Susan Rice Pulls Out Of Her Running For US Secretary of State

Say it all together now, "Get Kerry!"

Obama would have to be pretty silly to pick Kerry he won't do it. Rs lost that Mass seat, they need to face it and move along..

So who do you think should be SoS? How about Powell? That would show that we can all work together.
No Powell has accepted an honour from the UK monarchy and as such has put himself beyond trust of any republican.

It has to be Condi for a bi-partisan pick for Secretary of State. She met the royals as much as diplomacy required but has not yet sold her republican soul for a royalist gong.
Obama would have to be pretty silly to pick Kerry he won't do it. Rs lost that Mass seat, they need to face it and move along..

So who do you think should be SoS? How about Powell? That would show that we can all work together.
No Powell has accepted an honour from the UK monarchy and as such has put himself beyond trust of any republican.

It has to be Condi for a bi-partisan pick for Secretary of State. She met the royals as much as diplomacy required but has not yet sold her republican soul for a royalist gong.

Condi without her neo-con posse is no fun. I would love to see the PDB briefing with Obama and Condi in a room.
Obama would have to be pretty silly to pick Kerry he won't do it. Rs lost that Mass seat, they need to face it and move along..

So who do you think should be SoS? How about Powell? That would show that we can all work together.
No Powell has accepted an honour from the UK monarchy and as such has put himself beyond trust of any republican.

It has to be Condi for a bi-partisan pick for Secretary of State. She met the royals as much as diplomacy required but has not yet sold her republican soul for a royalist gong.

Oh Yes. We have to get the 'trust of any republican'? Name one trusting republican.
So who do you think should be SoS? How about Powell? That would show that we can all work together.
No Powell has accepted an honour from the UK monarchy and as such has put himself beyond trust of any republican.

It has to be Condi for a bi-partisan pick for Secretary of State. She met the royals as much as diplomacy required but has not yet sold her republican soul for a royalist gong.

Oh Yes. We have to get the 'trust of any republican'? Name one trusting republican.
I am using the word "republican" there to mean "supporting a republic".

I am not using the word "republican" there to mean "member of the American Republican Party".

In this sense of the word "republican", all members of the Democratic Party are republicans - they all support the USA to be run as a republic. None of them want the USA to transform into a kingdom or a military or theocratic dictatorship, say.

It goes without saying that members of the GOP are republicans too.

To answer your question, I find many American republicans to be naively trusting of the UK monarchy, thinking that the Queen is an admirable person, causing no problems for the USA.

The realistic view of the UK monarchy is that as a kingdom, Britain is a less capable, less reliable ally than it would be as a democratic republic.


So to name one republican who is trusting, I name President Obama, the president of the republic, the most senior official of the republic.

You can see President Obama meeting with the Queen and clearly trusting her rather too much.

I have answered your question but you misunderstand my point.

I am saying that you as a republican ought not to trust Colin Powell as a future official of the American republic ever since he took a royal honour from the UK monarchy. Powell seems to have divided loyalties. He seems somewhat loyal to the Queen if he takes her honour. Why else would he want her gong?

I am saying that Powell has betrayed your trust - you being a republican, you wanting your officials to be loyal to the republic, loyal to the American people, not loyal to some monarch.
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No Powell has accepted an honour from the UK monarchy and as such has put himself beyond trust of any republican.

It has to be Condi for a bi-partisan pick for Secretary of State. She met the royals as much as diplomacy required but has not yet sold her republican soul for a royalist gong.

Oh Yes. We have to get the 'trust of any republican'? Name one trusting republican.
I am using the word "republican" there to mean "supporting a republic".

I am not using the word "republican" there to mean "member of the American Republican Party".

In this sense of the word "republican", all members of the Democratic Party are republicans - they all support the USA to be run as a republic. None of them want the USA to transform into a kingdom or a military or theocratic dictatorship, say.

It goes without saying that members of the GOP are republicans too.

To answer your question, I find American republicans to be naively trusting of the UK monarchy, thinking that the Queen is an admirable person, causing no problems for the USA.

The realistic view of the UK monarchy is that as a kingdom, Britain is a less capable, less reliable ally than it would be as a democratic republic.

What? Are you a lawyer of somethin'. OK, name one trusting person in one of the branches of government. Better?
:flameth:Sorry, did not see second part of your post until I refreshed the page. I would have never guessed that is who you picked. You going to get so flamed on this board.
So who do you think should be SoS? How about Powell? That would show that we can all work together.
No Powell has accepted an honour from the UK monarchy and as such has put himself beyond trust of any republican.

It has to be Condi for a bi-partisan pick for Secretary of State. She met the royals as much as diplomacy required but has not yet sold her republican soul for a royalist gong.

Condi without her neo-con posse is no fun.
Oh Condi as the paramount, supreme leader of the free world has a much bigger posse than a few neo-cons.

I would love to see the PDB briefing with Obama and Condi in a room.

Well I could do you Obama, Condi and a passport file.

[ame=]Can Condi hold baby Obama's passport file tonight? - YouTube[/ame]
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:flameth:Sorry, did not see second part of your post until I refreshed the page. I would have never guessed that is who you picked. You going to get so flamed on this board.
Are you getting confused between the meaning of the words "trusting" and "trustworthy".

