Susan Rice Did Her Job And Boy Are Republicans Pissed

Rice it Red meat for our Resident Ruskie wingers. Mention her name the they go made with desire to jail someone.

Russia has put a new R in RWNJ's.

Please...Susan Rice is simply one more member of the Obama Administration who seemed to believe that the end justified the matter how bad they had to lie in order to achieve that end! Mention her name and the word that comes to mind is "disgraced".

With all the phony stories the RW Echo chamber pushed on the Believers over Benghazi, it has to gall all you true believers that no one in the Obama administration was ever charged with anything. Hope springs eternal I guess...
Lock her up.
Lock her up......

If the penalty for lying about something was automatic jail time then Barry, Hillary and Susan Rice all would have been behind bars, Boo!

I'm amused that you think Benghazi was some "phony" story concocted by the right! It happened because of incompetence in the Obama White House. Barry, Hillary and Susan Rice lied about it because the truth would have been damaging to both Barack Obama's reelection to a second term and to the anticipated "coronation" of Hillary Clinton once Obama left office! The main stream media did it's level best to protect both Obama and Clinton. What's ironic is that because Obama and Clinton stonewalled the investigation by hiding evidence...Hillary's two private servers were uncovered in the resulting investigation and how she ran things at the State Department was ultimately exposed.

You progressives shot yourselves in the foot with THAT one, Boo...something you'd admit if you weren't so busy parroting the party line!
In Lake’s telling, it was Rice who allegedly asked intelligence-agency leaders to reveal the names, which are normally “masked” to protect US citizens caught in foreign-intelligence gathering. Senator Rand Paul claimed Lake had identified the “smoking gun” that validated Donald Trump’s claims that the Obama administration was “spying on” him.
Of course, it was no such thing; even Lake reported that what Rice was alleged to do was neither a crime nor evidence of Trump’s ludicrous claim. Security officials went further: Former CIA director John McLaughlin told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell that Rice was just “doing her job.”
Susan Rice Did Her Job—and Boy Are Republicans Pissed
Complete horse shit.

Rice had no authority to have any names unmasked unless she rpesented need to know cause for the NSA to give her the names. She obviously lied which is fraud and probably also perjury as most of the time you have to sign a form that you swear the information you give is true.

What is really funny though is the desperate effort of the left to try and convince Americans that it is entirely OK and proper for our President to spy on his political opposition, roflmao.
Rice had no authority to have any names unmasked unless she rpesented need to know cause for the NSA to give her the names.

The very fact that her request was granted shows she followed the correct procedures.

And the very fact that she then lied about doing so shows that she knew she'd done something wrong, Hutch!

How so?
In Lake’s telling, it was Rice who allegedly asked intelligence-agency leaders to reveal the names, which are normally “masked” to protect US citizens caught in foreign-intelligence gathering. Senator Rand Paul claimed Lake had identified the “smoking gun” that validated Donald Trump’s claims that the Obama administration was “spying on” him.
Of course, it was no such thing; even Lake reported that what Rice was alleged to do was neither a crime nor evidence of Trump’s ludicrous claim. Security officials went further: Former CIA director John McLaughlin told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell that Rice was just “doing her job.”
Susan Rice Did Her Job—and Boy Are Republicans Pissed
Complete horse shit.

Rice had no authority to have any names unmasked unless she rpesented need to know cause for the NSA to give her the names. She obviously lied which is fraud and probably also perjury as most of the time you have to sign a form that you swear the information you give is true.

What is really funny though is the desperate effort of the left to try and convince Americans that it is entirely OK and proper for our President to spy on his political opposition, roflmao.
Rice had no authority to have any names unmasked unless she rpesented need to know cause for the NSA to give her the names.

The very fact that her request was granted shows she followed the correct procedures.

And the very fact that she then lied about doing so shows that she knew she'd done something wrong, Hutch!

How so?

She stated that she hadn't done something that it's obvious she did do! Why would she lie about it?

In Lake’s telling, it was Rice who allegedly asked intelligence-agency leaders to reveal the names, which are normally “masked” to protect US citizens caught in foreign-intelligence gathering. Senator Rand Paul claimed Lake had identified the “smoking gun” that validated Donald Trump’s claims that the Obama administration was “spying on” him.

Of course, it was no such thing; even Lake reported that what Rice was alleged to do was neither a crime nor evidence of Trump’s ludicrous claim. Security officials went further: Former CIA director John McLaughlin told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell that Rice was just “doing her job.”

Susan Rice Did Her Job—and Boy Are Republicans Pissed

looking at the posts this fine day I'd say they're not only pissed, they're panicking

fun to watch really
The reporting came from Bloomberg not Trump and they are hardly known as big Trump backers or a right wing media outlet.
Instead of saying the name of the author (Eli Lake) you said the name of the publication ,Bloomberg. that's because you don't want people to google Eli Lake and did out that he is a conservative journalist.

