Susan Rice as Domestic Policy Advisor?

Geezus! This is turning into the Obama Administration Pt. II. No new ideas here, folks.

President-elect Joe Biden taps former Obama adviser and envoy Susan Rice to lead White House Domestic Policy Council

"WASHINGTON — President-elect Joe Biden taps former Obama adviser and envoy Susan Rice to lead White House Domestic Policy Council."

She has a vast amount of experience in foreign and domestic policy. Very smart choice. If Democrats had won the Senate by a comfortable margin, you'd have probably seen her as Secretary of State.
That would have made Republicans turn blue! :)

In your blissful ignorance, I'm assuming you have no idea of the level of corruption she was involved in, right?

She was the spokeswoman who first told the world that it was extremists who brought heavy weapons to the compound the Ambassador to Libya was staying in, and then attacked the Compound setting it ablaze. Of course, everybody knows that.
She said that it was a film director's film that enraged the attackers in which was pure unadulterated bullcrap. She covered for Obama and Hillary, and should have been tried by the United States for treason.

Nope. She identified the Extremist who came to the consulate without saying what they ideology might be other that to attack the US because they brought heavy weapons.

Let me ask you this, when the Bush administration use Bin Laden's Al Qaida and Saddam Hussein's quest for Nuclear and biological weapons in the same sentence, did you connect the two and think Saddam was aiding Al Qaeda?
She repeated the same lie over and over and over again...that there was a protest that took place in Benghazi over a You Tube video...a protest that was then "hijacked" by extremists! Only there never WAS a protest that proceeded the planned attack by an Al Queda affiliated group and the Obama Administration KNEW that before they trotted Rice out to do all of those Sunday morning shows!
So your choice is this when it comes to Susan Rice, Boo! She either went along with the lies...which makes her unsuited for a high level post...or she was too naive to know she was being used by Barry and Hillary...which again makes her unsuited for a high level post! Pick your poison...

Do you agree that the reason she gave for the non existent protest is that it was a copy cat of what happened in Cairo a few hours before?

The extremist with heavy weapon who came, did not come to protest.

But if you've seen one set of talking points meant to mislead the public perception without actually lying, you've seen them all.

I don't blame either of the Rice Girls. Not related or course.
You just stated that Rice gave a reason for a "non existent protest"! Do you not understand that you're admitting that she either lied or wasn't smart enough to grasp that Obama and Clinton were sending her out there to lie?

The whole protest over a You Tube video was always a lie concocted by the Obama Administration to hide how badly they bungled security for State Department personnel in Libya!
A prosperous people don't fall for the promises of an Adolf Hitler, Boo! The German people did because their nation was still reeling from WW1.

I thought that once too. That's why the victimhood at the hand of the evil Femi-Nazis, Enviro-Nazis and Demo-Nazis, has been pushed by the right wing wordsmiths. Trumpybear has been like a magnifying glass, focusing that energy in to hating "the other".
You really think it's the right that's been pushing "hate" for the past four years? That's amusing...
She was asked to stand in for Hillary Clinton, and was briefed the night before on the incident, and what to say by the administration and CIA.

She did not knowingly lie, about anything. The briefings she got from admin and the cia were subpoenaed by House investigators, showed that.....
Hillary refused to go, Care! She was asked and she wanted nothing to do with standing in front of the nation and telling a lie that was sure to be exposed. Susan Rice was the patsy that they got to fill in for Hillary! I personally think Rice was clueless when she went on all those Sunday morning shows! She got hung out to dry by Barry and Hillary who sent her out there with Ben Rhoads lies like a trusting little puppy!
Geezus! This is turning into the Obama Administration Pt. II. No new ideas here, folks.

President-elect Joe Biden taps former Obama adviser and envoy Susan Rice to lead White House Domestic Policy Council

"WASHINGTON — President-elect Joe Biden taps former Obama adviser and envoy Susan Rice to lead White House Domestic Policy Council."

