Susan Rice Did Her Job And Boy Are Republicans Pissed


In Lake’s telling, it was Rice who allegedly asked intelligence-agency leaders to reveal the names, which are normally “masked” to protect US citizens caught in foreign-intelligence gathering. Senator Rand Paul claimed Lake had identified the “smoking gun” that validated Donald Trump’s claims that the Obama administration was “spying on” him.

Of course, it was no such thing; even Lake reported that what Rice was alleged to do was neither a crime nor evidence of Trump’s ludicrous claim. Security officials went further: Former CIA director John McLaughlin told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell that Rice was just “doing her job.”

Susan Rice Did Her Job—and Boy Are Republicans Pissed
Sure, but just think of the stink Republicans would be having if she HADN'T pressed for answers when the alarm bells started going off in her briefings. What can you expect from a president and party that blames his predecessor for the Syrian gas attack on children same as they blamed Obama for the failed Yemen sortie he ordered that went wrong?

In Lake’s telling, it was Rice who allegedly asked intelligence-agency leaders to reveal the names, which are normally “masked” to protect US citizens caught in foreign-intelligence gathering. Senator Rand Paul claimed Lake had identified the “smoking gun” that validated Donald Trump’s claims that the Obama administration was “spying on” him.

Of course, it was no such thing; even Lake reported that what Rice was alleged to do was neither a crime nor evidence of Trump’s ludicrous claim. Security officials went further: Former CIA director John McLaughlin told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell that Rice was just “doing her job.”

Susan Rice Did Her Job—and Boy Are Republicans Pissed
She isn't in the Justice Department.
She can't investigate crimes.
She should have turned it over to the FBI.
She fucked up.....and she should be indicted for political espionage.

In Lake’s telling, it was Rice who allegedly asked intelligence-agency leaders to reveal the names, which are normally “masked” to protect US citizens caught in foreign-intelligence gathering. Senator Rand Paul claimed Lake had identified the “smoking gun” that validated Donald Trump’s claims that the Obama administration was “spying on” him.

Of course, it was no such thing; even Lake reported that what Rice was alleged to do was neither a crime nor evidence of Trump’s ludicrous claim. Security officials went further: Former CIA director John McLaughlin told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell that Rice was just “doing her job.”

Susan Rice Did Her Job—and Boy Are Republicans Pissed
She isn't in the Justice Department.
She can't investigate crimes.
She should have turned it over to the FBI.
She fucked up.....and she should be indicted for political espionage.
Then there is that small matter of "getting it to the Hill" Farkas. & it got to the media...
The RWnut crowd are hysterical with delusions of getting back at Rice for making monkeys of them over Benghazi.

True, and there will be consequences for that when Democrats win back the House. It's the height of arrogance Republicans think they are safe from that. Remember Kevin McCarthy blatantly stating the Benghazi hearings were solely based on hurting Clintons poll numbers, and nothing to do with any wrongdoing by her.

A blatant abuse of power and tax payers money of which every member of that committee will be subpoenaed when the day comes, and they will be made to answer for it, either by censure, expulsion, or possible criminal prosecution. They better hope they die of old age, or have a quick ride to the airport when the committees change hands.

Imagine the whining and crying from the alt right media when that day comes.

In Lake’s telling, it was Rice who allegedly asked intelligence-agency leaders to reveal the names, which are normally “masked” to protect US citizens caught in foreign-intelligence gathering. Senator Rand Paul claimed Lake had identified the “smoking gun” that validated Donald Trump’s claims that the Obama administration was “spying on” him.

Of course, it was no such thing; even Lake reported that what Rice was alleged to do was neither a crime nor evidence of Trump’s ludicrous claim. Security officials went further: Former CIA director John McLaughlin told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell that Rice was just “doing her job.”

Susan Rice Did Her Job—and Boy Are Republicans Pissed

Rice brings corruption and immorality to her job. It is her corruption that pisses off Republicans.
She asked for unmasking, it got approved through several agencies, and she didn't reveal the information to anybody. I fail to see what was illegal about her actions.

