Suspicious package at CNN New York

Who you figure is behind this?

  • Disgruntled conservative

    Votes: 9 18.8%
  • Disgruntled progressive

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Dem. deep state perhaps exploiting a nutcase to achieve their agenda for votes.

    Votes: 25 52.1%
  • Rep. deep state to stage Dem. deep state staging this to achieve their agenda for votes.

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 10 20.8%

  • Total voters
    48 looks like the package was sent from a friend, that's why. I don't find that too unusual.

One bomb, yes...…..but one article I read said they were ALL sent FROM DWS

What we know about the explosive devices targeting Democrats

All of the envelopes listed Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz as the return address.

Obviously anyone can fake a return address. And just as obviously if you want your targets to open the packages you also want them to think it came from somebody they know. This ain't rocket surgery.

So if they were bombs, why not set to go off on opening?

Fake bombs? No detonator? What's going on here?

What the hell is so hard to understand here?

If you receive a package that looks like a bomb --- even if it isn't ---- you take notice.

Well ................. THAT'S IT.

Much like mailing somebody a white powder before they know it's Gold Bond.

The point isn't detonating a bomb or poisoning with Ricin. It's getting a message across. You yourself already, and I quote: " a real warning that next time they will go off."

Actually by your theory here...….is compatible with the kid that made that clock, that looked like a bomb......

Yeah I remember that. But he didn't mail it to anybody.
We don't know for sure if the "bombs" were armed but we do know that nobody was hurt. It seems (and the FBI isn't talking) that the "packages " were so obvious that they might have well have had the word BOMB written on them. The question is whether the FBI is part of the scheme to portray democrats as victims in their coup attempt.
We can rule out a remote detonator with the amount of devices mailed across the US, since whoever did this would have to monitor the pb’s to know when to detonate, and would not be able to monitor all at the same time, let alone know if they’re in range of target.

Why couldn't they be set up to be detonated by a local cell phone, i.e. an agent with a burner phone has a local assignment which he then triggers at the proper time, while other local agents trigger theirs. You seem to be assuming this is one single guy.

B. Forgot what I was going to say here.

Can't argue with that.

So who in George Soros circle would know when to call to set off the bomb? Ted Kasinsky got his bombs to go off without cell phones or anything real complicated. To weird.
One bomb, yes...…..but one article I read said they were ALL sent FROM DWS

What we know about the explosive devices targeting Democrats

All of the envelopes listed Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz as the return address.

Obviously anyone can fake a return address. And just as obviously if you want your targets to open the packages you also want them to think it came from somebody they know. This ain't rocket surgery.

So if they were bombs, why not set to go off on opening?

Fake bombs? No detonator? What's going on here?

What the hell is so hard to understand here?

If you receive a package that looks like a bomb --- even if it isn't ---- you take notice.

Well ................. THAT'S IT.

Much like mailing somebody a white powder before they know it's Gold Bond.

The point isn't detonating a bomb or poisoning with Ricin. It's getting a message across. You yourself already, and I quote: " a real warning that next time they will go off."

Actually by your theory here...….is compatible with the kid that made that clock, that looked like a bomb......

Yeah I remember that. But he didn't mail it to anybody.

No, but to a layperson...….it did look like a bomb. The parent and the teacher shouldn't have allowed him to bring it to school just because of how it looked. Instead Obama praised him for his work and most Dems on this board refused to admit that it looked like a bomb
The bombs were never intended to go off. They were fake to begin with.
The reason for the bomb scares was just that - to scare and send a strong message to the Democrats. That We, The American People, aren't going to put up with your (Democrats) nonsense! And, it has to stop!
Are you stupid or just a leftist nut?
We can rule out a remote detonator with the amount of devices mailed across the US, since whoever did this would have to monitor the pb’s to know when to detonate, and would not be able to monitor all at the same time, let alone know if they’re in range of target.

Why couldn't they be set up to be detonated by a local cell phone, i.e. an agent with a burner phone has a local assignment which he then triggers at the proper time, while other local agents trigger theirs. You seem to be assuming this is one single guy.

B. Forgot what I was going to say here.

Can't argue with that.

So who in George Soros circle would know when to call to set off the bomb? Ted Kasinsky got his bombs to go off without cell phones or anything real complicated. To weird.

Yeah he did. Don't axe me, I know nothing of how bombs work. The OP claims to though.
The bombs were never intended to go off. They were fake to begin with.
The reason for the bomb scares was just that - to scare and send a strong message to the Democrats. That We, The American People, aren't going to put up with your (Democrats) nonsense! And, it has to stop!
Are you stupid or just a leftist nut?

Are you serious? You seriously think they were "real" bombs? Lol
If you think they, you have some issues.
This whole thing is looking like a play, How could anyone serious enough to want to bomb all these people not be able to get one of them to actually work? I'm going to go through all this to deliver bombs I never tested to see if they would actually work? Really?
This is so obvious a Democrat operation that it eclipses all the other fake Democrat operations.

Of course it is, just as Jeremy Christian was a "Democrat operation", just as James Fields was a "Democrat operation", just as the Tiki Torches :gay: was a "Democrat operation" just as Alvin Bamberger and John McGraw were a "Democrat operation" just as the Leader brothers assault was a "Democrat operation"....

Self-delusionists unite. :rolleyes:

We can rule out a remote detonator with the amount of devices mailed across the US, since whoever did this would have to monitor the pb’s to know when to detonate, and would not be able to monitor all at the same time, let alone know if they’re in range of target.

Why couldn't they be set up to be detonated by a local cell phone, i.e. an agent with a burner phone has a local assignment which he then triggers at the proper time, while other local agents trigger theirs. You seem to be assuming this is one single guy.

