Susan Rice Did Her Job And Boy Are Republicans Pissed

"This is information about their everyday lives," Rep. Peter King of New York, a member of the House Intelligence committee said. "Sort of like in a divorce case where lawyers are hired, investigators are hired just to find out what the other person is doing from morning until night and then you try to piece it together later on.” Reports in unmasking controversy were detailed, had info about 'everyday lives'
To me thats confirmation of more than just listening in to phone calls

This is correct. Sources, within the Intel agencies, are telling me that over 97% of what was unmasked had NO FOREIGN connections (nether participant was a foreigner). This means that Rice unmasked US citizen to US citizen phone calls and conversations. A clear violation of the US Constitution and FISA intel laws..

This is now a bonfire and its not going to get put out. This has no LEGAL reasoning and can have only one motive.. Political spying on the opponent party...

Many of my friends, within the intel community, are now livid and pissed at the level of abuse .. They are now calling for an in-depth investigation into the IRS scandal as well.
that's a lie! Nunes said it was not RUSSIAN Foreign intelligence, he did not say it was NOT foreign intelligence...AND HE SAID it was all LEGAL surveillance.

Let's review what we know:

" Repeating an accusation over and over again is not evidence that the accused is guilty, no matter how much “confidence” the accuser asserts about the conclusion. Nor is it evidence just to suggest that someone has a motive for doing something. Many conspiracy theories are built on the notion of “cui bono” – who benefits – without following up the supposed motive with facts.

.... that is essentially what the U.S. intelligence community has done regarding the dangerous accusation that Russian President Vladimir Putin orchestrated a covert information campaign to influence the outcome of the Nov. 8 U.S. presidential election in favor of Republican Donald Trump.

....the case, as presented, is one-sided and lacks any actual proof. Further, the continued use of the word “assesses” – as in the U.S. intelligence community “assesses” that Russia is guilty – suggests that the underlying classified information also may be less than conclusive because, in intelligence-world-speak, “assesses” often means “guesses.”
US Report Still Lacks Proof on Russia 'Hack'

There is the January 6th intelligence community report on Russian spying, that should serve as the only document that is dispositive in this connection:

a. "We did not make an assessment that Russian activities had on the outcome of the 2016 election..."

b. "Judgments are not intended to imply that we have proof that shows something to be a fact. Assessments are based on collected information, which is often incomplete or fragmentary, as well as logic, argumentation, and precedents.”

Get that???? No evidence.....unlike the Susan Rice revelations.

No proof of Trump-Putin collusion, yet it's all over the Leftist media.....proof that Obamunists hacked, spied on, listened into, revealed Trump and his associates....and the Left censors it.

AND.....there is zero proof .....nor will there ever be.....that Russia hacked Bill's wife's or Podeseta's emails.

But....dunces will continue to purvey the party line.
Raise your paw.
She did none of that.
and please tell us, HOW DO YOU know that she did none of that???

just your partisan opinion??

If she had done that, she would have said did what she claimed, but she ignored it.
How could anyone have anticipated the bat shit crazy Republicans hatred and Media LIE MACHINE on the right, and their ignorance on any given topic to know she had to give a course on procedures in order for you to believe something so basic and fundamental in our constitutional Republic???

The person that's lying here, Susan Rice...and it's not the first time for her! For her to claim that she knew nothing about the "unmasking" when in fact it turned out that she knew quite a bit about it is simply one more example of people in the Obama Administration lying to the American people! The very fact that she felt compelled to lie in the first place speaks volumes about what they were doing! You lie like that when you know that you've been doing things that you shouldn't.
NO ONE KNEW what Nunes was talking about when he did his strange and elusive press conferences that morning of rice's interview....even a week later NO ONE HAD A CLUE what Nunes had mumbled on about.....there is no way Rice or ANYONE knew what Nunes was saying....

