Susan Rice ‘Not Qualified’ Says The Man Who Picked Sarah Palin For VP

Is there some disconnect in the liberal mind that causes them to lose contact with reality? Comparing the selection of Vice president with the secretary of state and this coming from the political side that kicked their former vice president candidate out of the party for being too moderate and selected a literally brain damaged vice president who can't put a sentence together? Surely you jest.

YOU are the one that doesn't get the connection. That's because you are a conservative and just don't see it. Don't blame liberals for that.
Is there some disconnect in the liberal mind that causes them to lose contact with reality? Comparing the selection of Vice president with the secretary of state and this coming from the political side that kicked their former vice president candidate out of the party for being too moderate and selected a literally brain damaged vice president who can't put a sentence together? Surely you jest.

YOU are the one that doesn't get the connection. That's because you are a conservative and just don't see it. Don't blame liberals for that.
I think you should call him a poopyhead. It might be more effective than that post.

Give it a shot; you have so little to lose.
I'm sorry to offend you, these are terms the left used to describe Sarah Palin, I thought it was a regular phrase when describing women now. I didn't realize two separate rules depending on party. My apologies.

Yeah, right. And you're not sorry for anything. All you have done is convince me that you are also a smart ass.

And your an idiot, not seeing your point other than you are an angry liberal.

Words to remember.
John McCain has his friggin' nerve. He is just a bitter, sore loser.

In the height of irony or, perhaps more accurate, hubris, Senator John McCain, the man who rushed the insufficiently vetted and profoundly unqualified Sarah Palin to the status of VP candidate (aka, “a heartbeat away from the presidency”), took to the podium today to denigrate and denounce the highly respected U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., Susan Rice for being “not qualified.”

For the man who inflicted the “not very bright” Ms. Palin upon the electorate, there appears to be an extreme disconnect at play here. One doesn’t necessarily want to drag the 2008 campaign into the discussion, certainly not when much of it was an embarrassing display of political ineptitude and arrogance embodied by a vice-presidential candidate who was in so far over her head, it’s possible she’s still not breathing air, but McCain’s personal slams on Rice reeks of tunnel vision. Or, as one pundit suggested, old wounds with Obama over that 2008 campaign.

Susan Rice

View attachment 22680

Now, please tell me how Susan Rice was qualified for anything. I'd be most interested.

Are you really going to sit there with your bald face hanging out and ask ME what her qualifications are?? Are all of you conservatives dumber than stumps??
So it's moron on moron.

I still can't figure how Panetta is qualified to be the Secretary of Defense, let alone the old bastard was heading up the CIA.

I am certain he is a nice man, but who gives these plum jobs to people who have no qualifications to do these jobs?

How nuts is this?

Stop reading only The National Enquirer.
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This has nothing to do with Rice. This is just an extension of the RW haters hating Obama.

It's really that simple. They are desperately trying to prove she lied. They have failed in that but as RWers do they just claim they have won the argument having won nothing.

So now to them it is a fact that Rice lied. That is how they think. That is how they operate. That is why I hate them.

Rice lied to America, it has nothing to do with like or dislike for Obama, however for leftwingers, it is easier to excuse it this way instead of having to answer questions.

She didn't lie to America. Only Fox News and their stupid audience believes that.
I'm sorry to offend you, these are terms the left used to describe Sarah Palin, I thought it was a regular phrase when describing women now. I didn't realize two separate rules depending on party. My apologies.

Yeah, right. And you're not sorry for anything. All you have done is convince me that you are also a smart ass.
If he's a smart ass, it's much preferred to being a fatass, Fatass. I'd say have another Twinkie, but you can do a Tastykake substitution, I'm sure.

I love it when you talk like that. I get lots of positive reps. People think you're not nice for talking to someone like that. Because if I were really fat, it might really hurt me. God, you're dumb.
Yeah, right. And you're not sorry for anything. All you have done is convince me that you are also a smart ass.
If he's a smart ass, it's much preferred to being a fatass, Fatass. I'd say have another Twinkie, but you can do a Tastykake substitution, I'm sure.