She has a vast amount of experience in foreign and domestic policy. Very smart choice. If Democrats had won the Senate by a comfortable margin, you'd have probably seen her as Secretary of State.
That would have made Republicans turn blue! :)

In your blissful ignorance, I'm assuming you have no idea of the level of corruption she was involved in, right?

She was the spokeswoman who first told the world that it was extremists who brought heavy weapons to the compound the Ambassador to Libya was staying in, and then attacked the Compound setting it ablaze. Of course, everybody knows that.
She said that it was a film director's film that enraged the attackers in which was pure unadulterated bullcrap. She covered for Obama and Hillary, and should have been tried by the United States for treason.

Nope. She identified the Extremist who came to the consulate without saying what they ideology might be other that to attack the US because they brought heavy weapons.

Let me ask you this, when the Bush administration use Bin Laden's Al Qaida and Saddam Hussein's quest for Nuclear and biological weapons in the same sentence, did you connect the two and think Saddam was aiding Al Qaeda?
She repeated the same lie over and over and over again...that there was a protest that took place in Benghazi over a You Tube video...a protest that was then "hijacked" by extremists! Only there never WAS a protest that proceeded the planned attack by an Al Queda affiliated group and the Obama Administration KNEW that before they trotted Rice out to do all of those Sunday morning shows!
So your choice is this when it comes to Susan Rice, Boo! She either went along with the lies...which makes her unsuited for a high level post...or she was too naive to know she was being used by Barry and Hillary...which again makes her unsuited for a high level post! Pick your poison...

Do you agree that the reason she gave for the non existent protest is that it was a copy cat of what happened in Cairo a few hours before?

The extremist with heavy weapon who came, did not come to protest.

But if you've seen one set of talking points meant to mislead the public perception without actually lying, you've seen them all.

I don't blame either of the Rice Girls. Not related or course.
You just stated that Rice gave a reason for a "non existent protest"! Do you not understand that you're admitting that she either lied or wasn't smart enough to grasp that Obama and Clinton were sending her out there to lie?

The whole protest over a You Tube video was always a lie concocted by the Obama Administration to hide how badly they bungled security for State Department personnel in Libya!

The Press had reported there was one, even Faux. Do you understand what speculation means? "We think there was... or possible joined in.....might have used for cover"

Regardless, that is who she said was copying catting the Cairo Protest, which she then went on to describe why that happen which was that video. Then she talks about the Extremist with Heavy Weapon.....

Republican's did a good job distracted the country from the major Romney breach of protocol, though and they got some good sound bites they used in the Kangaroo case they threw against Hillary too.
A prosperous people don't fall for the promises of an Adolf Hitler, Boo! The German people did because their nation was still reeling from WW1.

I thought that once too. That's why the victimhood at the hand of the evil Femi-Nazis, Enviro-Nazis and Demo-Nazis, has been pushed by the right wing wordsmiths. Trumpybear has been like a magnifying glass, focusing that energy in to hating "the other".
You really think it's the right that's been pushing "hate" for the past four years? That's amusing...

That they are doesn't mean the other side isn't

The rabid right coined those phases long ago. They remained relegated mostly to the AM radio but burst on the Faux Echo Chamber scene in a big way shortly after the Great Obama Victory in 2009. "Barack the Magic Negro" bring back any memories?
Geezus! This is turning into the Obama Administration Pt. II. No new ideas here, folks.

President-elect Joe Biden taps former Obama adviser and envoy Susan Rice to lead White House Domestic Policy Council

"WASHINGTON — President-elect Joe Biden taps former Obama adviser and envoy Susan Rice to lead White House Domestic Policy Council."

She has a vast amount of experience in foreign and domestic policy. Very smart choice. If Democrats had won the Senate by a comfortable margin, you'd have probably seen her as Secretary of State.
That would have made Republicans turn blue! :)

In your blissful ignorance, I'm assuming you have no idea of the level of corruption she was involved in, right?

