Suspicious package at CNN New York

Who you figure is behind this?

  • Disgruntled conservative

    Votes: 9 18.8%
  • Disgruntled progressive

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Dem. deep state perhaps exploiting a nutcase to achieve their agenda for votes.

    Votes: 25 52.1%
  • Rep. deep state to stage Dem. deep state staging this to achieve their agenda for votes.

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 10 20.8%

  • Total voters
When I first heard that Soros had a pipe bomb sent to him in the mail, I thought, “oh god, one of Alex Jones’s even crazier than normal followers did something crazy and stupid, thank god it didn’t work.” But then I heard everyone else who was also sent a pipe bomb, Hillary, Obama, wassermen-Schultz, Waters, etc. Now I’m thinking, “wait a second, this just doesn’t make sense.” It doesn’t for a few reasons that I will list.

A. As far as I know, a pipe bomb needs a fuse, and it can have 3 types a fuses. The regular old wick type fuse, an electric fuse remotely detonated by cell phone or whatever, or an electric fuse with a timer. We can obviously rule out these were wick fuses, since only an idiot would light the wick of a pipe bomb they received in the mail. We can rule out a remote detonator with the amount of devices mailed across the US, since whoever did this would have to monitor the pb’s to know when to detonate, and would not be able to monitor all at the same time, let alone know if they’re in range of target. So the only type of fuse that remotely makes sense would be the timed fuse, and that also doesn’t make much sense at all. One would need to get extremely lucky, or either know an implausible amount of information about their prospective targets for these pipe bombs to be effective. So someone is either genius enough to build these bombs and know their targets schedule, but just enough stupid that non of these pipe bombs actually worked, and sent them to targets like Obama, where it never would’ve worked. Or they were stupid enough to waste time, effort, freedom, and life and limb making like 10 dangerous pipe bombs...for a whopping long shot that they’d get lucky and one would work. Not at all that logical.

There are other types of "fuses". Altimeter, ones with a mercury switch that detonate when moved (neither apply here), switches that activate when manipulated, like when opening the package. If you think about switches instead of fuses, there are many more possibilities.

Having said that, I don't think they were ever intended to go off. I think they are a false flag operation.
From what I read, they were functional. But these are very affluent neighborhoods, and security cameras likely all around. I heard one of the bombs was delivered through a delivery service. I'm sure the company has a camera at the package drop-off point.

It seems to me that whoever this is is a certified kook; somebody that wants to get caught. Nobody in their right mind would think that Bill, Obama, or any of them open their own mail without being screened first. And unless extremely confidential and expected, they probably have other people open their packages for them for such a situation.

You are correct, something doesn't add up here. It's kind of like the Ford claim on Kavanaugh. Just too many questions at this point.

I'm on board with Kook, but I have an additional suggestion only. Strikes me the deep state is able to recognize the right Kooks for the agenda. I suspect that applies to the Ford Kavanaugh business. The deep state knows how to exploit it, and even if the person is caught the dots remain unconnected.

I'm less worried about that than I am the lying media. No matter who this person is, they will try to turn it around that it's some hard righty.

Of course they will. The new Republican Mascot, racists, terrorists, all kinds of isms.

A registered Republican did this. 55 Yr old White male, church on Sundays, loves good beer, baseball, Nascar, trucks, hot dogs and big tits. Serviceman turned police. His parents are still married, blue collar, Southerner, flies the flag, cough hack, ah shit, the typical Republican, blow shit up racist MFers:21:

Democrat deep state did this, to make it appear a Republican did it.

The Republican deep state did this, to make it appear the Democrat deep state staged a Republican did it.

Pretty sloppy for the deep state.

I would LOVE it if Trump's investigator's tie it all back to Jeff Zucker...
We can rule out a remote detonator with the amount of devices mailed across the US, since whoever did this would have to monitor the pb’s to know when to detonate, and would not be able to monitor all at the same time, let alone know if they’re in range of target.

