Survival of the white race

The white race has no future. Sorry, but white people aren't reproducing like non-whites. Projecting far foward there wont be any more and humanity will be defined by some kind of tan-brown people. But that's ok, darker skin's more UV resistant anyway. :)
White people have an empathy gene not compatible with long term survival.

They will wonder why, and try to understand, as the mongrelized hordes roast the livers of the last of their kind.
Yep,that is one of the two things Klassen talks about in the video. He is spot on.They need to learn to return to our Crusader/Viking/ Roman etc origins. The rise of Christianity in European countries and the downfall of Rome among other empires and societies all go hand in hand...the turn the cheek and love thy neighbor crap.
Japan has a population problem right now with not enough Japanese babies getting made so the government's actually started a PR campaign encouraging its citizens to make babies. When you have a population problem you tell your people to do it like bunnies, not wait for marriage. :)
They haven't allowed the Jew in. They are still a VASTLY majority Japanese country. More power to them. I would love to visit there.
I'll buy you a one way ticket.
Japan doesn't allow immigration of non Japanese people.
Japan allows people to immigrate to Japan.

Entering Japan - Immigration and Visa Matters
Ah. Well I would only want to visit. Me moving to Japan would be me invading a country I do not belong in and only pushing the Japanese closer to genocide.
"Survival of the white race"

There is no such thing as 'race,' white or otherwise.

Of course there is. I've noticed this recent trend among leftists over the past year or so suddenly claiming that race is just a social construct as opposed to biological, but that is, of course, like most things coming from the far left, absurd.
There's also no such thing as 'leftists,' 'far' or otherwise.
Sooner we're all the same skin color, sooner we quit making that a big deal.

And it will happen.

Just not soon enough to save a lot of the misery caused by us whites.
I hope I get a chance to get my hands around the neck of some anti white piece of dog shit racist such as yourself before I die.It would make it so worth it.

Kinda dumb of him to threaten to kill whites while whining that whites are dying out.

Apparently, he doesn't know where white babies come from.
The greatest threat to the white race are other whites. The ones that have so much self hatred they wish harm and death and genocide on their own race. They are a greater threat then the jew,negro,mexican etc.
Seek out the mental health treatment you so clearly need.
Delta4Embassy, you live in Springfield, Missouri and you're anti-white? That's like being a Klansman who lives in Massachusetts.
And it will happen.

Just not soon enough to save a lot of the misery caused by us whites.
I hope I get a chance to get my hands around the neck of some anti white piece of dog shit racist such as yourself before I die.It would make it so worth it.

Kinda dumb of him to threaten to kill whites while whining that whites are dying out.

Apparently, he doesn't know where white babies come from.
The greatest threat to the white race are other whites. The ones that have so much self hatred they wish harm and death and genocide on their own race. They are a greater threat then the jew,negro,mexican etc.
Seek out the mental health treatment you so clearly need.
Yall sure are grasping at straws...first name calling,then suggesting I need mental help for not going along with the genocide of my race.
I hope I get a chance to get my hands around the neck of some anti white piece of dog shit racist such as yourself before I die.It would make it so worth it.

Kinda dumb of him to threaten to kill whites while whining that whites are dying out.

Apparently, he doesn't know where white babies come from.
The greatest threat to the white race are other whites. The ones that have so much self hatred they wish harm and death and genocide on their own race. They are a greater threat then the jew,negro,mexican etc.
Seek out the mental health treatment you so clearly need.
Yall sure are grasping at straws...first name calling,then suggesting I need mental help for not going along with the genocide of my race.

You don't have a 'race,' and you don't understand what "genocide" means.
Ah. Well I would only want to visit. Me moving to Japan would be me invading a country I do not belong in and only pushing the Japanese closer to genocide.

You're an idiot.
Coming from the likes of you that's a compliment.

It's not meant to be, idiot.
Well no shit! But you are a shit stain so anything you say I don't even consider it relevant.

Kinda dumb of him to threaten to kill whites while whining that whites are dying out.