She was the spokeswoman who first told the world that it was extremists who brought heavy weapons to the compound the Ambassador to Libya was staying in, and then attacked the Compound setting it ablaze. Of course, everybody knows that.
She said that it was a film director's film that enraged the attackers in which was pure unadulterated bullcrap. She covered for Obama and Hillary, and should have been tried by the United States for treason.

Nope. She identified the Extremist who came to the consulate without saying what they ideology might be other that to attack the US because they brought heavy weapons.

Let me ask you this, when the Bush administration use Bin Laden's Al Qaida and Saddam Hussein's quest for Nuclear and biological weapons in the same sentence, did you connect the two and think Saddam was aiding Al Qaeda?
She repeated the same lie over and over and over again...that there was a protest that took place in Benghazi over a You Tube video...a protest that was then "hijacked" by extremists! Only there never WAS a protest that proceeded the planned attack by an Al Queda affiliated group and the Obama Administration KNEW that before they trotted Rice out to do all of those Sunday morning shows!
So your choice is this when it comes to Susan Rice, Boo! She either went along with the lies...which makes her unsuited for a high level post...or she was too naive to know she was being used by Barry and Hillary...which again makes her unsuited for a high level post! Pick your poison...

Do you agree that the reason she gave for the non existent protest is that it was a copy cat of what happened in Cairo a few hours before?

The extremist with heavy weapon who came, did not come to protest.

But if you've seen one set of talking points meant to mislead the public perception without actually lying, you've seen them all.

I don't blame either of the Rice Girls. Not related or course.
You just stated that Rice gave a reason for a "non existent protest"! Do you not understand that you're admitting that she either lied or wasn't smart enough to grasp that Obama and Clinton were sending her out there to lie?

The whole protest over a You Tube video was always a lie concocted by the Obama Administration to hide how badly they bungled security for State Department personnel in Libya!

The Press had reported there was one, even Faux. Do you understand what speculation means? "We think there was... or possible joined in.....might have used for cover"

Regardless, that is who she said was copying catting the Cairo Protest, which she then went on to describe why that happen which was that video. Then she talks about the Extremist with Heavy Weapon.....

Republican's did a good job distracted the country from the major Romney breach of protocol, though and they got some good sound bites they used in the Kangaroo case they threw against Hillary too.
You can't seem to grasp that the "Cairo Protest" was the excuse that the Obama Administration used! There was no protest outside the facility in Benghazi prior to the attack...something that the Obama Administration KNEW! You can see what they were trying to do with the talking points that Rice was given by Ben Rhoads to repeat over and over again! They were diverting attention from the failures of Hillary Clinton to provide adequate protection for our State Department personnel by portraying what happened as a protest that turned violent! Watch how Rice repeated the same talking points. How she even tried to portray the use of heavy weapons on the Compound as to be expected because those kinds of things were everywhere in Libya! Like they were just lying around in the streets for a "protester" to pick up in the heat of passion!
A prosperous people don't fall for the promises of an Adolf Hitler, Boo! The German people did because their nation was still reeling from WW1.

I thought that once too. That's why the victimhood at the hand of the evil Femi-Nazis, Enviro-Nazis and Demo-Nazis, has been pushed by the right wing wordsmiths. Trumpybear has been like a magnifying glass, focusing that energy in to hating "the other".
You really think it's the right that's been pushing "hate" for the past four years? That's amusing...

That they are doesn't mean the other side isn't

The rabid right coined those phases long ago. They remained relegated mostly to the AM radio but burst on the Faux Echo Chamber scene in a big way shortly after the Great Obama Victory in 2009. "Barack the Magic Negro" bring back any memories?
Who do you think was attacked more...Barack Obama...or Donald Trump? Which side was in the streets burning and looting? Which side impeached a sitting President on bullshit charges?
Which side impeached a sitting President on bullshit charges?

Republicans of course.

Democrats must accept responsibility for the corrupt act of lying about a blow job.