I love it when you talk like that. I get lots of positive reps. People think you're not nice for talking to someone like that. Because if I were really fat, it might really hurt me. God, you're dumb.

The real morons, like you, are those who actually keep logging into a place that hurts their feelings when they're told they are fat.

Susan Rice ‘Not Qualified’ Says The Man Who Picked Sarah Palin For VP

Let us know when Rice becomes a mayor and governor..Instead of some appointed position in this clown administration
Rice doesn't even seem qualified for the position she has

Dr. Rice is not smart but beauty queen moose girl is? No wonder the right lost.
Remember those English classes where you were instructed to "compare and contrast"?

Well, let's do so.

Here's Rice's early resumé, prior to her appointment as UN Ambassador, a post she's held for almost 4 years.

Rice attended Stanford University, where she received a Truman Scholarship, and graduated with a B.A. in history in 1986. She was elected to Phi Beta Kappa.[6][7]

Awarded a Rhodes Scholarship, Rice attended New College, Oxford, where she earned a M.Phil. in 1988 and D.Phil. in 1990. The Chatham House-British International Studies Association honored her dissertation entitled, "Commonwealth Initiative in Zimbabwe, 1979-1980: Implication for International Peacekeeping" as the UK's most distinguished in international relations.[1][8]

Rice's classmates and professors at Oxford included advocates of the role of the United Nations and international law (Sir Adam Roberts, Benedict Kingsbury),[9] of global economic governance and international economic cooperation (Ngaire Woods, Donald Markwell),[10] and of a firm stance against Russian authoritarianism (Michael McFaul).[11]

Clinton administration roles

Rice served in the Clinton administration in various capacities: at the National Security Council from 1993 to 1997; as Director for International Organizations and Peacekeeping from 1993 to 1995; and as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for African Affairs from 1995 to 1997.

At the time of the 1994 Rwandan Genocide, Rice reportedly said, "If we use the word 'genocide' and are seen as doing nothing, what will be the effect on the November [congressional] election?" Rice subsequently acknowledged the mistakes made at the time and felt that a debt needed repaying.[19] The inability or failure of the Clinton administration to do anything about the genocide would inform her later views on possible military interventions.[20] She would later say of the experience: "I swore to myself that if I ever faced such a crisis again, I would come down on the side of dramatic action, going down in flames if that was required."[21]
Rice supported the multinational force that invaded Zaire from Rwanda in 1996 and overthrew dictator Mobutu Sese Seko, saying privately that "Anything's better than Mobutu." Others[who?] criticized the U.S. complicity in the violation of the Congo's borders as destabilizing and dangerous.[22]
In a 2002 op-ed piece in the Washington Post, former Ambassador to Sudan Timothy M. Carney and news contributor Mansoor Ijaz implicated Rice and counter-terrorism czar Richard Clarke in missing an opportunity to neutralize Osama bin Laden while he was still in Sudan in 1996. They write that Sudan and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright were ready to cooperate on intelligence potentially leading to Bin Laden, but that Rice and Clarke persuaded National Security Advisor Sandy Berger to overrule Albright.[23] Similar allegations were made by Vanity Fair contributing editor David Rose[24] and Richard Miniter, author of Losing Bin Laden, in a November 2003 interview with World.[25]

While the writings of Carney, Ijaz, Rose and Miniter each claim that Sudan offered to turn Bin Laden over to the US and that Rice was central in the decision not to accept the offer, The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks on the United States (the 9-11 Commission) concluded in part "Sudan's minister of defense, Fatih Erwa, has claimed that Sudan offered to hand Bin Laden over to the United States. The Commission has found no credible evidence that this was so. Ambassador Carney had instructions only to push the Sudanese to expel Bin Laden. Ambassador Carney had no legal basis to ask for more from the Sudanese since, at the time, there was no indictment outstanding."[26]

Secretary of State Madeleine Albright has been a longtime mentor and family friend to Rice. Albright urged Clinton to appoint Rice as Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs in 1997.[1] Rice was not the first choice of Congressional Black Caucus leaders, who considered Rice a member of "Washington's assimilationist black elite".[1] At a confirmation hearing chaired by Senator Jesse Helms, Rice, who attended the hearing along with her infant son, whom she was then nursing, made a great impression on Senators from both parties and "sailed through the confirmation process".[1]