Why couldn't they be set up to be detonated by a local cell phone, i.e. an agent with a burner phone has a local assignment which he then triggers at the proper time, while other local agents trigger theirs. You seem to be assuming this is one single guy.

B. Forgot what I was going to say here.

Can't argue with that.
It potentially could be, still a long shot in my opinion. That’s quite a lofty operation that would require a large enough group of people with the exact blend needed to be this technically smart, but completely operationally retarded, as well as extremely crazy. Those people exist I’m sure, but few and far in between, how exactly did they all find each other, and all happen to hate all the same people who almost all, aren’t even in power? Also, none of these bombs actually went off, so why didn’t they detonate them? You’d also have to have a visual of the target and the package in proximity, creeping in the bushes or sitting on the street in your car with binocs for potentially hours, looks pretty suspicious and would put these agents in considerable risk of getting caught either beforehand or after. Sure, many of these targets aren’t the types who pick up their own mail...but also, if you’re going through this much effort and considerable risk to fly all these people all over the country, and make those bombs, you should probably know beforehand if they are the types who’ll go to the front door or gate and pick them up themselves. Highly unlikely these were rigged for remote detonations.

You're making yet another assumption here, this one being that said bombs were intended to kill (or injure) the addressee. That isn't really how terrorism works. Also you don't have to "fly people all over the country" either --- that's yet another assumption, that they all fanned out from one central location rather than being already networked by something called the internet, or even telephone.

Just to state the obvious Occam's Razor analysis, it could well be these bombs were never intended, or designed, to detonate. Just like creeps who send white powder that turns out to be baking soda. Same thing.

Not at all Sluggo, these bombs were meant to paint the right as being as violent and unhinged as you Stalinists are. The Reichstag fire today was never meant to hurt anyone, it was meant to shift focus from the Kavanaugh lynching you Maoists conducted. That has blown up in your face beyond all calculation. You HAD to do something to stem the bleeding.

Only problem is this looks like it's blowing up in your face as well.

Actually I heard about this on this board for the first time.

Go ahead Pothead --- prove I had something to do with this shit. You can get busy on that while I report your lying ass.

And while you're trying to figure that out why don't you essplain to the class how these bombs are supposed to paint "the right" anything, when it hasn't even been established where they came from, DUMBASS.
When I first heard that Soros had a pipe bomb sent to him in the mail, I thought, “oh god, one of Alex Jones’s even crazier than normal followers did something crazy and stupid, thank god it didn’t work.” But then I heard everyone else who was also sent a pipe bomb, Hillary, Obama, wassermen-Schultz, Waters, etc. Now I’m thinking, “wait a second, this just doesn’t make sense.” It doesn’t for a few reasons that I will list.

A. As far as I know, a pipe bomb needs a fuse, and it can have 3 types a fuses. The regular old wick type fuse, an electric fuse remotely detonated by cell phone or whatever, or an electric fuse with a timer. We can obviously rule out these were wick fuses, since only an idiot would light the wick of a pipe bomb they received in the mail. We can rule out a remote detonator with the amount of devices mailed across the US, since whoever did this would have to monitor the pb’s to know when to detonate, and would not be able to monitor all at the same time, let alone know if they’re in range of target. So the only type of fuse that remotely makes sense would be the timed fuse, and that also doesn’t make much sense at all. One would need to get extremely lucky, or either know an implausible amount of information about their prospective targets for these pipe bombs to be effective. So someone is either genius enough to build these bombs and know their targets schedule, but just enough stupid that non of these pipe bombs actually worked, and sent them to targets like Obama, where it never would’ve worked. Or they were stupid enough to waste time, effort, freedom, and life and limb making like 10 dangerous pipe bombs...for a whopping long shot that they’d get lucky and one would work. Not at all that logical.

There are other types of "fuses". Altimeter, ones with a mercury switch that detonate when moved (neither apply here), switches that activate when manipulated, like when opening the package. If you think about switches instead of fuses, there are many more possibilities.