Republican's must accept responsibility for the corrupt act of strong-arming an other country into performing a corrupt political act against a domestic political opponent for the benefit of the Trump.
Which side impeached a sitting President on bullshit charges?

Republicans of course.

Democrats must accept responsibility for the corrupt act of lying about a blow job.

Republican's must accept responsibility for the corrupt act of strong-arming an other country into performing a corrupt political act against a domestic political opponent for the benefit of the Trump.
Strong arming another country? Oh, like what Joe Biden did in the Ukraine?
Clinton lied under oath.
Which side impeached a sitting President on bullshit charges?

Republicans of course.

Democrats must accept responsibility for the corrupt act of lying about a blow job.

Republican's must accept responsibility for the corrupt act of strong-arming an other country into performing a corrupt political act against a domestic political opponent for the benefit of the Trump.
Strong arming another country? Oh, like what Joe Biden did in the Ukraine?
Clinton lied under oath.

LOL for: performing a corrupt political act against a domestic political opponent

Not: Pursuing Obama's foreign policy objectives.

Democrat's acquitted Clinton for lying about a blow Job.

Banana Republican's acquitted Donnie for the attempted strong arming a foreign country into attacking Democrats and Joe Biden.
Geezus! This is turning into the Obama Administration Pt. II. No new ideas here, folks.

President-elect Joe Biden taps former Obama adviser and envoy Susan Rice to lead White House Domestic Policy Council

"WASHINGTON — President-elect Joe Biden taps former Obama adviser and envoy Susan Rice to lead White House Domestic Policy Council."

She has a vast amount of experience in foreign and domestic policy. Very smart choice. If Democrats had won the Senate by a comfortable margin, you'd have probably seen her as Secretary of State.
That would have made Republicans turn blue! :)
yeah if you call the arab spring millions of refugees and the rise of isis and terrorism across the globe experience
She was asked to stand in for Hillary Clinton, and was briefed the night before on the incident, and what to say by the administration and CIA.

She did not knowingly lie, about anything. The briefings she got from admin and the cia were subpoenaed by House investigators, showed that.....
Hillary refused to go, Care! She was asked and she wanted nothing to do with standing in front of the nation and telling a lie that was sure to be exposed. Susan Rice was the patsy that they got to fill in for Hillary! I personally think Rice was clueless when she went on all those Sunday morning shows! She got hung out to dry by Barry and Hillary who sent her out there with Ben Rhoads lies like a trusting little puppy!
Uhhhh, you might be believable if her loyalty to Obama wasn't so steadfast. Anyone hang me out to dry, and that's it. They can go straight to hell. Her loyalty explains alot.
Geezus! This is turning into the Obama Administration Pt. II. No new ideas here, folks.

President-elect Joe Biden taps former Obama adviser and envoy Susan Rice to lead White House Domestic Policy Council

"WASHINGTON — President-elect Joe Biden taps former Obama adviser and envoy Susan Rice to lead White House Domestic Policy Council."

She has a vast amount of experience in foreign and domestic policy. Very smart choice. If Democrats had won the Senate by a comfortable margin, you'd have probably seen her as Secretary of State.
That would have made Republicans turn blue! :)

In your blissful ignorance, I'm assuming you have no idea of the level of corruption she was involved in, right?

She was the spokeswoman who first told the world that it was extremists who brought heavy weapons to the compound the Ambassador to Libya was staying in, and then attacked the Compound setting it ablaze. Of course, everybody knows that.
She said that it was a film director's film that enraged the attackers in which was pure unadulterated bullcrap. She covered for Obama and Hillary, and should have been tried by the United States for treason.

Nope. She identified the Extremist who came to the consulate without saying what they ideology might be other that to attack the US because they brought heavy weapons.