Sounds like another failed nothingburger from Trump fanatics.

She asked for unmasking

Why? Does her job involve foreign intelligence? National security? Espionage?

and she didn't reveal the information to anybody

Boy is you dumb.
HINT, WHAT IS HER TITLE? her job involves ALL intelligence, foreign and domestic that involve our Nation.

Who has that title in the Trump admin? Do you think he does not receive both domestic and foreign intelligence?

HINT, WHAT IS HER TITLE? her job involves ALL intelligence, foreign and domestic that involve our Nation.

And by unmasking, she'd catch some evidence of a crime that the NSA missed?
She asked for unmasking, it got approved through several agencies, and she didn't reveal the information to anybody. I fail to see what was illegal about her actions.

Sounds like another failed nothingburger from Trump fanatics.

She asked for unmasking

Why? Does her job involve foreign intelligence? National security? Espionage?

and she didn't reveal the information to anybody

Boy is you dumb.
HINT, WHAT IS HER TITLE? her job involves ALL intelligence, foreign and domestic that involve our Nation.

Who has that title in the Trump admin? Do you think he does not receive both domestic and foreign intelligence?

She is not a collector of intelligence. She had no right to direct use of that information for further investigation.

In Lake’s telling, it was Rice who allegedly asked intelligence-agency leaders to reveal the names, which are normally “masked” to protect US citizens caught in foreign-intelligence gathering. Senator Rand Paul claimed Lake had identified the “smoking gun” that validated Donald Trump’s claims that the Obama administration was “spying on” him.

Of course, it was no such thing; even Lake reported that what Rice was alleged to do was neither a crime nor evidence of Trump’s ludicrous claim. Security officials went further: Former CIA director John McLaughlin told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell that Rice was just “doing her job.”

Susan Rice Did Her Job—and Boy Are Republicans Pissed
Sure, but just think of the stink Republicans would be having if she HADN'T pressed for answers when the alarm bells started going off in her briefings. What can you expect from a president and party that blames his predecessor for the Syrian gas attack on children same as they blamed Obama for the failed Yemen sortie he ordered that went wrong?

Where did you get the idea that the Yemen SEAL raid (not sortie) went wrong?

You have no proof of anything. That is the point.

In Lake’s telling, it was Rice who allegedly asked intelligence-agency leaders to reveal the names, which are normally “masked” to protect US citizens caught in foreign-intelligence gathering. Senator Rand Paul claimed Lake had identified the “smoking gun” that validated Donald Trump’s claims that the Obama administration was “spying on” him.

Of course, it was no such thing; even Lake reported that what Rice was alleged to do was neither a crime nor evidence of Trump’s ludicrous claim. Security officials went further: Former CIA director John McLaughlin told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell that Rice was just “doing her job.”

Susan Rice Did Her Job—and Boy Are Republicans Pissed
Sure, but just think of the stink Republicans would be having if she HADN'T pressed for answers when the alarm bells started going off in her briefings. What can you expect from a president and party that blames his predecessor for the Syrian gas attack on children same as they blamed Obama for the failed Yemen sortie he ordered that went wrong?

Where did you get the idea that the Yemen SEAL raid (not sortie) went wrong?

You have no proof of anything. That is the point.
Admiral, You DID get the news that the raid 1, Accomplished nothing 2, An American was killed, and 3, several civilians including children were also killed. I am aware of the CYA effort to make it look like a mission was accomplished, but only the kool-aid drinkers swallowed that. Please let me be clear....I do not condemn the raid, and sometimes they go wrong. Nor do I take lightly the loss of life. It was a sad occasion. But, darn it, this attempt to make himself (Trump) utterly blameless for the actions HE causes ought to make even you think twice.
The RWnut crowd are hysterical with delusions of getting back at Rice for making monkeys of them over Benghazi.

