Survey;What Two Tickets/Candidates Would You Want To See Battle In 2016 Election?

I hope Romney chooses a VP soon. Romney/Rubio will have the white house in panic mode.

Rubio is a bad choice; Biden's gaffes are nothing compared to Marco "I was born in Havana, I mean little Havana, Miami" Rubio. Haley could put Romney over the top I believe.
I won't pull out my 2016 veepstakes ball yet, but as for potential nominees...


it seems pretty obvious that its down to Rubio/Christie/Portman,,,,,but what about John Thune? he should be at least in the top 5.
Thune is a definitely a potential candidate in 2016. I feel embarrassed that I left him off the list.
I love how the premise of this thread is:
A) Romney will win.
1A) Romney will not run for reelection.

I think it's an interesting insight into the TeaParty, far right mind.

They don't really like or trust Romney, but they hate Obama so much they will get behind him for now, but they want him gone as soon as possible, because they don't trust him.
Chelsea Clinton v. Nicole Bush would be more fun. The Secretary of State is 64, she may be looking at retirement after so many years in government, and more attacks on her than August mosquitoes here in Florida. Of course, I would have switched parties & campaigned for Liddy Dole THIS year, had she run, and she is 75. Anybody but Sancto or Steve King for Republicans 2016; Romney will win, I believe, unless unemployment is closer to 6.8% than 8% in November, and then would run for reelection.

I think that the President will win, but, that said, Governor Romney is making some gains. He is no longer in negative territory in favorability ratings.

President Obama 7.6 Governor Romney 2.6

RealClearPolitics - Obama & Romney: Favorable/Unfavorable

And this is still showing a strong lead for the President

President Obama 221 Governor Romney 170

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map

And the battleground states still strongly favor the President

This is interesting.

During the primaries, Republicans didn't want Romney, and gave every "not-Romney" a try until the Media scrutinized them. We found out that Perry was a moron, Cain was a horn dog, Santorum was a religious fanatic and Newt Gingrich was that guy. So the Media helped Romney along by not really scrutinizing him while ripping the "Not Romneys" a new one whenever one rose to the top.

Right now, Romney benefits from being "Not Obama", but at some point, people are going to ask, "Who is Mitt Romney?"

And the biggest clue on that answer, is that the people who know him best, the people of Massachusetts, aren't supporting him this time and couldn't get him out of office fast enough.
Obama will win a second term, Biden will not run for President in 2016. My prediction for the top two candidates going into the Presidential race in 2016 are: Bush for Republicans and Warren for Democrats.
Obama will win a second term, Biden will not run for President in 2016. My prediction for the top two candidates going into the Presidential race in 2016 are: Bush for Republicans and Warren for Democrats.

You're wrong a lot, aren't you?
Obama will win a second term, Biden will not run for President in 2016. My prediction for the top two candidates going into the Presidential race in 2016 are: Bush for Republicans and Warren for Democrats.

He hasn't uttered a peep, but I'd love to see Franken run.

Yes. There is an apostrophe missing.
Haley/Rice from the GOP in 2016 after Obama wins in 2012. They could carry 50 states; totally unstoppable; takes the Democrats legs right out from under them. Haley is a dynamic leader and has the illusive "it" factor. Rice is a foreign policy heavyweight with zero real baggage outside of some bad calls in the march to war.




Two classy women leading the GOP charge in 2016 would decemate the Democrats. California is put into play with Rice as the #2 (almost a co #1 in reality). The South stays solid. The DNC lock on the women's vote is assaulted although I think most will still vote democrat. The stronghold of the black vote is assaulted as well. After 8 years of Democrat reign, there will be a fatigure factor. The GOP can make history with this selection.

What will the Dems do, go to Nebraska and talk about values??? Clearly the last two roll outs of RNC standard bearers have not and will not get the job done.
Haley is a boob and Rice is a possible war criminal.

I will stick with Romney and his choice for veep.
Kindly be more specific on the basis for your allegations against those women.
too far out. Besides, no way Romney wont be running unless he does something massively stupid in the next four years.

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