Suspect Taken Into Custody in Murders of Four University of Idaho Students

Really? And what do you think this topic would look like if this guy was a known MAGA? Better still, what horrific event ever took place where the left didn't try to associate it with Republicans?

It would look the same and that would make it OK?
Yeah, I'd be pissed too if someone insulted my God. Clearly you won't brook any insult to your Lord there.

Did you buy any of his trading cards?
Where did I, or my meme, mention God or my Lord?

Are you sure you've got the right friend?

I've noticed a lot of reports are focusing on the guy being a ''Libertarian Vegan''

I wonder why they're doing that.

A relative told The New York Post Kohberger is 'OCD' about his eating habits and forced his family to buy new pots that had never been used to cook meat.

'It was above and beyond being vegan. His aunt and uncle had to buy new pots and pans because he would not eat from anything that had ever had meat cooked in them. He seemed very OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder)' the woman said.

Sounds Lefty enough to me.
Always, always a give away.

If you see "dead eyes" and have the heebie-jeebies, you are correct. Trust those instincts.
My dog has the gift.... I swear someone can be walking down the road outside, and she will sense their presence without even a visual or sound being made by them, and she will go to the door whining and carrying on until I let her outside, where she runs along the fence line like she's going to eat the person up if she could get to them.

She doesn't do this to just anyone walking, but for the one's I see her do it to, they look sketchy enough to me.

Dog's are great at this stuff, so yes definitely adhere to the messages dog's give, because they have great insight into a person's character and soul.

Of course it all depends on the dog and it's master. If have a pitt bull for example, and it's master is an evil person, then the good folk's best stay away from both the dog and his master, because they are both devil's from hell at that point. Not the animal in the beginning, because the master taught it to be evil in such a case.

But there are dog's with personality disorders just like human's, wherefore they could be mean without being taught to be mean. I've seen this before also. Then you have dogs that illustrate the character and personality of it's master (mean), without the master training the dog in such ways, so that sometimes can be a flag also.

Lesson's can be learned in a lot of ways, otherwise by the simple thing's that are right in front of us.
My dog has the gift.... I swear someone can be walking down the road outside, and she will sense their presence without even a visual or sound being made by them, and she will go to the door whining and carrying on until I let her outside, where she runs along the fence line like she's going to eat the person up if she could get to them.
My daughter has an OLD dog that does the same thing. He is deaf as a stone, we communicate with hand signals and if he is not looking at us, he is oblivious, but somehow he can sense when someone drives up outside--maybe vibrations?

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