Repubs despise women. Plain & simple
DIm wits going to the old steady eddie bull shit of ...




When they have no facts and they are loosing the argument.. They no longer deal with facts.. They cry, whine, and claim to be victims..

Ignorant fuck tards..

In Lake’s telling, it was Rice who allegedly asked intelligence-agency leaders to reveal the names, which are normally “masked” to protect US citizens caught in foreign-intelligence gathering. Senator Rand Paul claimed Lake had identified the “smoking gun” that validated Donald Trump’s claims that the Obama administration was “spying on” him.

Of course, it was no such thing; even Lake reported that what Rice was alleged to do was neither a crime nor evidence of Trump’s ludicrous claim. Security officials went further: Former CIA director John McLaughlin told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell that Rice was just “doing her job.”

Susan Rice Did Her Job—and Boy Are Republicans Pissed
Sure, but just think of the stink Republicans would be having if she HADN'T pressed for answers when the alarm bells started going off in her briefings. What can you expect from a president and party that blames his predecessor for the Syrian gas attack on children same as they blamed Obama for the failed Yemen sortie he ordered that went wrong?

Where did you get the idea that the Yemen SEAL raid (not sortie) went wrong?

You have no proof of anything. That is the point.
Admiral, You DID get the news that the raid 1, Accomplished nothing 2, An American was killed, and 3, several civilians including children were also killed. I am aware of the CYA effort to make it look like a mission was accomplished, but only the kool-aid drinkers swallowed that. Please let me be clear....I do not condemn the raid, and sometimes they go wrong. Nor do I take lightly the loss of life. It was a sad occasion. But, darn it, this attempt to make himself (Trump) utterly blameless for the actions HE causes ought to make even you think twice.

Are you aware that there is no way you could have accurate information on that raid unless you are committing a felony and could be locked up for a decade or so? Are you Susan Rice in real life?

Please explain how Trump was to blame for a mission that did not go exactly as planned.

By your lack of logic, I guess Obama was at fault when the helo crashed during the bin Laden raid.
"This is information about their everyday lives," Rep. Peter King of New York, a member of the House Intelligence committee said. "Sort of like in a divorce case where lawyers are hired, investigators are hired just to find out what the other person is doing from morning until night and then you try to piece it together later on.” Reports in unmasking controversy were detailed, had info about 'everyday lives'
To me thats confirmation of more than just listening in to phone calls
In Lake’s telling, it was Rice who allegedly asked intelligence-agency leaders to reveal the names, which are normally “masked” to protect US citizens caught in foreign-intelligence gathering. Senator Rand Paul claimed Lake had identified the “smoking gun” that validated Donald Trump’s claims that the Obama administration was “spying on” him.
Of course, it was no such thing; even Lake reported that what Rice was alleged to do was neither a crime nor evidence of Trump’s ludicrous claim. Security officials went further: Former CIA director John McLaughlin told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell that Rice was just “doing her job.”
Susan Rice Did Her Job—and Boy Are Republicans Pissed
Complete horse shit.

Rice had no authority to have any names unmasked unless she rpesented need to know cause for the NSA to give her the names. She obviously lied which is fraud and probably also perjury as most of the time you have to sign a form that you swear the information you give is true.

What is really funny though is the desperate effort of the left to try and convince Americans that it is entirely OK and proper for our President to spy on his political opposition, roflmao.
The reporting came from Bloomberg not Trump and they are hardly known as big Trump backers or a right wing media outlet.
bloomberg is who the president's men, CHOSE to leak the story was done by Trump/Trump's men, he chose Bloomberg for a reason... not the right wing, not the left wing... media....though it dos lean right wing, not crazy off the wall, alternative facts, right wing....makes it more believable to the masses....

the bloomberg article did not claim all that bull crap the far right wing media is spinning from the bloomberg article....
Bloomberg is a gun grabbing Neocon site.

You gotta know that, surely.

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