Susan Rice Did Her Job And Boy Are Republicans Pissed


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017

In Lake’s telling, it was Rice who allegedly asked intelligence-agency leaders to reveal the names, which are normally “masked” to protect US citizens caught in foreign-intelligence gathering. Senator Rand Paul claimed Lake had identified the “smoking gun” that validated Donald Trump’s claims that the Obama administration was “spying on” him.

Of course, it was no such thing; even Lake reported that what Rice was alleged to do was neither a crime nor evidence of Trump’s ludicrous claim. Security officials went further: Former CIA director John McLaughlin told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell that Rice was just “doing her job.”

Susan Rice Did Her Job—and Boy Are Republicans Pissed
The reporting came from Bloomberg not Trump and they are hardly known as big Trump backers or a right wing media outlet.

The article was written by Joan Walsh, a rabid anti Trump moon bat, she used to be with Salon.

That's all you need to know
She asked for unmasking, it got approved through several agencies, and she didn't reveal the information to anybody. I fail to see what was illegal about her actions.

Sounds like another failed nothingburger from Trump fanatics.

In Lake’s telling, it was Rice who allegedly asked intelligence-agency leaders to reveal the names, which are normally “masked” to protect US citizens caught in foreign-intelligence gathering. Senator Rand Paul claimed Lake had identified the “smoking gun” that validated Donald Trump’s claims that the Obama administration was “spying on” him.

Of course, it was no such thing; even Lake reported that what Rice was alleged to do was neither a crime nor evidence of Trump’s ludicrous claim. Security officials went further: Former CIA director John McLaughlin told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell that Rice was just “doing her job.”

Susan Rice Did Her Job—and Boy Are Republicans Pissed

it was Rice who allegedly asked intelligence-agency leaders to reveal the names,

Why is that her job?

In Lake’s telling, it was Rice who allegedly asked intelligence-agency leaders to reveal the names, which are normally “masked” to protect US citizens caught in foreign-intelligence gathering. Senator Rand Paul claimed Lake had identified the “smoking gun” that validated Donald Trump’s claims that the Obama administration was “spying on” him.

Of course, it was no such thing; even Lake reported that what Rice was alleged to do was neither a crime nor evidence of Trump’s ludicrous claim. Security officials went further: Former CIA director John McLaughlin told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell that Rice was just “doing her job.”

Susan Rice Did Her Job—and Boy Are Republicans Pissed

it was Rice who allegedly asked intelligence-agency leaders to reveal the names,

Why is that her job?

She made multiple inquires also...she was fishing

In Lake’s telling, it was Rice who allegedly asked intelligence-agency leaders to reveal the names, which are normally “masked” to protect US citizens caught in foreign-intelligence gathering. Senator Rand Paul claimed Lake had identified the “smoking gun” that validated Donald Trump’s claims that the Obama administration was “spying on” him.

Of course, it was no such thing; even Lake reported that what Rice was alleged to do was neither a crime nor evidence of Trump’s ludicrous claim. Security officials went further: Former CIA director John McLaughlin told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell that Rice was just “doing her job.”

Susan Rice Did Her Job—and Boy Are Republicans Pissed

it was Rice who allegedly asked intelligence-agency leaders to reveal the names,

Why is that her job?

She asked for unmasking, it got approved through several agencies, and she didn't reveal the information to anybody. I fail to see what was illegal about her actions.

Sounds like another failed nothingburger from Trump fanatics.

She asked for unmasking

Why? Does her job involve foreign intelligence? National security? Espionage?

and she didn't reveal the information to anybody

Boy is you dumb.
The reporting came from Bloomberg not Trump and they are hardly known as big Trump backers or a right wing media outlet.
bloomberg is who the president's men, CHOSE to leak the story was done by Trump/Trump's men, he chose Bloomberg for a reason... not the right wing, not the left wing... media....though it dos lean right wing, not crazy off the wall, alternative facts, right wing....makes it more believable to the masses....

the bloomberg article did not claim all that bull crap the far right wing media is spinning from the bloomberg article....
Rice will need to answer the following questions under oath:

1 - what was she thinking ??

2 - why was she thinking it ??

3 - how does she feel now about what she did then ??

4 - did BHO know about it ??

5 - when did he know about it ??

6 - did he approve it in advance ??

7 - what did he do when he found out about it ??
The reporting came from Bloomberg not Trump and they are hardly known as big Trump backers or a right wing media outlet.
bloomberg is who the president's men, CHOSE to leak the story was done by Trump/Trump's men, he chose Bloomberg for a reason... not the right wing, not the left wing... media....though it dos lean right wing, not crazy off the wall, alternative facts, right wing....makes it more believable to the masses....

the bloomberg article did not claim all that bull crap the far right wing media is spinning from the bloomberg article....
I will just let that idiocy speak for it's self.
She asked for unmasking, it got approved through several agencies, and she didn't reveal the information to anybody. I fail to see what was illegal about her actions.

Sounds like another failed nothingburger from Trump fanatics.

She asked for unmasking

Why? Does her job involve foreign intelligence? National security? Espionage?

and she didn't reveal the information to anybody

Boy is you dumb.
HINT, WHAT IS HER TITLE? her job involves ALL intelligence, foreign and domestic that involve our Nation.

Who has that title in the Trump admin? Do you think he does not receive both domestic and foreign intelligence?
Bannon got dumped by Trump's National Security Advisor, General McMaster TODAY because of this Nunes cloak and dagger shenanigans with Bannon's Men inserted in the N/S Council....the two men who leaked to Nunes are Bannon chosen plants in the national security council....the national security advisor and jared said, bannon's gotta go....
White House does not do investigations. Not criminal investigations, not intelligence investigations. So why would Susan Rice call for the “unmasking” of Trump campaign and transition officials whose identities and communications were captured in the collection of U.S. intelligence on foreign targets?

Because we’ve been told for weeks that any unmasking of people in Trump’s circle that may have occurred had two innocent explanations:
(1) the FBI’s investigation of Russian meddling in the election and
(2) the need to know, for purposes of understanding the communications of foreign intelligence targets, the identities of Americans incidentally intercepted or mentioned.

The unmasking, Obama apologists insist, had nothing to do with targeting Trump or his people. That won’t wash. In general, it is the FBI that conducts investigations that bear on American citizens suspected of committing crimes or of acting as agents of foreign powers. In the matter of alleged Russian meddling, the investigative camp also includes the CIA and the NSA.
Consequently, if unmasking was relevant to the Russia investigation, it would have been done by those three agencies. And if it had been critical to know the identities of Americans caught up in other foreign intelligence efforts, the agencies that collect the information and conduct investigations would have unmasked it. Because they are the agencies that collect and refine intelligence “products” for the rest of the “intelligence community,” they are responsible for any unmasking; and they do it under “minimization” standards

At the very least, Rice and by extension individuals such as Farkas deliberately acted against "minimization" standards....

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