Suspicious package at CNN New York

Who you figure is behind this?

  • Disgruntled conservative

    Votes: 9 18.8%
  • Disgruntled progressive

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Dem. deep state perhaps exploiting a nutcase to achieve their agenda for votes.

    Votes: 25 52.1%
  • Rep. deep state to stage Dem. deep state staging this to achieve their agenda for votes.

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 10 20.8%

  • Total voters
Thanks for the update Russian troll. Next time, Russian superspy, I would recommend not using Putin as your avatar.
This is being reported on the news right now

LOL, the little democrat that does not like the fact that this is a false flag operation by a democrat that wants to help the dems but will end up helping Trump whines as usual
What media is reporting that there were no blasting caps? I haven't heard it so far, but maybe I'm listening to the wrong station. I did hear the Rush Limbaugh "Republicans are Always Innocent" excuse #1218 last night though.
As usual only fox is reporting this, CNN wants the bombs to be real, and plenty of dems who want to win in 2020 want Hillary dead now so that they have a chance
By your own experience with USPS, what are the chances of multiple packages mailed through USPS with postage stamps all arriving at their destinations the same day?

Just curious.
Hey billy, I thought of you yesterday as I listened to Limbaugh plant the "Democrats sent the bombs to hurt Republicans".
These fake bombs were not real so to speak and were likely sent by a disgruntled democrat who believes that this act will cause people to vote democratic to combat the evil GOP. These were TV bombs and not real explosives. Note that none of them exploded

Agree 100%. Liberals went way to far on Kavanaugh and they know it. This is a Liberal last ditch effort to sway the sympathy vote.
Sad there are so many conservatives who have had lobotomies.
Very adult

For a 5 year old like u
When you have adults seriously arguing the DNC sent these bombs or were part of a DNC inside job, lobotomies is the only answer to this rampant derangement and stupidity.
Thanks for the update Russian troll. Next time, Russian superspy, I would recommend not using Putin as your avatar.
I sent one to PETA.

When I first heard that Soros had a pipe bomb sent to him in the mail, I thought, “oh god, one of Alex Jones’s even crazier than normal followers did something crazy and stupid, thank god it didn’t work.” But then I heard everyone else who was also sent a pipe bomb, Hillary, Obama, wassermen-Schultz, Waters, etc. Now I’m thinking, “wait a second, this just doesn’t make sense.” It doesn’t for a few reasons that I will list.

A. As far as I know, a pipe bomb needs a fuse, and it can have 3 types a fuses. The regular old wick type fuse, an electric fuse remotely detonated by cell phone or whatever, or an electric fuse with a timer. We can obviously rule out these were wick fuses, since only an idiot would light the wick of a pipe bomb they received in the mail. We can rule out a remote detonator with the amount of devices mailed across the US, since whoever did this would have to monitor the pb’s to know when to detonate, and would not be able to monitor all at the same time, let alone know if they’re in range of target. So the only type of fuse that remotely makes sense would be the timed fuse, and that also doesn’t make much sense at all. One would need to get extremely lucky, or either know an implausible amount of information about their prospective targets for these pipe bombs to be effective. So someone is either genius enough to build these bombs and know their targets schedule, but just enough stupid that non of these pipe bombs actually worked, and sent them to targets like Obama, where it never would’ve worked. Or they were stupid enough to waste time, effort, freedom, and life and limb making like 10 dangerous pipe bombs...for a whopping long shot that they’d get lucky and one would work. Not at all that logical.

There are other types of "fuses". Altimeter, ones with a mercury switch that detonate when moved (neither apply here), switches that activate when manipulated, like when opening the package. If you think about switches instead of fuses, there are many more possibilities.

Having said that, I don't think they were ever intended to go off. I think they are a false flag operation.

On a pipe bomb? :doubt:
Well we know they weren’t switches rigged to go off when opened, since they were opened and didn’t go off. I did wonder about this possibility though. That would require someone who could almost be an electrical engineer. Also, not all that feasible using cardboard boxes, could be set off way too easy jostling around in transit. It’s not like the switch is being secured to something solid like plastic, or metal, a door, whatever, like what happens that staple or whatever is securing the switch gets loose? You’d also have to make sure they opened the correct end of the box, since you’d have to close and secure the one end with the trigger, and then arm from the other end, and close that up. It’s also much more dangerous to work with vs the other types of fuses, and again would require a lot of skill and knowledge that I doubt that someone would posses those traits, actually build it, but execute the rest of their plan this retardedly. Either way, a rigged switch was not the case.
LOL why is it a convoluted idea?
They've gone full-on obtuse on this one.

Huh? What? Where? What? Huh?


