Suspicious package at CNN New York

Who you figure is behind this?

  • Disgruntled conservative

    Votes: 9 18.8%
  • Disgruntled progressive

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Dem. deep state perhaps exploiting a nutcase to achieve their agenda for votes.

    Votes: 25 52.1%
  • Rep. deep state to stage Dem. deep state staging this to achieve their agenda for votes.

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 10 20.8%

  • Total voters
Trump incites violence. It was just a matter of time.


My God Trump haters are so much like the Obama haters, resorting to insanity and calling it sanity. I once saw a picture of Obama on Twitter wearing very detailed devil horns with red eyes. People actually thought/think he’s the anti-Christ. You are the same as these people. I hope you know this.
Note that none of them exploded
Republicans aren't the smartest bunch. They don't even have enough teeth to go around.
These fake look like bombs were sent by a democrap
Looks more like the work of some more dimwitted Russians.
Nah the ruskies bombs would work..... this is a democrap
Russia couldn't take all of Ukraine because their gear wouldn't go that far. :biggrin:
The simple fact that none exploded says that the triggering device wasn't very good. Also, the pipe was PVC and not steel, that says that the device was more of a big firecracker than a grenade. I wouldn't want to be near it when it went off, but it doesn't sound like a serious attempt to kill someone. They are getting a lot of publicity and TV time, curious who the perps are, hope they nail them soon.
I wouldn't want to be near it when it went off
Exactly. This person apparently isn't real smart. Probably didn't realize that important political figures have their mail scanned. This person seems to have pictured Clinton or Obama actually sitting at their desk, opening the envelope and BOOM. Except .... no boom. Oh shit.
That's why terrorists have training camps, you know. Making bombs isn't as easy as the NRA jerks would have you think.
The only thing I know about this bombing incident, outside the reported facts, is that it's happening close to a major election. Who's behind it is unknown, least ways to the general public. Given the uncivil tenor of our political system, anything is possible. It could be unrelated to politics, for example; yesterday the Dow erases gains for the year, tumbling more than 600 points as stocks fall. I'm not going to worry about it.....yet. Point being, I deal with facts.

I think it's very much related to politics and Trump started the division and he wants unity now, no way.
Trump has been calling the Democrats evil and blasting the Democrats every chance he got, he even said the caravan is paid for by the Democrats. They were hollering "Lock her up" in Wi at his rally.

Your right, who did it is not known to the public.

My right?

She was right, not your right!!:)
There are rumblings being reported that an Employee of George Soros was seen delivering one of these FAKE Bombs and was caught on camera.

Yes, Virginia, IT IS what everyone suspected it was having watched the Out of Control, UNHINGED Democrats Scheme, Scam, Lie and Plot to grasp for Political Power Once Again.

This Party, and THESE PEOPLE can NEVER....NEVER be allowed to hold POLITICAL POWER AGAIN

The Democrat Party needs an entirely NEW LEADERSHIP, and they Need to SEVER ties with GEORGE SOROS!!!

Also, I would recommend Hillary Clinton, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi and Eric Holder come out publicly together and apologize to The American People for accepting and encouraging political violence as a means to an end.

DemNazis, same as Them Nazis.
These fake bombs were not real so to speak and were likely sent by a disgruntled democrat who believes that this act will cause people to vote democratic to combat the evil GOP. These were TV bombs and not real explosives. Note that none of them exploded
Wrong. Pyrotechic powder, not conventional explosive. It can be detonated by sufficient heat.
Not without a trigger or blasting cap to generate the heat.

This us why you failed in school and ended up on welfare
Don't be stupider than you have to be.

You can set off pyrotechic powder (aka black powder for your information) with a match.

Jesus why do you morons think you are experts on everything even when you don't know diddly shit?

The bombs had no igniter, so dont be stupid no one is going to throw a fake pipe bomb into a fire.

I assume u can read
1 AA battery and the tungsten filiment from a small light bulb is all it would take. It has batteries and you wouldn't be able to see the filiment through the casing on that x-ray.

Now stop talking outta yer ass and wait for the experts to report.
Wow... Is the OP suggesting that Trump did this? Your a fucking Idiot..
Did you mean 'you are' instead of 'your'? And I didn't suggest anything I made a simple statement, one which is clearly true, that Trump is full of shit as well as a hypocrit attempting to lecture anyone else on civility.

And the 'M' in HMIC doesn't stand for 'man" or any variation thereof.

An intellectually weak retort.. Go right to grammar policing when your premise is shown for what it is, a pile of crap!

Trump is so full of shit attempting to lecture anyone on civility, particularly considering he's the HMIC.

Trump lectures critics, media on civility after pipe bombs sent to high-profile Democrats

Americans should not “compare political opponents to historical villains” and “not mob people in public," Trump said.

Oct. 24, 2018 / 5:37 PM PDT
By Jonathan Allen

MOSINEE, Wisc. - President Donald Trump called for civility and unity after pipe bombs were mailed to several of his high-profile critics and CNN's New York offices Wednesday, but he spared his own supporters the lecture he delivered to Democrats and the media on how to lower the temperature of the national political discourse.

Speaking in an airport hangar here in Central Wisconsin, Trump promised to “find those responsible” for sending bombs to former President Barack Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other prominent critics of the president, and “bring them to justice.”

He said he wanted Americans to “come together in peace and harmony.”​

Only the dumbest among us would believe Trump's insincere call for civility. He just doesn't want the media fact-checking his lies and violent rhetoric. CNN has been hammering the shit out of him all night. Go CNN. Trump likes to dish it out - but he can't take it.


Any time you on the left want to debate policy and results, Lakhota...let me know! Your side isn't doing that at the moment because Trump's policies are working FAR better than Barry's did and you have ZERO ideas when it comes to the economy which is the number one issue with Americans!

Funny. Trump is the one avoiding policy debates. It's hilarious that some Republicans are running on protecting pre-existing conditions. Hilarious...


Who's debating Trump on economic policy? It sure as hell isn't you on the left!

Did you want to start now?

Kindly show us all what the Democrats economic platform is that they're running on? Higher taxes? More regulations? More bad trade deals like NAFTA?

The results of Trump's economic policy...

View attachment 224638
AND, You are the idiot's who think it has nothing to do whit the Liberal FED increasing interest rates at an astounding pace... How precious..

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