Swalwell Calls McCarthy a Pussy

And McCarthy backs away. Right after threatening Swalwell if he ever called him a pussy again. Because McCarthy is a pussy.

‘You Are a P*ssy’: McCarthy and Swalwell Get in House Floor Feud

On June 21, the day Republicans voted to censure Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), Democrats stood on the House floor and shouted “Shame!” at their GOP colleagues. As the spectacle was taking place, one of the leaders of the demonstration, Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA), was standing in the well of the House near the speaker's podium and delivered some harsh words to his fellow Californian.

“This is pathetic,” Swalwell allegedly told McCarthy, who was presiding over the House at the time. “You’re weak. You’re a weak man."

As the story goes, McCarthy was visibly upset with Swalwell. “He had a vein popping out of his forehead,” one member told The Daily Beast, in a likely flourish of storytelling. Another Democratic member who witnessed the exchange said McCarthy stared down Swalwell for about 10 seconds before walking away.

But the next day is when things got interesting. On June 22, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Capitol Hill for a joint address to Congress. Just before Modi took the Speaker’s podium, Swalwell was on the House floor, making his way to a bathroom just outside the chamber on the Republican side.

That’s when McCarthy saw him.

“McCarthy said, ‘If you ever say something like that to me again, I’m gonna kick the shit out of you,’” a member claimed to The Daily Beast.

Another member who witnessed the exchange provided even more context: “They were in each other’s faces. Basically nose-to-nose. And Swalwell said something like, ‘Are we really gonna do this?’”

After some back-and-forth, with chests puffed out, McCarthy issued a challenge to Swalwell: “Call me a pussy again, and I’ll kick your ass,” the Speaker allegedly said.

While both members told nearly identical versions of this story, they both delivered Swalwell’s response in exactly the same way.

“You. Are. A. Pussy,” Swalwell told McCarthy.

After both men stared each other down for another moment, McCarthy eventually relented. He stepped to the side and let Swalwell through to the bathroom—without kicking his ass—and carried on with his duty hosting the leader of a major U.S. ally in the House chamber.


That's an insult to pussies.
"Swallow-Well" is a weak pathetic Liberal who probably got beat up in high school, kind of like Pencil Neck Adam Schiff.

Well, that's also Bill Gates' story. I had an old boyfriend many years ago who went to high school with Gates, and he was ALWAYS pissed off because he couldn't get laid. My old friend said it was hilarious to watch how mad he would get.

The Pencil Neck bug-eyed freak was probably very similar.

Nancy the big breasted beast would have whipped her big knockers out and slapped em around his ears. Nancy didn't put up with such nonsense. She ruled with an iron fist and had her way in the house absolutely. Because she was respected. Even Grifty** was afraid of her. She had him impeached twice.

** impeached

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