Her interview was not to talk about Nunes's cloak and dagger white house trips and press conferences...that happened an hour or so before her scheduled interview... for goodness sake!

She was asked a simple question. Did she know anything about the unmasking? She gave a very blunt answer...that she didn't know a thing about it. That was obviously a lie, Care. You can't blame Rice's answer on anyone else BUT Rice!
and please tell us, HOW DO YOU know that she did none of that???

just your partisan opinion??

If she had done that, she would have said did what she claimed, but she ignored it.
How could anyone have anticipated the bat shit crazy Republicans hatred and Media LIE MACHINE on the right, and their ignorance on any given topic to know she had to give a course on procedures in order for you to believe something so basic and fundamental in our constitutional Republic???

The person that's lying here, Susan Rice...and it's not the first time for her! For her to claim that she knew nothing about the "unmasking" when in fact it turned out that she knew quite a bit about it is simply one more example of people in the Obama Administration lying to the American people! The very fact that she felt compelled to lie in the first place speaks volumes about what they were doing! You lie like that when you know that you've been doing things that you shouldn't.
NO ONE KNEW what Nunes was talking about when he did his strange and elusive press conferences that morning of rice's interview....even a week later NO ONE HAD A CLUE what Nunes had mumbled on about.....there is no way Rice or ANYONE knew what Nunes was saying....

Her interview was not to talk about Nunes's cloak and dagger white house trips and press conferences...that happened an hour or so before her scheduled interview... for goodness sake!

She was asked a simple question. Did she know anything about the unmasking? She gave a very blunt answer...that she didn't know a thing about it. That was obviously a lie, Care. You can't blame Rice's answer on anyone else BUT Rice!
What unmasking? Did anyone understand what Nunes was even talking about? NO, NONE OF US was cryptic and elusive and he was going in circles every time he opened his mouth....every news channel was trying to decipher WHAT IN THE HELL was Nunes trying to say when he was calling his press conferences...she was asked within an hour of his presser.


Unmasking for the National Security Advisor is not leaking....and a far cry from it.

The only reason she even had an intelligence assessment given to her, IS BECAUSE IT INVOLVED National Security....she would not get an assessment if it did not involve our National Security.

Needing to unmask US persons in these assessment briefings given to her for National Security purposes, is normal and routine, is what ALL OTHER National Security advisors of the past have said, those on the right and those on the left.

Once the 3 man intelligence team approves her request for the unmasking... the unmasking, takes place at the intelligence agency, in a safe room. It is not sent to her willy nilly via email or in house mail....and not meant for anyone but her and the President.

This is simply right wing bull crud, jumping on the "electrifying name" Rice and pushing it through the right wing and alternative right media like wild fire.... once again, trying to change the topic and get side tracked from the Russian Interference investigation....
If she had done that, she would have said did what she claimed, but she ignored it.
How could anyone have anticipated the bat shit crazy Republicans hatred and Media LIE MACHINE on the right, and their ignorance on any given topic to know she had to give a course on procedures in order for you to believe something so basic and fundamental in our constitutional Republic???

The person that's lying here, Susan Rice...and it's not the first time for her! For her to claim that she knew nothing about the "unmasking" when in fact it turned out that she knew quite a bit about it is simply one more example of people in the Obama Administration lying to the American people! The very fact that she felt compelled to lie in the first place speaks volumes about what they were doing! You lie like that when you know that you've been doing things that you shouldn't.
NO ONE KNEW what Nunes was talking about when he did his strange and elusive press conferences that morning of rice's interview....even a week later NO ONE HAD A CLUE what Nunes had mumbled on about.....there is no way Rice or ANYONE knew what Nunes was saying....

Her interview was not to talk about Nunes's cloak and dagger white house trips and press conferences...that happened an hour or so before her scheduled interview... for goodness sake!

