Suspicious package at CNN New York

Who you figure is behind this?

  • Disgruntled conservative

    Votes: 9 18.8%
  • Disgruntled progressive

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Dem. deep state perhaps exploiting a nutcase to achieve their agenda for votes.

    Votes: 25 52.1%
  • Rep. deep state to stage Dem. deep state staging this to achieve their agenda for votes.

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 10 20.8%

  • Total voters
there is no winner when we've got to the point where we're willing to blow up everything we've built.
Who is willing to blow up everything we've built?

1 person? Ten?

The Country has 320 million people.....

At LEAST 30, 000 of them are weird enough to film themselves masturbating, and then masturbate to themselves masturbating.

That's just how mind-bogglingly large numbers of anything work.

Relax everyone.
So some whacked-out zealot or zealots figured this was a good time to throw a monkey wrench into everything. Maybe it's some right wing whacko juiced up on Trump rallies and talk radio. Maybe it's some left wing whacko in a panic over "news" that the "blue wave" might be ebbing, desperate for some sympathy votes.

How did we get here? Escalating hate from both ends. Claims of innocence and finger-pointing by both ends. A complete lack of accountability and honesty by both ends.

Hopefully the cops will find out who did this. Obviously both "ends" have their fingers crossed. But unfortunately, when they do, that whole side of this is fucked, just in time for the elections. But as a country, we have ALL lost here. We should be hanging our heads in shame.

Is anyone surprised this is where we've fallen to? Will anyone be surprised when it gets worse?

As long as we deflect for our "side" and refuse to hold our "side" accountable, we are enabling this madness. We are all complicit. Even when our "side" is the "winner".

This pretty much says it all, how sad for most of us in the middle that the nut jobs are at the wheel of both of these ships!
Our "leaders" are the biggest enablers of them all.

Party over country.

Actually I believe we are for letting them bring us to this point!
True, We are letting this federal government/deep state tell us what to do with our personal lives. Nothing but negativity is going to come from that.

We need to shrink down the federal government to a fraction of its current size, It needs to stay out of all personal matters of everyone’s lives. it also needs to quit wasting resources that belong to the American citizens...
So some whacked-out zealot or zealots figured this was a good time to throw a monkey wrench into everything. Maybe it's some right wing whacko juiced up on Trump rallies and talk radio. Maybe it's some left wing whacko in a panic over "news" that the "blue wave" might be ebbing, desperate for some sympathy votes.

How did we get here? Escalating hate from both ends. Claims of innocence and finger-pointing by both ends. A complete lack of accountability and honesty by both ends.

Hopefully the cops will find out who did this. Obviously both "ends" have their fingers crossed. But unfortunately, when they do, that whole side of this is fucked, just in time for the elections. But as a country, we have ALL lost here. We should be hanging our heads in shame.

Is anyone surprised this is where we've fallen to? Will anyone be surprised when it gets worse?

As long as we deflect for our "side" and refuse to hold our "side" accountable, we are enabling this madness. We are all complicit. Even when our "side" is the "winner".

This pretty much says it all, how sad for most of us in the middle that the nut jobs are at the wheel of both of these ships!
Our "leaders" are the biggest enablers of them all.

Party over country.
It all comes straight from the top....>
How can hate speech be curbed in political campaigns?
The problem is, as Aldo Raine pointed out, we're electing 'em.
Are we being given REAL choices? For instance, 2016.
why would *real* choices put themselves through the crap we put "the other side" through? if kavanaugh knew what he would have to go through, would he still have done it?

we got the choices we deserve.
They were Fake Bombs sent by The Fake Party to Create Fake News, because they are about to see their FAKE Blue Waves Crash on some Red Rocks and Die.

BTW, FBI released a picture of the bomber today.

there is no winner when we've got to the point where we're willing to blow up everything we've built.
Who is willing to blow up everything we've built?

1 person? Ten?

The Country has 320 million people.....

At LEAST 30, 000 of them are weird enough to film themselves masturbating, and then masturbate to themselves masturbating.

That's just how mind-bogglingly large numbers of anything work.

Relax everyone.
blowing up doesn't have to be by pipe bombs. its in our every day actions where piece by piece we just tear this country apart. all because THE OTHER SIDE doesn't "get it".
None of the pipe bombs had blasting caps thus could not have exploded

Does black powder need a blasting cap to be ignited?


You know even less about explosives than you do dicks.

Typical dimocrap.

The Iranians know alot about explosives though.
Lots of guys running around with no legs these days.
Main stream media is helping the federal government force shit on the American people. This is the byproduct from my overbearing federal government and their media
there is no winner when we've got to the point where we're willing to blow up everything we've built.
Who is willing to blow up everything we've built?

1 person? Ten?

The Country has 320 million people.....

At LEAST 30, 000 of them are weird enough to film themselves masturbating, and then masturbate to themselves masturbating.

That's just how mind-bogglingly large numbers of anything work.

Relax everyone.
blowing up doesn't have to be by pipe bombs. its in our every day actions where piece by piece we just tear this country apart. all because THE OTHER SIDE doesn't "get it".
Not really, maybe on message-boards and in partisan circles. These message-boards and mac find each other, not by accident, but because he's a drama-queen. An anxiety whore, if you will.

The rest of the people go to work and talk about their kids.
Agreed that none of it make sense and seems more of a set up against Trump/Republicans. The biggest fake is that all bombs had Wasserman-Schultz as the return address. :21: I mean really,, how crazy is that? looks like the package was sent from a friend, that's why. I don't find that too unusual.