Apparently, he doesn't know where white babies come from.
The greatest threat to the white race are other whites. The ones that have so much self hatred they wish harm and death and genocide on their own race. They are a greater threat then the jew,negro,mexican etc.
Seek out the mental health treatment you so clearly need.
Yall sure are grasping at straws...first name calling,then suggesting I need mental help for not going along with the genocide of my race.

You don't have a 'race,' and you don't understand what "genocide" means.
Yes I do and Yes I do. :)
"Flooding our country..."

Tell that to an Indian.

Dot Com that point he was trying to make was already refuted.

One of the most important videos whites should watch. It may not change your mind about the way things are and are happening but it will make you think if you give your time to watch this video.


Ah the jew boy who LOVES showing his true feelings about whites pipes up.
"Survival of the white race"

There is no such thing as 'race,' white or otherwise.
Fortunately for you scumbag you are wrong. You anti white racists love claiming that there is no race until you whine about "white privilege" or the "white supremacist" or "black pride" etc....Race is only convenient to scum when they can either make a buck off of it or they can use it to advance their anti white agenda.


Enjoy the power while you got it **** of reckoning is coming.
Shouldn't you be out burning a cross somewhere?
Or posting on Stormfront.

Definitely another stormfront missionary looking to recruit the rabid rightwing fringe element in USMB.
SF is a fucking joke. All talk no action and not tolerance for people who do take action.I am not recruiting anyone...I am spreading the truth. Whether anyone reads it or listens to it or looks into it more is none of my concern. I am just johnny appleseed sowing seeds of truth everywhere I go.

Action? Do you mean the murder of innocents, as your "religion" hopes to see?
Japan has a population problem right now with not enough Japanese babies getting made so the government's actually started a PR campaign encouraging its citizens to make babies. When you have a population problem you tell your people to do it like bunnies, not wait for marriage. :)

The Japanese are headed for sex with robots.

The pope is right: it's selfish for couples to get married and have no children. Of course, whites are the offenders here, not others. Italians are the worst -- they have the lowest birthrate in the West.
Shouldn't you be out burning a cross somewhere?
I am not a christian nor am I a klan obviously don't realize Creators HATE Christianity,
The white race has no future. Sorry, but white people aren't reproducing like non-whites. Projecting far foward there wont be any more and humanity will be defined by some kind of tan-brown people. But that's ok, darker skin's more UV resistant anyway. :)
We have a bright future if we embrace it and stop the genocidal policies that right now are leading to our end as a race. Watch the video it discusses it. Course you are a Jew are you not? No wonder you take such interest in the white race dying off.

Sooner we're all the same skin color, sooner we quit making that a big deal.
Actually only the white race is the ones being attacked and their countries flooded by nonwhites...not African,Asian,Jewish nations...just white. So its just the white race that's being genoicided. Not all races so there will still be Jews that have light skin color and are extremely loyal to their race,Africans who come in black as spades and light as tan pants and there is Asians who are tan but not black.
Shouldn't you be out burning a cross somewhere?
I am not a christian nor am I a klan obviously don't realize Creators HATE Christianity,
The white race has no future. Sorry, but white people aren't reproducing like non-whites. Projecting far foward there wont be any more and humanity will be defined by some kind of tan-brown people. But that's ok, darker skin's more UV resistant anyway. :)
We have a bright future if we embrace it and stop the genocidal policies that right now are leading to our end as a race. Watch the video it discusses it. Course you are a Jew are you not? No wonder you take such interest in the white race dying off.

Odd that you would think that I am Jewish. I guess that makes it easier to keep your silly beliefs. No I am a Christian, just not one of those fake Christians that push hateful dogma instead of the things that Christ actually taught.
Not you I was talking to Delta.Oh and since you are a real christian you might want to watch the video then. You probably won't agree with it but it would be good for you to watch it. He talks specifically about christianity in the video.

"Flooding our country..."

Tell that to an Indian.
New evidence suggests Stone Age hunters from Europe discovered America - Americas - World - The Independent

What was that?

Just don't let the left do what it did to us in south Africa or zimbabwe.
Already are.
That must be from a cave chimp site. There were no white people over here 10K years ago. White people were just getting started then.

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