She was asked a simple question. Did she know anything about the unmasking? She gave a very blunt answer...that she didn't know a thing about it. That was obviously a lie, Care. You can't blame Rice's answer on anyone else BUT Rice!
What unmasking? Did anyone understand what Nunes was even talking about? NO, NONE OF US was cryptic and elusive and he was going in circles every time he opened his mouth....every news channel was trying to decipher WHAT IN THE HELL was Nunes trying to say when he was calling his press conferences...she was asked within an hour of his presser.


Unmasking for the National Security Advisor is not leaking....and a far cry from it.

The only reason she even had an intelligence assessment given to her, IS BECAUSE IT INVOLVED National Security....she would not get an assessment if it did not involve our National Security.

Needing to unmask US persons in these assessment briefings given to her for National Security purposes, is normal and routine, is what ALL OTHER National Security advisors of the past have said, those on the right and those on the left.

Once the 3 man intelligence team approves her request for the unmasking... the unmasking, takes place at the intelligence agency, in a safe room. It is not sent to her willy nilly via email or in house mail....and not meant for anyone but her and the President.

This is simply right wing bull crud, jumping on the "electrifying name" Rice and pushing it through the right wing and alternative right media like wild fire.... once again, trying to change the topic and get side tracked from the Russian Interference investigation....

Once again, Care...why did Susan Rice declare that she didn't know anything about the unmasking that had taken place when it's obvious that she knew a great deal about it? That's a blatant lie.
How could anyone have anticipated the bat shit crazy Republicans hatred and Media LIE MACHINE on the right, and their ignorance on any given topic to know she had to give a course on procedures in order for you to believe something so basic and fundamental in our constitutional Republic???

The person that's lying here, Susan Rice...and it's not the first time for her! For her to claim that she knew nothing about the "unmasking" when in fact it turned out that she knew quite a bit about it is simply one more example of people in the Obama Administration lying to the American people! The very fact that she felt compelled to lie in the first place speaks volumes about what they were doing! You lie like that when you know that you've been doing things that you shouldn't.
NO ONE KNEW what Nunes was talking about when he did his strange and elusive press conferences that morning of rice's interview....even a week later NO ONE HAD A CLUE what Nunes had mumbled on about.....there is no way Rice or ANYONE knew what Nunes was saying....

Her interview was not to talk about Nunes's cloak and dagger white house trips and press conferences...that happened an hour or so before her scheduled interview... for goodness sake!

She was asked a simple question. Did she know anything about the unmasking? She gave a very blunt answer...that she didn't know a thing about it. That was obviously a lie, Care. You can't blame Rice's answer on anyone else BUT Rice!
What unmasking? Did anyone understand what Nunes was even talking about? NO, NONE OF US was cryptic and elusive and he was going in circles every time he opened his mouth....every news channel was trying to decipher WHAT IN THE HELL was Nunes trying to say when he was calling his press conferences...she was asked within an hour of his presser.


Unmasking for the National Security Advisor is not leaking....and a far cry from it.

The only reason she even had an intelligence assessment given to her, IS BECAUSE IT INVOLVED National Security....she would not get an assessment if it did not involve our National Security.

Needing to unmask US persons in these assessment briefings given to her for National Security purposes, is normal and routine, is what ALL OTHER National Security advisors of the past have said, those on the right and those on the left.

Once the 3 man intelligence team approves her request for the unmasking... the unmasking, takes place at the intelligence agency, in a safe room. It is not sent to her willy nilly via email or in house mail....and not meant for anyone but her and the President.

This is simply right wing bull crud, jumping on the "electrifying name" Rice and pushing it through the right wing and alternative right media like wild fire.... once again, trying to change the topic and get side tracked from the Russian Interference investigation....

Once again, Care...why did Susan Rice declare that she didn't know anything about the unmasking that had taken place when it's obvious that she knew a great deal about it? That's a blatant lie.
put it in context....the day before Rice wrote a scathing editorial on the President's claims of being wire tapped by Obama etc.... she was being called for the interview to discuss her editorial...that was her focus, that is what she was told the interview was going to be about... Nunes came out that day with his press conferences....

her mind set, was on Trump's false allegations that he was wire tapped in Trump Tower and the previous President illegally did this....

