Susan B. Anthony, it will be 2 centuries after she was born, 2020

its my 65 year out of 70 year experience that Liberal Lefty front holers' , are front holers , have always been front holers and will always be front holers Penny .
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and 'susan b.' was probably a very big 'front holer' . Maybe one of the biggest Liberal Lefty 'front holers' of all time Penny , Penny .
Hillary's behavior and ignoble defeat crushed the dream of a woman president for the next couple of decades. .... :cool:
and 'susan b.' was probably a very big 'front holer' . Maybe one of the biggest Liberal Lefty 'front holers' of all time Penny , Penny .

She meant business, she never gave up, and eventually she won. She is a sister we can all be thankful for; we stand on her shoulders.
--- Urban Dictionary: front hole --- there you go , the term came into use by ME just a couple days ago as i became aware of it and i'm trying to increase its usage . And looks like its a common but accurate term . I encourage its use when describing Liberal Lefty Femi Nazi type wominz , See definition just above Old Lady .
--- Urban Dictionary: front hole --- there you go , the term came into use by ME just a couple days ago as i became aware of it and i'm trying to increase its usage . And looks like its a common but accurate term . I encourage its use when describing Liberal Lefty Femi Nazi type wominz , See definition just above Old Lady .
It's an end run around the banned word "C*NT" and I'm going to complain about it, just so you know.
I have nothing against a female POTUS but to think that will fix this mess, is terribly naive.

To vote for a female POTUS because of her gender, is nothing short of stupidity.
--- Urban Dictionary: front hole --- there you go , the term came into use by ME just a couple days ago as i became aware of it and i'm trying to increase its usage . And looks like its a common but accurate term . I encourage its use when describing Liberal Lefty Femi Nazi type wominz , See definition just above Old Lady .
It's an end run around the banned word "C*NT" and I'm going to complain about it, just so you know.
-------------------------------------- See my urban dictionary and as the definition is accurate according to that . Happy to annoy YOU though as you assume and don't agree with Free Speech i guess Old Lady .
problem with Lefty Liberal wominz is that they have NO STANDARDS and lefty liberals , both male and female are very emotional and unthinking about the future .
Can't think of any current female pols I'd vote for as President.
I liked Nikki Haley a lot until she started acting like a true jerk at the UN. I respect the UN's reason for being and she has been shitting all over that as if it were America's private club house. Nuh uh.
So like you, I can't think of one at the moment, either.
problem with Lefty Liberal wominz is that they have NO STANDARDS and lefty liberals , both male and female are very emotional and unthinking about the future .

We vote on intelligence and Cons vote on emotions.
and 'susan b.' was probably a very big 'front holer' . Maybe one of the biggest Liberal Lefty 'front holers' of all time Penny , Penny .

She meant business, she never gave up, and eventually she won. She is a sister we can all be thankful for; we stand on her shoulders.

Can't think of any current female pols I'd vote for as President.
I liked Nikki Haley a lot until she started acting like a true jerk at the UN. I respect the UN's reason for being and she has been shitting all over that as if it were America's private club house. Nuh uh.
So like you, I can't think of one at the moment, either.

Oh Nikki Haley , no way. Then again I will never vote GOP again.

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