of it failing.........

I wouldn't give your side the time of day on a dang thing..............You want anything from me...........See you in court..............

Kinda like giving a guy breaking into your house with an axe a grinding stone to sharpen the blade with......

Gee whoda thunk the Barr DOJ would protect the flim flam man?

Anybody ever wonder why Trump is so scared of revealing his taxes? Are they still under audit? After all, he DID promise. Or are the Dems, Hillary, Obama, Sciff and fake news stopping him from keeping his promise?

Justice Department backs Trump in Supreme Court fight over his tax returns
It is illegal for the Corrupt Democrats to use government agencies as their political weapons.
At this point the Democratic Party is THIRD WORLD
Good God Gertie! But it is legal to use government agencies to gin up conspiracies and lobby for dirt on political opponents with an offer they can't refuse? YOU'RE the one screeching for punishment of government agencies for fact finding graft on your cult leader...and you point to Democrats as 3rd world? You write satire, right?

You mean the way democrats did with the Kremlin based Steele dossier that the Russian Collusion conspiracy theory was based on, as well as the direct interference by the DOJ into the 2016 election?

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