In Lake’s telling, it was Rice who allegedly asked intelligence-agency leaders to reveal the names, which are normally “masked” to protect US citizens caught in foreign-intelligence gathering. Senator Rand Paul claimed Lake had identified the “smoking gun” that validated Donald Trump’s claims that the Obama administration was “spying on” him.

Of course, it was no such thing; even Lake reported that what Rice was alleged to do was neither a crime nor evidence of Trump’s ludicrous claim. Security officials went further: Former CIA director John McLaughlin told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell that Rice was just “doing her job.”

Susan Rice Did Her Job—and Boy Are Republicans Pissed

looking at the posts this fine day I'd say they're not only pissed, they're panicking

fun to watch really

If you'd take off the blinders, might actually be able to see...know what I'm saying?

In Lake’s telling, it was Rice who allegedly asked intelligence-agency leaders to reveal the names, which are normally “masked” to protect US citizens caught in foreign-intelligence gathering. Senator Rand Paul claimed Lake had identified the “smoking gun” that validated Donald Trump’s claims that the Obama administration was “spying on” him.

Of course, it was no such thing; even Lake reported that what Rice was alleged to do was neither a crime nor evidence of Trump’s ludicrous claim. Security officials went further: Former CIA director John McLaughlin told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell that Rice was just “doing her job.”

Susan Rice Did Her Job—and Boy Are Republicans Pissed

it was Rice who allegedly asked intelligence-agency leaders to reveal the names,

Why is that her job?

Reading and interpreting Intel reports is indeed her job.

Unmasking Americans isn't.
The RWnut crowd are hysterical with delusions of getting back at Rice for making monkeys of them over Benghazi.
This along with administration claims, House and Senate investigation are just political fodder. The final report from the FBI investigation into Russian involvement in the election and connection to the Trump campaign will have far reaching impact. Till then all of this will be a he said, she said, and leaks from unnamed sources.
so how many times do I need to post THE LAW for it to soak in your thick ass skulls, 200-300-500 ?

write this down dipshits !

Section 7.2(c) of USSID 18 permits the “unmasking” of a U.S. person’s identity if it is necessary to understand the foreign intelligence information or assess its importance. Specifically, this provision outlines several possible justifications upon which the government can rely to claim the unmasking was necessary, such as if the information indicates the U.S. person is an agent of a foreign power, is engaged in the unauthorized disclosure of classified information, may be involved in a crime, or may be the target of hostile intelligence activities of a foreign power.
so how many times do I need to post THE LAW for it to soak in your thick ass skulls, 200-300-500 ?

write this down dipshits !

Section 7.2(c) of USSID 18 permits the “unmasking” of a U.S. person’s identity if it is necessary to understand the foreign intelligence information or assess its importance. Specifically, this provision outlines several possible justifications upon which the government can rely to claim the unmasking was necessary, such as if the information indicates the U.S. person is an agent of a foreign power, is engaged in the unauthorized disclosure of classified information, may be involved in a crime, or may be the target of hostile intelligence activities of a foreign power.

Why was the Obama administration spying on a presidential candidate?
so how many times do I need to post THE LAW for it to soak in your thick ass skulls, 200-300-500 ?

write this down dipshits !

Section 7.2(c) of USSID 18 permits the “unmasking” of a U.S. person’s identity if it is necessary to understand the foreign intelligence information or assess its importance. Specifically, this provision outlines several possible justifications upon which the government can rely to claim the unmasking was necessary, such as if the information indicates the U.S. person is an agent of a foreign power, is engaged in the unauthorized disclosure of classified information, may be involved in a crime, or may be the target of hostile intelligence activities of a foreign power.
along with a FISa warrant fromt he NSA, dude, and that equires explanation as to why they need it.

But this was not just one isolated case as the Obama regime systematically spied on Trump, his associates and ANYONE who they thought might get in their way.

And since it happened to our first commie President, the leftist shit4brains like you Siete will tell any lie, omit any facts and invent any stories to protect your Leader.
In Lake’s telling, it was Rice who allegedly asked intelligence-agency leaders to reveal the names, which are normally “masked” to protect US citizens caught in foreign-intelligence gathering. Senator Rand Paul claimed Lake had identified the “smoking gun” that validated Donald Trump’s claims that the Obama administration was “spying on” him.
Of course, it was no such thing; even Lake reported that what Rice was alleged to do was neither a crime nor evidence of Trump’s ludicrous claim. Security officials went further: Former CIA director John McLaughlin told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell that Rice was just “doing her job.”
Susan Rice Did Her Job—and Boy Are Republicans Pissed
Complete horse shit.

