Susan Rice Pulls Out Of Her Running For US Secretary of State

She fell on her sword the second she lied for Obama about Benghazi. Next.

There are actually a couple of good names I've heard tossed about.

Were you alive when Kondi was shilling for Bush n Cheney on da teeve talking about Mushroom Clouds and such?
She was disgraceful and woefully underqulaified as a statesperson to adequately do the job with any degree of success.

You're crazy.

Regarding Benghazi: I see that ambitious and calculating Rice saw this as an opportunity to audition for Secretary of State and she failed miserably.

Rice had the opportunity to check the facts and she did not. What she did was worse than lying she showed that she is inept. She would be a liability to this administration and to the US as a whole. She should be ashamed her herself and her performance on this world stage. She took advantage of the situation for personal gain and fell flat on her face. "An Africa expert, Rice should have realized that when a gang showed up with R.P.G.’s and mortars in a place known as a hotbed of Qaeda sympathizers and Islamic extremist training camps, it was not anger over a movie."

This is enough for me to say as a statesperson she was woefully underqualified for the role of Secretary of State.
History has a funny way of repeating itself.

You guys lapped-up and sucked up Kondi's lies hook, line and sinker...there will be opportunities to tear down a CON in the future under similar if not exact

This will not be forgotten CON$...mark my words.
She was disgraceful and woefully underqulaified as a statesperson to adequately do the job with any degree of success.

You're crazy.

Regarding Benghazi: I see that ambitious and calculating Rice saw this as an opportunity to audition for Secretary of State and she failed miserably.

Rice had the opportunity to check the facts and she did not. What she did was worse than lying she showed that she is inept. She would be a liability to this administration and to the US as a whole. She should be ashamed her herself and her performance on this world stage. She took advantage of the situation for personal gain and fell flat on her face. "An Africa expert, Rice should have realized that when a gang showed up with R.P.G.’s and mortars in a place known as a hotbed of Qaeda sympathizers and Islamic extremist training camps, it was not anger over a movie."

This is enough for me to say as a statesperson she was woefully underqualified for the role of Secretary of State.

For the most part I agree with your first sentence.
when Susan Collins dumped on her, it was over.

Not withstanding, she has not really had a good career, Ethiopia, remarks regards Rwanda etc. *shrugs* at least no ones played the feminist race card....yet...:rolleyes:
when Susan Collins dumped on her, it was over.

Not withstanding, she has not really had a good career, Ethiopia, remarks regards Rwanda etc. *shrugs* at least no ones played the feminist race card....yet...:rolleyes:

I don't think we have seen the last of Rice. Remember who was running against Obama for the nomination in 2008?
It is disappointing. Rice was so incompetent, her reputation for being insulting and abrasive so well known watching her embarrass and humiliate obama would have provided days of entertainment.
when Susan Collins dumped on her, it was over.

Not withstanding, she has not really had a good career, Ethiopia, remarks regards Rwanda etc. *shrugs* at least no ones played the feminist race card....yet...:rolleyes:

I don't think we have seen the last of Rice. Remember who was running against Obama for the nomination in 2008?

Hillary said shes out, not that that means a whole lot, but she will be very old news in 2016 and she knows it, she missed her chance.

And hey thats not to say you're right , Rice may go on to cook in the WH as the nat. sec. adviser, I am sure that will work fine to, she ignored the Obama sept 12 PDB too, but then again only bush gets blamed for not paying attention to his PDB, so you know how that goes.
when Susan Collins dumped on her, it was over.

Not withstanding, she has not really had a good career, Ethiopia, remarks regards Rwanda etc. *shrugs* at least no ones played the feminist race card....yet...:rolleyes:

I don't think we have seen the last of Rice. Remember who was running against Obama for the nomination in 2008?

Hillary said shes out, not that that means a whole lot, but she will be very old news in 2016 and she knows it, she missed her chance.

And hey thats not to say you're right , Rice may go on to cook in the WH as the nat. sec. adviser, I am sure that will work fine to, she ignored the Obama sept 12 PDB too, but then again only bush gets blamed for not paying attention to his PDB, so you know how that goes.