When a little girl goes off with a stranger to see his puppies, the little girl is too trusting but the stranger is not trustworthy.
:flameth:Sorry, did not see second part of your post until I refreshed the page. I would have never guessed that is who you picked. You going to get so flamed on this board.
Are you getting confused between the meaning of the words "trusting" and "trustworthy".

When a little girl goes off with a stranger to see his puppies, the little girl is too trusting but the stranger is not trustworthy.

Are you saying don't trust the untrustworthy? Wow, that is profound.

:flameth:Sorry, did not see second part of your post until I refreshed the page. I would have never guessed that is who you picked. You going to get so flamed on this board.
Are you getting confused between the meaning of the words "trusting" and "trustworthy".

When a little girl goes off with a stranger to see his puppies, the little girl is too trusting but the stranger is not trustworthy.

Are you saying don't trust the untrustworthy? Wow, that is profound.

I am saying don't trust those like Powell who value getting an honour from the Queen. A republican official ought to want to keep the people happy, not the Queen happy.

Sleep tight.
All of them..... every single one ...should go to hell... it does not get more anti-american than that!

Question #1:
Will Oblamer now use Rice as the scapegoat for Benghazi?

Question #2:
When will the Lame Stream Media begin reporting honestly and completely on Benghazi-Gate?

Wow. I have been off the board for a couple of days now. Benghazi still around. Well I have news for you 'no one else cares'. Main stream is not carrying it nor will they again. Bye, bye.

I'm pretty sure the families of Ambassador Stevens and the three other Americans needlessly killed in Benghazi "care" as should anyone else who "cares" about the people we send out into the world to represent us. The Main Stream Media never "did" carry the story on Benghazi. As usual if it's harmful to gets "Buried"...or should we refer to that as "Berryed"?
Are the Republicans happy now?

Susan Rice takes her name out of running for Secretary of State – This Just In - Blogs

Immediately we're drawn to the last instance similar to this...Condeleeza Rice who shilled for the Bush Administration...knowingly giving false information.

Hypocrisy isn't even the word here.


She took one for the boss who came in her mouth and didn't respect her in the morning. She's probably waiting for the check in the mail.

Yup! She is now silenced and the cover up will stay covered up. Harkens back to the days of Susan MacDougal. Under the bus for you Ms. Rice!

Yup? God you people get really stupid when you want to.
I was just reading her sob story of why she stepped aside.

not one word about her LYING to the American people

oh no, it was causing too much partisan bickering is what she said..

this administration is frickin full of liars
Question #1:
Will Oblamer now use Rice as the scapegoat for Benghazi?

Question #2:
When will the Lame Stream Media begin reporting honestly and completely on Benghazi-Gate?

Wow. I have been off the board for a couple of days now. Benghazi still around. Well I have news for you 'no one else cares'. Main stream is not carrying it nor will they again. Bye, bye.

I'm pretty sure the families of Ambassador Stevens and the three other Americans needlessly killed in Benghazi "care" as should anyone else who "cares" about the people we send out into the world to represent us. The Main Stream Media never "did" carry the story on Benghazi. As usual if it's harmful to gets "Buried"...or should we refer to that as "Berryed"?

Yup. All they were concerned with was his reelection. They didn't and don't care about those four dead men in Benghazi. The LSM sure as shit didn't want any negative publicity about their boy. Hope they all rot in hell.

Rice bowed out because she knew she lied her ass off. She knew she couldn't defend the lies unless she told them that she was told to lie. Doesn't make the administration look good. So she bowed out. Not that she was qualified to be SOS.
Are the Republicans happy now?

Susan Rice takes her name out of running for Secretary of State – This Just In - Blogs

Immediately we're drawn to the last instance similar to this...Condeleeza Rice who shilled for the Bush Administration...knowingly giving false information.

Hypocrisy isn't even the word here.


Meh, the Republicans did themselves no favors here.

A bunch of old white guys beat up on a black woman.

Yeah, that's going to really help the GOP with women and minorities.

Obama will appoint Kerry, who will probably be a bigger pain in the ass at State for the GOP than Rice would have been on her worst day.
Are the Republicans happy now?

Susan Rice takes her name out of running for Secretary of State – This Just In - Blogs

Immediately we're drawn to the last instance similar to this...Condeleeza Rice who shilled for the Bush Administration...knowingly giving false information.

Hypocrisy isn't even the word here.


Meh, the Republicans did themselves no favors here.

A bunch of old white guys beat up on a black woman.

Yeah, that's going to really help the GOP with women and minorities.

Obama will appoint Kerry, who will probably be a bigger pain in the ass at State for the GOP than Rice would have been on her worst day.

And we'll get that idiot Scott Brown back in the senate. They can find a pain in the ass Democrat with just a little effort. Keep Kerry in the senate for now.
And we'll get that idiot Scott Brown back in the senate. They can find a pain in the ass Democrat with just a little effort. Keep Kerry in the senate for now.

If Liz Warren could beat Scott Brown, anyone else could, especially without incumbancy on his side this time.

And frankly, Kerry's near the end of his career, regardless. Why not let the poor man have a victory lap?

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