Survey: "Do smart people care about stupid people?"

A bad movie doesn't mean a bad theory.
Would that stock trader do worse on his first day on the job than the typical "oil field roughneck"?

(Compare Science with a Capital "S" — Lady Science

"decided to compete to see which one of the Oak Ridge plants could produce the most U-235 the quickest-- the plants run by the male PhDs or the “hillbilly girls” from the backwoods of Tennessee. Ultimately, Lawrence’s PhDs lost to the hillbillies." )
Survey is on Google Forms, but does not require a login (which is used to prevent multiple responses, so don't do that):
Do smart people care about stupid people?

One person who took the survey said "I don't think the title reflects the question asked very accurately." So the actual question in the survey is this:
Generally speaking, do you think the smartest people in society are trying to create a world in which you're happy?

The goal is to see whether stupid people think that smart people care about stupid people, but apparently stupid people don't spend much time on message boards on the Internet. Still, I request that you not take the survey unless you are in the bottom 70% for intelligence. If you've taken an accurate IQ test (I doubt online ones are accurate), that would be an IQ of less than about 108 or 110.

I've posted this to Philosophy because, like many topics in philosophy, you can't really prove it, and the extent to which you can be confident of your answer is debatable. But I'm really only posting this here in the hope of getting more responses, preferably by people in the bottom 70%. I don't think I'll do much, if any, debating of it.

I'm linking to the survey instead of making a poll for this thread in order to keep the data in one place. Also, I think I've posted polls here that got zero responses.

It's well-known that most people in countries where the issue has been studied consider themselves to be above average, despite that only half of people can be above average, so I'm asking for a cutoff of 70% instead of 50%. I can't stop people from participating in the survey, but know that if too many people who don't meet this requirement participate, the data will be distorted.

As the survey notes, the smart people we know about come from various filters. If a famous scientist with one million followers seems to care about stupid people, it doesn't mean all scientists do. Keep that in mind.

I think the results for this question would vary significantly depending on country, but nothing I can do about that. Similar to trust: in China or Sweden, 60% of people say that most people can be trusted, while in Brazil or Columbia less than 10% say that. (Pew Research in 2007 found 79% for China, 35% for Brazil.)

I think in an ideal society, people would be able to say that yes, smart people do try to make the world better for stupid people. Whatever you respond on this survey now, if the world changes, you might change your answer to this question. In that case, this survey would allow a "before and after" comparison.

Survey is on Google Forms, but does not require a login (which is used to prevent multiple responses, so don't do that):
Do smart people care about stupid people?

One person who took the survey said "I don't think the title reflects the question asked very accurately." So the actual question in the survey is this:
Generally speaking, do you think the smartest people in society are trying to create a world in which you're happy?

The goal is to see whether stupid people think that smart people care about stupid people, but apparently stupid people don't spend much time on message boards on the Internet. Still, I request that you not take the survey unless you are in the bottom 70% for intelligence. If you've taken an accurate IQ test (I doubt online ones are accurate), that would be an IQ of less than about 108 or 110.

I've posted this to Philosophy because, like many topics in philosophy, you can't really prove it, and the extent to which you can be confident of your answer is debatable. But I'm really only posting this here in the hope of getting more responses, preferably by people in the bottom 70%. I don't think I'll do much, if any, debating of it.

I'm linking to the survey instead of making a poll for this thread in order to keep the data in one place. Also, I think I've posted polls here that got zero responses.

It's well-known that most people in countries where the issue has been studied consider themselves to be above average, despite that only half of people can be above average, so I'm asking for a cutoff of 70% instead of 50%. I can't stop people from participating in the survey, but know that if too many people who don't meet this requirement participate, the data will be distorted.

As the survey notes, the smart people we know about come from various filters. If a famous scientist with one million followers seems to care about stupid people, it doesn't mean all scientists do. Keep that in mind.

I think the results for this question would vary significantly depending on country, but nothing I can do about that. Similar to trust: in China or Sweden, 60% of people say that most people can be trusted, while in Brazil or Columbia less than 10% say that. (Pew Research in 2007 found 79% for China, 35% for Brazil.)

I think in an ideal society, people would be able to say that yes, smart people do try to make the world better for stupid people. Whatever you respond on this survey now, if the world changes, you might change your answer to this question. In that case, this survey would allow a "before and after" comparison.
As there are charitable organizations that take care of what are being called stupid people and the smart people donate money to those organizations, they care enough to use them as charitable donations to reduce the taxes.
Prometheus Crucified by Parasites

High IQs create all the wealth of the plutocracy. That's why the kleptocrats have to turn smartkids into gutless escapist nerd pushovers. To reinforce their control and the acquired inferiority complex of those who will meekly become Cash Cows for Corporate Cowboys, the ruling class designs education so that the other students will resent and despise those who get the highest grades.

Do smart people care about stupid people?​

Yes. I try to look out compassionately for our liberals.

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