SurveyUSA now shows Rand Paul leading by only 2 points


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
Democrat Jack Conway has cut sharply into Republican Rand Paul's once-commanding lead in Kentucky's U.S. Senate race, moving into a statistical tie with a little more than five weeks before Election Day, according to the latest Courier-Journal/WHAS11 Bluegrass Poll.

The poll shows that Conway, the state's attorney general, is now appealing to voters who say they are neutral on the tea party — Paul's base of support.

Jack Conway pulls even with Rand Paul in Bluegrass Poll | | The Courier-Journal

SurveyUSA Election Poll #17120

The reason for this great change is simple and has nothing to do with the actual race, and everything to do with the poll itself. SurveyUSA changed its methodology completely in a manner much more beneficial to Democrats. It will be interesting to see if other pollsters, such as Rasmussen, change their methodology as well, or stick to their guns.

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