Susan Rice Did Her Job And Boy Are Republicans Pissed

"This is information about their everyday lives," Rep. Peter King of New York, a member of the House Intelligence committee said. "Sort of like in a divorce case where lawyers are hired, investigators are hired just to find out what the other person is doing from morning until night and then you try to piece it together later on.” Reports in unmasking controversy were detailed, had info about 'everyday lives'
To me thats confirmation of more than just listening in to phone calls

This is correct. Sources, within the Intel agencies, are telling me that over 97% of what was unmasked had NO FOREIGN connections (nether participant was a foreigner). This means that Rice unmasked US citizen to US citizen phone calls and conversations. A clear violation of the US Constitution and FISA intel laws..

This is now a bonfire and its not going to get put out. This has no LEGAL reasoning and can have only one motive.. Political spying on the opponent party...

Many of my friends, within the intel community, are now livid and pissed at the level of abuse .. They are now calling for an in-depth investigation into the IRS scandal as well.
Agreed, just as soon as the investigation into the possible collusion with Russia by the Trump campaign is settled, lets investigate the claims of your sources in the intel community that is so pissed at the level of abuse and can testify to all they know in open court.
Susan Rice Did Her Job And Boy Are Republicans Pissed

Yeah, NaziCons are still pissed that she wasn't lynched after Benghazi - even though she did nothing wrong.

Attacks and violent protests that were happening all over the middle east that year. That started with a shop owner setting himself on fire.

Add in one dumbass Christian pastor from California doing an imitation of a tea partier eating freedom fries, being a burning of a Koran released on a video, and effectively pouring gas on the fire.

There was no terrorist attack in Libya that night. Only a bunch of thugs with newly liberated weapons obtained from armories that were being looted all over the country after the fall of Quddaffi, which led to the attack on the embassy compound structure.

If it would have been a real planned attack, they would have gone after the main Embassy.

Benghazi is the biggest nothing burger distraction of a story in the history of bullshit distraction stories.

Such a pile of bullshit, that House majority leader Kevin McCarthy admitted in video himself that the investigations were nothing but blatant acts of hurting Clintons poll numbers at the beginning of the campaign.

Did you notice how the deaths of those four brave Americans were thrown in the trash by the committee after they found out about Clintons email server?

And what a convenient coincidence the leaked emails from John Podesta just happened to show up at the exact time the emails were released that we now know came from Russian hackers.

Which in turn has now led to an FBI investigation of Trump and his transition team.

Which must be turning up the heat on them, because not only has it led to the resignation of Mike Flynn, who is desperately seeking immunity from prosecution, that apparently is so damning, that the current head of the House intelligence committee Devin Nunes is now trying to cover up, which may lead to prosecution of him, but now the desperate attempts to distract from all of it by putting out the Susan Rice bullshit story we now find ourselves discussing.

The once famous Jon Stewart coined it very well. Climbing Bullshit Mountain.

Don't be distracted for one minute These are a bunch of lying traiterous assholes that should either be in prison, or summarily executed.

I'm for the latter. Preferrably using ropes. On national television.
Don't be distracted for one minute These are a bunch of lying traiterous assholes that should either be in prison, or summarily executed.

I'm for the latter. Preferrably using ropes. On national television.
Bring it tough boy. Which side do you think is better prepared?

In Lake’s telling, it was Rice who allegedly asked intelligence-agency leaders to reveal the names, which are normally “masked” to protect US citizens caught in foreign-intelligence gathering. Senator Rand Paul claimed Lake had identified the “smoking gun” that validated Donald Trump’s claims that the Obama administration was “spying on” him.

Of course, it was no such thing; even Lake reported that what Rice was alleged to do was neither a crime nor evidence of Trump’s ludicrous claim. Security officials went further: Former CIA director John McLaughlin told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell that Rice was just “doing her job.”

Susan Rice Did Her Job—and Boy Are Republicans Pissed

it was Rice who allegedly asked intelligence-agency leaders to reveal the names,

Why is that her job?