Having said that, I don't think they were ever intended to go off. I think they are a false flag operation.

On a pipe bomb? :doubt:
From what I read, they were functional. But these are very affluent neighborhoods, and security cameras likely all around. I heard one of the bombs was delivered through a delivery service. I'm sure the company has a camera at the package drop-off point.

It seems to me that whoever this is is a certified kook; somebody that wants to get caught. Nobody in their right mind would think that Bill, Obama, or any of them open their own mail without being screened first. And unless extremely confidential and expected, they probably have other people open their packages for them for such a situation.

You are correct, something doesn't add up here. It's kind of like the Ford claim on Kavanaugh. Just too many questions at this point.

I'm on board with Kook, but I have an additional suggestion only. Strikes me the deep state is able to recognize the right Kooks for the agenda. I suspect that applies to the Ford Kavanaugh business. The deep state knows how to exploit it, and even if the person is caught the dots remain unconnected.

I'm less worried about that than I am the lying media. No matter who this person is, they will try to turn it around that it's some hard righty.

Of course they will. The new Republican Mascot, racists, terrorists, all kinds of isms.

A registered Republican did this. 55 Yr old White male, church on Sundays, loves good beer, baseball, Nascar, trucks, hot dogs and big tits. Serviceman turned police. His parents are still married, blue collar, Southerner, flies the flag, cough hack, ah shit, the typical Republican, blow shit up racist MFers:21:

Democrat deep state did this, to make it appear a Republican did it.

The Republican deep state did this, to make it appear the Democrat deep state staged a Republican did it.

Pretty sloppy for the deep state.

I would LOVE it if Trump's investigator's tie it all back to Jeff Zucker...

Who in the fuck is "Jeff Zucker"?
You're making yet another assumption here, this one being that said bombs were intended to kill (or injure) the addressee. That isn't really how terrorism works.

Whether they were working or not, it's still terrorism.

Thank you, that's my point.

Is mailing yourself a fake bomb terorism? :eek:

I seriously doubt anybody mailed themselves a fake bomb. Somebody is behind it but not the recipients.

Yeah? Would you mail someone a bomb if you knew it wouldn't go off?

I would not, because by the time I'm mailing a bomb, I'm trying to kill someone.

All these bombs and none went off? It's either a false flag from the dipshits, or a real warning that next time they will go off.

They will find who's behind this, and I doubt Clintons sent themselves a bomb. If that was ever the case, they would be arrested and charged. Nobody is going to do that.

Whoever sent these things didn't care if they were going to go off or not. They wanted to make it a media event.
If I wanted to kill them? I'd lob a pipe bomb through a window where they were at the time.
From what I read, they were functional. But these are very affluent neighborhoods, and security cameras likely all around. I heard one of the bombs was delivered through a delivery service. I'm sure the company has a camera at the package drop-off point.

It seems to me that whoever this is is a certified kook; somebody that wants to get caught. Nobody in their right mind would think that Bill, Obama, or any of them open their own mail without being screened first. And unless extremely confidential and expected, they probably have other people open their packages for them for such a situation.

You are correct, something doesn't add up here. It's kind of like the Ford claim on Kavanaugh. Just too many questions at this point.

I'm on board with Kook, but I have an additional suggestion only. Strikes me the deep state is able to recognize the right Kooks for the agenda. I suspect that applies to the Ford Kavanaugh business. The deep state knows how to exploit it, and even if the person is caught the dots remain unconnected.

I'm less worried about that than I am the lying media. No matter who this person is, they will try to turn it around that it's some hard righty.

Of course they will. The new Republican Mascot, racists, terrorists, all kinds of isms.

A registered Republican did this. 55 Yr old White male, church on Sundays, loves good beer, baseball, Nascar, trucks, fishing, hunting, hot dogs and big tits. Serviceman turned police. His parents are still married, project oriented Southerner. Flies the flag, believes in Christmas, cough hack, ah shit.............the typical Republican, blow shit up racist MFers:21:

Democrat deep state did this, to make it appear a Republican did it.

