Susan Rice Ordered Spy Agencies To Produce ‘Detailed Spreadsheets’ Involving Trump

You're the one whining, sugar
Wrong again...This has been the best 5 months watching libs go crazy. The looks on the faces of libs that thought they had convinced the nation to follow their madness.....PRICELESS! Sugar
Experts say someone or someone's close to the Obama administration will be indicted before this whole thing is over.
You're the one whining, sugar
Wrong again...This has been the best 5 months watching libs go crazy. The looks on the faces of libs that thought they had convinced the nation to follow their madness.....PRICELESS! Sugar

The media is placing our nation at risk with their one sided attack dog mentality. Dems can do no wrong and republicans can do nothing right. Its stupid and it must stop.


On a side note - just look at the entire administration. The most unqualified, uneducated
  • Barack Obama - Community Organizer
  • Joe Biden - alcoholic and resident nitwit
  • Van Jones - self-professed communist
  • Susan Rice - "I leaked nothing to nobody" (nice ghetto double-negative!)
  • Eric Holder - racist
This is going to be fun to watch. Democrats doing the perp walk with The Donald smiling big and bright watching it happen. Finally the democrat party will get what is coming to them. It just keeps getting better and better. How delicious to see how afraid Obama is to speak up or even to come back home. He may know more than we do. Maybe he knows there are handcuffs waiting for him when he returns.
Yep Rice is in hot water. She will flip and Obama knows it.
This is going to be fun to watch. Democrats doing the perp walk with The Donald smiling big and bright watching it happen. Finally the democrat party will get what is coming to them. It just keeps getting better and better. How delicious to see how afraid Obama is to speak up or even to come back home. He may know more than we do. Maybe he knows there are handcuffs waiting for him when he returns.

Can anyone explain what Rice did wrong?
We may never see Obama face justice over this scandal but we all know that man. He is a treasonous bastard and if this were a just world he would go to prison. Hopefully Rice will be prosecuted and her buddies Rhodes Brennan and Clapper.

Rice was well within her authority to ask the NSA to unmask the americans in the FISA data collection. They needed to know who the Russians, and other foreigners were trying to make a deal with.

So committing a felony was within her authority?

Lock her up!
What felony?
This bitch is going to prison. Her guilt is beyond obvious.

Former President Barack Obama’s national security adviser Susan Rice ordered U.S. spy agencies to produce “detailed spreadsheets” of legal phone calls involving Donald Trump and his aides when he was running for president, according to former U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova.

“What was produced by the intelligence community at the request of Ms. Rice were detailed spreadsheets of intercepted phone calls with unmasked Trump associates in perfectly legal conversations with individuals,” diGenova told The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group Monday.

“The overheard conversations involved no illegal activity by anybody of the Trump associates, or anyone they were speaking with,” diGenova said. “In short, the only apparent illegal activity was the unmasking of the people in the calls.”

Other knowledgeable official sources with direct knowledge and who requested anonymity confirmed to TheDCNF diGenova’s description of surveillance reports Rice ordered one year before the 2016 presidential election. . .

If this is true, she is totally screwed.

To bad Obama can't pardon her.
Even after leaving office, the Obama administration is the most lawless in US history.
Before even walking in to office the Trump administration are the most lawless people in History....they all seem to belong to the Russian MOB :eek: Trump is the Man of Lawlessness!

Seriously though, this does need to be investigated and the two intel committees have the goods to do such now that they got from the white house, supposedly... we need to find out what happened, and why....

AND STILL continue with the Russian interference in our election investigation by the senate and house and the criminal investigation in to it by the FBI!
That's your opinion and this whole investigation is a sham. The FBI isn't investigating this. They had to go around them to get to the truth. The FBI is still putting up interference. This all begins and ends in the Oval Office. Obama was the guy. End of story.
Mudwhistle, there is something seriously WRONG with all of the Trump campaign and Putin/Russian connections, and I don't know what for certain, but the investigators in the press are getting closer and closer to unveiling the truth, little by little.... money laundering, or Kompromat on Trump, or something unknown at this time, but something dirty is going on here with the whole Russian Connection, and we in the USA need to know.

What is dirty that you "know" but don't know so you "need to know" ?
Let's see....Sessions lied before The Senate under oath, Saturday of that week Trump tweets Obama wire tapped him in Trump tower and all that crap...the Press spends the next 2 weeks covering that and Sessions gets away with Perjury...

Then 2 weeks after that tweeting session of Trumps the Senate intelligence commitee has their first public hearing on the Russian hacking where our intelligence heads testified there is absolutely no evidence of Obama having Trump wire tapped or surveillanced....

And Comey stated that he not only has an investigation going on the Russian election interference but dropped a BOMBSHELL, the Trump campaign was also under investigation for possible coordination with the Russian election sabotage....

So then the next day we have the whole cloak and dagger Rep Nunes called to the Whitehouse to view these secret things that are not about the Russians and all was legal but trump people were unmasked crud with a couple of press conferences telling the press nothing then announcing having to run and tell the president, BEFORE NUNES OWN INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE

Charade....when the president ALREADY KNEW shenanigans....

The press then follows that for the next 2 weeks finally realizing the president duped them AGAIN leading them on a wild goose chase.....

So then yesterday or day before Trump has the President`s men leak to the Press what Nunes and Schiff both refused to discuss because it's confidential....on Rice unmasking who these US persons are masked for herself and Trump people are out in droves releasing the smoke and mirrors again to divert the press away from the Russian interference and possible Trump campaign coordination with them....

This time the press ain't biting, they are nibbling but you can tell they're tired of being lead on wild goose chases, talked to a bunch of experts, saying it's perfectly normal, talked to rice again, found out she needed to know the US Person masked to fully understand the National Security evidence herself and DID NOT SPREAD it to all Intel Agencies as accused by Trumpsters...the Press is not going crazy over it, like said, Not this time...xcpt on right wing media but main stream is tired of the boy cried wolf and smoke and mirrors tactics///

And today it drops that another Trump person, Betsy DeVoss`s brother, Mr Prince does some hidden, back door meeting with the Russians in the Seychelles islands, that was set up for trump in January before Trump was elected. And Carter Page`s connection to a convicted Russian spy.

HOW MANY RUSSIAN connections are there on Trumps team and most importantly, WHY????
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