Let me ask you this, when the Bush administration use Bin Laden's Al Qaida and Saddam Hussein's quest for Nuclear and biological weapons in the same sentence, did you connect the two and think Saddam was aiding Al Qaeda?
She repeated the same lie over and over and over again...that there was a protest that took place in Benghazi over a You Tube video...a protest that was then "hijacked" by extremists! Only there never WAS a protest that proceeded the planned attack by an Al Queda affiliated group and the Obama Administration KNEW that before they trotted Rice out to do all of those Sunday morning shows!
So your choice is this when it comes to Susan Rice, Boo! She either went along with the lies...which makes her unsuited for a high level post...or she was too naive to know she was being used by Barry and Hillary...which again makes her unsuited for a high level post! Pick your poison...

Do you agree that the reason she gave for the non existent protest is that it was a copy cat of what happened in Cairo a few hours before?

The extremist with heavy weapon who came, did not come to protest.

But if you've seen one set of talking points meant to mislead the public perception without actually lying, you've seen them all.

I don't blame either of the Rice Girls. Not related or course.
You just stated that Rice gave a reason for a "non existent protest"! Do you not understand that you're admitting that she either lied or wasn't smart enough to grasp that Obama and Clinton were sending her out there to lie?

The whole protest over a You Tube video was always a lie concocted by the Obama Administration to hide how badly they bungled security for State Department personnel in Libya!

And a super lame lie, it was! Her reputation went to shit for promulgating it.
Geezus! This is turning into the Obama Administration Pt. II. No new ideas here, folks.

President-elect Joe Biden taps former Obama adviser and envoy Susan Rice to lead White House Domestic Policy Council

"WASHINGTON — President-elect Joe Biden taps former Obama adviser and envoy Susan Rice to lead White House Domestic Policy Council."

She has a vast amount of experience in foreign and domestic policy. Very smart choice. If Democrats had won the Senate by a comfortable margin, you'd have probably seen her as Secretary of State.
That would have made Republicans turn blue! :)
yeah if you call the arab spring millions of refugees and the rise of isis and terrorism across the globe experience

Yeah, you're about 6 years past the rise of ISIS and its terrorism by the time Susan Rice came around.
Which side impeached a sitting President on bullshit charges?

Republicans of course.

Democrats must accept responsibility for the corrupt act of lying about a blow job.

Republican's must accept responsibility for the corrupt act of strong-arming an other country into performing a corrupt political act against a domestic political opponent for the benefit of the Trump.
Strong arming another country? Oh, like what Joe Biden did in the Ukraine?
Clinton lied under oath.

LOL for: performing a corrupt political act against a domestic political opponent

Not: Pursuing Obama's foreign policy objectives.

Democrat's acquitted Clinton for lying about a blow Job.

Banana Republican's acquitted Donnie for the attempted strong arming a foreign country into attacking Democrats and Joe Biden.
Democrats tried for four years to smear Donald Trump with that bogus charge of colluding with Russia...a charge based on the fake dossiers that Hillary Clinton paid for! The Democrats ran the sleaziest campaign I've ever seen that year and I've seen a few!
Geezus! This is turning into the Obama Administration Pt. II. No new ideas here, folks.

President-elect Joe Biden taps former Obama adviser and envoy Susan Rice to lead White House Domestic Policy Council

"WASHINGTON — President-elect Joe Biden taps former Obama adviser and envoy Susan Rice to lead White House Domestic Policy Council."

She has a vast amount of experience in foreign and domestic policy. Very smart choice. If Democrats had won the Senate by a comfortable margin, you'd have probably seen her as Secretary of State.
That would have made Republicans turn blue! :)
yeah if you call the arab spring millions of refugees and the rise of isis and terrorism across the globe experience

Yeah, you're about 6 years past the rise of ISIS and its terrorism by the time Susan Rice came around.
You do realize that Susan Rice was appointed UN Ambassador by Barack Obama at the very beginning of Barry's first term?
Rice is the Minister of Domestic Corruption, and Hunter will be the Minister of Foreign Corruption.
The Benghazi survivors aren't real happy about this filthy piece of shit being tapped for the Xi'den pretend regime. I wonder if Plugs even knows who she is.

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