Reading and interpreting Intel reports is indeed her job.
She asked for unmasking, it got approved through several agencies, and she didn't reveal the information to anybody. I fail to see what was illegal about her actions.

Sounds like another failed nothingburger from Trump fanatics.

She asked for unmasking

Why? Does her job involve foreign intelligence? National security? Espionage?

and she didn't reveal the information to anybody

Boy is you dumb.
Why? Does her job involve foreign intelligence? National security? Espionage?

WTF do you think the National Security Advisor does if not that?

What Is the Role of the National Security Advisor? - dummies

Boy is you dumb.

She asked for unmasking, it got approved through several agencies, and she didn't reveal the information to anybody. I fail to see what was illegal about her actions.

Sounds like another failed nothingburger from Trump fanatics.

She asked for unmasking

Why? Does her job involve foreign intelligence? National security? Espionage?

and she didn't reveal the information to anybody

Boy is you dumb.
HINT, WHAT IS HER TITLE? her job involves ALL intelligence, foreign and domestic that involve our Nation.

Who has that title in the Trump admin? Do you think he does not receive both domestic and foreign intelligence?

She is not a collector of intelligence. She had no right to direct use of that information for further investigation.
She is not a collector of intelligence. She had no right to direct use of that information for further investigation.
It's exactly her job to read, understand and advise the president on intelligence matters.
The RWnut crowd are hysterical with delusions of getting back at Rice for making monkeys of them over Benghazi.

Dude, I hate to break this to you but the person who got made to look like a monkey over Benghazi was Susan Rice herself! She let Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama trot her ass out to all those Sunday morning news shows with an outright lie. She either did so knowingly...which makes her a bald faced liar...or she did so unknowingly...which makes her a world class dupe! Take your pick...
In Lake’s telling, it was Rice who allegedly asked intelligence-agency leaders to reveal the names, which are normally “masked” to protect US citizens caught in foreign-intelligence gathering. Senator Rand Paul claimed Lake had identified the “smoking gun” that validated Donald Trump’s claims that the Obama administration was “spying on” him.
Of course, it was no such thing; even Lake reported that what Rice was alleged to do was neither a crime nor evidence of Trump’s ludicrous claim. Security officials went further: Former CIA director John McLaughlin told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell that Rice was just “doing her job.”
Susan Rice Did Her Job—and Boy Are Republicans Pissed
Complete horse shit.

Rice had no authority to have any names unmasked unless she rpesented need to know cause for the NSA to give her the names. She obviously lied which is fraud and probably also perjury as most of the time you have to sign a form that you swear the information you give is true.

What is really funny though is the desperate effort of the left to try and convince Americans that it is entirely OK and proper for our President to spy on his political opposition, roflmao.
Rice had no authority to have any names unmasked unless she rpesented need to know cause for the NSA to give her the names.

The very fact that her request was granted shows she followed the correct procedures.
The RWnut crowd are hysterical with delusions of getting back at Rice for making monkeys of them over Benghazi.

Dude, I hate to break this to you but the person who got made to look like a monkey over Benghazi was Susan Rice herself! She let Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama trot her ass out to all those Sunday morning news shows with an outright lie. She either did so knowingly...which makes her a bald faced liar...or she did so unknowingly...which makes her a world class dupe! Take your pick...

I'm gonna go with dupe. She doesn't come off as all that bright.
Rice it Red meat for our Resident Ruskie wingers. Mention her name the they go made with desire to jail someone.

Russia has put a new R in RWNJ's.
In Lake’s telling, it was Rice who allegedly asked intelligence-agency leaders to reveal the names, which are normally “masked” to protect US citizens caught in foreign-intelligence gathering. Senator Rand Paul claimed Lake had identified the “smoking gun” that validated Donald Trump’s claims that the Obama administration was “spying on” him.
Of course, it was no such thing; even Lake reported that what Rice was alleged to do was neither a crime nor evidence of Trump’s ludicrous claim. Security officials went further: Former CIA director John McLaughlin told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell that Rice was just “doing her job.”
Susan Rice Did Her Job—and Boy Are Republicans Pissed
Complete horse shit.