Now you're being just cold. :cranky: Never ask a woman her age.

How about Clinton/Rice 2016?
when Susan Collins dumped on her, it was over.

Not withstanding, she has not really had a good career, Ethiopia, remarks regards Rwanda etc. *shrugs* at least no ones played the feminist race card....yet...:rolleyes:

I don't think we have seen the last of Rice. Remember who was running against Obama for the nomination in 2008?

Hillary said shes out, not that that means a whole lot, but she will be very old news in 2016 and she knows it, she missed her chance.

And hey thats not to say you're right , Rice may go on to cook in the WH as the nat. sec. adviser, I am sure that will work fine to, she ignored the Obama sept 12 PDB too, but then again only bush gets blamed for not paying attention to his PDB, so you know how that goes.

I don't think we have seen the last of Rice. Remember who was running against Obama for the nomination in 2008?

Hillary said shes out, not that that means a whole lot, but she will be very old news in 2016 and she knows it, she missed her chance.

And hey thats not to say you're right , Rice may go on to cook in the WH as the nat. sec. adviser, I am sure that will work fine to, she ignored the Obama sept 12 PDB too, but then again only bush gets blamed for not paying attention to his PDB, so you know how that goes.


she'll be 69 come election day 2016......McCain was what, 71, 72 and denigrated as to old...
Good riddence to this scuzbag.

Lets Make A Deal: Susan Rice Discloses Iran Business Investments
Read more at Lets Make A Deal: Susan Rice Discloses Iran Business Investments

How about this one The Inquisitr. That is the front page of the site you posted from? :confused:

Would that right wing rag Washington Post work for you, tard?

Rice holds stakes in firms that have done business in Iran

Rice holds stakes in firms that have done business in Iran - Washington Post
Yeah, in your fucked up head...she didn't back out today. :booze:

Obamination's handlers got through his dense head that she would spill the beans on Libya as well as look like an idiot in the hearings.

Mr. Ketchup will bore everyone at the hearings and will get rubber stamped to leave the Senate.....opening his seat.

The farce is strong in this one.

Some people have some pretty selfish motives for engaging in public service. They can and DO go to work for lobby shops eventually. They often go to work for the industries they were previously supposed to oversee in a legislative or regulatory role. Cashing in can by done by elected officials, or appointed officials, or even by people who served on the staffs of legislators. There's BIG money to be made there. Even conservative hero Senator, Jim DeMint has announced that he's giving up his Senate seat in the middle of his term (ala Sarah Palin) to take a high paying job, likely for many times his Senate salary. I guess he couldn't wait.

But when I look at Rice's very impressive résumé, I don't see any evidence that financial reward has ever been her primary motivation. But that's not to say that she can't get a very prestigious good-paying position at any number of places once she leaves her current post. Undoubtedly, she had the Sec of State job in her sights, but it's not an easy, cushy job by any stretch of the imagination. It involves a LOT of hours of travel and working at all hours of the day and night which would play havoc with anyone's normal sleeping patterns. My guess is that Rice looked at the entire calculus surrounding the confirmation process and figured that the cost of a completely unnecessary bruising confirmation would be too costly to both the president and to whomever had to serve the president in world capitals after being grilled like a salmon by Republicans out looking for an issue to distract everyone from their disastrous electoral shellacking...and she simply decided to move on.
Hillary said shes out, not that that means a whole lot, but she will be very old news in 2016 and she knows it, she missed her chance.

And hey thats not to say you're right , Rice may go on to cook in the WH as the nat. sec. adviser, I am sure that will work fine to, she ignored the Obama sept 12 PDB too, but then again only bush gets blamed for not paying attention to his PDB, so you know how that goes.


she'll be 69 come election day 2016......McCain was what, 71, 72 and denigrated as to old...

I realized that when I posted it. Damn. Hilary won't be running in 2016. Will she join Bill? They could run the charity together or something.
Scott Brown poses over a election candidate registraton document, ready to go three times in a row to get that permanent seat in Senate. If Kerry is nominated and ratified (and with McCain his buddy on his side, then it is a surety), Brown will be elected.

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