The Republican deep state did this, to make it appear the Democrat deep state staging a Republican did it.

It was bad planning as well. The election is still a couple weeks away, and I'm sure our intelligence agencies will have some answers for us by this weekend.
I'm getting more and more reports that the bombs were certainly looked like they were not intended to go boom. Is that true and who would do that?

A terrorist of course.

It's not necessary for a bomb to "go off" to make its point, just as it's not necessary for the white powder that shows up in the mail to be Ricin.
From what I read, they were functional. But these are very affluent neighborhoods, and security cameras likely all around. I heard one of the bombs was delivered through a delivery service. I'm sure the company has a camera at the package drop-off point.

It seems to me that whoever this is is a certified kook; somebody that wants to get caught. Nobody in their right mind would think that Bill, Obama, or any of them open their own mail without being screened first. And unless extremely confidential and expected, they probably have other people open their packages for them for such a situation.

You are correct, something doesn't add up here. It's kind of like the Ford claim on Kavanaugh. Just too many questions at this point.

I'm on board with Kook, but I have an additional suggestion only. Strikes me the deep state is able to recognize the right Kooks for the agenda. I suspect that applies to the Ford Kavanaugh business. The deep state knows how to exploit it, and even if the person is caught the dots remain unconnected.

I'm less worried about that than I am the lying media. No matter who this person is, they will try to turn it around that it's some hard righty.

Of course they will. The new Republican Mascot, racists, terrorists, all kinds of isms.

A registered Republican did this. 55 Yr old White male, church on Sundays, loves good beer, baseball, Nascar, trucks, fishing, hunting, hot dogs and big tits. Serviceman turned police. His parents are still married, project oriented Southerner. Flies the flag, believes in Christmas, cough hack, ah shit.............the typical Republican, blow shit up racist MFers:21:

Democrat deep state did this, to make it appear a Republican did it.

The Republican deep state did this, to make it appear the Democrat deep state staging a Republican did it.

It was bad planning as well. The election is still a couple weeks away, and I'm sure our intelligence agencies will have some answers for us by this weekend.

Yeah, they might get it from the cloud or something.

I seriously have zero faith in much of the agencys.

I think their time is passed.
Whoever sent these things didn't care if they were going to go off or not. They wanted to make it a media event.

My GUESS is the "devices" had the components but were not constructed properly to actually detonate. The sender probably DID care that they not actually explode. Their intent was to send the impression that some Republican was engaged in terror against Democrats. The sender likely did NOT want the "bombs" to actually, physically hurt anyone.

Let's be real. The people targeted would likely not be that difficult to assassinate if someone really wanted to kill them. Obama and Hillary would obviously be the most difficult, but even they don't have the type of security that, let's say, Trump has. Like I said, if someone REALLY wanted to kill one of those Democrats, it wouldn't be difficult to do.
Whether they were working or not, it's still terrorism.

Thank you, that's my point.

Is mailing yourself a fake bomb terorism? :eek:

I seriously doubt anybody mailed themselves a fake bomb. Somebody is behind it but not the recipients.

Yeah? Would you mail someone a bomb if you knew it wouldn't go off?

I would not, because by the time I'm mailing a bomb, I'm trying to kill someone.

All these bombs and none went off? It's either a false flag from the dipshits, or a real warning that next time they will go off.

They will find who's behind this, and I doubt Clintons sent themselves a bomb. If that was ever the case, they would be arrested and charged. Nobody is going to do that.

Whoever sent these things didn't care if they were going to go off or not. They wanted to make it a media event.

I disagree. I think they were very careful to ensure none of the bombs went off.