On July 7, 1998, while serving as Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, Rice was a member of an American delegation to visit detained Nigerian President-Elect Basorun M.K.O. Abiola. During this meeting, Abiola suffered a fatal heart attack.[27]

According to Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank, at one point Rice gave the "Rockefeller Gesture" to Richard Holbrooke during a meeting with senior staff.[28]

Rice continued to serve as Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs until the end of Clinton's term in January 2001.
Business and think-tank activities

Rice was managing director and principal at Intellibridge from 2001 to 2002.[29][30] In 2002, she joined the Brookings Institution as senior fellow in the Foreign Policy program. At Brookings, she focused on U.S. foreign policy, weak and failing states, the implications of global poverty, and transnational threats to security.
During the 2004 presidential campaign, Rice served as a foreign policy adviser to John Kerry.

Rice went on leave from the Brookings Institution to serve as a senior foreign policy advisor to Senator Barack Obama in his 2008 presidential campaign. Rice took a disparaging view of Obama's Republican opponent in the campaign, John McCain, calling his policies "reckless" and dismissing the Arizona Senator's trip to Iraq as "strolling around the market in a flak jacket."[28]

On November 5, 2008, Rice was named to the advisory board of the Obama-Biden Transition Project.[31]

Now, please take note of the orange highlighted part near the bottom. It would appear that McCain may be trying to settle a personal score with Rice.
Damn. Game, set and ownage. :)
Rice lied to America, it has nothing to do with like or dislike for Obama, however for leftwingers, it is easier to excuse it this way instead of having to answer questions.

You have no proof Rice lied. All you are proving is how stupid you are.

It wasn't a terrorist attack? Do you really think she was that stupid?

"Terrorist" is a pretty vague term. Do you believe that every attack is a terrorist attack? It could have been a lot of things. If we were supplying weapons out of that "safe house" that certainly complicates the possibilities about who could have been the perpetraitors.

I really doubt that Rice was "in the loop" as to what happened there. She isn't involved in all that hush hush spy/special ops BS. What puzzles me is why the UN rep would be making any statement at all.

But you are not really interested in the facts are you. You WANT Rice to be lying whether she was or not. You WANT Obama to be some kind of villian even though he had nothing to do with what happened there. I don't THINK anything about Benghazi. I don't know enough to have an opinion about it. Neither do you which makes your hate talk all the more disgusting.
You have no proof Rice lied. All you are proving is how stupid you are.

It wasn't a terrorist attack? Do you really think she was that stupid?

"Terrorist" is a pretty vague term. Do you believe that every attack is a terrorist attack? It could have been a lot of things. If we were supplying weapons out of that "safe house" that certainly complicates the possibilities about who could have been the perpetraitors.

I really doubt that Rice was "in the loop" as to what happened there. She isn't involved in all that hush hush spy/special ops BS. What puzzles me is why the UN rep would be making any statement at all.

But you are not really interested in the facts are you. You WANT Rice to be lying whether she was or not. You WANT Obama to be some kind of villian even though he had nothing to do with what happened there. I don't THINK anything about Benghazi. I don't know enough to have an opinion about it. Neither do you which makes your hate talk all the more disgusting.

Then she should have shut up about the whole issue instead of speaking out of turn, then to keep talking days later, she is not very bright.
John McCain has his friggin' nerve. He is just a bitter, sore loser.

In the height of irony or, perhaps more accurate, hubris, Senator John McCain, the man who rushed the insufficiently vetted and profoundly unqualified Sarah Palin to the status of VP candidate (aka, “a heartbeat away from the presidency”), took to the podium today to denigrate and denounce the highly respected U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., Susan Rice for being “not qualified.”