I began by asking about the allegations leveled today by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes that Trump transition officials, including the president, may have been swept up in surveillance of foreigners at the end of the Obama administration.

SUSAN RICE, Former U.S. National Security Adviser: I know nothing about this. I was surprised to see reports from Chairman Nunes on that count today.

And let’s back up and recall where we have been. The president of the United States accused his predecessor, President Obama, of wiretapping Trump Tower during the campaign. Nothing of the sort occurred, and we have heard that confirmed by the director of the FBI, who also pointed out that no president, no White House can order the surveillance of another American citizen.

That can only come from the Justice Department, with the approval of a FISA court. So, today, I really don’t know to what Chairman Nunes was referring, but he said that whatever he was referring to was a legal, lawful surveillance, and that it was potentially incidental collection on American citizens.


SUSAN RICE: And I think it’s important for people to understand what incidental means. That means that the target was either a foreign entity or somebody under criminal investigation, and that the Americans who were talking to those targets may have been picked up.

JUDY WOODRUFF: Well, I wanted to ask you about this, because, as you also know, in the last few weeks, The New York Times has reported that, in the final days of the Obama administration, individuals went out of their way to spread information throughout the government about what they knew about intelligence that the Russians had interfered in the election last year, and that there may have been a connection with Trump campaign officials.

So, that story has now been out there for several weeks. Could there be a connection here?

SUSAN RICE: I’m not aware of any connection.

I read The New York Times story. I must say, Judy, as one of the most senior White House officials and the most senior responsible for national security, I found that report a bit perplexing. I wasn’t aware of any orders given to disseminate that kind of information.


SUSAN RICE: So, I have no idea whether that was the case.

But the fact is that the president did request back in December that the intelligence community compile all of the information that it had on what had transpired during the campaign with respect to the Russians involving themselves in the presidential campaign.

And that report was provided to the American people in unclassified form and to Congress in classified form in early January.

JUDY WOODRUFF: And was there a concern, though, inside the Obama administration, inside the White House that the new Trump administration might not follow up on that intelligence that had been gathered?

SUSAN RICE: I don’t think that was the concern, because, to the extent that there was any need to follow up, it wouldn’t be done necessarily by the White House, but by the intelligence community, and by the Justice Department, if appropriate.

I think our interest was, and the president’s direction was, let us make sure that we have compiled and put together in one place all the information that we have, so that it is there for the new administration, it’s there for the American people, and there for Congress to utilize as they see fit.

Susan Rice: The world wonders and worries if the White House can be trusted

Rice, received security briefings daily, NOT JUST on the Russians....if it did not involve National security, she didn't get the briefing. So it matters naught if it was not Russian surveillance....could have been Turkey or Cypress. Regardless, if she asked for a US Cit unmasked for her to understand the intelligence, then she didn't know who the masked person was....thus asking for an unmasking....the B.S. meme that she had Trump people unmasked by asking for Trump people to be unmasked is just was only unmasked for her to know. Maybe another agency head asked for the unmasking as well, maybe 10 other intel agencies asked as well....? the paperwork should show that....

Nunes made up a bunch of crud that has yet to be seen like disbursing these unmaskings widespread, which Rice denies she had any part of....she said she GATHERED all the intelligence together, she did not spread it about, she gathered it.

Nunes is in trouble and has this ETHICS REVIEW that made him step down... because the surveillance he spoke about was not routine stuff on foreigner surveillance, but from a FISA law they can't mention a thing regarding a FISA warrant....not even that there is one....
The left acknowledges she did it. We know she deliberately unmasked U.S. citizens. The question is whether she violated the law. Maybe it's time to swear in a federal grand jury to review the matter.
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