This is the democrats Reichstag fire.
Wow... Is the OP suggesting that Trump did this? Your a fucking Idiot..
Did you mean 'you are' instead of 'your'? And I didn't suggest anything I made a simple statement, one which is clearly true, that Trump is full of shit as well as a hypocrit attempting to lecture anyone else on civility.

And the 'M' in HMIC doesn't stand for 'man" or any variation thereof.
Trump is so full of shit attempting to lecture anyone on civility, particularly considering he's the HMIC.

Trump lectures critics, media on civility after pipe bombs sent to high-profile Democrats

Americans should not “compare political opponents to historical villains” and “not mob people in public," Trump said.

Oct. 24, 2018 / 5:37 PM PDT
By Jonathan Allen

MOSINEE, Wisc. - President Donald Trump called for civility and unity after pipe bombs were mailed to several of his high-profile critics and CNN's New York offices Wednesday, but he spared his own supporters the lecture he delivered to Democrats and the media on how to lower the temperature of the national political discourse.

Speaking in an airport hangar here in Central Wisconsin, Trump promised to “find those responsible” for sending bombs to former President Barack Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other prominent critics of the president, and “bring them to justice.”

He said he wanted Americans to “come together in peace and harmony.”​

This is what I like about Trump….

He is a healer…..

He wants to bring us all together for the children…

Resistance never fed a child…..

Only Trump can bring us together after all of the lefts divisive actions.

We all need to vote for Trump for the Sake of Mom and Apple pie….

Trump will have You Tards eating out of his hand before it’s all over….

Your Ass Kicking is on it’s way…………..
And the delusions continue...
The bombs were never intended to go off. They were fake to begin with.
The reason for the bomb scares was just that - to scare and send a strong message to the Democrats. That We, The American People, aren't going to put up with your (Democrats) nonsense! And, it has to stop!
From what I read, they were functional. But these are very affluent neighborhoods, and security cameras likely all around. I heard one of the bombs was delivered through a delivery service. I'm sure the company has a camera at the package drop-off point.

It seems to me that whoever this is is a certified kook; somebody that wants to get caught. Nobody in their right mind would think that Bill, Obama, or any of them open their own mail without being screened first. And unless extremely confidential and expected, they probably have other people open their packages for them for such a situation.

You are correct, something doesn't add up here. It's kind of like the Ford claim on Kavanaugh. Just too many questions at this point.

I'm on board with Kook, but I have an additional suggestion only. Strikes me the deep state is able to recognize the right Kooks for the agenda. I suspect that applies to the Ford Kavanaugh business. The deep state knows how to exploit it, and even if the person is caught the dots remain unconnected.

I'm less worried about that than I am the lying media. No matter who this person is, they will try to turn it around that it's some hard righty.

Of course they will. The new Republican Mascot, racists, terrorists, all kinds of isms.

A registered Republican did this. 55 Yr old White male, church on Sundays, loves good beer, baseball, Nascar, trucks, fishing, hunting, hot dogs and big tits. Serviceman turned police. His parents are still married, project oriented Southerner. Flies the flag, believes in Christmas, cough hack, ah shit.............the typical Republican, blow shit up racist MFers:21:

Democrat deep state did this, to make it appear a Republican did it.

The Republican deep state did this, to make it appear the Democrat deep state staging a Republican did it.

It was bad planning as well. The election is still a couple weeks away, and I'm sure our intelligence agencies will have some answers for us by this weekend.

I hope so.

If this IS a false flag, which it clearly looks to be, evidence of it will end the democrats.

At which point Sluggo will claim Trump created a fake false flag to frame the Stalinists...
This is so obvious a Democrat operation that it eclipses all the other fake Democrat operations.

Of course it is, just as Jeremy Christian was a "Democrat operation", just as James Fields was a "Democrat operation", just as the Tiki Torches :gay: was a "Democrat operation" just as Alvin Bamberger and John McGraw were a "Democrat operation" just as the Leader brothers assault was a "Democrat operation"....

Self-delusionists unite. :rolleyes:

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