For the man who inflicted the “not very bright” Ms. Palin upon the electorate, there appears to be an extreme disconnect at play here. One doesn’t necessarily want to drag the 2008 campaign into the discussion, certainly not when much of it was an embarrassing display of political ineptitude and arrogance embodied by a vice-presidential candidate who was in so far over her head, it’s possible she’s still not breathing air, but McCain’s personal slams on Rice reeks of tunnel vision. Or, as one pundit suggested, old wounds with Obama over that 2008 campaign.

Susan Rice

View attachment 22680

Now, please tell me how Susan Rice was qualified for anything. I'd be most interested.

Are you really going to sit there with your bald face hanging out and ask ME what her qualifications are?? Are all of you conservatives dumber than stumps??

Rinata, I am sure you are not as narrow-minded as you force yourself to be!

Of course Susan Rice is the lying face of this Administration!
If he's a smart ass, it's much preferred to being a fatass, Fatass. I'd say have another Twinkie, but you can do a Tastykake substitution, I'm sure.

I love it when you talk like that. I get lots of positive reps. People think you're not nice for talking to someone like that. Because if I were really fat, it might really hurt me. God, you're dumb.

The real morons, like you, are those who actually keep logging into a place that hurts their feelings when they're told they are fat.


Are you really this dumb?? Your politics demonstrated often that you do not understand much about humans. However, I never thought it was this bad!!!

Don't you realize how traumatized a heavy person would be if you said the things to them that you say to me?? Didn't you ever go to school and see children to that to each other?? Never mind. I can imagine whose side you were on.

Believe me, other posters get upset. I always tell them not to worry because you're a lying sack of shit so your words mean nothing to me. :) You're just a bully.
John McCain has his friggin' nerve. He is just a bitter, sore loser.

In the height of irony or, perhaps more accurate, hubris, Senator John McCain, the man who rushed the insufficiently vetted and profoundly unqualified Sarah Palin to the status of VP candidate (aka, “a heartbeat away from the presidency”), took to the podium today to denigrate and denounce the highly respected U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., Susan Rice for being “not qualified.”

For the man who inflicted the “not very bright” Ms. Palin upon the electorate, there appears to be an extreme disconnect at play here. One doesn’t necessarily want to drag the 2008 campaign into the discussion, certainly not when much of it was an embarrassing display of political ineptitude and arrogance embodied by a vice-presidential candidate who was in so far over her head, it’s possible she’s still not breathing air, but McCain’s personal slams on Rice reeks of tunnel vision. Or, as one pundit suggested, old wounds with Obama over that 2008 campaign.

Susan Rice

View attachment 22680

Palin was certainly qualified. Every bit as the current Veep.
So let's turn this around. What ARE Rice's qualifications?
Why are you not capable of using your own words here on USMB?
You search the liberal blogosphere for your dose of talking points and post them here in attempt to appear profound. As though you have a real good grip on things.
The fact is you are a typical lemming to the liberal cause. You cannot think for yourself
Now, please tell me how Susan Rice was qualified for anything. I'd be most interested.

Are you really going to sit there with your bald face hanging out and ask ME what her qualifications are?? Are all of you conservatives dumber than stumps??

Rinata, I am sure you are not as narrow-minded as you force yourself to be!

Of course Susan Rice is the lying face of this Administration!

Oh, geeze. Not another brainwashed conservative!!!

Let's take this from the top. The question was, "How is Susan Rice qualified for ANYTHING"?? Do you get it now or do I have to list all of her qualifications for the tenth time??
I love it when you talk like that. I get lots of positive reps. People think you're not nice for talking to someone like that. Because if I were really fat, it might really hurt me. God, you're dumb.

The real morons, like you, are those who actually keep logging into a place that hurts their feelings when they're told they are fat.


Are you really this dumb?? Your politics demonstrated often that you do not understand much about humans. However, I never thought it was this bad!!!

Don't you realize how traumatized a heavy person would be if you said the things to them that you say to me?? Didn't you ever go to school and see children to that to each other?? Never mind. I can imagine whose side you were on.

Believe me, other posters get upset. I always tell them not to worry because you're a lying sack of shit so your words mean nothing to me. :) You're just a bully.
I have little tolerance for pussies who don't have the self discipline to log out of a place that hurts them. Or, gosh, even ignore someone.

