Suspicious package at CNN New York

Who you figure is behind this?

  • Disgruntled conservative

    Votes: 9 18.8%
  • Disgruntled progressive

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Dem. deep state perhaps exploiting a nutcase to achieve their agenda for votes.

    Votes: 25 52.1%
  • Rep. deep state to stage Dem. deep state staging this to achieve their agenda for votes.

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 10 20.8%

  • Total voters
I skimmed the transcript of the first 20 minutes of his rally speech last night in WI, and he seemed to be staying away from the Dem bashing, emphasizing what the Republicans are doing right. I didn't see the whole thing and my guess is he stayed away from it, since it is NOT in the news this morning The media could at least give him his due for that. If it's true. Did anyone see the whole thing?
You mean you missed this; "Trump: ‘Do you see how nice I am behaving tonight?" which is something a chastised child would say in trying to impress someone? The media owes him nothing. He's right back to his old shit this morning, in his tweets.
C'mon, Windparadox. Get the wax out of your ears and the chip off your shoulder. Things can't change if people aren't willing to give others a chance to change. That goes for all the libs here, not just you.
To the FBI, please do not do anything to these packgages, because they're all fake. Just take them to these brave Trump mf's and leave it on their door one will blame you....should anything happen, because as they all said, its FAKE
So some whacked-out zealot or zealots figured this was a good time to throw a monkey wrench into everything. Maybe it's some right wing whacko juiced up on Trump rallies and talk radio. Maybe it's some left wing whacko in a panic over "news" that the "blue wave" might be ebbing, desperate for some sympathy votes.

How did we get here? Escalating hate from both ends. Claims of innocence and finger-pointing by both ends. A complete lack of accountability and honesty by both ends.

Hopefully the cops will find out who did this. Obviously both "ends" have their fingers crossed. But unfortunately, when they do, that whole side of this is fucked, just in time for the elections. But as a country, we have ALL lost here. We should be hanging our heads in shame.

Is anyone surprised this is the point to which we have fallen? Will anyone be surprised when it gets worse?

As long as we deflect for our "side" and refuse to hold our "side" accountable, we are enabling this madness. We are all complicit. Even when our "side" is the "winner".

Thanks for the excellent insight, Mac.

I agree with you. Myself, man—I just want to get on with the process of moving forward my family, career and self into a peaceful future. No one here in our US of A needs asinine BS like this to bitter sweet their American experience.
None of the pipe bombs had blasting caps thus could not have exploded

Does black powder need a blasting cap to be ignited?


You know even less about explosives than you do dicks.

Typical dimocrap.


Enlighten us, professor.

Black powder is ignited. Would a pipe bomb
with a burning fuse not explode?

Do fireworks require blasting caps?

Good questions for an expert like yourself.

This getting news a week before the midterm election. "Bombs" designed to look like bombs not really capable of doing any damage.

The Democrat Dirty Tricks department in full swing.

Not much different that he filthy Democrats finding this Christine Ford bitch that knew Kavanaugh during his early years to lie about him sexually attacking her. Or the DNC paying the Russians to create a false dossier on Trump and using that as an excuse to spy on him.

Democrats are despicable excuses for human beings and they will lie, cheat and steal in their obsession to make this country a socialist shithole.
Notice no one from MSNBC received a fake bomb?
Crissy Matthews, MSNBC's resident albino: "Ya but where's my fake bomb?!.
One of 'Madcows' viewers made the fake bombs. Bank on it.
You know what is really pathetic with these type threads, is that the sending of these devises was terrorism. Whether operational or not, it was meant to spread fear and intimidation.

To all the conservatives who have had not had lobotomies, I ask why do you make light of terrorism? Why do you support terrorism against the opposition?
Praise Allah!
I prefer Ollie Assburn.

Aloha Snackbar!
Enlighten us, professor.

Black powder is ignited. Would a pipe bomb
with a burning fuse not explode?

Do fireworks require blasting caps?

Good questions for an expert like yourself.

So tell us, douche. What was the dimocrap who mailed the bombs relying on to detonate the explosives? A Vulcan Mind-Meld?

The more I read dimocrap responses to this whole thing the more I'm convinced it WAS a false flag operation.

Only a dimocrap would send a 'bomb' with no means of detonating it.

If you don't have an electrical charge to set off the explosion, you need a fuse or a heated wire....... Something.

I didn't say you needed a blasting cap. You DO need a detonator of some kind.

juvenile douche
Note that none of them exploded
Republicans aren't the smartest bunch. They don't even have enough teeth to go around.
Democrats don't have enough smarts to put blasting caps on the explosives they send to themselves.

Just think how much better The Democrat Party would be if.....
^^^^^^ See what I'm talking about? He couldn't even come up with an original thought.
I'd definitely come up with more original thoughts than sending fake bombs to myself in a desperate attempt to stop The Democrat Ship from being sunk their own "Blue Wave"
These fake bombs were not real so to speak and were likely sent by a disgruntled democrat who believes that this act will cause people to vote democratic to combat the evil GOP. These were TV bombs and not real explosives. Note that none of them exploded

More and more evidence points to this being a dem propaganda move. Desperation is making them even more stupid than usual. they lost in 2016, and continue to lose on every front, Nov 6 could be the end for the current dem leadership, and that would be good for America. Bring back the dem party of Kennedy and Truman, dump the dem party of Pelosi, Schumer, and Marx.
Note that none of them exploded
Republicans aren't the smartest bunch. They don't even have enough teeth to go around.
Democrats don't have enough smarts to put blasting caps on the explosives they send to themselves.