Rice had no authority to have any names unmasked unless she rpesented need to know cause for the NSA to give her the names. She obviously lied which is fraud and probably also perjury as most of the time you have to sign a form that you swear the information you give is true.

What is really funny though is the desperate effort of the left to try and convince Americans that it is entirely OK and proper for our President to spy on his political opposition, roflmao.
Rice had no authority to have any names unmasked unless she rpesented need to know cause for the NSA to give her the names.

The very fact that her request was granted shows she followed the correct procedures.

And the very fact that she then lied about doing so shows that she knew she'd done something wrong, Hutch!
Rice it Red meat for our Resident Ruskie wingers. Mention her name the they go made with desire to jail someone.

Russia has put a new R in RWNJ's.

Please...Susan Rice is simply one more member of the Obama Administration who seemed to believe that the end justified the matter how bad they had to lie in order to achieve that end! Mention her name and the word that comes to mind is "disgraced".
poor lil RussianWinger bitches, too bad none of the shit they throw on the wall ever sticks. If they only knew how irrelevant they really are ..

gotta SUCK to be one of them.
Rice it Red meat for our Resident Ruskie wingers. Mention her name the they go made with desire to jail someone.

Russia has put a new R in RWNJ's.

Please...Susan Rice is simply one more member of the Obama Administration who seemed to believe that the end justified the matter how bad they had to lie in order to achieve that end! Mention her name and the word that comes to mind is "disgraced".

With all the phony stories the RW Echo chamber pushed on the Believers over Benghazi, it has to gall all you true believers that no one in the Obama administration was ever charged with anything. Hope springs eternal I guess...
Lock her up.
Lock her up......
The difference with The Dem Narrative and the one that is developing in The Intelligence Community is that there is Actual Evidence and a Trail of Evidence to Nail The Obama Administration To The Wall.

The FBI, NSA, CIA, and Treasury Department as well as people like Clapper, Schiff, Coons all stated there is NO EVIDENCE OF RUSSIAN COLLUSION WITH THE TRUMP TEAM.

You might ask yourselves, given those public statements by people with such credibility why then is The Democrat Party consistently claiming there was Russian Collusion with President Trump?

They have no choice but to because of the Crimes They Committed. They have to claim a crime was committed by The Trump Administration in order to justify their Felony Acts of Espionage, Treason & Sedition. They can never give up on this narrative even if they are drowning in a pile of their own lying shit.

  • They lied about The Espionage saying it never occurred.
  • When caught they said it was just Incidental.
  • Then when it was found out they were engaging in multiple surveillance of the Trump Team and Unmasking them.
  • They claimed it was in The Interest of National Security.
  • And when it was found out that the overwhelming evidence of all of this surveillance not only had no evidence of any illicit activities, it had NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA.
  • Rice said she knew absolutely nothing about any of it.
  • And when it was found out that it was RICE who did the Unmasking and made repeated requests and accelerated request to spy on The Trump Team and then all Classified Intel was leaked about it she claimed
  • And when it was found out she lied about that.
  • SHE SAID IT WAS ROUTINE AND SHE DID IT ALL THE TIME. Nothing to see here......
  • And when they were denying The White House knew about this, and it was found out that, Obama was getting regular Intel Reports on President Trump....she claimed.
  • Obama asked me to prepare these reports....

That is probably the only truthful thing she has said in her life.

The Whole Dem Narrative is one lie on top of another lie in a series of lies that proves this DID OCCUR, and was not INCIDENTAL, but was a Targeted Political Attack for the sole purpose of undermining President Trump.

These are major felonies, and now there is no choice but to prosecute these crimes as such to restore The People's Faith in Government.

I also expect more protective legislation to protect American Citizens to come out addressing this afterwards.
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