And, if someone gets their feelings hurt because some anonymous poster on some board called them fat, they have serious emotional issues. And, if they log back in for more? They need to see a shrink.

Folks need to get a grip. You never had one, so I won't suggest you try, Fatass.
Are you really going to sit there with your bald face hanging out and ask ME what her qualifications are?? Are all of you conservatives dumber than stumps??

Rinata, I am sure you are not as narrow-minded as you force yourself to be!

Of course Susan Rice is the lying face of this Administration!

Oh, geeze. Not another brainwashed conservative!!!

Let's take this from the top. The question was, "How is Susan Rice qualified for ANYTHING"?? Do you get it now or do I have to list all of her qualifications for the tenth time??

to be a conservative or not has nothing to do with lying to the people .... I know it is difficult for you to face the fact that your Administration lied to you....

But you must face the truth sooner or later!

Rice is a f**** lier!
John McCain has his friggin' nerve. He is just a bitter, sore loser.

In the height of irony or, perhaps more accurate, hubris, Senator John McCain, the man who rushed the insufficiently vetted and profoundly unqualified Sarah Palin to the status of VP candidate (aka, “a heartbeat away from the presidency”), took to the podium today to denigrate and denounce the highly respected U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., Susan Rice for being “not qualified.”

For the man who inflicted the “not very bright” Ms. Palin upon the electorate, there appears to be an extreme disconnect at play here. One doesn’t necessarily want to drag the 2008 campaign into the discussion, certainly not when much of it was an embarrassing display of political ineptitude and arrogance embodied by a vice-presidential candidate who was in so far over her head, it’s possible she’s still not breathing air, but McCain’s personal slams on Rice reeks of tunnel vision. Or, as one pundit suggested, old wounds with Obama over that 2008 campaign.

Susan Rice

View attachment 22680

Palin was certainly qualified. Every bit as the current Veep.So let's turn this around. What ARE Rice's qualifications?
Why are you not capable of using your own words here on USMB?
You search the liberal blogosphere for your dose of talking points and post them here in attempt to appear profound. As though you have a real good grip on things.
The fact is you are a typical lemming to the liberal cause. You cannot think for yourself

Anybody that thinks this is true is an absolute idiot. And that describes you perfectly.
As for the rest of your post, give me the basis for your making stupid claims like that against me. I dare you. Because you're a lying sack of shit.

Where did you learn the losing tactic of throwing something out there and hoping it sticks?? Romney?? Limbaugh?? McCain?? All your idols.
John McCain has his friggin' nerve. He is just a bitter, sore loser.

In the height of irony or, perhaps more accurate, hubris, Senator John McCain, the man who rushed the insufficiently vetted and profoundly unqualified Sarah Palin to the status of VP candidate (aka, “a heartbeat away from the presidency”), took to the podium today to denigrate and denounce the highly respected U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., Susan Rice for being “not qualified.”

For the man who inflicted the “not very bright” Ms. Palin upon the electorate, there appears to be an extreme disconnect at play here. One doesn’t necessarily want to drag the 2008 campaign into the discussion, certainly not when much of it was an embarrassing display of political ineptitude and arrogance embodied by a vice-presidential candidate who was in so far over her head, it’s possible she’s still not breathing air, but McCain’s personal slams on Rice reeks of tunnel vision. Or, as one pundit suggested, old wounds with Obama over that 2008 campaign.

Susan Rice

View attachment 22680

Palin was certainly qualified. Every bit as the current Veep.So let's turn this around. What ARE Rice's qualifications?
Why are you not capable of using your own words here on USMB?
You search the liberal blogosphere for your dose of talking points and post them here in attempt to appear profound. As though you have a real good grip on things.
The fact is you are a typical lemming to the liberal cause. You cannot think for yourself

Anybody that thinks this is true is an absolute idiot. And that describes you perfectly.
As for the rest of your post, give me the basis for you making stupid claims like that against me. I dare you. Because you're a lying sack of shit.

Where did you learn the losing tactic of throwing something out there to see if it sticks?? Romney?? Limbaugh?? McCain?? All your idols.
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