Susan Collins said that the FBI supplementary report was very thorough

The dems thought they were sabotaging Kavanaugh, but looks like they ended up sabotaging their own chance at either the Senate or the House.

What a bunch of Morons.

I think if Kavanaugh is confirmed, it's going to be the exact opposite for the GOP. The Dems want to cut the GOP off at the knees and I believe they're going to get the votes to do it.

The dems have stated they will impeach Kavanaug. One way to stop that? Republican vote turn out in November......

You can't impeach a judge based on time before they are confirmed, it can only be based on their behavior while on the court. Think Kavanaugh going to make bad behavior while under a microscope and had passed SIX previous FBI background checks.... already.
actually, I believe you are mistaken, although in principle, you are absolutely correct

in practical terms, impeachment is a political exorcise and can be done for any reason that the majority of congressmen (and women) feel is appropriate

however, even in the unlikely event that the dems take the House; I believe that they won't have enough members to win an impeachment vote; not against Kav - this is a nuclear issue and there will be some dems from moderate to conservative leaning districts that will want no part of this

but again, this is probably a moot point, as this shit show has very likely destroyed whatever chances there may have been of a "blue wave"

Actually only while he is on the bench, covering a supposed violation while ON THE BENCH, not before he was confirmed. Here is a link that explains it:

Annotation 18 - Article II

"Impeachable Offenses

The Convention came to its choice of words describing the grounds for impeachment after much deliberation, but the phrasing derived directly from the English practice. The framers early adopted, on June 2, a provision that the Executive should be removable by impeachment and conviction ''of mal-practice or neglect of duty.'' 759 The Committee of Detail reported as grounds ''Treason (or) Bribery or Corruption.'' 760 And the Committee of Eleven reduced the phrase to ''Treason, or bribery.'' 761 On September 8, Mason objected to this limitation, observing that the term did not encompass all the conduct which should be grounds for removal; he therefore proposed to add ''or maladministration'' following ''bribery.'' Upon Madison's objection that ''o vague a term will be equivalent to a tenure during pleasure of the Senate,'' Mason suggested ''other high crimes and misdemeanors,'' which was adopted without further recorded debate. 762 The phrase in the context of impeachments has an ancient English history, first turning up in the impeachment of the Earl of Suffolk in 1388."

It has to be what they are doing while ON THE BENCH, can't impeach him on anything BEFORE he is confirmed, as the Senate Subcommittee review and FBI background checks, have been addressing his PAST history up the point of being confirmed in debate and questions of the nominee. The Democrats had their opportunity to prove he is unfit for the Bench and failed completely, heck they didn't find a single witness to support Dr. Fords claims the whole time!

Kavanaugh has been unusually and deeply vetted for the office and passed. thus impeachment attempt on his past history BEFORE he is confirmed is dead on arrival.
again, I hear you, but respectfully disagree

the way things work and the way they are supposed to work are two entirely different matters

not trying to be mean here, but I will reply with snark - are you suggesting that democrats and leftists always follow the rules and do what's right :dunno:
I think if Kavanaugh is confirmed, it's going to be the exact opposite for the GOP. The Dems want to cut the GOP off at the knees and I believe they're going to get the votes to do it.

Stick your memes up your ass, snowflake.
you seem triggered friend

Nope. The lazy and stupid use memes instead of words.

you may well be an intelligent guy worth having an honest and stimulating debate with - I don't know, I am not familiar with your post history

however, message boards are for fun & memes & other images can make a point without demonstrating "stupidity" or "laziness" or a lack of intellect

I have reached the point where I am no longer interested in debate on the Kavanaugh issue; the allegations against him are a farce, as has been credibly demonstrated over and over again

let's step back

if you are worthy of debate and want someone reasonable to talk to, catch up with me on another topic; I will be happy to engage

on this? I am at "point and laugh"

we can talk about why or why not independent voters in purple districts and states will break red or blue in another thread at another time

but before we do; I would encourage you to review polling data from those areas

and I will also encourage you to look up what Joe Scarborough has said on the issue (hint, he says that dems have overreached on this)

and for fun, yes, I am going to be too lazy to link any of that at the moment; because I just don't care enough right now

I am too busy celebrating these recent developments

thanks for understanding

Fair enough. This whole thing is quite a shit show for sure.
'Did Not Interview Ford'

The FBI was asked to investigate the accusations made by Ford and her testimony already given in the hours of testifying / giving her statement before the Senate.

The FBI had the transcripts and Ford's testimony - no further interview was required. The FBI also did not interview Kavanaugh. They had his transcripts and testimony as well.

Stop the snowflake / liberal excuses and BS. The 'Herman Cain'ing of Kavanaugh FAILED.

Add this to the list of things / realities / facts that liberals / snowflakes refuse to accept, like the fact that Hillary LOST in 2016 and there is no evidence to support the false allegations that Trump illegally colluded with the Russians.