Not entertaining convoluted ideas over the more likely alternative is far from obtuse.
You could be right. One of the many symptoms of hardcore partisan ideology is an intellectual myopia that blinds the afflicted to inputs that don't support their preconceived partisan notions. "If I don't like it, or if I don't agree with it, it must not exist".

So yeah, you really may not see it. You may be completely sincere here. This is why I find the psychology of hardcore partisan ideology so fascinating from a psychological / sociological / anthropological perspective.
I agree.
The hardcore partisan in you allows for you to see only the convoluted theory that satisfies your views rather than starting with the most logical and probable view.
Yeah, I have a right winger telling me the same thing in another thread.

Peas in a pod, you folks are.

Peas in a pod?
You're pushing the same dopey narrative as RW media.
I called you on that early in the thread.
Isn't it interesting how we supposedly have an accurate account on what the bombs did or did not if someone was privy to information the FBI and Secret Service has.....or else is completely making it up.
Fox news reported it simpleton.....

But I did know this yesterday, as it is only logical
They've gone full-on obtuse on this one.

Huh? What? Where? What? Huh?


Not entertaining convoluted ideas over the more likely alternative is far from obtuse.
You could be right. One of the many symptoms of hardcore partisan ideology is an intellectual myopia that blinds the afflicted to inputs that don't support their preconceived partisan notions. "If I don't like it, or if I don't agree with it, it must not exist".

So yeah, you really may not see it. You may be completely sincere here. This is why I find the psychology of hardcore partisan ideology so fascinating from a psychological / sociological / anthropological perspective.
I agree.
The hardcore partisan in you allows for you to see only the convoluted theory that satisfies your views rather than starting with the most logical and probable view.
Yeah, I have a right winger telling me the same thing in another thread.

Peas in a pod, you folks are.

Peas in a pod?
You're pushing the same dopey narrative as RW media.
I called you on that early in the thread.
Gosh, I guess I'm "called" then, by a fundie.

Great, thanks.
These fake bombs were not real so to speak and were likely sent by a disgruntled democrat who believes that this act will cause people to vote democratic to combat the evil GOP. These were TV bombs and not real explosives. Note that none of them exploded

Agree 100%. Liberals went way to far on Kavanaugh and they know it. This is a Liberal last ditch effort to sway the sympathy vote.
Sad there are so many conservatives who have had lobotomies.
Very adult

For a 5 year old like u
When you have adults seriously arguing the DNC sent these bombs or were part of a DNC inside job, lobotomies is the only answer to this rampant derangement and stupidity.
What are you going to do when they arrest a Bernie bro for doing it?

Why didn’t Bernie get any? Mmmmmm?
Isn't it interesting how we supposedly have an accurate account on what the bombs did or did not if someone was privy to information the FBI and Secret Service has.....or else is completely making it up.

I guess Media has decent LE contacts.

The bomb squads examined them pretty quickly and then communicated they had no blasting caps.

It’s weird, the one package looked like the stamps had not been cancelled. That suggests it did not actually go through to the mail.

It seems to me this is just a hoax meant to cause a stir, not “real” bombs,

Let’s hope so.

Not entertaining convoluted ideas over the more likely alternative is far from obtuse.
You could be right. One of the many symptoms of hardcore partisan ideology is an intellectual myopia that blinds the afflicted to inputs that don't support their preconceived partisan notions. "If I don't like it, or if I don't agree with it, it must not exist".

So yeah, you really may not see it. You may be completely sincere here. This is why I find the psychology of hardcore partisan ideology so fascinating from a psychological / sociological / anthropological perspective.
I agree.
The hardcore partisan in you allows for you to see only the convoluted theory that satisfies your views rather than starting with the most logical and probable view.
Yeah, I have a right winger telling me the same thing in another thread.

Peas in a pod, you folks are.

Peas in a pod?
You're pushing the same dopey narrative as RW media.
I called you on that early in the thread.
Gosh, I guess I'm "called" then, by a fundie.

Great, thanks.

Why do you work so hard to act like you're in the center when you're not at all? It doesn't fool anyone.
None of the pipe bombs had blasting caps thus could not have exploded

Does black powder need a blasting cap to be ignited?

Trump thinks he can continually demonize and demoralize his opponents with his hateful rethoric , but the truth is it's backfiring like everything else he does

he's fueling the blue wave

What are you going to do when they arrest a Bernie bro for doing it?

Why didn’t Bernie get any? Mmmmmm?
Law enforcement sources told CNN the package was then sent to Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s office in Florida because that address was on the return label. Bombs sent to Trump foes: Here's what we know
Perhaps the ghost of Seth Rich cannot spell correctly and the return cannot be heaven. Return to Shultz?


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