One bomb, yes...…..but one article I read said they were ALL sent FROM DWS

What we know about the explosive devices targeting Democrats

All of the envelopes listed Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz as the return address.

Obviously anyone can fake a return address. And just as obviously if you want your targets to open the packages you also want them to think it came from somebody they know. This ain't rocket surgery.

So if they were bombs, why not set to go off on opening?

Fake bombs? No detonator? What's going on here?

What the hell is so hard to understand here?

If you receive a package that looks like a bomb --- even if it isn't ---- you take notice.

Well ................. THAT'S IT. Not that complex. And we might add, a fake bomb is far easier to throw together than a working one.

Much like mailing somebody a white powder before they know it's Gold Bond.

The point isn't detonating a bomb or poisoning with Ricin. It's getting a message across. You yourself described the purpose already, and I quote: " a real warning that next time they will go off."

I'd throw it in the firepit and shoot it from distance. If I got the bombs all those people did, I'd probably explode them with an .06. Jam in dirt and shoot.

So some whacked-out zealot or zealots figured this was a good time to throw a monkey wrench into everything. Maybe it's some right wing whacko juiced up on Trump rallies and talk radio. Maybe it's some left wing whacko in a panic over "news" that the "blue wave" might be ebbing, desperate for some sympathy votes.

How did we get here? Escalating hate from both ends. Claims of innocence and finger-pointing by both ends. A complete lack of accountability and honesty by both ends.

Hopefully the cops will find out who did this. Obviously both "ends" have their fingers crossed. But unfortunately, when they do, that whole side of this is fucked, just in time for the elections. But as a country, we have ALL lost here. We should be hanging our heads in shame.

Is anyone surprised this is the point to which we have fallen? Will anyone be surprised when it gets worse?

As long as we deflect for our "side" and refuse to hold our "side" accountable, we are enabling this madness. We are all complicit. Even when our "side" is the "winner".
Obama Bin Spying and Hillary Rotten Clinton, and CNN brought us here.

Hillary 2028!

"A very big part of the Anger we see today in our society is caused by the purposely false and inaccurate reporting of the Mainstream Media that I refer to as Fake News. It has gotten so bad and hateful that it is beyond description. Mainstream Media must clean up its act, FAST!" - President Trump
We are all losing with this kind of behavior!
I'm almost sorry I started this thread. It's looking like there will be several who have no idea what we're talking about. Others who are proud to illustrate my point.
The federal government/deep state along with its main stream media have gotten to the point where their controlling nature will have a constant pushback....

Watching the main stream media all it is, is a bunch of control freaks telling American citizens what to do in every aspect of their lives...
So some whacked-out zealot or zealots figured this was a good time to throw a monkey wrench into everything. Maybe it's some right wing whacko juiced up on Trump rallies and talk radio. Maybe it's some left wing whacko in a panic over "news" that the "blue wave" might be ebbing, desperate for some sympathy votes.

How did we get here? Escalating hate from both ends. Claims of innocence and finger-pointing by both ends. A complete lack of accountability and honesty by both ends.

Hopefully the cops will find out who did this. Obviously both "ends" have their fingers crossed. But unfortunately, when they do, that whole side of this is fucked, just in time for the elections. But as a country, we have ALL lost here. We should be hanging our heads in shame.

Is anyone surprised this is the point to which we have fallen? Will anyone be surprised when it gets worse?

As long as we deflect for our "side" and refuse to hold our "side" accountable, we are enabling this madness. We are all complicit. Even when our "side" is the "winner".
/——/ democRATs start the fight then complythat Republicans fight back.
The only thing I know about this bombing incident, outside the reported facts, is that it's happening close to a major election. Who's behind it is unknown, least ways to the general public. Given the uncivil tenor of our political system, anything is possible. It could be unrelated to politics, for example; yesterday the Dow erases gains for the year, tumbling more than 600 points as stocks fall. I'm not going to worry about it.....yet. Point being, I deal with facts.
Its George Soros. He did the same shit in Hungary and in Russia and that is why there are warrants for his arrest in both countries.

Why The US doesn't extradite this ASSHOLE is a mystery.
They were Fake Bombs sent by The Fake Party to Create Fake News, because they are about to see their FAKE Blue Waves Crash on some Red Rocks and Die.

BTW, FBI released a picture of the bomber today.

Is this a picture of your girl friend that you said you broke up with?
So some whacked-out zealot or zealots figured this was a good time to throw a monkey wrench into everything. Maybe it's some right wing whacko juiced up on Trump rallies and talk radio. Maybe it's some left wing whacko in a panic over "news" that the "blue wave" might be ebbing, desperate for some sympathy votes.

How did we get here? Escalating hate from both ends. Claims of innocence and finger-pointing by both ends. A complete lack of accountability and honesty by both ends.

Hopefully the cops will find out who did this. Obviously both "ends" have their fingers crossed. But unfortunately, when they do, that whole side of this is fucked, just in time for the elections. But as a country, we have ALL lost here. We should be hanging our heads in shame.

Is anyone surprised this is where we've fallen to? Will anyone be surprised when it gets worse?

As long as we deflect for our "side" and refuse to hold our "side" accountable, we are enabling this madness. We are all complicit. Even when our "side" is the "winner".

This pretty much says it all, how sad for most of us in the middle that the nut jobs are at the wheel of both of these ships!
Our "leaders" are the biggest enablers of them all.

Party over country.
It all comes straight from the top....>
How can hate speech be curbed in political campaigns?
The problem is, as Aldo Raine pointed out, we're electing 'em.
Yes, We need to quit electing career politicians… Because of the deep state they enable
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