Just think how much better The Democrat Party would be if.....
^^^^^^ See what I'm talking about? He couldn't even come up with an original thought.
I'd definitely come up with more original thoughts than sending fake bombs to myself in a desperate attempt to stop The Democrat Ship from being sunk their own "Blue Wave"
And you have proof of this? Go ahead, lay it out, I'll wait. :popcorn:
So some whacked-out zealot or zealots figured this was a good time to throw a monkey wrench into everything. Maybe it's some right wing whacko juiced up on Trump rallies and talk radio. Maybe it's some left wing whacko in a panic over "news" that the "blue wave" might be ebbing, desperate for some sympathy votes.

How did we get here? Escalating hate from both ends. Claims of innocence and finger-pointing by both ends. A complete lack of accountability and honesty by both ends.

Hopefully the cops will find out who did this. Obviously both "ends" have their fingers crossed. But unfortunately, when they do, that whole side of this is fucked, just in time for the elections. But as a country, we have ALL lost here. We should be hanging our heads in shame.

Is anyone surprised this is the point to which we have fallen? Will anyone be surprised when it gets worse?

As long as we deflect for our "side" and refuse to hold our "side" accountable, we are enabling this madness. We are all complicit. Even when our "side" is the "winner".

The road to how we got here most recently started in June, 2015 when Trump announced his candidacy for POTUS.
We got here by having the most disrespectful, abrasive, and abusive of the 16 GOP candidates become the GOP nominee.
We got here by Trump sowing division within the ranks of the GOP.
We got here by Trump executing an over three year war against the free press.
We got here by Trump manipulating the emotions of those easily manipulated.

Now we have these bomb scares & what does 'POTUS division' say? Well of course, Trump blames the press.
"A very big part of the Anger we see today in our society is caused by the purposely false and inaccurate reporting of the Mainstream Media that I refer to as Fake News. It has gotten so bad and hateful that it is beyond description. Mainstream Media must clean up its act, FAST!"

ANYONE that believes any of this will get better is a fool, period.
When America has been figuratively raped by Trump for over three years, nearly two years of that time as POTUS, all while Trump divides this nation, and continues to blame everyone except himself, then it will ONLY GET WORSE.

Easy; we can thank Trump for how we got here.
Yeah, it's the all fault of the other side.

My side is innocent.

I hear that one from both ends. Daily.

So, then; you do not agree with a single statement I made in that post?

America does NOT have a "side."

WE are supposed to have leaders; we DON'T have that.

Sorry to know you cannot see that.
The giveaway was the Soros employee picking up the bomb out of the mailbox and moving it to the woods. He knew it wouldn’t explode without even opening the envelope.
So why did he bring it into the woods then?
None of the pipe bombs had blasting caps thus could not have exploded

Does black powder need a blasting cap to be ignited?


You know even less about explosives than you do dicks.

Typical dimocrap.


Enlighten us, professor.

Black powder is ignited. Would a pipe bomb
with a burning fuse not explode?

Do fireworks require blasting caps?

Good questions for an expert like yourself.
Fireworks require a source of intense heat to ignite the BP.
There were no "fuses" nor BCs. No sources of fire which in any case would have to be lite.
You REALLY are proving you have no clue as to what you're claiming.
Why not leave this thread to people who have the experience to know what they are talking about?
Oprah is on currently. Check out her 'book club'.
Thanks for the update Russian troll. Next time, Russian superspy, I would recommend not using Putin as your avatar.
This is being reported on the news right now

LOL, the little democrat that does not like the fact that this is a false flag operation by a democrat that wants to help the dems but will end up helping Trump whines as usual
Make that American not Democrat, Troll.
Is everyone who does not agree with your killing babies a Russian troll in your brain cell of a mind?

Silly girl. These fake bombs are gonna just add to trumps lead
Listen Natasha given that your boss has supported the killing and murder of opposition members your post is laughable. You can jerk conservatives on this board by the chain, but most of us know a troll when we see one.
I keep hearing that this is an attack against the free press. This seems to be because one of the bombs went to the CNN headquarters, addressed to John Brennan. But it's ridiculous to suggest that CNN was themselves being targeted. Every package has been addressed to an individual, and every individual is a prominent figure in liberal politics, or prominent voice of liberal ideology, who has been targeted for criticism by Donald.

To identify CNN as a target is grasping at straws. If the perpetrator wanted to target CNN they would have sent a device to an exec, or to a handful of CNN's on air personalities. The infinitely more plausible inference is that the perpetrator was aware Brennan has appeared on the network, possibly mistakenly thought he was a regular contributor for CNN, and couldn't figure out any better way to address a package to him. CNN's involvement in this is that of an unfortunate bystander.

But CNN and MSNBC are latching onto this in order to make a more sensational story. Doing this feeds into the "fake new" narrative that Donald loves to weave. It seems that nothing has been learned.

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