B. Forgot what I was going to say here.

Can't argue with that.

So who in George Soros circle would know when to call to set off the bomb? Ted Kasinsky got his bombs to go off without cell phones or anything real complicated. To weird.

Watching some of Laura's show tonight, she reported that they were timer bombs and not cell phone bombs or anything like that.
The bombs were never intended to go off. They were fake to begin with.
The reason for the bomb scares was just that - to scare and send a strong message to the Democrats. That We, The American People, aren't going to put up with your (Democrats) nonsense! And, it has to stop!
Are you stupid or just a leftist nut?

Are you serious? You seriously think they were "real" bombs? Lol
If you think they, you have some issues.
No I don't dumbass. No where in my response did I say anything of the sort.

But your asinine response only serves to fuel the wackadoodle left.
We don't know for sure if the "bombs" were armed but we do know that nobody was hurt. It seems (and the FBI isn't talking) that the "packages " were so obvious that they might have well have had the word BOMB written on them. The question is whether the FBI is part of the scheme to portray democrats as victims in their coup attempt.

And they spelled Debbie Wasserman Schultz wrong. Hardly a mistake a pro would make.
When I first heard that Soros had a pipe bomb sent to him in the mail, I thought, “oh god, one of Alex Jones’s even crazier than normal followers did something crazy and stupid, thank god it didn’t work.” But then I heard everyone else who was also sent a pipe bomb, Hillary, Obama, wassermen-Schultz, Waters, etc. Now I’m thinking, “wait a second, this just doesn’t make sense.” It doesn’t for a few reasons that I will list.

A. As far as I know, a pipe bomb needs a fuse, and it can have 3 types a fuses. The regular old wick type fuse, an electric fuse remotely detonated by cell phone or whatever, or an electric fuse with a timer. We can obviously rule out these were wick fuses, since only an idiot would light the wick of a pipe bomb they received in the mail. We can rule out a remote detonator with the amount of devices mailed across the US, since whoever did this would have to monitor the pb’s to know when to detonate, and would not be able to monitor all at the same time, let alone know if they’re in range of target. So the only type of fuse that remotely makes sense would be the timed fuse, and that also doesn’t make much sense at all. One would need to get extremely lucky, or either know an implausible amount of information about their prospective targets for these pipe bombs to be effective. So someone is either genius enough to build these bombs and know their targets schedule, but just enough stupid that non of these pipe bombs actually worked, and sent them to targets like Obama, where it never would’ve worked. Or they were stupid enough to waste time, effort, freedom, and life and limb making like 10 dangerous pipe bombs...for a whopping long shot that they’d get lucky and one would work. Not at all that logical.

B. The targets are pretty bizarre. Outside of Waters, non are actually in office. Soro’s, as I initially said, seems plausible for a crazy person. Obama, Hillary, I guess I could see but both are irrelevant and untouchable with security details. Wassermen-Schultz...WTF, who has thought of her in the past 2 years? Even when she was prominent she was a joke. Holder? Who the hell gives enough of a shit about holder? Bizzare, Soros is the only one I found believable, a then HRC and Obama were long shots. The rest...come on now.

C. The timing is suspicious. Couple weeks before election...after we’ve seen waves of leftist mobs and encouragement from prominent leftist leaders. Those haven’t played well at all in polling. The toothpaste is out of the tube for the leftist mobs, so the only thing left to do is make the right look just as bad. Tough to do when no leader is from the right is actively encouraging this behavior. So you manufacture it.

Things I’m curious and eager to learn about, and hopefully this information comes out.

A. Is law enforcement going to find any leads? If not that’s going to be curious. Someone was smart enough to not get any fingerprints left over on any part of all these devices. We’re smart to erase all trace of fingerprints or evidence on all of the internal workings, the external workings, the packaging, the stamps, etc...but weren’t at all smart enough to have even one successful attack? Weren’t smart enough to go after targets that actually mattered? Weren’t smart enough to go after easier targets? What about financial evidence? Did they cover their steps when purchasing the materials? We should be able to trace what post office these came from to narrow the search field a bit.

B. Forgot what I was going to say here.

I am not a conspiracy theorist at all, but things do not add up here. It very well could’ve been a smart but still stupid crazy person, but I’m not leaning that way. This is all way too convienient...just like it was way to convienient when the other 2 kavanaigh accusers came out after Ford, as ridiculous as their claims were.

I also find the timing and supposed targets to be highly suspicious.

Each package had so many red flags. All the stamps just so someone didn't have to walk into the post office. Any package sent to celebrities or politicians is never opened by the person. Everyone knows that.

These were intended to be quickly discovered and never intended to reach any of the people they were addressed to.

I think it's a ruse.

Some on the left will claim that Republicans are behind it. No way in hell. No one on the right would do this because it would make the right look bad and garner sympathy and concern for the left. That is the real reason it was done, in my opinion. Nothing else makes sense.

Whoever did this knew damn well the packages would be spotted immediately and turned over to authorities. They may as well have written on the package "bomb enclosed."
You're making yet another assumption here, this one being that said bombs were intended to kill (or injure) the addressee. That isn't really how terrorism works.

Whether they were working or not, it's still terrorism.

Thank you, that's my point.

Is mailing yourself a fake bomb terorism? :eek:

I seriously doubt anybody mailed themselves a fake bomb. Somebody is behind it but not the recipients.
Of course. It wasn't Sheila Jackson Lee that published the personal information of Republican politicians. It was a staffer.

The bombs, while including actual explosives were constructed not to explode. Which means they can be deconstructed. If the Democrat maker left any DNA behind that will be discovered.

I also learned tonight that the address was made by a printer. Each printer has their own characteristic that can be traced to the exact printer that created the label.

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