Dr Ford should have been interviewed to see if she had anything else to say about what Kavanaugh said. He got to listen to what she said and answer while Dr Ford did not. In addition they did not investigate whether he was telling the truth when he said he did not get drunk.

The fact is that the Republican Party has chosen to stand behind someone who committed a sexual assault and lied to Congress about his drinking to cover himself. Otherwise there wouldn't be this coverup.

The fact is that Trump tried to collude on one occasion. He certainly had no problem with the Russians helping him. Putin said he wanted Trump and defended him a few days ago. That is reality.
IMHO if Kavanaugh is not confirmed, the Dems will not win control of either the House or the Senate next month, as too many Repubs and independent voters will be totally pissed at them. Might also hurt them in 2020 too. Same goes for impeachment in the House of Trump or Kavanaugh (if confirmed), or anyone. The surest way I know of for the Dems to give back the House in 2020, assuming they win it this year, is to go on some Quixotic crusade with insufficient evidence to prove their case.
I think conservative voters that were likely going to be disinterested are now fully engaged, fired up, and will come out to vote

remember when super high turnout in 2016 was supposed to be bad new for Trump specifically and republicans in general?

well, we got really high turnout, and it did not work out for our friends on the left like they hoped and expected

I believe we will see a repeat of that in the 2018 midterm elections

my thoughts on what is likely:

democrats will, once again, see more actual votes come in for their side; but mostly in places like Cali & NY - deep blue areas

independent voters in purple states and districts will break republican


because the left is trying to dismantle the presumption of innocence and other deeply rooted principles that most Americans hold dear

and they have been amazing hypocrites

nobody wants to see an actual sexual assault go unpunished; but independent women in purple areas also do not want their fathers, husbands, brothers and sons to be subjected to unfair penalties because of falllacious accusations from vindictive women with an agenda

this thing is already blowing up in their face

1 example, and then I have to get back to work...

Heidi Heitkamp, the Dem Senator from ND has long been seen as a "safe" Democrat in a red state. But now? She is in deep trouble, and it does not even look like a "yes" vote on Kav can save her

she is down close to double digits in polling; which, as we have seen before, almost always tends to overstate the Democrats strength
Game, Set, Match. Kavanaugh gets on the USSC

p.s. Jeff Flake just said that he sees no corroboration of Dr. Fords allegations...

Jeff Flake will vote No on the confirmation, I guarantee this you watch if he doesn't.

Stick your memes up your ass, snowflake.
you seem triggered friend

Nope. The lazy and stupid use memes instead of words.

you may well be an intelligent guy worth having an honest and stimulating debate with - I don't know, I am not familiar with your post history

however, message boards are for fun & memes & other images can make a point without demonstrating "stupidity" or "laziness" or a lack of intellect

I have reached the point where I am no longer interested in debate on the Kavanaugh issue; the allegations against him are a farce, as has been credibly demonstrated over and over again

let's step back

if you are worthy of debate and want someone reasonable to talk to, catch up with me on another topic; I will be happy to engage

on this? I am at "point and laugh"

we can talk about why or why not independent voters in purple districts and states will break red or blue in another thread at another time

but before we do; I would encourage you to review polling data from those areas

and I will also encourage you to look up what Joe Scarborough has said on the issue (hint, he says that dems have overreached on this)

and for fun, yes, I am going to be too lazy to link any of that at the moment; because I just don't care enough right now

I am too busy celebrating these recent developments

thanks for understanding

Fair enough. This whole thing is quite a shit show for sure.
I saw the "snowflake" comment after I had made this last reply to you and decided to wait for a response from you before reacting (because it does look like you are one of the reasonable democrats (or center left moderates?) that enjoys passionate debate, and there are too few like that on BOTH sides; here and on other forums)

thanks for your response

Game, Set, Match. Kavanaugh gets on the USSC

p.s. Jeff Flake just said that he sees no corroboration of Dr. Fords allegations...
How sad is it that our elected officials are so stupid that they are only now figuring out what we knew weeks ago...
Game, Set, Match. Kavanaugh gets on the USSC

p.s. Jeff Flake just said that he sees no corroboration of Dr. Fords allegations...

I still don’t believe him. He is a slimy weasel. Same for Collins and the Alaskan swamp ho.
The dems thought they were sabotaging Kavanaugh, but looks like they ended up sabotaging their own chance at either the Senate or the House.

What a bunch of Morons.

I think if Kavanaugh is confirmed, it's going to be the exact opposite for the GOP. The Dems want to cut the GOP off at the knees and I believe they're going to get the votes to do it.