Rice had no authority to have any names unmasked unless she rpesented need to know cause for the NSA to give her the names. She obviously lied which is fraud and probably also perjury as most of the time you have to sign a form that you swear the information you give is true.

What is really funny though is the desperate effort of the left to try and convince Americans that it is entirely OK and proper for our President to spy on his political opposition, roflmao.
Rice had no authority to have any names unmasked unless she rpesented need to know cause for the NSA to give her the names.

The very fact that her request was granted shows she followed the correct procedures.

And the very fact that she then lied about doing so shows that she knew she'd done something wrong, Hutch!

How so?

She stated that she hadn't done something that it's obvious she did do! Why would she lie about it?

She just did an interview explaining how it worked.

In Lake’s telling, it was Rice who allegedly asked intelligence-agency leaders to reveal the names, which are normally “masked” to protect US citizens caught in foreign-intelligence gathering. Senator Rand Paul claimed Lake had identified the “smoking gun” that validated Donald Trump’s claims that the Obama administration was “spying on” him.

Of course, it was no such thing; even Lake reported that what Rice was alleged to do was neither a crime nor evidence of Trump’s ludicrous claim. Security officials went further: Former CIA director John McLaughlin told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell that Rice was just “doing her job.”

Susan Rice Did Her Job—and Boy Are Republicans Pissed

it was Rice who allegedly asked intelligence-agency leaders to reveal the names,

Why is that her job?

Reading and interpreting Intel reports is indeed her job.

Unmasking Americans isn't.

How did she unmask anyone on her own and illegally, dope.

If a name is masked, then by default she doesn't have access to it without requesting it.
The reporting came from Bloomberg not Trump and they are hardly known as big Trump backers or a right wing media outlet.
Instead of saying the name of the author (Eli Lake) you said the name of the publication ,Bloomberg. that's because you don't want people to google Eli Lake and did out that he is a conservative journalist.
Hey genius the OP stated the name of the author so anyone who wanted to know the authors name and google them would have seen it long before they got to my post.
so how many times do I need to post THE LAW for it to soak in your thick ass skulls, 200-300-500 ?

write this down dipshits !

Section 7.2(c) of USSID 18 permits the “unmasking” of a U.S. person’s identity if it is necessary to understand the foreign intelligence information or assess its importance. Specifically, this provision outlines several possible justifications upon which the government can rely to claim the unmasking was necessary, such as if the information indicates the U.S. person is an agent of a foreign power, is engaged in the unauthorized disclosure of classified information, may be involved in a crime, or may be the target of hostile intelligence activities of a foreign power.
along with a FISa warrant fromt he NSA, dude, and that equires explanation as to why they need it.

But this was not just one isolated case as the Obama regime systematically spied on Trump, his associates and ANYONE who they thought might get in their way.

And since it happened to our first commie President, the leftist shit4brains like you Siete will tell any lie, omit any facts and invent any stories to protect your Leader.

Rice had to request the names be unmasked. The agency that processes the request determines if it's proper to do so. If it weren't she would have been denied. The fact that it wasn't shows it was proper.

How is that spying?
so how many times do I need to post THE LAW for it to soak in your thick ass skulls, 200-300-500 ?

write this down dipshits !

Section 7.2(c) of USSID 18 permits the “unmasking” of a U.S. person’s identity if it is necessary to understand the foreign intelligence information or assess its importance. Specifically, this provision outlines several possible justifications upon which the government can rely to claim the unmasking was necessary, such as if the information indicates the U.S. person is an agent of a foreign power, is engaged in the unauthorized disclosure of classified information, may be involved in a crime, or may be the target of hostile intelligence activities of a foreign power.

Why was the Obama administration spying on a presidential candidate?

again, totally irrelevant ... he wasn't.

next idiot
so how many times do I need to post THE LAW for it to soak in your thick ass skulls, 200-300-500 ?

write this down dipshits !

Section 7.2(c) of USSID 18 permits the “unmasking” of a U.S. person’s identity if it is necessary to understand the foreign intelligence information or assess its importance. Specifically, this provision outlines several possible justifications upon which the government can rely to claim the unmasking was necessary, such as if the information indicates the U.S. person is an agent of a foreign power, is engaged in the unauthorized disclosure of classified information, may be involved in a crime, or may be the target of hostile intelligence activities of a foreign power.

Section 7.2(c) of USSID 18 permits the “unmasking” of a U.S. person’s identity if it is necessary to understand the foreign intelligence information or assess its importance. Specifically, this provision outlines several possible justifications upon which the government can rely to claim the unmasking was necessary, such as if the information indicates the U.S. person is an agent of a foreign power, is engaged in the unauthorized disclosure of classified information, may be involved in a crime, or may be the target of hostile intelligence activities of a foreign power.

Necessary for the intelligence professionals, not political hacks like Rice.

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