Suspicious package at CNN New York

Who you figure is behind this?

  • Disgruntled conservative

    Votes: 9 18.8%
  • Disgruntled progressive

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Dem. deep state perhaps exploiting a nutcase to achieve their agenda for votes.

    Votes: 25 52.1%
  • Rep. deep state to stage Dem. deep state staging this to achieve their agenda for votes.

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 10 20.8%

  • Total voters
Thanks for the update Russian troll. Next time, Russian superspy, I would recommend not using Putin as your avatar.
This is being reported on the news right now

LOL, the little democrat that does not like the fact that this is a false flag operation by a democrat that wants to help the dems but will end up helping Trump whines as usual
This is not being reported in the news.
So some whacked-out zealot or zealots figured this was a good time to throw a monkey wrench into everything. Maybe it's some right wing whacko juiced up on Trump rallies and talk radio. Maybe it's some left wing whacko in a panic over "news" that the "blue wave" might be ebbing, desperate for some sympathy votes.

How did we get here? Escalating hate from both ends. Claims of innocence and finger-pointing by both ends. A complete lack of accountability and honesty by both ends.

Hopefully the cops will find out who did this. Obviously both "ends" have their fingers crossed. But unfortunately, when they do, that whole side of this is fucked, just in time for the elections. But as a country, we have ALL lost here. We should be hanging our heads in shame.

Is anyone surprised this is the point to which we have fallen? Will anyone be surprised when it gets worse?

As long as we deflect for our "side" and refuse to hold our "side" accountable, we are enabling this madness. We are all complicit. Even when our "side" is the "winner".
When Obama was President there was a lot of opposition, but you rarely heard of calls for violence, let alone the shootings and assaults the Left are conducting.
You know what is really pathetic with these type threads, is that the sending of these devises was terrorism. Whether operational or not, it was meant to spread fear and intimidation.

To all the conservatives who have had not had lobotomies, I ask why do you make light of terrorism? Why do you support terrorism against the opposition?
Trump thinks he can continually demonize and demoralize his opponents with his hateful rethoric , but the truth is it's backfiring like everything else he does

he's fueling the blue wave

I skimmed the transcript of the first 20 minutes of his rally speech last night in WI, and he seemed to be staying away from the Dem bashing, emphasizing what the Republicans are doing right. I didn't see the whole thing and my guess is he stayed away from it, since it is NOT in the news this morning.
The media could at least give him his due for that. If it's true. Did anyone see the whole thing?
You know what is really pathetic with these type threads, is that the sending of these devises was terrorism. Whether operational or not, it was meant to spread fear and intimidation.

To all the conservatives who have had not had lobotomies, I ask why do you make light of terrorism? Why do you support terrorism against the opposition?
Praise Allah!
The only thing I know about this bombing incident, outside the reported facts, is that it's happening close to a major election. Who's behind it is unknown, least ways to the general public. Given the uncivil tenor of our political system, anything is possible. It could be unrelated to politics, for example; yesterday the Dow erases gains for the year, tumbling more than 600 points as stocks fall. I'm not going to worry about it.....yet. Point being, I deal with facts.
Its George Soros. He did the same shit in Hungary and in Russia and that is why there are warrants for his arrest in both countries.

Why The US doesn't extradite this ASSHOLE is a mystery.
Yes, him and people like him are part of the problem. It’s their very job is to manipulate currencies to Over throw governments.
You know what is really pathetic with these type threads, is that the sending of these devises was terrorism. Whether operational or not, it was meant to spread fear and intimidation.

To all the conservatives who have had not had lobotomies, I ask why do you make light of terrorism? Why do you support terrorism against the opposition?
Praise Allah!
I prefer Ollie Assburn.
You know what is really pathetic with these type threads, is that the sending of these devises was terrorism. Whether operational or not, it was meant to spread fear and intimidation.

To all the conservatives who have had not had lobotomies, I ask why do you make light of terrorism? Why do you support terrorism against the opposition?
Praise Allah!
That answers my question, Jihadi.

Any way I asked this question to all those conservatives who have not had lobotomies. You do not fall into this category.
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This is Democrat dirty tricks. Design to get sympathy for the Democrats that have been doing so much hate mongers. Pathetic attempt really.

Don't be surprised that the next one shows up at Christine Ford's house, or Spartacus' office.
These fake bombs were not real so to speak and were likely sent by a disgruntled democrat who believes that this act will cause people to vote democratic to combat the evil GOP. These were TV bombs and not real explosives. Note that none of them exploded
Wrong. Pyrotechic powder, not conventional explosive. It can be detonated by sufficient heat.
You know what is really pathetic with these type threads, is that the sending of these devises was terrorism. Whether operational or not, it was meant to spread fear and intimidation.

To all the conservatives who have had not had lobotomies, I ask why do you make light of terrorism? Why do you support terrorism against the opposition?

Not terrorism, Sally.

A political stunt.

A False Flag operation run by dimocrap scum.

There is little doubt of that right now.

And if they do catch the weasel, you can count on him/it/Xe swearing to Jesus that he's really a Conservative.

dimocraps are scum

None of the pipe bombs had blasting caps thus could not have exploded

Does black powder need a blasting cap to be ignited?


You know even less about explosives than you do dicks.

Typical dimocrap.


Enlighten us, professor.

Black powder is ignited. Would a pipe bomb
with a burning fuse not explode?

Do fireworks require blasting caps?

Good questions for an expert like yourself.
Just remember kids, George Soros is THE KING OF DIRTY TRICKS and Orchestrated FAKE DEMONSTRATIONS AND PR STUNTS!

Why is Hungary waging a campaign against George Soros?

Peter Szijjarto, the country's foreign affairs minister, defended the campaign on Monday, labeling Soros as a "national security risk" in a statement. He accused the financier of wanting to demolish a border security fence and "settle hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants in Europe and Hungary."

United Nations International Criminal Court at the Hague: Have George Soros tried as a war criminal for his activities during WW2

Born Gyorgy Schwarz in Budapest, Hungary in 1930; then-14-year-old "George Soros" knowingly and willfully—well past bar-mitzvah age—collaborated with the Nazis in order to steal property from fellow Jews. George Soros does not deny any of this and, in fact, even brags about having "had fun" committing war crimes during the time of the Holocaust in Hungary.

Sign the Petition
If you let these bombs influence your vote, you are empowering terrorism
Unless you realize from the timing & the parties targeted that it is a stunningly obvious democrat originated Hail Mary October surprise false flag.

Then you would vote for candidates who would be the least likely to behave like rotten spoiled children who plot & terrorize to get their way by nefarious means instead of just good behavior.
You know what is really pathetic with these type threads, is that the sending of these devises was terrorism. Whether operational or not, it was meant to spread fear and intimidation.

To all the conservatives who have had not had lobotomies, I ask why do you make light of terrorism? Why do you support terrorism against the opposition?

Not terrorism, Sally.

A political stunt.

A False Flag operation run by dimocrap scum.

There is little doubt of that right now.

And if they do catch the weasel, you can count on him/it/Xe swearing to Jesus that he's really a Conservative.

dimocraps are scum


No normal person buys into this false flag trash.

The only scum out there are those that support these terrorists.
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These fake bombs were not real so to speak and were likely sent by a disgruntled democrat who believes that this act will cause people to vote democratic to combat the evil GOP. These were TV bombs and not real explosives. Note that none of them exploded
Wrong. Pyrotechic powder, not conventional explosive. It can be detonated by sufficient heat.

Where did you read it was PyroTechnic Powder?

Or, as is typical of dimocraps, are you just making shit up?

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