The dems have stated they will impeach Kavanaug. One way to stop that? Republican vote turn out in November......
do not give a shit

after this circus and demonstration of how truly vile and evil Democrats are, middle America will turn out and prevent any blue wave

we will STILL hold the Senate, and expand the majority

IF they get the House (which I highly doubt) and they DO impeach

good luck getting SIXTY SEVEN Senators to vote to remove

What happens if/when they do? Are you going to throw a snowflake tantrum? :206:
lord knows you are giving a great example of that
Dr Ford should have been interviewed to see if she had anything else to say about what Kavanaugh said. He got to listen to what she said and answer while Dr Ford did not. In addition they did not investigate whether he was telling the truth when he said he did not get drunk.
She got to tell her side.

The democrats had several hours to ask her anything they wanted and to allow her to say whatever she had to say.

Again, the FBI was tasked to investigate the accusations and testimony she gave. They did.

ZERO Corroboration.

It's over.

Confirm the man.
I tend to agree. He has nothing to lose. Probably will get a big pay off in the end.
The dems thought they were sabotaging Kavanaugh, but looks like they ended up sabotaging their own chance at either the Senate or the House.

What a bunch of Morons.

I think if Kavanaugh is confirmed, it's going to be the exact opposite for the GOP. The Dems want to cut the GOP off at the knees and I believe they're going to get the votes to do it.

The dems have stated they will impeach Kavanaug. One way to stop that? Republican vote turn out in November......
do not give a shit

after this circus and demonstration of how truly vile and evil Democrats are, middle America will turn out and prevent any blue wave

we will STILL hold the Senate, and expand the majority

IF they get the House (which I highly doubt) and they DO impeach

good luck getting SIXTY SEVEN Senators to vote to remove

What happens if/when they do? Are you going to throw a snowflake tantrum? :206:
lord knows you are giving a great example of that

Am I? That's weird, because I think Kavanaugh will be confirmed.
The dems thought they were sabotaging Kavanaugh, but looks like they ended up sabotaging their own chance at either the Senate or the House.

What a bunch of Morons.

I think if Kavanaugh is confirmed, it's going to be the exact opposite for the GOP. The Dems want to cut the GOP off at the knees and I believe they're going to get the votes to do it.

The dems have stated they will impeach Kavanaug. One way to stop that? Republican vote turn out in November......

You can't impeach a judge based on time before they are confirmed, it can only be based on their behavior while on the court. Think Kavanaugh going to make bad behavior while under a microscope and had passed SIX previous FBI background checks.... already.
If the votes are there, the house can impeach and the senate can convict for anything they damn well please.......If the votes are there! The votes should not be there!
The dems thought they were sabotaging Kavanaugh, but looks like they ended up sabotaging their own chance at either the Senate or the House.

What a bunch of Morons.

I think if Kavanaugh is confirmed, it's going to be the exact opposite for the GOP. The Dems want to cut the GOP off at the knees and I believe they're going to get the votes to do it.

The dems have stated they will impeach Kavanaug. One way to stop that? Republican vote turn out in November......

You can't impeach a judge based on time before they are confirmed, it can only be based on their behavior while on the court. Think Kavanaugh going to make bad behavior while under a microscope and had passed SIX previous FBI background checks.... already.

The democrats will go after him on his temperament...and again, all you need is a simple majority, it doesn't matter for what reason....
The dems accuse him of being a rapist, and then they say he doesn't have the right temperament when he gets upset at them... go figure!
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), who has led the charge against Kavanaugh, whined about the conclusion of the FBI investigation, “The most notable part of this report is what’s not in it.” But Feinstein also admitted, “I had the opportunity to read some, but not all of it.”

Yep, Cali she is all yours.
The dems thought they were sabotaging Kavanaugh, but looks like they ended up sabotaging their own chance at either the Senate or the House.

What a bunch of Morons.

I think if Kavanaugh is confirmed, it's going to be the exact opposite for the GOP. The Dems want to cut the GOP off at the knees and I believe they're going to get the votes to do it.

The dems have stated they will impeach Kavanaug. One way to stop that? Republican vote turn out in November......

You can't impeach a judge based on time before they are confirmed, it can only be based on their behavior while on the court. Think Kavanaugh going to make bad behavior while under a microscope and had passed SIX previous FBI background checks.... already.

The democrats will go after him on his temperament...and again, all you need is a simple majority, it doesn't matter for what reason....
The dems accuse him of being a rapist, and then they say he doesn't have the right temperament when he gets upset at them... go figure!

Politics is this country is usually a swamp... It's best to wear hip waders.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), who has led the charge against Kavanaugh, whined about the conclusion of the FBI investigation, “The most notable part of this report is what’s not in it.” But Feinstein also admitted, “I had the opportunity to read some, but not all of it.”

Yep, Cali she is all yours.
guess it's not that important.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), who has led the charge against Kavanaugh, whined about the conclusion of the FBI investigation, “The most notable part of this report is what’s not in it.” But Feinstein also admitted, “I had the opportunity to read some, but not all of it.”

Yep, Cali she is all yours.

I'm glad someone else noticed that. I just figured she went in there, turned to the
concluding page of the report saw nothing there and left.

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